MLB 13 The Show News Post

Check out the new MLB 13 The Show gameplay video, featuring the Atlanta Braves and Washington Nationals, as they battle it out in the NLDS (new postseason mode).

Big thanks to chrisjohnson83!!

Game: MLB 13 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3Votes for game: 36 - View All
MLB 13 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 81 BSUFAN @ 02/27/13 11:31 PM
Just goes to show how spoiled we have become especially those of us that played Commodore 64 baseball
# 82 JustinVerlander35 @ 02/27/13 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by spike83
I brought this up on page 5 of this thread. Apparently everyone is so intent on railing on the commentary that we may all be missing the bigger picture here...
I didn't notice any stuttering. You know what parts of the video?
# 83 Quentin2011 @ 02/27/13 11:47 PM
I love all the people that are getting angry at other people wanting better commentary. Saying we have become spoiled, lol so are we just supposed to circle jerk the show and forget and forgive all flaws. Also for the people saying we are spoiled go back to playing your old games then.

It is a disappointment the commentary is still terrible. But other than that it looks like another good year to own the Show.
# 84 audbal @ 02/27/13 11:52 PM
The answer to the commentary problem is to hire voice actors. The pros just don't have enough time. A voice actor can become anything you want. That's the great thing about actors, they can pretend! I mean seriously, think of what could be accomplished with an actor.
# 85 CGHitman14 @ 02/27/13 11:59 PM
Originally Posted by slickkill77
Lots of improvements overall but nothing too game changing. I kind of wish we could, at the very least, hear the end of the National Anthem.

I'll echo what everyone else has said, the commentary is a snooze fest. If you really think non boring commentary isn't possible then go watch youtube vids of the other game. We all love The Show, but everyone that's defending the commentary like we're insulting their mothers needs to stop. The "White Knighting" (no pun intended Knight) for The Show on these forums gets really old. Just because people point out a flaw with the game, that doesn't mean that we don't like the game or its developer. We all appreciate the work they put in year in and year out. We also appreciate how active they are responding to us and our concerns. As well as how they work with us to stamp out any flaws the game may have.

With that being said the lack of updates to the commentary year in and year out is a concern. If there is one thing SCEA still struggles with it is the commentary. 2K sports (all their games), Fifa, NHL, and I'm sure there are others have commentary that is very good. All commentary is going to get repetitive regardless of what game it is. The problem with The Show is that it is already boring enough as it is, but then it also gets repetitive very quickly. Its an unfortunate issue that we have to deal with for now along with the NCAA and Madden people

Yea but they added another guy to the booth a few years back (I don't remember which one) and he added virtually nothing to the table. Seems like Lyon is the same way. There needs to be some kind of back and forth especially if you are going to have 3 guys in the booth. Instead one guy says 90% of the stuff and the other 2 add maybe 10%
+1 to this as well. Well put.

I think it's simple. The game is fun, it always is. It's 2013 now though, and it's a shame things have slowed down in regards to gaming progression.

Here's my projection. MLB 13' is nothing crazy different, just the same really good game we get each year. MLB 14' will have a new platform to work with, but I can assure you that we will hear "we're still learning how to utilize the resources that are available to us. We'll be able to integrate x and y and z next year. We just didn't have the time this year." My hope is that MLB 15' will have enough time to understand PS4 capabilities that it will revolutionize sports gaming in the same way the 2K series did back in 1999.

Be patient my friends.
# 86 MrOldboy @ 02/27/13 11:59 PM
Originally Posted by audbal
The answer to the commentary problem is to hire voice actors. The pros just don't have enough time. A voice actor can become anything you want. That's the great thing about actors, they can pretend! I mean seriously, think of what could be accomplished with an actor.
This has been suggested a lot, but it brings about another problem and its why real commentators are used.

Authenticity. Having real commentators brings about that feeling of authenticity, as do real players, real umpires, teams, everything. Every little thing matters, its why there are huge threads on uniform authenticity and stadium authenticity.

It might sound better, but in the end it could detract from the authentic feel of the game. I'd honestly love to see some voice actors used, but I can see why it hasn't been done and why it seems important to have a real commentator.
# 87 ARoid1313 @ 02/28/13 12:00 AM
game looks exactly the same

Originally Posted by JustinVerlander35
I love the gameplay and I think it looks outstanding. But I'm not seeing to much of a difference from a regular game and the Postseason mode. This mode was hyped up to be like something we had never witnessed in a MLB The Show game. Besides a few new camera angles, I can't really tell the difference with the new mode.
# 88 cardinalbird5 @ 02/28/13 12:07 AM
What is wrong with the commentary exactly? Their tone of voice, repetitive, lack of enthusiasm, or their lack of side discussion?
# 89 ARoid1313 @ 02/28/13 12:08 AM
Originally Posted by Kernel Pie
Wow; on the field looks like a stone cold roster update to me. Same pitcher/batter cutaways, same home run high-fives at home plate, same dull commentary. I was hoping to see a shot of the dugout greeting Harper after the home-run (as this game has always lacked that classic baseball image), or some more emotion in the booth, or something--but nope, just a rehash of the same stuff from last year.

I don't see this game as a major advancement on the field at all.
couldn't agree more. think this explains why we saw no gameplay videos before this one. very disappointing
# 90 crains13 @ 02/28/13 12:09 AM
If the commentary is the only thing people have to complain about then I believe we have a pretty damn good game coming our way. For everyone talking about NBA 2K's "great" commentary, that game has its flaws (gameplay wise) that are more important than the Show having "boring" commentating. If you weigh it out, I would rather have The Show's great gameplay that has little to no flaws, than 2K's commentary and their flaws.
# 91 MrOldboy @ 02/28/13 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by cardinalbird7
What is wrong with the commentary exactly? Their tone of voice, repetitive, lack of enthusiasm, or their lack of side discussion?
I think people have various issues. The timing of triggered audio, repetitiveness, the use of old commentary (which stands out to those who play the game every year, etc.

Overall I think its pretty good for what sports games tend to have in the past.

I wonder if they'd ever be able to license the actual audio from games. They might be able to build up a lot of variations on the generic commentary.

"High fly ball to right..."
"Curveball in the dirt."
"...and he beats the throw to first."

Maybe even player specific audio. Might be hard to get clean audio though as I have no idea if the individual commentators tracks are ever recorded during broadcasts.

p.s. NBA 2K is a damn fine game, I play it on PC. The commentary is not the only thing great about it. The Show and 2K are different sports and each have their own flaws in gameplay and design.
# 92 Arod2k9 @ 02/28/13 12:15 AM
I'll take the Shows commentary over NBA2K and here is why. The Show calls the action as the commentators see it, subtle yes but they keep it simple. No need to start debates, talking about the same crap every game. The Show sticks with what works in every facet of the game. They have never gone overboard and they won't do it with commentary. So keep in mind that baseball in real life has those empty moments, its a war with in a war but subtle nonetheless. I wouldn't want them to drift from the relaxing feeling one gets from playing this game. This is the only game I can actually take my time relax and actually enjoy without all the nonsense
# 93 crains13 @ 02/28/13 12:15 AM
Originally Posted by ARoid1313
couldn't agree more. think this explains why we saw no gameplay videos before this one. very disappointing
It was one inning of a game, one home-run. There are more than 1 home run animation and more than 3 or 4 cutscenes (however many were in that video). Wait until you play the game before talking about how "disappointing" it is.
# 94 crains13 @ 02/28/13 12:17 AM
Originally Posted by Arod2k9
I'll take the Shows commentary over NBA2K and here is why. The Show calls the action as the commentators see it, subtle yes but they keep it simple. No need to start debates, talking about the same crap every game. The Show sticks with what works in every facet of the game. They have never gone overboard and they won't do it with commentary. So keep in mind that baseball in real life has those empty moments, its a war with in a war but subtle nonetheless. I wouldn't want them to drift from the relaxing feeling one gets from playing this game. This is the only game I can actually take my time relax and actually enjoy without all the nonsense
Thank you! I dont know how everyone is judging the game already after just one inning, without even playing the game.
# 95 Knight165 @ 02/28/13 12:24 AM
You guys got some good Chiba.

# 96 Ollienyy @ 02/28/13 12:26 AM
Wow this thread degenerated into conspiracy theories quickly, I mean I'm no SCEA Brown noser but c'mon...
# 97 dran1984 @ 02/28/13 12:34 AM
Originally Posted by Padgoi
I only saw one person mention this, but do you think maybe no demo or gameplay videos this year because they knew the progression slowed down, essentially making it Show 12 with updated rosters? The video, aside from the commentary, didn't amaze me at all.

Where have u been for the past 2 or 3 months?? Did you read the fact sheet or watch the videos from the devs???
# 98 MrOldboy @ 02/28/13 12:37 AM
Originally Posted by dran1984
Where have u been for the past 2 or 3 months?? Did you read the fact sheet or watch the videos from the devs???
Its understandable though that to some the game would look like a roster update. The gameplay has not been redone, it does look very similar. Its the little things that were changed and they are noticed by a lot of people. But at a broad look I can see where people are coming from. If you look more closely as you are suggesting its easy to see improvements, especially on such a short development cycle.
# 99 Knight165 @ 02/28/13 12:38 AM
Originally Posted by MrOldboy
Its understandable though that to some the game would look like a roster update. The gameplay has not been redone, it does look very similar. Its the little things that were changed and they are noticed by a lot of people. But at a broad look I can see where people are coming from.
Why in the WORLD would they re-do the gameplay?

...and to ignore everything else and imply it's "a roster update"....well I'd like to not violate T.O.S. ...so I'll leave it up to your imaginations

# 100 dran1984 @ 02/28/13 12:41 AM
Originally Posted by MrOldboy
Its understandable though that to some the game would look like a roster update. The gameplay has not been redone, it does look very similar. Its the little things that were changed and they are noticed by a lot of people. But at a broad look I can see where people are coming from. If you look more closely as you are suggesting its easy to see improvements, especially on such a short development cycle.

The graphics have improved for sure...but alot of the work has been put into the show live, revamped franschise, rtts, and other modes. We can't expect the look of the game to improve dramatically every year. That's not a realistic expectation.

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