Madden NFL 25 News Post

After ESPN confused the world earlier today claiming current generation gameplay action was next-gen, throwing the Madden public (us included) into fetal positions in the nearest corner -- EA has finally released their actual trailer for next-gen Madden today.
  • Higher fidelity graphics with more detail than ever before (obvious).
  • Animations wise, there is less compression with each one, resulting in better looking moves.
  • Better uniform degradation looks like it's in, as well as much improved lighting
  • Skin is more realistic, with light interacting with it in a more realistic manner
  • 4x the Texture Resolution, stadiums visually look much better as do crowds, fields, and uniforms.
  • Cloth physics where jerseys can be form fitting and look realistic to towels flapping around.
  • Much more varied fans both visually and with the animations. One shot showed some sitting, some standing and cheering. Oh, and crowds are fully 3D!
  • The sidelines look pretty bare still personally, but much better than they ever have on current gen.
  • EA touts the possibilities of even bigger improvements in the coming years.

You can read more on EA Sports' official site. We just added well over a dozen new next-gen screenshots here.

According to the EA website, we are expecting information on new True Step player motion, new Player Sense (AI), new line play, and the living worlds aspect of the game in upcoming information releases. This confirms several foundational aspects of the game have been redone for next-gen, we're excited to find out what it all means in the upcoming weeks.

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Game: Madden NFL 25Reader Score: 5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 54 - View All
Madden NFL 25 Videos
Member Comments
# 281 radatdude2 @ 10/03/13 02:08 AM
Wow that video slowed down was pretty bad
# 282 The_Balm @ 10/03/13 02:16 AM
Originally Posted by NicVirtue
I've slowed some of the clips from the presentation video down even more. You can clearly see the ball carriers feet never really touches or plants into the ground, all of the movements look the same in terms of weight looking non existent, as they still seem to hover and glide & you also get a somewhat clearer look at the sidelines, that look pretty static, and lifeless, but at least they move a little during the Victor Crulz play, putting their hands on there heads...why? don't know. Anticipation I guess.
Is it just me or at :30 is McCoy's feet touching the ground just fine, but the 3d grass is gone?
# 283 SageInfinite @ 10/03/13 02:23 AM
Originally Posted by simon48xbox
Is it just me or at :30 is McCoy's feet touching the ground just fine, but the 3d grass is gone?
Seems to be just like current gen, when at certain angles the 3-d grass goes away.
# 284 radatdude2 @ 10/03/13 02:32 AM
I'm really getting disappointed just seems things are getting worse. I don't understand how things can fall so far off since E3 especially going into next gen. The E3 stage presentation things looked good since then graphics have dropped off and I can understand if next gen played/ moved like current gen which is not great btw but it's a carbon copy which is concerning. Next gen 2 yrs in developement Hummm maybe 2 yrs working on both current and next gen then last 6 months before release of next gen then the porting process began.
# 285 NicVirtue @ 10/03/13 03:08 AM
Originally Posted by simon48xbox
Is it just me or at :30 is McCoy's feet touching the ground just fine, but the 3d grass is gone?
It touches the ground, but it still has that humming bird type look to it, like he's as light as a feather.
# 286 stephenk24 @ 10/03/13 08:09 AM
Call me crazy, but I was really impressed by the trailer. I can't wait to play next gen madden, especially as I skipped the current gen version of 25.
# 287 AlreadyKnoJ @ 10/03/13 12:24 PM
lameeeeeeeeeee yeah we'll get every blade of grass right but we cant put tattoos on the players. Its like propaganda, they tell us the same stuff everytime.
# 288 CatMan72 @ 10/03/13 01:41 PM
So they can make the crowd 3d but they can't get the Panthers uniforms right...

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# 289 TwoHeadedDog @ 10/03/13 01:48 PM
How soon until they bring back gang tackles and punts that can bounce in other directions than always forward?
# 290 NicVirtue @ 10/03/13 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by TwoHeadedDog
How soon until they bring back gang tackles and punts that can bounce in other directions than always forward?
I still have strong beliefs that we still won't be able to block field goals or punts...ever again. The system to it is designed to never be blocked, as the ball leaves the place kickers hands before the kickers foot even gets near it, and the place kicker catches the ball the same exact way (perfectly) every single time no matter the condition. Because that's how football is >.> God I miss 2K
# 291 infemous @ 10/03/13 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by TwoHeadedDog
How soon until they bring back gang tackles and punts that can bounce in other directions than always forward?
I really think the desire for independent ball physics should be next in line after an animation/tackling overhaul.

Punts could finally bounce back on themselves or out of bounds and field position could be vital.

It'd also revolutionise the passing game, if the ball is un-tethered from the receiver. Leading a pass could be effective if the WR is smart enough to react to the ball, but so can a DB. Tipped passes could make throwing over the middle a dangerous proposition, and short QBs a little less desirable than a 6,7 one.

Releasing the ball from the character should open up small thing such as fumble recoveries too.

I think that is something we need to see from EA now that we are on next gen. NBA live is doing it so I see no reason for Madden to not follow suit ASAP.
This is the whole benefit of ignite, is it not? Sharing tech between sports titles.
# 292 The_Balm @ 10/03/13 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by infemous
I really think the desire for independent ball physics should be next in line after an animation/tackling overhaul.

Punts could finally bounce back on themselves or out of bounds and field position could be vital.

It'd also revolutionise the passing game, if the ball is un-tethered from the receiver. Leading a pass could be effective if the WR is smart enough to react to the ball, but so can a DB. Tipped passes could make throwing over the middle a dangerous proposition, and short QBs a little less desirable than a 6,7 one.

Releasing the ball from the character should open up small thing such as fumble recoveries too.

I think that is something we need to see from EA now that we are on next gen. NBA live is doing it so I see no reason for Madden to not follow suit ASAP.
This is the whole benefit of ignite, is it not? Sharing tech between sports titles.
Hopefully this would make WRs run though the ball and dive correctly. Right now they sometimes speed up to purposely run through the ball or slowdown so the dive and doesn't overshoot the ball.
# 293 infemous @ 10/03/13 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by simon48xbox
Hopefully this would make WRs run though the ball and dive correctly. Right now they sometimes speed up to purposely run through the ball or slowdown so the dive and doesn't overshoot the ball.
Yup that would be the hope. Of course, in theory it may sound awesome but it's all in the execution.
# 294 Cnyce86 @ 10/04/13 12:13 PM
Is every blade of grass going to fix defense in this game? Im really upset with EA and the job they have done with Madden. All the money they make all these years and they still make a good football game
# 295 dghustla @ 10/04/13 12:32 PM
Just watched this trailer again for the first time after it released on monday night....is it November yet?
# 296 Texas Ace @ 10/04/13 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by ch46647
Here we go again.... All about graphics just like 06. That gameplay looks identical to M25 current gen.

Looks like I'll be passing on next-gen Madden just like I did with current-gen.
# 297 Texas Ace @ 10/04/13 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by djordan
That's it?...........


Where are the smooth running and tackling animations?

Once again, there touting "Viewing every blade of grass" as new..COME ON!!!!

I could give a rats hairy *** about the helmets or jersey fidelity!

"WOWWW...this game looks amazing"


EA loves these Slo-Mo videos.. Speed it up in real time and let's really see how the game plays!!!!
That's exactly how I feel too. Graphics matter, but when it comes to Madden, I really couldn't care less about the visuals at this point.

As long as they continue to keep making a bad on-the-field product, then I couldn't give two you-know-whats about what the jerseys do when the players move or how many extra blades of grass there are.

EA just doesn't get it at all. GAMEPLAY is what we've been asking for, not accurate wristbands and tattoos.
# 298 apollon42 @ 10/04/13 05:09 PM
Some of the decisions made by EA boggles my mind. For example, why did they have tattoos on mouthpieces on PS2 and then take them out on PS3? Moreover, it took them like 4 maddens to add clear visors on current Gen Madden. Most NFL players wear clear visors not those stupid jet black ones they used to put on everybody. It looks like the finally fixed the dreads although I hope they have different lenghts. Finally, all madden players play the same. I'm not trying to compare games, but in NBA 2k, every player feels different with their own moves and unique set of animations particular to that player. In Madden, you get into situations where Joe Flacco looks like Joe Montana and Darren Sproles looks like Adrian Peterson.
# 299 Pared @ 10/05/13 10:14 AM
Ya know, as much as I hate how they handle this game in how it plays... They have built some BEAUTIFUL stadium models.

Seems to be something EA always does extremely well across the board.
# 300 ch46647 @ 10/05/13 12:19 PM
I dont play NBA 2K or even FIFA for that matter. However, I just watched the ign video review for NBA 2K 14 and just watching that game in motion makes me shake my head at Madden.

It would be amazing to pop a football game in that looked and animated the way NBA 2K does. Madden just looks horrendous in motion. (Robotic, no player differentiation, wonky animations, sliding, morphing, warping, etc, etc, etc, etc)

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