MLB 13 The Show News Post

In MLB 13 The Show, users will have the ability to view tweets from approved and official MLB players.

During the 2013 MLB season, a weekly roster update will be available for download. When those roster updates arrive, Twitter handles will also be updated.

Simply going into the "MLB on Twitter" option, users can cycle through all 30 teams, approved Twitter handles and view tweets in realtime.

Source - Dev Journal: Twitter in The Show (The Show Nation)

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Member Comments
# 101 Bobhead @ 01/31/13 12:38 AM
I really hope Ozzie Guillen's twitter is included in this!
# 102 kehlis @ 01/31/13 12:44 AM
Originally Posted by riotmonster
Are there any MLB players that actually tweet baseball related things?

I guess now if you want to know what Mike Trout had for breakfast or see his fan retweets, you can view his player card.
None of the baseball players I follow do (even in season).
# 103 riotmonster @ 01/31/13 12:46 AM
Originally Posted by Bobhead
I really hope Ozzie Guillen's twitter is included in this!
And Canseco. Then I might use this.

# 104 riotmonster @ 01/31/13 12:49 AM
Originally Posted by kehlis
None of the baseball players I follow do (even in season).
Yeah none of the players I follow tweet baseball stuff either. 99% retweets from fans. I pay more attention to the baseball writers than the players.
# 105 Curahee @ 01/31/13 01:24 AM
Originally Posted by kehlis
None of the baseball players I follow do (even in season).

Then youre following the wrong ones.

Everyone that I have, especially now, have been tweeting nothing but Hot Stove, Team Fests and fan requests, BUT.... Twitter is not about Baseball, its about being social and the "Twitter Bug" as I will call it in MLB13, is about us getting social with MLB players.
# 106 nomo17k @ 01/31/13 01:35 AM
My only concern is that the need for getting the Twitter feed online... what happens when Twitter servers are down? Does it slow down the user interface, etc.?

I don't really use Twitter or any other social media nonsense (yes I have no friends), but I thought it would be better to actually tweet out from the game (like the result of an exhibition just being played, etc.), so that more people have chances to see The Show is being played.

But honestly don't understand what the fuzz is about with Twitter. I need more than 140 chars to express anything.
# 107 Curahee @ 01/31/13 01:40 AM
Originally Posted by nomo17k
I need more than 140 chars to express anything.


Jason Heyward is one of many MLBers that use this.


AND.... He's Tweeting about baseball!
# 108 rjackson @ 01/31/13 02:09 AM
Originally Posted by nomo17k
My only concern is that the need for getting the Twitter feed online... what happens when Twitter servers are down? Does it slow down the user interface, etc.?

I don't really use Twitter or any other social media nonsense (yes I have no friends), but I thought it would be better to actually tweet out from the game (like the result of an exhibition just being played, etc.), so that more people have chances to see The Show is being played.

But honestly don't understand what the fuzz is about with Twitter. I need more than 140 chars to express anything.
I'm with you for every reason plus more.

This isn't an enhancement for me or really ANYONE if you think about--people who are gonna do this social media stuff will continue to do it via better media ie tablets, etc where they can actually open links and stuff.

Twitter, FB, etc does not replace genuine relationships. Plus, I could care less if so-and-so switched to boxer briefs and what they had for breakfast. The only social interface crap I have an account for is LinkedIn and that is only for professional reasons.
# 109 Curahee @ 01/31/13 02:17 AM
Originally Posted by rjackson
Plus, I could care less if so-and-so switched to boxer briefs and what they had for breakfast.
I get your point, but its much more than that. Many players tweet pics of events they attend, charity functions, fan fests, etc. Many hold contests for autographed jerseys, balls, hats, gloves. Some even interact directly one on one. Where else are you gonna go and have a ball player comment on what YOU had for breakfast. I mean really. I get the Twitter hate. I used to be a Twitter hat.er too, but when I realized that alot of the guys on there are really cool and down to Earth and really interact with their fans, it made me like it alot more. And not just Ballplayers, but other celebs too. Some are boring, but for the most part, its a cool way to see inside their lives. Something we wouldnt be able to do without social media.

My next door neighbor is Dennis Kelly, RT for the Philadelphia Eagles. Sometimes the only way I can chat with him is FB & Twitter.

I remember when I was a kid, I used to send baseball cards to players and ask for autographs. Some I got back, most I didnt. NOW? I can actually chat with them and ask them questions. Its really not the evil death star many people make it out to be.
# 110 dran1984 @ 01/31/13 10:02 AM
Originally Posted by Curahee
I get your point, but its much more than that. Many players tweet pics of events they attend, charity functions, fan fests, etc. Many hold contests for autographed jerseys, balls, hats, gloves. Some even interact directly one on one. Where else are you gonna go and have a ball player comment on what YOU had for breakfast. I mean really. I get the Twitter hate. I used to be a Twitter hat.er too, but when I realized that alot of the guys on there are really cool and down to Earth and really interact with their fans, it made me like it alot more. And not just Ballplayers, but other celebs too. Some are boring, but for the most part, its a cool way to see inside their lives. Something we wouldnt be able to do without social media.

My next door neighbor is Dennis Kelly, RT for the Philadelphia Eagles. Sometimes the only way I can chat with him is FB & Twitter.

I remember when I was a kid, I used to send baseball cards to players and ask for autographs. Some I got back, most I didnt. NOW? I can actually chat with them and ask them questions. Its really not the evil death star many people make it out to be.
I don't think it is so much Twitter hate. It's more that some of us find it pointless to put it in the game. And alot of the linkable stuff (pictures and other things) probably wont be viewable in game.

However, if it was a twitter feed at the bottom of the screen I could see that being entertaining to an extent.
# 111 dran1984 @ 01/31/13 10:05 AM
Originally Posted by Lovesports
I actually love this for a number of reasons. One, it brings life and personality to computerized players who in reality we know nothing about. Maybe you're thinking about signing a player in your franchise but then you read his "Real" tweets and realize he's an idiot in real life and he has no business being on your team. Maybe youre about to cut a guy but then he tweets something sad that happened to him in real life and you feel bad and change your mind. I am actually extremely excited about this. Besides...who actually gets their news from twitter?!

Alot of people actually get there news of twitter...sports world as well as politics and mainstream news.
# 112 Curahee @ 01/31/13 10:18 AM
Originally Posted by dran1984
Alot of people actually get there news of twitter...sports world as well as politics and mainstream news.

Especially sports. Certain media like ESPN & MLBN, usually Tweet when they are about to air breaking news or special interviews.
When you have their feeds sent to your phone, its nice to know when to tune in live to see whats happening.
Also many news media Tweet like CNN, ABC... etc.
We cant be glued to a TV all day to be in the loop on current events.
# 113 thaSLAB @ 01/31/13 11:24 AM
Just curious, how many people use (or even know about) the MLB.com news feed that's currently in the game? I think it's great, and the fact it works year round is awesome. Maybe they should reintroduce that feature and give it a little more exposure too... the Twitter integration is really just an (more intimate) extension of that. Just another avenue for accessing more info as it pertains to real-life MLB.

-- Sent from the Future...
# 114 agentlaw13 @ 01/31/13 11:25 AM
I follow alot of MLB players and MLB related accounts on twitter. When i first signed up i was just really checking it out to see what the fuss was all about. Now it is my favorite form of social media. I dont tweet alot but I get alot of baseball news on twitter and also get an inside glimpse of the players lives in the baseball world and it is really cool.

Of course some guys arent gonna care for the feature and some guys will dig it . But again, for the ones that arent interested in it right now, you should be open to the new feature and see how it is. You might just find it cool and entertaining. And who knows, it might get you guys without twitter to take the jump into the twitterverse!

It sure beats myspace! 😃
# 115 HustlinOwl @ 01/31/13 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by thaSLAB
Just curious, how many people use (or even know about) the MLB.com news feed that's currently in the game? I think it's great, and the fact it works year round is awesome. Maybe they should reintroduce that feature and give it a little more exposure too... the Twitter integration is really just an (more intimate) extension of that. Just another avenue for accessing more info as it pertains to real-life MLB.

-- Sent from the Future...
Use the mlb.com news feed everyday we I logon to see news of the day
# 116 MLB Bob @ 01/31/13 11:39 AM
Do players not comment and congratulate each other if they had a record breaking game some how? If someone is on a streak, hits 4 HRs in a game, goes off and steals 6-7 bases in a game, or the older players hit bigger milestones? I have seen that stuff before...and occassionally there is talk from the players about a trade that was just made official.

I dont pay attention to everyone in the MLB. So to get my attention about some of these things happening on other teams, you have to tell me or I wont know..cause Im playing the show and not sticking my face in computer to sort through all the people I follow.

Also, maybe we're spoiled with the Blue Jays but they all do a lot of tweeting...and a lot of people get on JPA and then he blocks them and cry's. Or some news guy will show his stats and say hes a fantasy bust and JPA will call him fat and cry again.

I know most of it is "Hey I just had a great work out..." "I like black socks" "look what I just ate" but some things are hilarious like Jose Reyes standing in a village somewhere smiling, pointing at a burro (donkey, ***, pack mule) or standing next to a player, pointing and smiling, or just pointing and smiling.

Not for everyone Im sure but I can see how this could be fun.
# 117 Curahee @ 01/31/13 11:52 AM
For the most part they do. I often read conversations between 2 players. And many give congrats on trades, birth of children, contract extensions.
Things like that.
# 118 Curahee @ 01/31/13 01:58 PM
If you go to https://theshownation.com/ and read their home page, you will see a Twitter feed.
I'm betting that's similar to what/who we will be seeing in MLB13.
# 119 dran1984 @ 01/31/13 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by Curahee
If you go to https://theshownation.com/ and read their home page, you will see a Twitter feed.
I'm betting that's similar to what/who we will be seeing in MLB13.

I think that would be interesting and add to the game alot more. From the pictures they released it looks like it will be a separate "mode" as well as another layer on the player cards.
# 120 inkcil @ 01/31/13 02:52 PM
shoulda been related to our virtual franchise to add immersion to the game. The game.

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