
NBA 2K14 Features Crew Mode - 3-on-3 or 5-on-5

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Old 09-24-2013, 04:51 AM   #729
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Re: NBA 2K14 Features Crew Mode - 3-on-3 or 5-on-5

Originally Posted by Jrocc23
Also, I don't respect the way Leaderboards was hacked and how his crew played at all. But he wasn't a scrub. Like I said before, you know what players that can play and know 2K by the stuff they do on the court and you also know who the bums is even if they win because of their hacks. He's good, but I just don't respect anyone that hacks a game man. I just wanna play ball. I don't care about the "cheese" vs "Sim" arguments. Just play ball w/o exploiting the game.

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they cant play ball without exploits. your ultimate goal is to have FUN and compete. and may the best man win. their goal is different. its one goal. WIN at all costs. cheat, abuse exploits. boost your guy(before the regulars knew how to pull this off). they said they didnt have oversized people.
You're lying. i aint buying it.

you do realized oversized doesnt just mean 8'5 guys.

it means a 7'2 guy that is as fast as derek rose, with cp3 handles, and a ray allen jumpshot, + lebron athleticism. with KG defense.

all at the tender height of 7'0 feet +

i know what move he was doing. he found the glitch to do the spin dunk where it was virtually unstoppable. because it kicks in an animation that the defense couldnt bother. see the best 2k players know all the isues 2k has with the animations. they already know what button will force a bad animation even when its not in the context of real hoop. they will abuse that fact. thats why i always said. i liked the idea of nba live(real physics)> now we know they didnt do a good job of implemented everything so they had to keep canceling. but if 2k ever went that route correctly. say bye bye to most of the cheesers/exploit abusers.
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Old 09-24-2013, 04:57 AM   #730
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Re: NBA 2K14 Features Crew Mode - 3-on-3 or 5-on-5

Man, what are you talking about lol? How am I lying? And I'm not defending Leaderboards at all, he is a cheater. I'm not about to even go into a full response smh.

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Old 09-24-2013, 08:37 AM   #731
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Re: NBA 2K14 Features Crew Mode - 3-on-3 or 5-on-5

Originally Posted by kingpnp3
they cant play ball without exploits. your ultimate goal is to have FUN and compete. and may the best man win. their goal is different. its one goal. WIN at all costs. cheat, abuse exploits. boost your guy(before the regulars knew how to pull this off). they said they didnt have oversized people.
You're lying. i aint buying it.

you do realized oversized doesnt just mean 8'5 guys.

it means a 7'2 guy that is as fast as derek rose, with cp3 handles, and a ray allen jumpshot, + lebron athleticism. with KG defense.

all at the tender height of 7'0 feet +

i know what move he was doing. he found the glitch to do the spin dunk where it was virtually unstoppable. because it kicks in an animation that the defense couldnt bother. see the best 2k players know all the isues 2k has with the animations. they already know what button will force a bad animation even when its not in the context of real hoop. they will abuse that fact. thats why i always said. i liked the idea of nba live(real physics)> now we know they didnt do a good job of implemented everything so they had to keep canceling. but if 2k ever went that route correctly. say bye bye to most of the cheesers/exploit abusers.
So you admit that I'm nice? heh....you guys are funny on this forum. Btw jrocc and BEasy20, and a few other goofies on here, you would swear i was the worse 2k player ever. I refuse to defend myself over silly comments that none of you know what you're talking about. Say what you like. Call Me what you want, but blowing out my candle does NOT MAKE ANY OF YOU SHINE BRIGHTER!!!

I dont know where some of you get this insane idea that us folks have to play the same way just because you do.

You and 98% of this forum and you can count in the average 2k Sports gamer, go and get NBA 2K every year and think, "Hey, I cant wait to play this game to have fun, and play with my friends"

Then there's the 1% of you who take the time to see whats under 2K's hood and spend your time editing rosters, sliders,accessories and have found aniche in 2k's community and thats well respected as well. Kudo's to you my friends.

Then, whats left.......

People like myself see the game differently..... sort of like....

and it's ok if you regular folks don't get it...it's cool. You're not supposed to.

So live in your fantasy world where everyone plays the same way you do. Where everyone abides by the same Imaginary, unwritten,unspoken Online "House Rules" that everyone you meet online should play by. Keep believing because people are higher ranked than you, that they cheat to win...Keep believing that they aren't just BETTER THAN YOU at the game.

You know why? because it helps you sleep better. It helps this world more when you can place blame on others for your lack of understanding. Your lack of commitment to get better. Putting faith that top rank people are where they are at because they must have cheated the game, or hacked their way to the top is what makes sense to the uninitiated.

So if bashing me is what ya'll need to do to feel better about your self esteem....go right ahead. Knock yourself out. But remember. This is an online community. We're supposed to be here for one thing, and one thing only. Sports video games, and talking about ways to help each other out and make the overall product get better. Pointing fingers and ganging up on people is no different than bullying on the streets. So before you go ahead and start Cliquing up on folks on here, learn how to ADJUST your game and be willing to take losses and learn from them so that you're better prepared the next time you face something similar instead of running and crying to online social platforms to say you got cheated instead of taking the time to get better.

End Rant~
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Old 09-24-2013, 10:44 AM   #732
iimrampage28's Arena
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Bash....bash bash......bashful bashfully bashing a hacker......I feel so much better about myself now. This is way more entertaining than the history course I'm sitting in right now. nah really though. I played enough crew to know that people like this guy are the ones who had the Obamas, crew coach or the little white kid with the big *** head. He's going to defend himself against whatever insult we have to throw at him. He may be good or he may be a uncapped hotspot shooter...the bigger issue is that we'll never know because the style of crew that we know and love is gone and those of us who never played against him will never get to see he extent of his exploits. Thank you mr leaderboards for "coming down off of mt Olympus" as u said...u just showed me why we lost crew in the first place.

And u forgot 1% in your last post of assumed numbers my dude.....just saying

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Last edited by iimrampage28; 09-24-2013 at 10:49 AM.
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Old 09-24-2013, 11:18 AM   #733
MarvinOida's Arena
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NBA 2K14 Features Crew Mode - 3-on-3 or 5-on-5

Originally Posted by iimrampage28
Bash....bash bash......bashful bashfully bashing a hacker......I feel so much better about myself now. This is way more entertaining than the history course I'm sitting in right now. nah really though. I played enough crew to know that people like this guy are the ones who had the Obamas, crew coach or the little white kid with the big *** head. He's going to defend himself against whatever insult we have to throw at him. He may be good or he may be a uncapped hotspot shooter...the bigger issue is that we'll never know because the style of crew that we know and love is gone and those of us who never played against him will never get to see he extent of his exploits. Thank you mr leaderboards for "coming down off of mt Olympus" as u said...u just showed me why we lost crew in the first place.

And u forgot 1% in your last post of assumed numbers my dude.....just saying

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CF guys are fine, I loved using Nat Marrinson (kid) as Justin Bieber for 2K11. But who we arguing about, He's the Uncapped guy we don't like. We didn't lose crew cause of CF mods, we lost it because hackers, crappy servers, and exploits from nearly everyone, don't care if you try to justify yourself to not exploit, but at least one guy in your Crew would try just to win. Ego-based people, who only cared about winning and would go to an extend for what they wanted and wouldn't matter.

And yeah, 98+1=99.

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Old 09-24-2013, 11:40 AM   #734
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Re: NBA 2K14 Features Crew Mode - 3-on-3 or 5-on-5

Originally Posted by MarvinOida
CF guys are fine, I loved using Nat Marrinson (kid) as Justin Bieber for 2K11. But who we arguing about, He's the Uncapped guy we don't like. We didn't lose crew cause of CF mods, we lost it because hackers, crappy servers, and exploits from nearly everyone, don't care if you try to justify yourself to not exploit, but at least one guy in your Crew would try just to win. Ego-based people, who only cared about winning and would go to an extend for what they wanted and wouldn't matter.

And yeah, 98+1=99.

Tap Tap Tapatalking away from my iPhone
Marv, please proof read before joining the other 98%...thank you....How do you know you don't "Like me"? I'm not here to be liked, accepted, or be any ones friend. I'm here to state facts, and help folks that want to be helped. You can sit here and jump the bandwagon on who's play style is more sim, or who plays fair & honest, but in the end it doesnt matter. It's all about competition to me. Either you're good, or you arent...anything else doesnt matter to me.

Oh yeah, to the KID in history class...Lets do a quick history lesson. Since you're in school, and judging from your response, you're still a little kid, so i wont hurt your feelings too bad, but honestly i faced more little pricks like you
who wind up using these mods, and cheat to win more than anything i've ever experienced playing 2k. All these little post nasal drip/whining/complaining little kids used to come into my xbox live party and cry about how i just kicked their ***, even though they came in the game with giant *** myplayers, or who shot a million 3 pointers with their hot-spotted myplayers.

I think you got me messed up...I'm nice...i can play without a cyberface myplayer and do work. Hell, in 2k13 there are no cyberfaces online, and i put in work on that crappy blacktop mode, although i will never fully embrace that game, it is what it is.

You can Bash Bash Bash Bash all you want, it just shows how immature you are, and are probably one of the main reasons crew mode is not back to the way it used to be.

Last edited by Mrleaderboards; 09-24-2013 at 11:47 AM.
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Old 09-24-2013, 02:00 PM   #735
iimrampage28's Arena
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Originally Posted by Mrleaderboards
Marv, please proof read before joining the other 98%...thank you....How do you know you don't "Like me"? I'm not here to be liked, accepted, or be any ones friend. I'm here to state facts, and help folks that want to be helped. You can sit here and jump the bandwagon on who's play style is more sim, or who plays fair & honest, but in the end it doesnt matter. It's all about competition to me. Either you're good, or you arent...anything else doesnt matter to me.

Oh yeah, to the KID in history class...Lets do a quick history lesson. Since you're in school, and judging from your response, you're still a little kid, so i wont hurt your feelings too bad, but honestly i faced more little pricks like you
who wind up using these mods, and cheat to win more than anything i've ever experienced playing 2k. All these little post nasal drip/whining/complaining little kids used to come into my xbox live party and cry about how i just kicked their ***, even though they came in the game with giant *** myplayers, or who shot a million 3 pointers with their hot-spotted myplayers.

I think you got me messed up...I'm nice...i can play without a cyberface myplayer and do work. Hell, in 2k13 there are no cyberfaces online, and i put in work on that crappy blacktop mode, although i will never fully embrace that game, it is what it is.

You can Bash Bash Bash Bash all you want, it just shows how immature you are, and are probably one of the main reasons crew mode is not back to the way it used to be.
First of all, my bashing comment was a simple joke like i said I was in history(I'm in composition now btw) and not entertained. Second, a COURSE = COLLEGE and if my response isn't typed perfect oh well I'm a computer engineering major not an English one. I'm typing like the young man that I carry myself as so don't try and spare my feelings, and no I didn't use mods cause I refused to lower myself to the standard of those who couldn't win with legit 99 my players. If I did play you and you played straight up I'd give you a GG message but if you "cheesed" or "did WHATEVER it took to win" then you'd get no respect which you don't care about anyway obviously. It's easy to say you put in work on blacktop and I bet you were one of the guys who took euro step/drifting two pointers that worked 90% of the time. I don't see how it would be my fault crew would go away when I personally played my games straight up. Also if you can play without cyber faced uncapped players then why did you start hacking in the first place?

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Last edited by iimrampage28; 09-24-2013 at 02:08 PM.
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Old 09-24-2013, 03:42 PM   #736
MarvinOida's Arena
OVR: 20
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Re: NBA 2K14 Features Crew Mode - 3-on-3 or 5-on-5

Originally Posted by Mrleaderboards
Marv, please proof read before joining the other 98%...thank you....How do you know you don't "Like me"? I'm not here to be liked, accepted, or be any ones friend. I'm here to state facts, and help folks that want to be helped. You can sit here and jump the bandwagon on who's play style is more sim, or who plays fair & honest, but in the end it doesnt matter. It's all about competition to me. Either you're good, or you arent...anything else doesnt matter to me.

Oh yeah, to the KID in history class...Lets do a quick history lesson. Since you're in school, and judging from your response, you're still a little kid, so i wont hurt your feelings too bad, but honestly i faced more little pricks like you
who wind up using these mods, and cheat to win more than anything i've ever experienced playing 2k. All these little post nasal drip/whining/complaining little kids used to come into my xbox live party and cry about how i just kicked their ***, even though they came in the game with giant *** myplayers, or who shot a million 3 pointers with their hot-spotted myplayers.

I think you got me messed up...I'm nice...i can play without a cyberface myplayer and do work. Hell, in 2k13 there are no cyberfaces online, and i put in work on that crappy blacktop mode, although i will never fully embrace that game, it is what it is.

You can Bash Bash Bash Bash all you want, it just shows how immature you are, and are probably one of the main reasons crew mode is not back to the way it used to be.
If you're going to go technical, you're not 1%. You're more in like >1%. Everyone doesn't care what you say you're known and established as a guy who exploits/cheats to win. Which is fine and dandy but again, CHEATS.

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