
NBA 2K14 Features Crew Mode - 3-on-3 or 5-on-5

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Old 09-17-2013, 08:38 AM   #705
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Re: NBA 2K14 Features Crew Mode - 3-on-3 or 5-on-5

Ouch, i could actually feel braincells dying while reading Mrleaderboards posts. I'm gonna go ahead and hope he's no older than 15. Basketball is a TEAM sport my friend, doing the little things is at least as important as putting the ball in the basket.

As a big man i have no problem playing defense, getting rebounds, setting screens and only scoring on putbacks and the occasional open mid range jumper. You call it dumb, i call it basketball.

It goes for any position really. Play defense, rebound and pass until there's an open shot, it's that simple.

Btw only a knucklehead cares about your standings, like the other guy said all those top crews were hackers, cheesers and simply people who played thousands of games. Whenever i played one of those top crews all they did was hopstep dunk, spin dunk, eurostep, corner three, draw charges, and so on... It was basically just boring, pathetic and annoying. I was invited on some top 10 crews too, but i left them after 5-10 games because i didn't want any part of it. The ridiculous amounts of cheese i witnessed there made me sick.
DISCLAIMER: low quality video, not suited for snobby eyes MyCAREER Power Forward MIX - 2k13

P.S. I wish all superstar/-team abusers and cheesers a bad day for ruining MyTeam.
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Old 09-17-2013, 11:10 AM   #706
ViolenceFight's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K14 Features Crew Mode - 3-on-3 or 5-on-5

Originally Posted by OkayC
Im glad that your hyped. But to be honest,no one here really liked blacktop that much. Why would we enjoy this?
Hi there, Albino Kemp, Don't believe we've met. *Extends a hand*.

Granted, I'm the minority here and I know it. But you sound like me with the sweeping generalization(That's gimmick infringement, brother. Next thing you know you'll start talking like Hulk Hogan in every post and steal my Freestyle Online Street Basketball forum gimmick from back in the day. LOL).

Seriously though, I bet there's a lot more blacktop guys on here than you think, they just don't post because almost all the threads revolve around sim play. There's nothing wrong with that, either, I'm just pointing out the obvious. I believe my old blacktop thread from a few months back hit about 5 pages. That's enough to show you that there are people around here who enjoy it a little bit.

Playful chiding aside, I'm hype for this just because my typical 3-man crew(We actually have a group of about 10 that are randomly online, but the core is me and 2 other guys who are always one) have no way to track our wins/losses as a group. We have no real way to track our stats either, and that upsets me. I'd really like to know how many points I average a game, as well as rebounds(Being a big man, that's my $$$$ stat that I care about more than scoring). I'm sure we'll do 5v5, but at least I know that if we stick to 3 on 3 we can still compete for those leaderboard rankings, because I can easily speak for the homies when I say we all want to know where we actually stand in terms of skill and teamwork.
Female Russell Westbrook.

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Old 09-17-2013, 03:08 PM   #707
Matayeus's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K14 Features Crew Mode - 3-on-3 or 5-on-5

Originally Posted by ViolenceFight
Hi there, Albino Kemp, Don't believe we've met. *Extends a hand*.

Granted, I'm the minority here and I know it. But you sound like me with the sweeping generalization(That's gimmick infringement, brother. Next thing you know you'll start talking like Hulk Hogan in every post and steal my Freestyle Online Street Basketball forum gimmick from back in the day. LOL).

Seriously though, I bet there's a lot more blacktop guys on here than you think, they just don't post because almost all the threads revolve around sim play. There's nothing wrong with that, either, I'm just pointing out the obvious. I believe my old blacktop thread from a few months back hit about 5 pages. That's enough to show you that there are people around here who enjoy it a little bit.

Playful chiding aside, I'm hype for this just because my typical 3-man crew(We actually have a group of about 10 that are randomly online, but the core is me and 2 other guys who are always one) have no way to track our wins/losses as a group. We have no real way to track our stats either, and that upsets me. I'd really like to know how many points I average a game, as well as rebounds(Being a big man, that's my $$$$ stat that I care about more than scoring). I'm sure we'll do 5v5, but at least I know that if we stick to 3 on 3 we can still compete for those leaderboard rankings, because I can easily speak for the homies when I say we all want to know where we actually stand in terms of skill and teamwork.
totally respect that but let me ask you a question

You and your boys who you usually run blacktop with, would you rather play a half court game of 3v3 to 21 or pick up 2 CPU and run a 5v5 full court 4 quarter game (in an arena) like you see in the Nba , the league this game is made based on ?
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Old 09-17-2013, 03:34 PM   #708
OkayC's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K14 Features Crew Mode - 3-on-3 or 5-on-5

Originally Posted by ViolenceFight
Hi there, Albino Kemp, Don't believe we've met. *Extends a hand*.

Granted, I'm the minority here and I know it. But you sound like me with the sweeping generalization(That's gimmick infringement, brother. Next thing you know you'll start talking like Hulk Hogan in every post and steal my Freestyle Online Street Basketball forum gimmick from back in the day. LOL).

Seriously though, I bet there's a lot more blacktop guys on here than you think, they just don't post because almost all the threads revolve around sim play. There's nothing wrong with that, either, I'm just pointing out the obvious. I believe my old blacktop thread from a few months back hit about 5 pages. That's enough to show you that there are people around here who enjoy it a little bit.

Playful chiding aside, I'm hype for this just because my typical 3-man crew(We actually have a group of about 10 that are randomly online, but the core is me and 2 other guys who are always one) have no way to track our wins/losses as a group. We have no real way to track our stats either, and that upsets me. I'd really like to know how many points I average a game, as well as rebounds(Being a big man, that's my $$$$ stat that I care about more than scoring). I'm sure we'll do 5v5, but at least I know that if we stick to 3 on 3 we can still compete for those leaderboard rankings, because I can easily speak for the homies when I say we all want to know where we actually stand in terms of skill and teamwork.
Hey dude, im just saying. Im glad that someone enjoyed it, really i am. But alot of people on here at least acted like they didn't like blacktop, and acted as if they didnt play it, passed a few games here or there maybe. Why would the majority of us like this blacktop 2.0. Maybe if we get more people from the forum to play with each other, it might be a different story. Otherwise...
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Old 09-17-2013, 05:47 PM   #709
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Re: NBA 2K14 Features Crew Mode - 3-on-3 or 5-on-5

everytime i read a mrleaderboards post, i cringe. this is the type of dude to lose a game, and say "well at least i got 40". people with that mentality wouldn't last in my crew.
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Old 09-17-2013, 07:10 PM   #710
ViolenceFight's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K14 Features Crew Mode - 3-on-3 or 5-on-5

Originally Posted by Matayeus
totally respect that but let me ask you a question

You and your boys who you usually run blacktop with, would you rather play a half court game of 3v3 to 21 or pick up 2 CPU and run a 5v5 full court 4 quarter game (in an arena) like you see in the Nba , the league this game is made based on ?
Honestly, right now I'd rather just play the game sir. I'm not here to completely bash a mode before playing it, and while I did not play 2k11 to experience the crew mode there, I did play Team-Up which is along the lines of it. It's extremely fun, and I would love a mode like that with MyPlayers and I can totally see the appeal that the 2k11 mode has to everyone. The thing is this, I'll take what I can get right now. I honestly believe the intention was to run black top's 3 on 3 with actual stat tracking and "Clans" so to speak for this game. The only reason 5 on 5 was added was because of the guys at the meet-up complaining because 3 on 3 is not crew mode.

...Had they not used the word "Crew", and instead referred to it as a clan system, or a pick up team system for black top...no one would have thrown a fit like this. So now, because they can't have the team-up guys talking bad about the game because they tried to associate a word with this 3 on 3 mode that is so heavily revered by the community, they had to hack in 5 on 5 so that they could appease them.

Actually, after the thought I just gave it, the blame is totally misplaced in this case. 2k should have known better than to use the word "Crew" without 5 on 5 being worked in to begin with, I'll totally agree to that point. BUT, and this is a HUGE BUT, Had the guys not cried about it not being 5 on 5, they wouldn't have hacked in a black top game to 21 that is 5 on 5. It would've stayed 3 on 3 with stat tracking and teams. The whole reason it's to 21 is probably because it was NEVER meant to be 5 on 5 like this, and it was only hacked in after the fact to appease the guys on youtube who are the hype men that have been chosen by 2k to play it early so they didn't get bad publicity.

ALL of this happened over one stupid word, and one PR faux paux, and now everyone is backlashing because it's not what they expected when it was never intended to be what they expected in the first place.

And for the record, I'm not really trying to defend 2k here at all. I just thought this up after logically assessing why this mode is only to 21 and not 4 quarters and these are the reasons I came up with. 2k stuck it's foot in it's mouth by referring to this as any variation on the word crew from the get go.
Female Russell Westbrook.

PSN: ViolenceFight
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Old 09-18-2013, 12:45 AM   #711
GradyMac's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K14 Features Crew Mode - 3-on-3 or 5-on-5

Lol at the "we lost but I still got 40" comment.

I am looking forward to this mode. Only thing is I wish they would have went with timed qtrs. last second game winners are fun (whether you made the pass, helped get the last stop, or actually hit the shot).

That will be missing in games to 21. But I am not about to totally kill a mode before I have even played it.
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Old 09-18-2013, 01:48 AM   #712
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Re: NBA 2K14 Features Crew Mode - 3-on-3 or 5-on-5

Originally Posted by green225
everytime i read a mrleaderboards post, i cringe. this is the type of dude to lose a game, and say "well at least i got 40". people with that mentality wouldn't last in my crew.
lol.......@me losing....anyways...1st off, im an elite player so i would never be caught dead in your crew...second, why is it that all of you think because i come from mount olympus to chat with the mortals that all of a sudden you have the right to think we're on the same level???

1st lesson in life:Life isnt fair

No matter what anyone says, I'm nice at 2k...call it being confident, call it whatever you like, but I'm so tired of hearing of hearing you guys bitch and moan about "he only cares about stats" Or "He doesnt play sim" or my favorite "He's a hack, so he cant be any good". Ok i get it....

you want to know my secret why some of you will never be great at 2k?

here it is: Yall dont know how to adjust to all styles of gameplay. Sim, exploiters, stand dunkers, hop steppers, spin dunkers, pump fake to foul abusers, euro-step 3 Glitchers...all of that stuff that you say people like myself do....its part of the game...people like me are unpaid game testers...I play 2 to win...point blank period. So when i start to mess around with the game i want to find out every dribble move, every jumpshot, what the fastest release is for a shot, what the best dribble combinations are, what floaters, drifters are most effective, what moves when combined are overpowered....all to say this....so that when i do come across someone who does start to abuse me with one money play, or try to cheese me with certain moves, i can counter and let my opponent know what time it is, and that if they plan on doing move A, i'll counter that and hit them with move B.....to me its all strategy. There are those of you who dont play competitively and give up, or just whine and complain when you meet people using these tactics. I say learn to play against every type of player so that you're never caught off guard and can counter your opponents strategy. Its really simple to be honest.

I know for sure 99% of you will just disregard what i say anyways, because thats what yall do, but for the 1% of you who do, you'll thank me later.
2K has been, and will always be sim basketball, and if you find out how to counter cheese, and other tactics, you'll always be one step ahead of the competition. Like my man the Czar says:Stop playing Videogames, Play Basketball BabY!!!
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