NBA Live 14 News Post

Earlier today the NBA Live 14 team hosted a Twitter chat with Gameplay Designer, Scott O'Gallagher and Executive Producer, Sean O'Brien.

It's still too early for the team to show any 5 on 5 gameplay footage, but they plan on showing it off later this summer, along with the full feature set of gameplay modes.

We didn't expect too much from the chat, but quite a bit of information was revealed. Below are some more relevant details that came from the chat.
  • Team specific playbooks, team specific defenses
  • A.I. will be driven by real world data with CourtQ
  • Shot percentages determined by different contest levels
  • Fatigue will affect player speed and performance
  • Player accessories and player likeness will remain in lockstep daily and throughout the year
  • The Ignite Engine will improve animation quality, physics and fluidity
  • You can get dunked on and see various animations, none of the animations are canned
  • Full featured title
  • 5 on 5 gameplay will be shown in the summer, along with the full list of game modes
  • Xbox One and PS4 exclusive
  • Crowds will have more animation, logic and Gen 4 graphics for more realism
  • You can block dunks
  • Dunk packages are in
  • Authentic arenas, ESPN TV presentation
  • New locomotion systems results in authentic movement
  • Yes, you will be able to call in-bound plays
  • NBA Live 14 will feature legends
  • There will be all types of put-backs
  • We have the #1 ESPN NBA team, and a surprise coming later
  • Sliders are in
  • 40 players with signature moves, plus packages (Melo confirmed)
  • Authenticity is the biggest emphasis on the game, along with everything at the team level - i.e. styles of play, coaches etc.

Game: NBA Live 14Reader Score: 4/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 17 - View All
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Member Comments
# 101 JasonMartin @ 07/25/13 03:29 PM
Amazing to read what EA wants to accomplish.

Just by reading the OP I can see they have been reading the forums and know what 2K was doing wrong. These are all solutions 2K should have implemented into their game which they didn't bother to do.
# 102 theycallmeZZ @ 07/26/13 07:56 PM
And it'll cook your dinner for you as well as breakfast in bed in the morning!

Sorry, it sounds like all talk, and until they show us some more videos, more some dev videos like 2k does, I'll be... cautiously optimistic.
# 103 raiderphantom @ 07/27/13 08:32 PM
No current gen game? Well I guess I missed thst somewhere along the way. I was looking forward to getting 2 bball games!!
# 104 thedream2k13 @ 07/28/13 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by DonWuan
Block shots with everything besides hands lol.

I need something a little different from 2k. Im hoping if the mentioned features are done right, we might have something to look forward to in the future. I just hope it will be a great base and decent start.

I havent played something I would consider sim since 2k10 and Live 10.
Live ball means ball reacts with EVERYTHING not just hands just like RL. You guys today arent ready for a REAL live bball
# 105 youvalss @ 07/28/13 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by thedream2k13
Live ball means ball reacts with EVERYTHING not just hands just like RL. You guys today arent ready for a REAL live bball
I'm not sure if it's gamers that aren't ready. I think it's more of the way games are played today. I don't think we can handle 100% live ball, until we actually get into suit - and play the game using our arms, hands and legs and feet - as well as looking anywhere we turn our head.

I'm curious to see to what degree Live has this live ball feature. But I'm pretty sure that it won't be 100% live ball, since there is no way to handle it today.
# 106 youssefmeskin @ 07/28/13 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by youvalss
get into suit - and play the game using our arms, hands and legs and feet - as well as looking anywhere we turn our head
I have always dreamed of that lol
# 107 Kashanova @ 07/29/13 01:26 PM
My problem with EA is all these gimmicks. This is like Live 10 all over again
# 108 TUSS11 @ 07/29/13 07:38 PM
Team specific defenses and playbooks are gimmicks?
# 109 Boilerbuzz @ 07/29/13 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by TUSS11
Team specific defenses and playbooks are gimmicks?
I think he's saying the hyping of features that have been hyped before. Real AI/ Synergy/DNA etc...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
# 110 Goffs @ 07/29/13 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by youssefmeskin
I have always dreamed of that lol
Wouldn't it be better just to go play real ball?

I'm all for the live ball physics but it will turn off the ******s...
# 111 youvalss @ 07/29/13 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by Goffs
Wouldn't it be better just to go play real ball?
If you play in the NBA, sure. Not talking about going out and playing with our abilities/our people. It's about playing in the NBA. At least, for me.

How our abilities will be tied to this kind of a suit in the future, is beyond me, though.
# 112 youssefmeskin @ 07/30/13 02:09 AM
Originally Posted by youvalss
If you play in the NBA, sure. Not talking about going out and playing with our abilities/our people. It's about playing in the NBA. At least, for me.

How our abilities will be tied to this kind of a suit in the future, is beyond me, though.
Yeah exactly, cause I play basketball but the difference is I suck big time lol
# 113 ScholarSTABBING @ 07/31/13 05:14 AM
Team-specific defenses huh? Nice. Live may be good again for the first time in forever.
# 114 Boilerbuzz @ 07/31/13 09:10 AM
Originally Posted by ScholarSTABBING
Team-specific defenses huh? Nice. Live may be good again for the first time in forever.
Because the lack of team defenses was the main problem before?
# 115 P-Dub @ 07/31/13 09:51 AM
We won't need a suit with Kinect 10 and holo-projecting displays porting us IN the game.
# 116 JibberSkin @ 07/31/13 09:57 AM
All I can say to this thread is:
# 117 GradyMac @ 09/07/13 08:34 PM
"5 on 5 gameplay will be shown in the summer, along with the full list of game modes"
-Umm did I miss the 5v5 gameplay that was shown in the summer. It is Sept. 7th; maybe I missed it?
# 118 nick_sr @ 09/07/13 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by GradyMac
"5 on 5 gameplay will be shown in the summer, along with the full list of game modes"
-Umm did I miss the 5v5 gameplay that was shown in the summer. It is Sept. 7th; maybe I missed it?
still about two weeks of summer left
# 119 youvalss @ 09/07/13 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by nick_sr
still about two weeks of summer left

I'm curious to see how/if the marketing of each game will be affected by the other. It's been too long, I forgot what it's like when 2 games are being promoted at the same time. Must be great!
# 120 nick_sr @ 09/07/13 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by youvalss

I'm curious to see how/if the marketing of each game will be affected by the other. It's been too long, I forgot what it's like when 2 games are being promoted at the same time. Must be great!
as I have stated before, ea is doing exactly what they should be doing and that is nothing . lebron is on 2k, 2k will break record sales.

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