NBA 2K14 News Post

The achievement list teased the announcement earlier, but 2K Sports has now confirmed NBA 2K14 will feature Crew Mode. As Shade8780 points out, it looks like it could be current-gen only, at the very least we won't know about its status on next-gen just yet.

For those asking, yes full court 5v5. Community Team up guys were playing a 3v3 halfcourt game. CREWS 3v3 or 5v5 at this time.
(via @LD2K)

Crews feature 3v3 half court or 5v5 full court with name/logo customization & leaderboards.
(via @Ronnie2K)

More news coming soon, what are your thoughts?

Game: NBA 2K14Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / PS4 / Wii U / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 98 - View All
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Member Comments
# 621 OkayC @ 09/17/13 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by ViolenceFight
Hi there, Albino Kemp, Don't believe we've met. *Extends a hand*.

Granted, I'm the minority here and I know it. But you sound like me with the sweeping generalization(That's gimmick infringement, brother. Next thing you know you'll start talking like Hulk Hogan in every post and steal my Freestyle Online Street Basketball forum gimmick from back in the day. LOL).

Seriously though, I bet there's a lot more blacktop guys on here than you think, they just don't post because almost all the threads revolve around sim play. There's nothing wrong with that, either, I'm just pointing out the obvious. I believe my old blacktop thread from a few months back hit about 5 pages. That's enough to show you that there are people around here who enjoy it a little bit.

Playful chiding aside, I'm hype for this just because my typical 3-man crew(We actually have a group of about 10 that are randomly online, but the core is me and 2 other guys who are always one) have no way to track our wins/losses as a group. We have no real way to track our stats either, and that upsets me. I'd really like to know how many points I average a game, as well as rebounds(Being a big man, that's my $$$$ stat that I care about more than scoring). I'm sure we'll do 5v5, but at least I know that if we stick to 3 on 3 we can still compete for those leaderboard rankings, because I can easily speak for the homies when I say we all want to know where we actually stand in terms of skill and teamwork.
Hey dude, im just saying. Im glad that someone enjoyed it, really i am. But alot of people on here at least acted like they didn't like blacktop, and acted as if they didnt play it, passed a few games here or there maybe. Why would the majority of us like this blacktop 2.0. Maybe if we get more people from the forum to play with each other, it might be a different story. Otherwise...
# 622 green225 @ 09/17/13 05:47 PM
everytime i read a mrleaderboards post, i cringe. this is the type of dude to lose a game, and say "well at least i got 40". people with that mentality wouldn't last in my crew.
# 623 ViolenceFight @ 09/17/13 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by Matayeus
totally respect that but let me ask you a question

You and your boys who you usually run blacktop with, would you rather play a half court game of 3v3 to 21 or pick up 2 CPU and run a 5v5 full court 4 quarter game (in an arena) like you see in the Nba , the league this game is made based on ?
Honestly, right now I'd rather just play the game sir. I'm not here to completely bash a mode before playing it, and while I did not play 2k11 to experience the crew mode there, I did play Team-Up which is along the lines of it. It's extremely fun, and I would love a mode like that with MyPlayers and I can totally see the appeal that the 2k11 mode has to everyone. The thing is this, I'll take what I can get right now. I honestly believe the intention was to run black top's 3 on 3 with actual stat tracking and "Clans" so to speak for this game. The only reason 5 on 5 was added was because of the guys at the meet-up complaining because 3 on 3 is not crew mode.

...Had they not used the word "Crew", and instead referred to it as a clan system, or a pick up team system for black top...no one would have thrown a fit like this. So now, because they can't have the team-up guys talking bad about the game because they tried to associate a word with this 3 on 3 mode that is so heavily revered by the community, they had to hack in 5 on 5 so that they could appease them.

Actually, after the thought I just gave it, the blame is totally misplaced in this case. 2k should have known better than to use the word "Crew" without 5 on 5 being worked in to begin with, I'll totally agree to that point. BUT, and this is a HUGE BUT, Had the guys not cried about it not being 5 on 5, they wouldn't have hacked in a black top game to 21 that is 5 on 5. It would've stayed 3 on 3 with stat tracking and teams. The whole reason it's to 21 is probably because it was NEVER meant to be 5 on 5 like this, and it was only hacked in after the fact to appease the guys on youtube who are the hype men that have been chosen by 2k to play it early so they didn't get bad publicity.

ALL of this happened over one stupid word, and one PR faux paux, and now everyone is backlashing because it's not what they expected when it was never intended to be what they expected in the first place.

And for the record, I'm not really trying to defend 2k here at all. I just thought this up after logically assessing why this mode is only to 21 and not 4 quarters and these are the reasons I came up with. 2k stuck it's foot in it's mouth by referring to this as any variation on the word crew from the get go.
# 624 GradyMac @ 09/18/13 12:45 AM
Lol at the "we lost but I still got 40" comment.

I am looking forward to this mode. Only thing is I wish they would have went with timed qtrs. last second game winners are fun (whether you made the pass, helped get the last stop, or actually hit the shot).

That will be missing in games to 21. But I am not about to totally kill a mode before I have even played it.
# 625 MarvinOida @ 09/18/13 11:09 AM

Then go play basketball in real life cause you're not gonna find one person online who plays without taking advantage of an exploit in game that the CPU can't do. It gets repetitive.

Tap Tap Tapatalking away from my iPhone
# 626 GradyMac @ 09/18/13 03:09 PM
Lol, not sure why you are still clinging to those 2k11 stats since you already admitted you hacked.

But whatever dude, go ahead and claim "elite" status based off of old stats you obtained while hacking. No skin off my back.
# 627 Sundown @ 09/18/13 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by Mrleaderboards
Why ***ume and not give me the benefit of the doubt? Why would i come on here and risk looking like a fool, and destroying my reputation in the gaming community to look good for operation sports?

Men Lie...women lie...numbers don't bruh.
Didn't you admit you hacked? Yeah.

Hacks don't lie.
# 628 wisdom @ 09/18/13 09:41 PM
Originally Posted by GradyMac
Lol, not sure why you are still clinging to those 2k11 stats since you already admitted you hacked.

But whatever dude, go ahead and claim "elite" status based off of old stats you obtained while hacking. No skin off my back.
In his own mind , hack/cheese equal to "elite" left right left right loop + drifter ar ha what a "elite" move~
# 629 green225 @ 09/19/13 12:23 AM
Originally Posted by Mrleaderboards
Why ***ume and not give me the benefit of the doubt? Why would i come on here and risk looking like a fool, and destroying my reputation in the gaming community to look good for operation sports?

Men Lie...women lie...numbers don't bruh.
if anything, you should wanna destroy your reputation, because all your known for here, is being a hack. maybe one day you'll learn how to play real crew ball.
# 630 GradyMac @ 09/22/13 03:52 PM
..still waiting for info on next gen.
# 631 Dmac1991 @ 09/22/13 04:16 PM
Im just laughing at this dude MrLeaderboards who claims he's so elite but in that vid of himself in his sig, he's using his camera phone to record. Elite my dude E L I T E ! ! !

# 632 green225 @ 09/24/13 01:21 AM
pnp speaking the truth. by the way, my team was legit, and finished ranked 26th. though on ps3 we didn't have to deal with crazy hacks, we just had to deal with the "yo bych sucked our crew dikk hoe" uncapped people.
# 633 Jrocc23 @ 09/24/13 02:05 AM
Originally Posted by kingpnp3
i dare anyone to show me they were ranked high in the old crew rankings and they had a crew full of normal sized players for their position and didnt have any PED players(boosted stats). its not happening.
My Crew was 100% legit. I don't know what you consider "ranked high" but we was in the 30s. You can check a quick vid and see we was all normal height and all capped. It actually was a few crews who were ranked high and legit. Now, Top 10, I doubt any were legit. If you were about to win, expect to get lagged out.

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# 634 Jrocc23 @ 09/24/13 02:18 AM
Also, I don't respect the way Leaderboards was hacked and how his crew played at all. But he wasn't a scrub. Like I said before, you know what players that can play and know 2K by the stuff they do on the court and you also know who the bums is even if they win because of their hacks. He's good, but I just don't respect anyone that hacks a game man. I just wanna play ball. I don't care about the "cheese" vs "Sim" arguments. Just play ball w/o exploiting the game.

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# 635 Jrocc23 @ 09/24/13 04:57 AM
Man, what are you talking about lol? How am I lying? And I'm not defending Leaderboards at all, he is a cheater. I'm not about to even go into a full response smh.

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk
# 636 iimrampage28 @ 09/24/13 10:44 AM
Bash....bash bash......bashful bashfully bashing a hacker......I feel so much better about myself now. This is way more entertaining than the history course I'm sitting in right now. nah really though. I played enough crew to know that people like this guy are the ones who had the Obamas, crew coach or the little white kid with the big *** head. He's going to defend himself against whatever insult we have to throw at him. He may be good or he may be a uncapped hotspot shooter...the bigger issue is that we'll never know because the style of crew that we know and love is gone and those of us who never played against him will never get to see he extent of his exploits. Thank you mr leaderboards for "coming down off of mt Olympus" as u said...u just showed me why we lost crew in the first place.

And u forgot 1% in your last post of assumed numbers my dude.....just saying

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# 637 MarvinOida @ 09/24/13 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by iimrampage28
Bash....bash bash......bashful bashfully bashing a hacker......I feel so much better about myself now. This is way more entertaining than the history course I'm sitting in right now. nah really though. I played enough crew to know that people like this guy are the ones who had the Obamas, crew coach or the little white kid with the big *** head. He's going to defend himself against whatever insult we have to throw at him. He may be good or he may be a uncapped hotspot shooter...the bigger issue is that we'll never know because the style of crew that we know and love is gone and those of us who never played against him will never get to see he extent of his exploits. Thank you mr leaderboards for "coming down off of mt Olympus" as u said...u just showed me why we lost crew in the first place.

And u forgot 1% in your last post of assumed numbers my dude.....just saying

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CF guys are fine, I loved using Nat Marrinson (kid) as Justin Bieber for 2K11. But who we arguing about, He's the Uncapped guy we don't like. We didn't lose crew cause of CF mods, we lost it because hackers, crappy servers, and exploits from nearly everyone, don't care if you try to justify yourself to not exploit, but at least one guy in your Crew would try just to win. Ego-based people, who only cared about winning and would go to an extend for what they wanted and wouldn't matter.

And yeah, 98+1=99.

Tap Tap Tapatalking away from my iPhone
# 638 iimrampage28 @ 09/24/13 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by Mrleaderboards
Marv, please proof read before joining the other 98%...thank you....How do you know you don't "Like me"? I'm not here to be liked, accepted, or be any ones friend. I'm here to state facts, and help folks that want to be helped. You can sit here and jump the bandwagon on who's play style is more sim, or who plays fair & honest, but in the end it doesnt matter. It's all about competition to me. Either you're good, or you arent...anything else doesnt matter to me.

Oh yeah, to the KID in history class...Lets do a quick history lesson. Since you're in school, and judging from your response, you're still a little kid, so i wont hurt your feelings too bad, but honestly i faced more little pricks like you
who wind up using these mods, and cheat to win more than anything i've ever experienced playing 2k. All these little post nasal drip/whining/complaining little kids used to come into my xbox live party and cry about how i just kicked their ***, even though they came in the game with giant *** myplayers, or who shot a million 3 pointers with their hot-spotted myplayers.

I think you got me messed up...I'm nice...i can play without a cyberface myplayer and do work. Hell, in 2k13 there are no cyberfaces online, and i put in work on that crappy blacktop mode, although i will never fully embrace that game, it is what it is.

You can Bash Bash Bash Bash all you want, it just shows how immature you are, and are probably one of the main reasons crew mode is not back to the way it used to be.
First of all, my bashing comment was a simple joke like i said I was in history(I'm in composition now btw) and not entertained. Second, a COURSE = COLLEGE and if my response isn't typed perfect oh well I'm a computer engineering major not an English one. I'm typing like the young man that I carry myself as so don't try and spare my feelings, and no I didn't use mods cause I refused to lower myself to the standard of those who couldn't win with legit 99 my players. If I did play you and you played straight up I'd give you a GG message but if you "cheesed" or "did WHATEVER it took to win" then you'd get no respect which you don't care about anyway obviously. It's easy to say you put in work on blacktop and I bet you were one of the guys who took euro step/drifting two pointers that worked 90% of the time. I don't see how it would be my fault crew would go away when I personally played my games straight up. Also if you can play without cyber faced uncapped players then why did you start hacking in the first place?

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# 639 MarvinOida @ 09/24/13 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by Mrleaderboards
Marv, please proof read before joining the other 98%...thank you....How do you know you don't "Like me"? I'm not here to be liked, accepted, or be any ones friend. I'm here to state facts, and help folks that want to be helped. You can sit here and jump the bandwagon on who's play style is more sim, or who plays fair & honest, but in the end it doesnt matter. It's all about competition to me. Either you're good, or you arent...anything else doesnt matter to me.

Oh yeah, to the KID in history class...Lets do a quick history lesson. Since you're in school, and judging from your response, you're still a little kid, so i wont hurt your feelings too bad, but honestly i faced more little pricks like you
who wind up using these mods, and cheat to win more than anything i've ever experienced playing 2k. All these little post nasal drip/whining/complaining little kids used to come into my xbox live party and cry about how i just kicked their ***, even though they came in the game with giant *** myplayers, or who shot a million 3 pointers with their hot-spotted myplayers.

I think you got me messed up...I'm nice...i can play without a cyberface myplayer and do work. Hell, in 2k13 there are no cyberfaces online, and i put in work on that crappy blacktop mode, although i will never fully embrace that game, it is what it is.

You can Bash Bash Bash Bash all you want, it just shows how immature you are, and are probably one of the main reasons crew mode is not back to the way it used to be.
If you're going to go technical, you're not 1%. You're more in like >1%. Everyone doesn't care what you say you're known and established as a guy who exploits/cheats to win. Which is fine and dandy but again, CHEATS.

Tap Tap Tapatalking away from my iPhone
# 640 green225 @ 09/24/13 03:48 PM
you would think that with all the novels banned from the leaderboards has typed up, he'd be able to at least convert one person to his way of thinking, hasn't happened yet though. i give him credit for cutting all these heel promos though. the wait for next gen begins... better have crew.

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