MLB 13 The Show News Post

Check out the new MLB 13 The Show gameplay video, featuring the Atlanta Braves and Washington Nationals, as they battle it out in the NLDS (new postseason mode).

Big thanks to chrisjohnson83!!

Game: MLB 13 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3Votes for game: 36 - View All
MLB 13 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 1 sandmac @ 02/27/13 05:52 PM
Dead, dead, dead commentary. Disappointing.
# 2 seanjeezy @ 02/27/13 06:00 PM
Looks like the first baseman still sets up inside on a dropped third strike... Not a big deal but it looks a little odd to see the catcher take a step outside only to throw the ball across the foul line to the inside of the bag.
# 3 etched Chaos @ 02/27/13 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by tonadom
You guys with your commentary. I mean.. The system resources are limited. The software technology ( coding ) for such a thing is limited. What do you expect ?
If the other game can manage it, then you have to expect people to expect the same from The Show.
# 4 sportdan30 @ 02/27/13 06:05 PM
I've been saying this year in and year out. The game looks tremendous and continues to make advancements, except in the broadcast. It's flat out boring sounding and time for Matt V to go....please!!!!! The broadcast continues to hold this game back from near perfection.
# 5 seanjeezy @ 02/27/13 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by tonadom
You guys with your commentary gripes.. I mean.. The system resources are limited. The software technology ( coding ) for such a thing is limited. What do you expect ?

This generation of consoles is not capable of having AI commentators with emotional behavior like they're watching a real game.
Nothing to do with emotion, the amount of dead air is unbearable. Example - Matty V says "The starting lineup for Washington looks like this" at the 7:47 mark, which is followed by dead silence for 12 seconds... Now imagine that after every pitch, it adds up fairly quick. If you're not going to have them talk for 12 seconds, don't have the damn cutscene be that long lol
# 6 woz411 @ 02/27/13 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by tonadom
They don't manage it ( This generation of consoles is not capable of having AI commentators with emotional behavior like they're watching a real game. ), but if you think they do, then alright.
this... And usually the HR call is random... Sometimes I get lots of expression, sometimes none....
# 7 sandmac @ 02/27/13 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by tonadom
You guys with your commentary gripes.. I mean.. The system resources are limited. The software technology ( coding ) for such a thing is limited. What do you expect ?

This generation of consoles is not capable of having AI commentators with emotional behavior like they're watching a real game.
C'mon it's not just dead, it's literally like there is noone in the booth. Or the guys that are there are all on their cellphones, or eating or just not interested. It's horrible.
# 8 RoyalBoyle78 @ 02/27/13 06:14 PM
I don't have an issue with the commentary at all...I sounds real and authentic..I mean really, go listen to a real broadest, sounds dead almost all the time until someone makes a big play anyway..

This isn't football or basketball.
# 9 JustinVerlander35 @ 02/27/13 06:15 PM
I love the gameplay and I think it looks outstanding. But I'm not seeing to much of a difference from a regular game and the Postseason mode. This mode was hyped up to be like something we had never witnessed in a MLB The Show game. Besides a few new camera angles, I can't really tell the difference with the new mode.
# 10 econoodle @ 02/27/13 06:18 PM
Chris, Steve.. thanks.

a plus and a minus.

+ the new osd style is out of this world. sooo much more professional looking. i hope to see a bunch in franchise.

- thats playoff announcing? theres like 30 second bits of time without Lyons or Karros saying anything. and matty v's call on bryces homer? might as well have been a billy butler homer in may.

Might be time to put the commentary engine [?] out to pasture, and start over like madden 13
# 11 crains13 @ 02/27/13 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by sandmac
C'mon it's not just dead, it's literally like there is noone in the booth. Or the guys that are there are all on their cellphones, or eating or just not interested. It's horrible.
You could always get the "other game" if that suits you. Some baseball games are like that, there isn't someone talking every second of the broadcast.
# 12 Picci @ 02/27/13 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by etched Chaos
If the other game can manage it, then you have to expect people to expect the same from The Show.
What the other game has is Thorn. His voice is masterful. Its like "hey, listen to me"! Whether hockey or baseball his voice exhilarates excitement. Kruk and Phillips I could care less about.

Originally Posted by sportdan30
I've been saying this year in and year out. The game looks tremendous and continues to make advancements, except in the broadcast. It's flat out boring sounding and time for Matt V to go....please!!!!! The broadcast continues to hold this game back from near perfection.
Yes its time. Hopefully SCEA will bring in Thorn.
# 13 wozamil @ 02/27/13 06:19 PM
The commentary is a little lacking, but I play my games with a much quicker flow and cut out all that extra stuff and when you do that, the commentary flows much better.
# 14 cnelly4 @ 02/27/13 06:22 PM
Yeah, I have never griped about The Show because it is always amazing, but the commentary is still a bore. Too much dead time between pitches. They brought in Lyons, but you still only hear him maybe once per inning. A homerun in the first inning of a playoff game and Matt treats it like a homerun during BP.
# 15 seanjeezy @ 02/27/13 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by wozamil
The commentary is a little lacking, but I play my games with a much quicker flow and cut out all that extra stuff and when you do that, the commentary flows much better.
That's what I do as well, I just skip the scenes of players standing around since that's usually when the silence occurs.
# 16 econoodle @ 02/27/13 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by tonadom
You guys with your commentary gripes.. I mean.. The system resources are limited. The software technology ( coding ) for such a thing is limited. What do you expect ?

This generation of consoles is not capable of having AI commentators with emotional behavior like they're watching a real game

NBA2k says, wassuuuuuuuuuuuppp!

But be honest, 1 inning of gameplay or not, that was underwhelming as far as commentary.

Crowd sounds on the other hand were nice.
I can imagine during a rally, and your on the mound, the noise sounds like it can rattle the hell out of you.
# 17 Perfect Zero @ 02/27/13 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by econoodle
NBA2k says, wassuuuuuuuuuuuppp!
But even NBA2kX gets repetative. I understand that people want better commentary, I do too. However, we a)aren't going to see that in this generation, and b) are still going to be limited as there isn't constant action on the field. A lot of storytelling goes on during nine inning games that last 162 days out of the season.
# 18 slthree @ 02/27/13 06:28 PM
I'm fine with the commentary in The Show 12 and IF I get 13 I'll live with it again, BUT...

...for anyone to think its a limit of the console I submit to you 2k5 and APF. Doesnt get better than those, and one of them was for an inferior console.

edit:I just realized I compared commentary from 2 football games to a baseball game. I don't know if its harder to implement good commentary in a baseball game
# 19 woz411 @ 02/27/13 06:29 PM
anyway, usually the HR calls have more expression later in the game (in a close game or a walkoff) Seems when i hit it then, it has emotion, since not every HR needs exuberant emotin... Right?
# 20 Rules @ 02/27/13 06:34 PM
Well I definitely love having Matt V. call the game. For PS4 I would like to see them go after this.

NBA 2k does a really outstanding job with their commentary. MLB 2k really sounds great as well. Those are two fantastic examples to learn from.

Yes, the gameplay of the Show is unmatched!!! I love what they have always done and I will continue to support the developers as they are the best in the business. When the PS4 rolls around, I hope to see the commentary get a complete overhaul and the addition of finally adding rain delays, cancellations, double-headers, stadium roofs closing based on this........ALL AS AN OPTION.

Overall even this video has me excited for this year! They are trying folks and I agree I am sure system limitations and time are playing a factor. They took care of priority #1 and that is GAMEPLAY, GRAPHICS, OPTIONS, REALISM. Every year they improve and I'm sure we can't say that about other development teams out there.

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