Madden NFL 25 News Post

After ESPN confused the world earlier today claiming current generation gameplay action was next-gen, throwing the Madden public (us included) into fetal positions in the nearest corner -- EA has finally released their actual trailer for next-gen Madden today.
  • Higher fidelity graphics with more detail than ever before (obvious).
  • Animations wise, there is less compression with each one, resulting in better looking moves.
  • Better uniform degradation looks like it's in, as well as much improved lighting
  • Skin is more realistic, with light interacting with it in a more realistic manner
  • 4x the Texture Resolution, stadiums visually look much better as do crowds, fields, and uniforms.
  • Cloth physics where jerseys can be form fitting and look realistic to towels flapping around.
  • Much more varied fans both visually and with the animations. One shot showed some sitting, some standing and cheering. Oh, and crowds are fully 3D!
  • The sidelines look pretty bare still personally, but much better than they ever have on current gen.
  • EA touts the possibilities of even bigger improvements in the coming years.

You can read more on EA Sports' official site. We just added well over a dozen new next-gen screenshots here.

According to the EA website, we are expecting information on new True Step player motion, new Player Sense (AI), new line play, and the living worlds aspect of the game in upcoming information releases. This confirms several foundational aspects of the game have been redone for next-gen, we're excited to find out what it all means in the upcoming weeks.

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Game: Madden NFL 25Reader Score: 5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 54 - View All
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Member Comments
# 181 tril @ 10/01/13 02:34 AM
Originally Posted by NicVirtue
From Madden 06 to Madden 25 current gen, there's a list for days of gameplay elements alone that have gotten better and added to the game along those years. At a point in time there was never any head tracking at all with DB's & they were all psychic. At a point in time cuts were simply the spinning of the ball carrier from 1 direction to the other. At a point in time you would get sucked into a block 3-4 yards out just so you couldn't make a play on the ball carrier. I could go on for hours.
point taken. Ive only got back into Madden the past 3 years. 12,13 and 25.
and I am 2k guy, who has been looking for a football fix similar to my experiences with 2k, or something that surpasses my experience with 2k.
IM also at the point where IM looking for hard core sim style. I want the entire package. other games can deliver this so I expect this from a football title also.
I want proper time management and TOP's, I want in game saves, I want to see players coming in and out of the game when I and the AI controlled teams switch packages etc. these things all effect time management. I want to see penalties properly implemented.
# 182 ConnSKINS26 @ 10/01/13 02:34 AM
They still don't move like human beings. It's hard to be impressed by lighting, textures, and details like that when the most important part of a football video game experience is still so poorly represented: 11 human beings violently clashing with 11 human beings.
# 183 NicVirtue @ 10/01/13 02:59 AM
Originally Posted by ConnSKINS26
They still don't move like human beings. It's hard to be impressed by lighting, textures, and details like that when the most important part of a football video game experience is still so poorly represented: 11 human beings violently clashing with 11 human beings.
I can totally agree with that. Whats crazy is that the E3 trailer showed more life life/humanistic movement, but seeing what was shown today just looked like the same current gen movements, just smoother. I think what they do with the mo-cap team is tell them to over exaggerate everything so it looks "cool" instead of realistic. Madden has always been more of a "highlight" football kind of game, more than a gritty, controlled chaos type of game.
# 184 Dogslax41 @ 10/01/13 03:20 AM
Originally Posted by NicVirtue
I can totally agree with that. Whats crazy is that the E3 trailer showed more life life/humanistic movement, but seeing what was shown today just looked like the same current gen movements, just smoother. I think what they do with the mo-cap team is tell them to over exaggerate everything so it looks "cool" instead of realistic. Madden has always been more of a "highlight" football kind of game, more than a gritty, controlled chaos type of game.
This is my biggest issue. The graphics look great but why does the player movement that was shown look much worse than the Peterson e3 tech demo? I'm reserving judgment until after they show more gameplay, but I have to say that while it's not anywhere close to as bad as actual Madden 06 gameplay compared to the vick and strahan cgi video it did raise a bit of a déjà vu feeling of ea showing one thing early then delivering something very different. The Peterson video had me excited for where they were going with next gen. This trailer felt like more of the same but prettier.
# 185 aceoye @ 10/01/13 03:29 AM
Have we seen a pass or catch yet???
# 186 Dogslax41 @ 10/01/13 03:35 AM
Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
It's late and I'm sleepy, just now getting around to what happened earlier with regard to the "other" video for Week 4 MNF on ESPN. WTF is going on, didn't EA already confirm that other video WAS next gen footage too but just not encoded correctly? http://n4g.com/news/1364830/madden-n...-underwhelming
If that's the case, which from what I am reading it appears to be, then this looks like it is heading for another disaster. Encoding it incorrectly wouldn't change the fact that it looks nothing like the e3 gameplay video. It would explain why all the players looked like they were on speed and the lack of shine to the graphics. But honestly if they just balance the run defense that was awful on current gen and clean up some of the major bugs (draft class repeating, etc) and admit they couldn't implement they gameplay they showed at e3 in time but expect it in next year then I would be fine with a dressed up madden 25. But if it turn out that was truly next gen then they can't honestly say that is the same stuff they showed at e3.
# 187 SageInfinite @ 10/01/13 03:38 AM
Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
It's late and I'm sleepy, just now getting around to what happened earlier with regard to the "other" video for Week 4 MNF on ESPN. WTF is going on, didn't EA already confirm that other video WAS next gen footage too but just not encoded correctly? http://n4g.com/news/1364830/madden-n...-underwhelming
# 188 myownsun @ 10/01/13 04:50 AM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
Wait, so the other video IS next gen footage?
# 189 m1ke_nyc @ 10/01/13 05:32 AM
The thing that stood out to me was the Jay Cutler drop back. Complete crap. Player movement has not been fixed.
# 190 Goffs @ 10/01/13 06:50 AM
ugh...cut scenes made it to next gen....why do they still do this when they can do it in real time and just do camera cuts....
# 191 Step2001 @ 10/01/13 07:22 AM
Franchise Mode (CFM) news ASAP EA!!

Opening up with info about blades of grass gave me flashbacks to '06! It's nice and the Devs did a great job, but I would like info on the depth of CFM.

46 man Game Day rosters
8 man Practice Squads
Wear & Tear Injury System
Injuries that carry over to the next season
Injuries in Practice and Offseason
New I.R. rules
Dynamic/Progressive Audio Presentation that builds through the years as NEW Players enter the league, stats/Pre/Reg/Post Season, Awards, Records, Player Info..........................
Presentation for Offseason, Draft Day (Days 1,2 3), Pre-Season, Regular Season, Playoffs, Super Bowl.
FULL Coaching Staffs, hiring & Firing
4 Man Scouting Staff
Full in-depth Pre-Game, Halftime, Post Game shows/wrap ups.
In-Depth Game cut scenes
Dynamic Attendance
# 192 infemous @ 10/01/13 07:27 AM
Originally Posted by Stroehms
At the very end when the screen unzooms to show Madden being played on the TV, Cruz is running down the field wide-open and in the back ground you see the fans stand up anticipating a big play. Just like in real life when a long pass is thrown. THAT is refreshing. THAT is next gen. I love it. I want more.
My issue is that the way Cruz is running is that same old, tired and awful running animation and the coverage is loose, meaning no added WR/DB interactions.
# 193 reverend_heat @ 10/01/13 08:32 AM
Originally Posted by myownsun
Wait, so the other video IS next gen footage?
Yes, it is next gen, there are multiple things in that video that are simply not in current gen. Bree's nameplate has visible mesh when they zoom in on his back after the pass to Colston, the Miller TD shows the same body lean from the net gen AP teaser from last Friday right before he dives into the endzone. After the Wallace TD Saints fans are sitting in the crowd with arms folded while Dolphin fans are celebrating, and most recognizable the turf has an extremely realistic sheen that current gen doesn't come close to matching. It is obviously next gen footage, people need to stop claiming it is mistakenly posted current gen.
# 194 apollon42 @ 10/01/13 08:48 AM
The Next Gen footage looks great. Look at the cut by Chris Johnson, where he actually plants his feet, instead of sliding or gliding around the block. Moreover, it looks like the fixed Victor Cruz's skin tone but for some inexplicable reason still have Lesean McCoy looking like LL Cool J.
# 195 EAGLESFAN10 @ 10/01/13 09:08 AM
I always thought it was funny when people said they say they don't care about presentation like just stop with the lies
# 196 Kevin26385 @ 10/01/13 09:15 AM
Originally Posted by dat swag
no its not..read the first page and 1st entry by the poster...ESPN mistakenly called current gen...next gen
That was next-gen. We were able to confirm that by pointing out a couple of differences with the field turf, helmets and camera men on the sideline.

Sports Center encoded in 720p (next gen should be 1080p) and only 3MB/s bitrate. At the end of the day, the video was next-gen. However, it doesn't matter. The video shouldn't even be looked at because of the uploading mistakes and it looks like they sped up the gameplay to mirror highlights they show on ESPN.
# 197 buckeyedawgtribe @ 10/01/13 09:28 AM
Looks incredible. Madden 1st year releases are usually flops minus the PS2/xbox version. I will wait until the next edition comes out. Still enjoying Madden 25 on the 360.
# 198 BobbyColtrane @ 10/01/13 09:36 AM
Just what I expected - a little fat dude in glasses with a patchy beard telling me about skin detail and rendering blades of grass....heavy sigh...
# 199 soonermagic88 @ 10/01/13 09:59 AM
Yup, same pig new makeup.
# 200 cgalligan @ 10/01/13 10:00 AM
I want 100% realism just as much as the next guy... I'm old enough now to understand why this isn't possible in Video games and I'm happy with the strides Madden has taken in 12, 13 and now this year...

As long as it doesn't take them 5 years to have the same features on next gen as current gen, I'm sure most people will be happy...

That being said... If you're holding out hope, thinking EA (or any company) would completely rebuild their game from the ground up, when a new system launches you're going to be disappointing... You're going to see some of the same things you see in current gen, on next gen...

The foundation of the game has not been changed, the engine / animation system will still remain... You're not getting a "new" game, you're getting a more polished version of their current game

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