Madden NFL 25 News Post

Another next-gen Madden NFL 25 video has arrived, showing nothing but zoomed in footage from a simulation of tonight's match-up between the Indianapolis Colts vs. San Diego Chargers.

What are your thoughts?

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Madden NFL 25 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 tnixen @ 10/14/13 11:45 AM
Thanks for the video.

But why are all these videos showing so much zoomed in game play? Man I wish we could get 2K8 animations! Madden Next Gen does not look like it's off to a great start at all. It looks a tad better then current gen. This makes me so sad to think what could have been

Do the EA developers really think that is good enough for Next Gen?

What a joke this is becoming!
# 2 MavsManiac4Life @ 10/14/13 11:46 AM
Not impressed at all. Looks just like current-gen, other than a tiny, tiny graphics jump.
# 3 dghustla @ 10/14/13 11:46 AM
-The actual action of catching the ball looks much better imo.
-The little bit of line play that can be seen shows some pass rush which is promising.
-The lighting is just insane.

-Ty is a beast but breaking a tackle spinning right and the immediately breaking another spinning left. Just looks odd. A player of his statue would have gotten flattened by a defender hitting him coming out of a spin move.
-On the 1- handed Reggie Wayne TD catch, #96 doesn't make any attempt to play the ball. It literally going right at him and the ball is clearly in his direct sight. He turns and watches Reggie Wayne make the catch instead of playing the ball. A.I. needs to respond better than that.

-The speed of the actions in these video looks soo fast.
# 4 m1ke_nyc @ 10/14/13 11:48 AM
Complete garbage. Drop backs are a joke, passing animations are horrible and stiff. The stupid magnetic one hand catch is still there. The ball just magically sticks to the receivers hand for the one handed catch. Looks just like current gen.
# 5 TheBleedingRed21 @ 10/14/13 11:48 AM
Catching animations do look better, but if this is a simulation, why is Landry playing? He is out tonight. Come on ESPN.
# 6 dghustla @ 10/14/13 11:50 AM
Originally Posted by TheBuddyHobbs
I find it hilarious that they had to put the Xbox One logo in the corner so we know it's next gen this time... That is just sad...
I would guess that has more to do with marketing and branding than it does with not being able to see the difference. There was the melt down a few weeks back with the other MNF video though.
# 7 SageInfinite @ 10/14/13 11:52 AM
Was this one encoded wrong too?
# 8 PAPERNUT @ 10/14/13 11:54 AM
The players in motion are simply horrible. How can FIFA look so good in motion and this continue to fail? It is time for a new development team.
# 9 radatdude2 @ 10/14/13 11:55 AM
WOW that was not good at all
# 10 m1ke_nyc @ 10/14/13 11:59 AM
The best part of the vid was the end where Andrew Luck and the O linemen congratulated eachother. That looked fluid and good. Players move good in cutscenes but during actual gameplay its terrible. The more i see of this game the more disgusted I get. Im so close to cancelling my Amazon pre order but I still have this false since of hope waiting on actual gameplay from the perspective of someone with a controller.
# 11 csamuelsvt @ 10/14/13 11:59 AM
Never post, but always am reading people's responses. I am so disappointed if this turns out to be what the game looks like. From the E3 gameplay, to this? It looks exactly the same minus a few small details as to the game I bought for my Xbox 360. So confused/disappointed....
# 12 djordan @ 10/14/13 12:02 PM
Same horrid/robotic animations....Welp, I guess that's that.

I really don't understand. Why are the QB drop backs generic? They're dropping back as if they're electric football figurines. Don't get me started on the tackling.

I don't see myself purchasing another Madden title until either...

1. The whole team is scrapped and rebuilt with different developers and programmers
2. They re-build the engine and somehow make the game we all want.

I really miss playing an NFL football but I WILL NOT buy this product only because it's the only game out. I am not naive at all.
# 13 SageInfinite @ 10/14/13 12:03 PM
I guess it's one of those games you just have to play to get it......

I really don't get it Tiburon. The game looks awful for next gen imo. Where are these uncompressed more fluid animations? Because I don't see them. Lol. Not one throw was even in Rivers sig throwing motion. Not to mention Luck doesn't even have a sig style in the game yet. Then you got Hilton spinning off one defender then back spinning off another, lmao. It's not the fact that it happened I'm questioning. It's how it looked when it happened. Just awful.
# 14 Sturzinator @ 10/14/13 12:05 PM
Detail is sharper -grass stains and all- but who cares? Other than that, it's the same old game play and crippled animations we have had to stomach for years.

Throw in the certainty of a myriad of ever present game breaking glitches that will be embedded with the new offering, and what's left?

Enough with the eye candy and useless new gimmicks (coach glass) EA...it is well past time to get down to the real nitty gritty if you want to keep selling football games.
# 15 jpdavis82 @ 10/14/13 12:06 PM
Everyone complained back in 06 when they gave us a new game with bare bone features, now everyone complains when they give us a full featured game, albeit a port, with minimal upgrades graphically.

What do you guys want them to do???

I think people had WAY too high expectations for next gen Madden and may not understand that the devs don't know the capabilities of these systems yet. First party next gen games are going to be much better graphically at first, they ALWAYS are. After a year or two the games will start to be pushed graphically and we will see much better LOOKING games. In the meantime, focus on the GAMEPLAY, the GAMEPLAY is what matters. To me, the gameplay looks pretty good, not great, but a definite improvement in terms of fluidity in movement and o/d line interactions look much improved. You can't turn a game that people are calling "trash" into "treasure" in one cycle guys. Continued improvement in gameplay and areas that matter is what we are wanting, let's hope it continues and at a faster rate, but at the same time, don't expect so much on the first iteration of a game on a new console.

Can anyone name ONE non first party title on 360 that blew you away graphically when Xbox 360 launched?

Everyone's talking about FIFA, but FIFA was a GREAT game on current gen, Madden wasn't. You have to keep these things in mind guys, it's going to take some time to get Madden on that level that we all want it to. Like I've said I don't expect it to take 5+ years to get there, I expect Madden 15 to be basically what we've been wanting, but how people could expect a port of Madden to compare to a port of FIFA is beyond my comprehension.
# 16 m1ke_nyc @ 10/14/13 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
Everyone complained back in 06 when they gave us a new game with bare bone features, now everyone complains when they give us a full featured game, albeit a port, with minimal upgrades graphically.

What do you guys want them to do???

I think people had WAY too high expectations for next gen Madden and may not understand that the devs don't know the capabilities of these systems yet. First party next gen games are going to be much better graphically at first, they ALWAYS are. After a year or two the games will start to be pushed graphically and we will see much better LOOKING games. In the meantime, focus on the GAMEPLAY, the GAMEPLAY is what matters. To me, the gameplay looks pretty good, not great, but a definite improvement in terms of fluidity in movement and o/d line interactions look much improved. You can't turn a game that people are calling "trash" into "treasure" in one cycle guys. Continued improvement in gameplay and areas that matter is what we are wanting, let's hope it continues and at a faster rate, but at the same time, don't expect so much on the first iteration of a game on a new console.

Can anyone name ONE non first party title on 360 that blew you away graphically when Xbox 360 launched?
Here you are back again to defend this crap. Its old and tired. You were the one telling us how awesome next gen Madden was gonna be just a few months ago. The gameplay looks good and fluid ? Just be honest with us, you wanna either A. become part of the game changers program so your sucking up to them OR B. wanna get in at EA.
# 17 ultralow36 @ 10/14/13 12:12 PM
yep i think im just going to roll with pc gaming this year....i really wanted madden next gen to look better....jets cooled
# 18 SteelerSpartan @ 10/14/13 12:12 PM
I really hate these zoomed in highlight vids, I need to see how the whole play is developing.
# 19 dghustla @ 10/14/13 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
Everyone complained back in 06 when they gave us a new game with bare bone features, now everyone complains when they give us a full featured game, albeit a port, with minimal upgrades graphically.

What do you guys want them to do???

I think people had WAY too high expectations for next gen Madden and may not understand that the devs don't know the capabilities of these systems yet. First party next gen games are going to be much better graphically at first, they ALWAYS are. After a year or two the games will start to be pushed graphically and we will see much better LOOKING games. In the meantime, focus on the GAMEPLAY, the GAMEPLAY is what matters. To me, the gameplay looks pretty good, not great, but a definite improvement in terms of fluidity in movement and o/d line interactions look much improved. You can't turn a game that people are calling "trash" into "treasure" in one cycle guys. Continued improvement in gameplay and areas that matter is what we are wanting, let's hope it continues and at a faster rate, but at the same time, don't expect so much on the first iteration of a game on a new console.

Can anyone name ONE non first party title on 360 that blew you away graphically when Xbox 360 launched?

JP i love your passion and optimism. And I actually agree with what your saying. I am one of the few ppl who is looking forward to this game. But stop trying to convince other posters that they will like Madden or to give Madden more time. It doesn't work. Everyone has their opinion/feelings about the game. You can (and have) make the same strong valid points but ppl just aren't feeling it. And that is their opinion, as you have yours. This thread is about the MNF Next gen video that was posted. Not about back in 06 or other first party games etc.
# 20 ir2proforu2 @ 10/14/13 12:15 PM
how can you go from that adrian peterson running free e3 thing to this crap? i dont understand how it got toned back , sadly i will still buy this game as it is the only football game -.-

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