Madden NFL 25 News Post

The official Madden NFL 25 Facebook page has posted four new screenshots from the next-gen version.

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Member Comments
# 1 SageInfinite @ 10/01/13 02:18 PM
IDk what it is. Something just has been off about these player models. I mean I know the animations have been horrible, but even in screenshots, the graphics look great, but something is off with the models.
# 2 adub88 @ 10/01/13 02:20 PM
Is that supposed to be DeMacrus Ware??? Why they Peyton looking like John Cena though?
# 3 cthurt @ 10/01/13 02:22 PM
I need EA to start from scratch on Ware, if that is suppose to be him...yikes.
# 4 adub88 @ 10/01/13 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
IDk what it is. Something just has been off about these player models. I mean I know the animations have been horrible, but even in screenshots, the graphics look great, but something is off with the models.
I still feel like the pads are too big and it makes them look very bulky. There's a new pic with Calvin Johnson and displays this. Players today rock more of a form fitting look. Some recently posted a pic of JJ Watt on CG and he looked fat and sloppy. I'm interested in seeing shot of him on NG.
# 5 adub88 @ 10/01/13 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by Afrikan
that's........pretty embarrassing. I don't know what else to say. He is an All Pro Player, and this is Gen 4... with Consoles that are easy to develop/port for, compared to last gen.
There are going to be people that say all you guys do is complain, but looking at this is just plain unacceptable. I wouldn't even let a screen like this be shown.
# 6 NicVirtue @ 10/01/13 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
IDk what it is. Something just has been off about these player models. I mean I know the animations have been horrible, but even in screenshots, the graphics look great, but something is off with the models.
I'm pretty disappointed the jersey's are still glued to the pads, and the pads are still glued to the torso. Hell a game that came out in 2007 had jersey's that moved...not a lot, but at least they weren't static. Visually, it's a huge let down for me. It's 2013 going into 14 and with the hardware they have they still can't separate jersey's from pads and pads from torso's.
# 7 djordan @ 10/01/13 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
IDk what it is. Something just has been off about these player models. I mean I know the animations have been horrible, but even in screenshots, the graphics look great, but something is off with the models.
I agree... The players still have the "cartoony" look which dates back to the PS2 days. The bodies definitely aren't proportioned right imo.
# 8 Rams_3 @ 10/01/13 04:53 PM
Like many have said before it looks the same. I didn't know these was next gen at first. The eagles player has the same face mask issues. They couldn't even fix the bent bars on the face mask on next gen. Don't get me started on ware and Peyton. SMH
# 9 Behindshadows @ 10/01/13 04:58 PM
Dez looks decent, but that's definitely not D. Ware...I don't know who that is..
# 10 dghustla @ 10/01/13 05:09 PM
I like that D.Ware's helmet is slightly crooked from the impact of engaging the block.

I think these pictures look amazing. The texture, lighting and added details are intense.

A promising sign is that D. Ware's body looks more slim and built. In current games DL were always fat and round. Hopefully these screens hold true and we will finally get different body types for larger players.

The one thing that is weird to me in more of a "LOL" way is, how calm the players look while engaged. The players should have a more intense look of exertion on their face. Hopefully next year they borrow the face tech UFC is using.
# 11 hokupguy @ 10/01/13 06:40 PM
all the face but manning look to be very generic... Not very next gen to me...
# 12 Eman5805 @ 10/01/13 07:11 PM
I'm not one to complain about graphics but...this...is...insufficient. The stuff with RGIII and Marshawn Lynch of a few months ago looked worlds better.
# 13 Brooke2011 @ 10/01/13 08:16 PM
eA has always had a problem of facial scanning some guys and not others . Hence why RG111 looks better than Ware and Peyton looks better than his back up. This has plagued madden every year. No surprise to have it next gen
# 14 apollon42 @ 10/01/13 08:37 PM
Alfred Morris has the wrong facemask
# 15 mnyce @ 10/01/13 09:23 PM

Why does Jason Peters #71 look like LeSean McCoy?
# 16 Steve_OS @ 10/02/13 01:25 AM
EA removed the Ware and Manning screenshots from their FB page and added a shot of Mile High.
# 17 Dogslax41 @ 10/02/13 02:55 AM
Originally Posted by Steve_OS
EA removed the Ware and Manning screenshots from their FB page and added a shot of Mile High.
They have been doing a ton of that. They pulled all screenshots they had on there from E3 now they are pulling ones they recently put up. Not saying it will be, but there are a lot of things happening that are hinting that this is going to be another disaster.
# 18 KANE699 @ 10/02/13 03:18 AM
It appears that Dez Bryant's chin strap is clipping into his face.
# 19 CT Pitbull @ 10/02/13 06:23 AM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
IDk what it is. Something just has been off about these player models. I mean I know the animations have been horrible, but even in screenshots, the graphics look great, but something is off with the models.

I for one, and obviously im not the only one, am shocked that the player models weren't even adjusted a little bit. And if they wanna zoom in and show off graphics and details of texture where is the stitching on the individual letters of the names on back of jersey? The numbers have stitching but not the names just the name plate. is Morris wearing a replica of his own jersey? lol I mean I could care less but hey if your gonna do it, DO IT. lol

Gameplay and feel STILL will dictate how much fun I will have with the game. If Madden 25 NG stinks I will have plenty other games to go to and burry madden on the shelf. I hope we are all pleasantly surprised but im not getting my hopes up.
# 20 cashless @ 10/02/13 06:31 AM
Did someone just resize 720x405 screenshots to 1920x1080, 'cause those screenshots really look horrendous in quality.

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