Madden NFL 25 News Post

After ESPN confused the world earlier today claiming current generation gameplay action was next-gen, throwing the Madden public (us included) into fetal positions in the nearest corner -- EA has finally released their actual trailer for next-gen Madden today.
  • Higher fidelity graphics with more detail than ever before (obvious).
  • Animations wise, there is less compression with each one, resulting in better looking moves.
  • Better uniform degradation looks like it's in, as well as much improved lighting
  • Skin is more realistic, with light interacting with it in a more realistic manner
  • 4x the Texture Resolution, stadiums visually look much better as do crowds, fields, and uniforms.
  • Cloth physics where jerseys can be form fitting and look realistic to towels flapping around.
  • Much more varied fans both visually and with the animations. One shot showed some sitting, some standing and cheering. Oh, and crowds are fully 3D!
  • The sidelines look pretty bare still personally, but much better than they ever have on current gen.
  • EA touts the possibilities of even bigger improvements in the coming years.

You can read more on EA Sports' official site. We just added well over a dozen new next-gen screenshots here.

According to the EA website, we are expecting information on new True Step player motion, new Player Sense (AI), new line play, and the living worlds aspect of the game in upcoming information releases. This confirms several foundational aspects of the game have been redone for next-gen, we're excited to find out what it all means in the upcoming weeks.

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Game: Madden NFL 25Reader Score: 5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 54 - View All
Madden NFL 25 Videos
Member Comments
# 221 kehlis @ 10/01/13 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
So it should be completely ignored due to the encoding issues, even though ESPN nor EA have made the same video with the correct coding available to the public? It doesn't make sense to accept a trailer as a replacement for an actually game play video with awful quality, what makes sense is that EA, ESPN or both replace it with a higher quality version of the same game play video.
Hey Big,

If you would like to or have the desire to do so please start a thread comparing that other video which we now know to be next gen.

That other thread that is now closed was agenda filled and not necessary and is not going to be reopened but I wouldn't mind at all a discussion on the variances of the two videos as long as it's done with productive thoughts in mind.
# 222 NicVirtue @ 10/01/13 01:53 PM
I don't understand what video quality or encoding has to do with the gameplay looking exactly like current gen....you can't encode next gen madden gameplay video to look like current gen madden gameplay. Graphics? Sure. But gameplay doesn't change due to video encoding. If the 1st video is indeed next gen Madden, I will not touch it. That better be WiiU gameplay.
# 223 Demoncrom @ 10/01/13 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by NicVirtue
I can totally agree with that. Whats crazy is that the E3 trailer showed more life life/humanistic movement, but seeing what was shown today just looked like the same current gen movements, just smoother. I think what they do with the mo-cap team is tell them to over exaggerate everything so it looks "cool" instead of realistic. Madden has always been more of a "highlight" football kind of game, more than a gritty, controlled chaos type of game.
The graphics of this are NO WHERE NEAR the renders from E3:

# 224 BenjiA @ 10/01/13 02:00 PM
Also, camera men would all look the same and the crowd would not be 3D
# 225 BenjiA @ 10/01/13 02:01 PM
Right encoding doesnt create new camera men
# 226 NicVirtue @ 10/01/13 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by Demoncrom
The graphics of this are NO WHERE NEAR the renders from E3:

Then what is it from? It's obviously NOT current gen, cause last time I checked, my copy of current Madden looks NOTHING like the 1st video in terms of texture, lighting, and overall graphics. So if the 1st video was already said to be next gen by Sports Center and it still says that if I'm not mistaken, then why is it not possible for it to actually what we will be getting next month? I mean I can see the differences between the 1st and second video, but if both are said to be next gen, then somebody's giving us the run around.
# 227 Dogslax41 @ 10/01/13 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by NicVirtue
Then what is it from? It's obviously NOT current gen, cause last time I checked, my copy of current Madden looks NOTHING like the 1st video in terms of texture, lighting, and overall graphics. So if the 1st video was already said to be next gen by Sports Center and it still says that if I'm not mistaken, then why is it not possible for it to actually what we will be getting next month? I mean I can see the differences between the 1st and second video, but if both are said to be next gen, then somebody's giving us the run around.
I think you are missing his point. He is saying as much as EA is hyping the graphics right now, they still appear to be worse than what they showed at E3.
# 228 SageInfinite @ 10/01/13 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by NicVirtue
Then what is it from? It's obviously NOT current gen, cause last time I checked, my copy of current Madden looks NOTHING like the 1st video in terms of texture, lighting, and overall graphics. So if the 1st video was already said to be next gen by Sports Center and it still says that if I'm not mistaken, then why is it not possible for it to actually what we will be getting next month? I mean I can see the differences between the 1st and second video, but if both are said to be next gen, then somebody's giving us the run around.
The colors and quality of the textures will more than likely be like the presentation video. The animations and in game elements will be like the Dolphins Saints video. That is next gen footage. The footage was just of bad quality.
# 229 NicVirtue @ 10/01/13 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by Dogslax41
I think you are missing his point. He is saying as much as EA is hyping the graphics right now, they still appear to be worse than what they showed at E3.
Ahh, if that is the case then apologies. To my knowledge some of the E3 footage were games running on PC's instead of the consoles. I'm not surprised at all.
# 230 Kevin26385 @ 10/01/13 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
C'mon man, obviously this video didn't appear out of thin air so it would seem easy enough for EA Sports to get this same video and upload it encoding correctly to the public. No offense man but I don't get this seeming loyalty or instinct to defend mistakes, regardless of how anyone feels about the game or EA as a whole. I'm a life long Redskins fan but I don't feel the need to justify or defend whatever the front office or players do because of that.

Also I just realized that you mentioned being "naive" in reference to my statement, that's ironic considering that's how buying into this whole game play trailer distraction and ignoring the MNF video seems to me.
This is going to be my last post in this thread as I want to keep it on topic about the next-gen presentation trailer. I have been apart of this community for 10 years and I don't appreciate your comment about me defending mistakes. I have an optimistic attitude about everything in life. That is just who I am.

Personally, I will not judge the ESPN video. Why? Because it was encoded incorrectly and does not represent how the game actually looks. Also, I would never judge a commercial or anything from ESPN in terms of gameplay. This is for entertainment purposes. My guess is the game is captured on Rookie or Pro in order to capture the best highlights.

Lastly, look into how big organizations run social media. ESPN will not delete this video and upload a new one. EA SPORTS will not upload the same video on their channel with the correct encoding.
# 231 NicVirtue @ 10/01/13 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
The colors and quality of the textures will more than likely be like the presentation video. The animations and in game elements will be like the Dolphins Saints video. That is next gen footage. The footage was just of bad quality.
Even then, what was this? Pre rendered?

# 232 SageInfinite @ 10/01/13 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by NicVirtue
Even then, what was this? Pre rendered?

I believe it was a heavily edited video, lol. Created to show off the best of what they have. I'm just as confused as everybody else is. This actual video had me hopeful. The animations looked so much better. After this new footage though, it looks more of the same.
# 233 cashless @ 10/01/13 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by tfer717
it literally looks like its 95% ported over from the 360/ps3 generation. Graphically it looks different.. (i wouldnt say better).. but just different. Textures are a bit improved obviously. but omg the gameplay looks identical. Stiff animations and all. I nearly turned it off when I saw the same endzone celebrations. Identical to what we have now. I just dont get it
I'm worried that'll be the case for damn near every sports game coming out during the launch window, since it would take a ridiculous amount of man power in order to build two games at once.
# 234 NicVirtue @ 10/01/13 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
I believe it was a heavily edited video, lol. Created to show off the best of what they have. I'm just as confused as everybody else is. This actual video had me hopeful. The animations looked so much better. After this new footage though, it looks more of the same.
So in other words, this might be 2006 all over again. THAT trailer was what got me pumped as well, and EVERY video after that has set the bar lower and lower and lower....now the bar is on the ground.
# 235 SageInfinite @ 10/01/13 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
Also imo, I think if that same incorrectly encoded video had been well received by the masses, the EA marketing machine would be in full force endorsing it and you wouldn't be choosing to ignore it. If I'm wrong I apologize but how incorrect encoding of a video justifies completely ignoring it and not expecting to see a correctly encoded version at some point, I don't understand.
No offense to Tiburon Big, but if they don't care enough to fix simple mistakes like players celebrating in the wrong endzone, and coaches mumbling into playcall sheets without headsets in their own game, I doubt they care about correcting a video that was encoded wrong
# 236 waynefontes @ 10/01/13 02:52 PM
If this is indeed next-gen, it's 2006 all over again. Seems like we have duped again by another "target render" trailer from E3, even though EA stated that it was "in-game" footage.

Also, I can't believe that they didn't correct the Dolphins' socks. WTF? Where did EA come up with that those color socks??? One look at those socks, made me want to vomit!
# 237 hanzsomehanz @ 10/01/13 02:55 PM
I realize the masses will not witness this video nor understand its conditions (current or next gen build) and will hold onto the image of the sizzle trailer that wowed us all and this reality saddens me.

At least we are debunking the myths. I appreciate that. We are certainly not imagining things: things clearly have changed and regressed. I will not call it false advertising but our eyes have blatantly been seduced and deceived albeit our minds know better than to take their words 'word-for-word'.

Sent from my SGH-I727R using Tapatalk 4
# 238 djordan @ 10/01/13 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by Kevin26385
My guess is the game is captured on Rookie or Pro in order to capture the best highlights.
# 239 Kevin26385 @ 10/01/13 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by djordan
This isn't a new strategy. Most companies do this when showing off their product. Look at anything from E3 (even shooters) and it was probably on a lower difficulty setting.
# 240 djordan @ 10/01/13 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by Kevin26385
This isn't a new strategy. Most companies do this when showing off their product. Look at anything from E3 (even shooters) and it was probably on a lower difficulty setting.
The reason I've posted that picture is because we hear that excuse every year. "Ahhh... don't worry about that 200 pound RB blocking that 320 pound DE... They're showing it on rookie mode so we can view the blades of grass easier".

Once the retail version comes out those same issues are still in the game.

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