Madden NFL 25 News Post

After ESPN confused the world earlier today claiming current generation gameplay action was next-gen, throwing the Madden public (us included) into fetal positions in the nearest corner -- EA has finally released their actual trailer for next-gen Madden today.
  • Higher fidelity graphics with more detail than ever before (obvious).
  • Animations wise, there is less compression with each one, resulting in better looking moves.
  • Better uniform degradation looks like it's in, as well as much improved lighting
  • Skin is more realistic, with light interacting with it in a more realistic manner
  • 4x the Texture Resolution, stadiums visually look much better as do crowds, fields, and uniforms.
  • Cloth physics where jerseys can be form fitting and look realistic to towels flapping around.
  • Much more varied fans both visually and with the animations. One shot showed some sitting, some standing and cheering. Oh, and crowds are fully 3D!
  • The sidelines look pretty bare still personally, but much better than they ever have on current gen.
  • EA touts the possibilities of even bigger improvements in the coming years.

You can read more on EA Sports' official site. We just added well over a dozen new next-gen screenshots here.

According to the EA website, we are expecting information on new True Step player motion, new Player Sense (AI), new line play, and the living worlds aspect of the game in upcoming information releases. This confirms several foundational aspects of the game have been redone for next-gen, we're excited to find out what it all means in the upcoming weeks.

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Game: Madden NFL 25Reader Score: 5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 54 - View All
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Member Comments
# 101 CT Pitbull @ 09/30/13 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by Brooke2011
The running does look better. I went back and looked at the players and blockers and I think it's cool the the helmet moves with the contact. This def looks like added physics. I've seen this with the blocker on the Ravens run and the buccaneers run.

my question is

When are you gonna get to see and enjoy the helmets move with the camera angles in game that EA continually force us to play at?
# 102 brahmagoul @ 09/30/13 10:01 PM
I'm going to make a comparison, but don't get me wrong, I expect Madden to be better than what I'm comparing it to ...

When I watch that trailer, I think, "this impresses me like NBA 2K does on PS3 or 360." That's not an indictment against next-gen Madden, but moreso on EA and what it's doing with current gen Madden. Am I wrong?
# 103 NicVirtue @ 09/30/13 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by lookatmenow
Lol!!! you are to funny, do you even watch football? How old are you
I too would like to know what you're looking at. There was really nothing in terms of player movement that I saw that was so horrible. Looked great to me. Especially that double team pass blocking.
# 104 DCowboys22 @ 09/30/13 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by BrianFifaFan
This isn't a PC-elitest deal. You miss my point entirely. If all they have to offer is great graphics, I am not impressed. My point about graphics is they can be had quite easlily. Great gameplay cannot. Fifa can actually trot out their wares with tons of interviews (which they are already doing) about various gameplay improvements, because they have great game. Wins award after award. Madden is closer to NBA Live/Elite in my book. They have to prove themselves all over again. So I'm looking with "Missouri eyes" at Madden. I get the marketing angle. But they need to show.

My main games are Fifa and NBA2k. They, long with "The Show" are the best sports games out there. Madden isn't as good as them. And one could make an argument that even PES is better. Madden can't just try to be better than NCAA anymore and call it a day. I might get called the "trailer police" or whatever. But I play, and have played, a ton of sports games in my 47 years. I'm just stating my simple opinion. That trailer did nothing to change my attitude about Madden being a second rate sports game. They have a ton of work to make me want to buy a console again, just to play their game. My point, in a nutshell......
I get that. I do, but my only thing is people are ragging Madden for this trailer not showing pretty much every card they hold. Which everyone should know thats not how it works. We cant bash them about gameplay yet when we have no idea if they have an Ace in hand there. We should only be commenting on the trailer,and at least for me, I was pleased with it. Doesnt mean I dont want to know about the rest or have skeptism. It's OK to praise the trailer, it doesnt mean you dont know the game has been underwhelming in the past and needs to step up.
# 105 DCowboys22 @ 09/30/13 10:09 PM
Originally Posted by Yanks1408
Look fantastic, but should we be worried the game cuts out before any contact animations (Ie: tackling), almost deliberately in every clip. If EA doesn't have enough confidence in their animations/gameplay why should we?
If thats what you get out of this, then I guess 2k14 for next gen has no confidence in any animation cuz they showed next to nothing. And before you go crazy, i know 2k has been great in the past. Im just saying you guys are completely using double standards. We all know you all love to complain about madden, its the cool thing to do around here. but you guys are REACHING. Let the info come out first.
# 106 worstsportsgamer1977 @ 09/30/13 10:10 PM
the current game runs pretty good as it is. i hope aside from the graphical improvements like a more active sideline. where the players are not ghosts. i would like faster load times to the game. smoother transitions to the tackle animations. also(will never happen)replace Phil Simms with a far less annoying commentator.
# 107 DCowboys22 @ 09/30/13 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by lookatmenow
Lol!!! you are to funny, do you even watch football? How old are you
Im 29 and have played and owned every single madden since 93. I see running and close ups,I see one juke by Johnson and its pretty standard in the NFL you see it every sunday. What would my age even mean? you still havent answered my question.
# 108 Daywalker86 @ 09/30/13 10:12 PM
Am I the only one who feels this footage was a level lower than what we saw in the AP promo?

Graphically AND player motion and animation wise.

I've held off of Madden for NG....but I am underwhelmed so at this point.
# 109 BrianFifaFan @ 09/30/13 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by DCowboys22
Some of you guys are just ridiculous. You want EA to just flat out feature dump all in one shot. And because they actually have a marketing plan like every other developer you rip them for not showing every darn thing in 1 trailer. So stupid.
Look up where Fifa, which releases same day and date, is on their marketing. Had a fully playable next gen build back in August in Germany. David Rutter is in full swing with every major mag and gaming site. Has already laid out how the new tech will help with AI, about player avoidance and smarter marking and runs. How now they can have multiple players go up into headers. As well, as the living worlds, etc. Seems Tiburon isn't quite as confident in their product. They aren't hyping for launch. They are trying to build holiday sales. Trying to milk this whole deal out. I stand by my red letters. A great game doesn't need super marketing hype. It sells itself......
# 110 DCowboys22 @ 09/30/13 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by lookatmenow
Hey bottom line EA Suck!, You guys can continue to defend this crap!! all you want but it's 2013 not 1999.

The football I watch on Sunday looks nothing like anything EA has ever made ....PERIOD!!

Maybe they should do Tech Mo Bowl or NBA JAM, unrealistic games
Haha dude Im not defending anything. Im simply stating that you guys are bashing this game for features and gameplay they havent even revealed yet. I get that the past games havent performed like we all want. But its assinine to watch their first trailer, which showed more footage than the 2k14 trailer, and rag on the fact that they havent shown every single element of their new game in one shot. At least wait for the info to come out before you bash it. Also, if you have zero hope that they might do it right this time around, why the heck are you even here? You clearly arent here to comment on the trailer
# 111 Hassan Darkside @ 09/30/13 10:23 PM

Not impressed. Maybe my expectations are too high. Maybe watching the 2k next-gen spot tainted my expectations.

But honestly, I almost can't believe we're about to go through this tired song and dance AGAIN. Everybody remembers the Michael Strahan sacking Donovan McNabb trailer right before this current generation of consoles. The sad part is that it still appears that 8 years later heading into the NEXT generation of consoles, EA hasn't achieved that level of realism yet. On top of it, it looks like the same thing is going to happen based off that sizzle trailer we got during E3.

Sure, very little gameplay has been shown outside of that demo they showed at E3. And I know the "this is the pre-phi-beta-alpha build" song and dance that will definitely go along with that but it honestly doesn't look like the gameplay/graphics of Madden 25 is going to measure up to the E3 trailer.

It honestly looks only marginally improved for next gen and there's a couple things that are holding me back. The fact that they're showing very little gameplay, the fact that the little gameplay they show, even less of it is in real time, most is in slow motion or zoomed all the way in. The parts that aren't (like Jay Cutler's drop), looked very similar to current gen, down to the animations. He looks like he's scurrying back and has no weight to him. The rest are cut scenes. The best parts of the video are the celebrations. The lighting looks similar to current gen and doesn't do enough to toe the lines of photorealism enough for me.

Game will still get my money, which will only be the $10 since I have the current gen version right now. Still too early to draw too many conclusions but right now, haven't been impressed with what I've seen where 2k has shown all of 20 seconds of next gen footage and has my jaw on the floor.

# 112 Dogslax41 @ 09/30/13 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by Daywalker86
Am I the only one who feels this footage was a level lower than what we saw in the AP promo?

Graphically AND player motion and animation wise.

I've held off of Madden for NG....but I am underwhelmed so at this point.
Agree 100%. Not sure how no one has mentioned this yet. The AP video looked like a great start to evolving the gameplay. This looked like a completely different game and much more similar to current gen with a couple improvements. Granted you can't tell that much because there's not much gameplay there but you can certainly tell that it does not look like that AP video.

But the 2k next gen trailer comparisons crack me up. 2k showed 40 seconds of cgi and 15 seconds of gameplay. Neither trailer showed anything.
# 113 DCowboys22 @ 09/30/13 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by BrianFifaFan
Look up where Fifa, which releases same day and date, is on their marketing. Had a fully playable next gen build back in August in Germany. David Rutter is in full swing with every major mag and gaming site. Has already laid out how the new tech will help with AI, about player avoidance and smarter marking and runs. How now they can have multiple players go up into headers. As well, as the living worlds, etc. Seems Tiburon isn't quite as confident in their product. They aren't hyping for launch. They are trying to build holiday sales. Trying to milk this whole deal out. I stand by my red letters. A great game doesn't need super marketing hype. It sells itself......
Its not about confidence. Do you work for a large corporation? I do, and their moves are driven by profit margins. And bottom line, FIFA is their most profitable sports game because its sold world wide at a much higher clip than Madden which is really relegated to NorthAmerica. Fifa showed at the Germany show BECAUSE it has a huge market in Europe. If Madden did, they'd be there too I can assure you that. Marketing for these game is extremely calculated and it's not simply tied to confidence in their game and which one they think is good. Fifa is obviously going to be first on the docket for them.Its their #1 game. Madden going to Germany is throwing money away.
# 114 StormsWarning @ 09/30/13 10:34 PM
give ea there props, and stop hating! for a trailer it looked GREAT! i think the game is going to be great, i think there's alot of people mad that they are stuck playing a older version then what is new out, stop being jealous hearted! ea, is doing a good job, and i think they deserve a hand!
# 115 roadman @ 09/30/13 10:40 PM
Not overly whelmed.

I'm going to be looking hard at game play, animations, the new AI and presentation.

Those four categories above need to improve drastically and start moving the needle upward.
# 116 spottieottiedop @ 09/30/13 10:42 PM
Some of these complaints are laughable. I guess folks wanted holograms for the graphics. Then we have folks saying Madden sucked this entire gen, and then act disappointed with the new trailer. I guess I'm in the minority cause I loved what I saw. Bengals stadium looked crazy
# 117 BrianFifaFan @ 09/30/13 10:45 PM
Originally Posted by DCowboys22
Its not about confidence. Do you work for a large corporation? I do, and their moves are driven by profit margins. And bottom line, FIFA is their most profitable sports game because its sold world wide at a much higher clip than Madden which is really relegated to NorthAmerica. Fifa showed at the Germany show BECAUSE it has a huge market in Europe. If Madden did, they'd be there too I can assure you that. Marketing for these game is extremely calculated and it's not simply tied to confidence in their game and which one they think is good. Fifa is obviously going to be first on the docket for them.Its their #1 game. Madden going to Germany is throwing money away.
Ah, the irony of your statement. I don't care about the profit margin, in this instance. My viewpoint is that of a gamer. I could care less about how profitable either title is. I care about how fun and rewarding a gaming experience it is. When I go to work, different story. And you have brought into focus what ills the industry at large. FIFA is fun, and becoming more profitable by the iteration Madden is on the decline. Maybe because it's not considered either fun or top tier anymore. Seems Tiburons marketing is spending more than ever and trying harder than ever to polish Petunia. Doesn't seem to be helping the eroding sales, does it?

P.S. I must disagree with your oversimplification that FIFA simply sells more because of a larger geographic audience. It sells in that larger market because it is a better game. When it was chasing PES in quality, it wasn't the monster seller it is now. It was much like madden, relying on licenses and authenticity. Option files made that a mute point. FIFA sells like hotcakes due to EAC spending the money and time to build a great game.....
# 118 joec63 @ 09/30/13 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by DCowboys22
Haha dude Im not defending anything. Im simply stating that you guys are bashing this game for features and gameplay they havent even revealed yet. I get that the past games havent performed like we all want. But its assinine to watch their first trailer, which showed more footage than the 2k14 trailer, and rag on the fact that they havent shown every single element of their new game in one shot. At least wait for the info to come out before you bash it. Also, if you have zero hope that they might do it right this time around, why the heck are you even here? You clearly arent here to comment on the trailer
This could be the greatest game since sliced bread, and I'm in no way saying it will be, and you would still get this attitude from the vocal ***** group which will NEVER be satisfied as long as EA holds the license. They throw their temper tantrums like spoiled children. It's entertainment in it's own right.
# 119 TCFClemson @ 09/30/13 10:58 PM
Not too bad at the moment FIFA still looks like the only sports game I will buy for either the PS4 or the One when I get one. At least for the first year.
# 120 DCowboys22 @ 09/30/13 10:58 PM
Originally Posted by BrianFifaFan
Ah, the irony of your statement. I don't care about the profit margin, in this instance. My viewpoint is that of a gamer. I could care less about how profitable either title is. I care about how fun and rewarding a gaming experience it is. When I go to work, different story. And you have brought into focus what ills the industry at large. FIFA is fun, and becoming more profitable by the iteration Madden is on the decline. Maybe because it's not considered either fun or top tier anymore. Seems Tiburons marketing is spending more than ever and trying harder than ever to polish Petunia. Doesn't seem to be helping the eroding sales, does it?

P.S. I must disagree with your oversimplification that FIFA simply sells more because of a larger geographic audience. It sells in that larger market because it is a better game. When it was chasing PES in quality, it wasn't the monster seller it is now. It was much like madden, relying on licenses and authenticity. Option files made that a mute point. FIFA sells like hotcakes due to EAC spending the money and time to build a great game.....
You're not getting my point. You mentioned that Fifa is out there for the masses to see and suggested that it's not trying to hide anything because the current gen games have been great(which they have). And I'm simply telling you that the only reason it's out there moreso than Madden right now is because it has a much wider fanbase. It has nothing to do with which game they think will be more fun than the other. Fifa having more footage out there means nothing in terms of which game is projected to be better on next gen. The only,and I mean only reason next gen Fifa is more accessible right now is because its their #1 game and thats only because the sport of soccer/futbol is the most popular worldwide(maybe Cricket).

With Ignite, all of the games are sharing the same technology as well. So its not going to be a case where 1 game gets the better crowds or another gets the better renderings. Marketing? Sure, they'll push out info for the most popular games first(FIFA), but building the games should be pretty even in terms of resources.

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