Madden NFL 25 News Post

After ESPN confused the world earlier today claiming current generation gameplay action was next-gen, throwing the Madden public (us included) into fetal positions in the nearest corner -- EA has finally released their actual trailer for next-gen Madden today.
  • Higher fidelity graphics with more detail than ever before (obvious).
  • Animations wise, there is less compression with each one, resulting in better looking moves.
  • Better uniform degradation looks like it's in, as well as much improved lighting
  • Skin is more realistic, with light interacting with it in a more realistic manner
  • 4x the Texture Resolution, stadiums visually look much better as do crowds, fields, and uniforms.
  • Cloth physics where jerseys can be form fitting and look realistic to towels flapping around.
  • Much more varied fans both visually and with the animations. One shot showed some sitting, some standing and cheering. Oh, and crowds are fully 3D!
  • The sidelines look pretty bare still personally, but much better than they ever have on current gen.
  • EA touts the possibilities of even bigger improvements in the coming years.

You can read more on EA Sports' official site. We just added well over a dozen new next-gen screenshots here.

According to the EA website, we are expecting information on new True Step player motion, new Player Sense (AI), new line play, and the living worlds aspect of the game in upcoming information releases. This confirms several foundational aspects of the game have been redone for next-gen, we're excited to find out what it all means in the upcoming weeks.

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Game: Madden NFL 25Reader Score: 5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 54 - View All
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Member Comments
# 81 RGiles36 @ 09/30/13 09:09 PM
A presentation trailer/blog and not a thing mentioned about FINALLY getting a true broadcast atmosphere in this game?

I guess it is possible that this information comes in the living worlds info, but I don't feel that's likely. If this game doesn't get TV presentation authentic in M25, I might as well stop looking for it. I figured this would be the impact that Kolbe would have. Sigh....


And not to sound too pessimistic, but I hope 5 years into next gen that we're not hearing a new creative director talk about how too many resources were poured into fluff like grass and unis at the start of gen 4. That trailer reminded me of when Ian Cummings took over years and confirmed to us then that initial priorities weren't where they needed to be. And the game never did get fully back on track...
# 82 PVarck31 @ 09/30/13 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by lookatmenow
This can't be next GEN!! .....Please tell me it isn't so. Very disappointing
Did you see the footage from earlier?

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 using Tapatalk 4
# 83 alkamist @ 09/30/13 09:13 PM
i want the game play fixed, so come on EA fixed the dame gameplay, its been the same madden with the same game play for yrs...
# 84 NicVirtue @ 09/30/13 09:16 PM
So, reading between the lines on the "Cloth" aspect. It seems like Jerseys will NOT move in Madden next gen, but only the hair and towels. Kind of a let down, as they move in current gen already.
# 85 BrianFifaFan @ 09/30/13 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite

This. I'm laughing out loud, literally! Shall we talk signature animations, player movement? Where do we start? The only thing that would've tickled me more would have been if the comment was about"The Show" being stale. You tweak what isn't broken. You reinvent what is hopelessly broken. Sad thing is, I used to get on here and always say,"hey Fifa's got this tech, how would this work in Madden?" They got all of the tech which was developed by the Fifa team and can't make it work with Madden. Sound is bad. Player movement is worse than sound. Atmosphere.... well, what atmosphere? I was tempted to jump on the "hey, better get NCAA, it's the last one" train. But I can't even get past watching a gameplay video. No hype left here. I got NCAA13 for $25 off of Amazon, it's still in the shrink wrap and cardboard. No joke.

This game has been really bad, in comparison to every other major sports title for a while now. I love football, and was really hoping to be blown away with this vid. One juke and it was the same old feeling. It takes more than visuals to impress me. I stare at a super detailed version of Fifa and NBA2k on my PC everyday. And I'm not thinking that this new chip is going to even come close to my PC right now this whole gen. I have twice the chip (i7 3770-k), 16GB of RAM and a monster graphics card that costs as much as an XBOX1. Why should I spend more to come back to a console game system? They have a lot of work to do to impress me and my wallet...... This video didn't come close.
# 86 DCowboys22 @ 09/30/13 09:19 PM
Some of you guys are just ridiculous. You want EA to just flat out feature dump all in one shot. And because they actually have a marketing plan like every other developer you rip them for not showing every darn thing in 1 trailer. So stupid.
# 87 Brooke2011 @ 09/30/13 09:19 PM
The running does look better. I went back and looked at the players and blockers and I think it's cool the the helmet moves with the contact. This def looks like added physics. I've seen this with the blocker on the Ravens run and the buccaneers run.
# 88 CT Pitbull @ 09/30/13 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
NBA2k current gen has proven itself to be a solid game when it comes to gameplay...Madden hasnt. It doesnt deserve the benefit of the doubt that 2k gets. When The Show starts showing next gen clips, it will get the same benefit of the doubt.

couldn't have said it better myself. We/I know 2k is gonna give us a great game of basketball to play. Madden on the other hand is gonna have to go above and beyond to impress me with trailers and sizzle. Unfortunately so far im not really digging what im seeing. I don't really get why they haven't adjusted the player models at all from what im seeing I mean if visual upgrades are going to be a big part of this leap to next gen as they are pushing in this trailer why just slap a new coat of paint on player models? Why not try and make them look more life-like and less cartoonish. Helmets and grass look good though. But I dont see why they didn't look good on this gen. It cant be that difficult to render a nice shiny helmet. Player movement in this video looked sadly eerily similar to current generation. They look robotic and anything but smooth. IMO NOT the way to start a new generation. Gameplay will be the most important thing BUT player movement IS part of gameplay.

Still no word of a CUSTOM CAMERA angle to play on either which is rather upsetting. I hope EA is gonna force us to play at their fixed crappy angles for 10 more years.
# 89 DCowboys22 @ 09/30/13 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by BrianFifaFan
This. I'm laughing out loud, literally! Shall we talk signature animations, player movement? Where do we start? The only thing that would've tickled me more would have been if the comment was about"The Show" being stale. You tweak what isn't broken. You reinvent what is hopelessly broken. Sad thing is, I used to get on here and always say,"hey Fifa's got this tech, how would this work in Madden?" They got all of the tech which was developed by the Fifa team and can't make it work with Madden. Sound is bad. Player movement is worse than sound. Atmosphere.... well, what atmosphere? I was tempted to jump on the "hey, better get NCAA, it's the last one" train. But I can't even get past watching a gameplay video. No hype left here. I got NCAA13 for $25 off of Amazon, it's still in the shrink wrap and cardboard. No joke.

This game has been really bad, in comparison to every other major sports title for a while now. I love football, and was really hoping to be blown away with this vid. One juke and it was the same old feeling. It takes more than visuals to impress me. I stare at a super detailed version of Fifa and NBA2k on my PC everyday. And I'm not thinking that this new chip is going to even come close to my PC right now this whole gen. I have twice the chip (i7 3770-k), 16GB of RAM and a monster graphics card that costs as much as an XBOX1. Why should I spend more to come back to a console game system? They have a lot of work to do to impress me and my wallet...... This video didn't come close.
Ahh the ol PC gamer complaint. Dude no one cares that you play on a PC. This game isn meant to graphically blow away the PC gamer. Everyone who knows anything knows that a great PC will always outshine these consoles. What did you expect?
# 90 audbal @ 09/30/13 09:29 PM
Loving the 49er pics! Their helmets are their actual gold helmets!
# 91 burter @ 09/30/13 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by BuildableAuto
"We can zoom the camera in more"
I think of APF 2K8, you can zoom the camera in and read the text on the backs of helmets. EA needs to stop worrying about these 5 year old things and start making a game that is playable.
I'm quoting just for no other reason just to quote it. 5 years ago.......
# 92 BrianFifaFan @ 09/30/13 09:42 PM
Originally Posted by DCowboys22
Ahh the ol PC gamer complaint. Dude no one cares that you play on a PC. This game isn meant to graphically blow away the PC gamer. Everyone who knows anything knows that a great PC will always outshine these consoles. What did you expect?
This isn't a PC-elitest deal. You miss my point entirely. If all they have to offer is great graphics, I am not impressed. My point about graphics is they can be had quite easlily. Great gameplay cannot. Fifa can actually trot out their wares with tons of interviews (which they are already doing) about various gameplay improvements, because they have great game. Wins award after award. Madden is closer to NBA Live/Elite in my book. They have to prove themselves all over again. So I'm looking with "Missouri eyes" at Madden. I get the marketing angle. But they need to show.

My main games are Fifa and NBA2k. They, long with "The Show" are the best sports games out there. Madden isn't as good as them. And one could make an argument that even PES is better. Madden can't just try to be better than NCAA anymore and call it a day. I might get called the "trailer police" or whatever. But I play, and have played, a ton of sports games in my 47 years. I'm just stating my simple opinion. That trailer did nothing to change my attitude about Madden being a second rate sports game. They have a ton of work to make me want to buy a console again, just to play their game. My point, in a nutshell......
# 93 TexasFan2005 @ 09/30/13 09:46 PM
That trailer didn't look good at all; in fact, I'm left horribly underwhelmed, and my expectations couldn't have been any lower before this trailer either. If all they're pushing for is graphics again, then they haven't done nearly enough. The sidelines/back of endzones look empty again, the same "touchdown" animation on the scoreboards, same exact player animations as current gen, etc.

Getting NFL players to speak about their personal football experiences in a Madden trailer doesn't do the trick anymore. EA Sports better step their game up; they know they'd get eaten alive if there were other competition.
# 94 SageInfinite @ 09/30/13 09:49 PM
Originally Posted by RGiles36
A presentation trailer/blog and not a thing mentioned about FINALLY getting a true broadcast atmosphere in this game?

I guess it is possible that this information comes in the living worlds info, but I don't feel that's likely. If this game doesn't get TV presentation authentic in M25, I might as well stop looking for it. I figured this would be the impact that Kolbe would have. Sigh....


And not to sound too pessimistic, but I hope 5 years into next gen that we're not hearing a new creative director talk about how too many resources were poured into fluff like grass and unis at the start of gen 4. That trailer reminded me of when Ian Cummings took over years and confirmed to us then that initial priorities weren't where they needed to be. And the game never did get fully back on track...
Also If they're still using cutscenes that is just sad and pathetic.
# 95 RandyBass @ 09/30/13 09:53 PM

Wake me in about 5 years. Maybe then they'll have all their issues sorted out, or better yet, maybe another company will be making an NFL game.
# 96 PVarck31 @ 09/30/13 09:54 PM
I can totally understand why people thought the Espn footage from earlier was horrible, but this looks much better than current gen. I wasn't expecting to be blown away though.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 using Tapatalk 4
# 97 Yanks1408 @ 09/30/13 09:54 PM
Look fantastic, but should we be worried the game cuts out before any contact animations (Ie: tackling), almost deliberately in every clip. If EA doesn't have enough confidence in their animations/gameplay why should we?
# 98 kehlis @ 09/30/13 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by P Rich 317
Why is there so much complaining? If you are a true madden fan, this should excite you.... did you watch the same video that I did??
Please tell me what a TRUE Madden fan is....
# 99 atc43 @ 09/30/13 09:57 PM
Still crossing my fingers and toes for when March of next year rolls around.....
# 100 DCowboys22 @ 09/30/13 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by lookatmenow
UH!! in case you didn't notice, we don't need much to show. In this short clip we see the same problems. Animation is once again pathetic and unrealistic, looks nothing like nor does it play like anything I see on Sunday. Yet we got a great baseball and basketball game that replicate the sport very well (MLB The SHOW & 2K Sports)
What animations do you even see here? I see true foot planting, I dont see much else since they dont show anything

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