MLB 13 The Show News Post

In MLB 13 The Show, users will have the ability to view tweets from approved and official MLB players.

During the 2013 MLB season, a weekly roster update will be available for download. When those roster updates arrive, Twitter handles will also be updated.

Simply going into the "MLB on Twitter" option, users can cycle through all 30 teams, approved Twitter handles and view tweets in realtime.

Source - Dev Journal: Twitter in The Show (The Show Nation)

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Platform: PS Vita / PS3Votes for game: 36 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 SoxFan01605 @ 01/30/13 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by merchant1874
Why be so condescending?

To some people tweets within the franchise announcing trades, rumours etc would be a nice way to immerse yourself into the FAKE MLB franchise you are running.

Real tweets are all very good but most people with half an interest in baseball follow players etc on twitter anyway.
I agree.

Personally, this is better than what I was thinking it would be (my first thought was some type of link/integration for posting on Twitter. Like box scores or something... which, while certainly something many others would probably use, I would have zero use for myself), but I too would have preferred it be fake Twitter for a presentational element within franchise. Not that I need it to be Twitter, mind you, just something to freshen up in-franchise presentation and league continuity.

There's still hope that we'll get something aside from Twitter in that regard anyway though (as someone mentioned, I also recall a tidbit about something replacing newspapers). So while I'm not particularly excited about this feature personally, I'm not really "disappointed" by it either. Cool addition for people who will use it though.

Originally Posted by Curahee
Umm...... WOW! Thats really all I can say is WOW!

The same type of people that come on here crying for more realism are the same type of people that are now crying because its not fake enough!

Yup, that's it. You've captured the essence of people's mindset about franchise immersion perfectly!
# 42 merchant1874 @ 01/30/13 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by Curahee
Umm...... WOW! Thats really all I can say is WOW!

The same type of people that come on here crying for more realism are the same type of people that are now crying because its not fake enough!

It's not about being fake.

It's about using twitter feeds to announce trades and rumours within the franchise to make it more realistic. You know? Like the fictional newspapers that report on fictional games within the fictional season of franchise mode.

Some people were guessing that was what the twitter thing would be and are a little disappointed its not. That's not to say SCEA aren't implementing something else instead of the FICTIONAL newspaper to report news. That's all.

And no one is crying jeesh how old are you?
# 43 Curahee @ 01/30/13 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by dran1984
The point of it would be to provide info for your franchise. What real players tweet have nothing to do with the video game. And if you really want to know what players tweet you can just follow them on the real twitter.

I don't understand peoples response to people wanting fake tweets. It's a fake franchise in the first place...
You know what? Youre absolutely right. It is a fake Franchise. But thats not what this is about.
This is about integrating MLB social media into an MLB game. This is not about Franchise or RTTS or DD. Its about getting "in touch" with the players as if you were in their inner circle. Sure I can go to Twitter, but why when I can play the game and read Twitter all at the same time?
Its just another chapter into the integration of life and information.

Im just surprised at the people who hate it. If you hate it, dont use it. That simple.

Originally Posted by merchant1874
It's not about being fake.

It's about using twitter feeds to announce trades and rumours within the franchise to make it more realistic. You know? Like the fictional newspapers that report on fictional games within the fictional season of franchise mode.

Some people were guessing that was what the twitter thing would be and are a little disappointed its not. That's not to say SCEA aren't implementing something else instead of the FICTIONAL newspaper to report news. That's all.

And no one is crying jeesh how old are you?
I never read those papers, because they were fake and I didnt care. I just played the game, I know what happened. And thats what you guys get for guessing and not waiting for solid info.

And Yeah! There are some people crying... actually a lot it seems on these threads.
But that will never stop, so, oh well.
# 44 ShowTyme15 @ 01/30/13 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by merchant1874
Why be so condescending?

To some people tweets within the franchise announcing trades, rumours etc would be a nice way to immerse yourself into the FAKE MLB franchise you are running.

Real tweets are all very good but most people with half an interest in baseball follow players etc on twitter anyway.
Nothing condescending. all i'm saying is some of you will never be happy and you guys are all m ad cause the feature wasn't what you guys all hyped it up to be (when we had little to no info on it). SCEA gave us an inch, but most of you want a mile. It's already been stated that in replace of the newspaper they added more MLB.com content. Time to move on and keep your hopes up for next year.
# 45 merchant1874 @ 01/30/13 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by ShowTyme15
Nothing condescending. all i'm saying is some of you will never be happy and you guys are all m ad cause the feature wasn't what you guys all hyped it up to be (when we had little to no info on it). SCEA gave us an inch, but most of you want a mile. It's already been stated that in replace of the newspaper they added more MLB.com content. Time to move on and keep your hopes up for next year.
I give up.
# 46 dran1984 @ 01/30/13 06:42 PM
Why is it that because people are "disappointed" about something it means they are either mad or crying? It's natural that people will speculate on what items on the fact sheet are going to be until there is more info on them.
# 47 MLB Bob @ 01/30/13 06:46 PM
Is twitter in franchise or is twitter a feature in the opening menus? If its not actually in your franchise than it shouldnt be fake. If you can connect to a menu that gives you a twitter feed along with other info for that player that has to be real.

I think, I may be wrong and will be told so if I am, but its probably more linked to Show Live and not each individual franchise. They have a new partnership with mlb.com, Im sure they want their content promoted a little bit more here.

It may some day be a feature to create a story lined or tailored series of "fake" messages in the future as many of you describe. And as far as people already follow these players, cool, it means you have an interest in this tyoe of media and now dont have to pause the game to see why your twitter just blew up because Alex Anthopolus just traded his prospects for the other half of the marlins.

Something id be interested in is, if you can have a custom list of other people to follow, such as scouts or Kenny Ken Ken and KLaw. That way you see reaction as well to what MLB Live is maybe going to drive towards (like tracking your results of MLB Live in something similar to a offline franchise)

When something goes down on twitter and I now see it right way or Im more likely to see a storyline start to play out, I will get to join in that fun in MLB Live and have those one-off classic match ups and you can play as any team. I dont follow every team that only has sometimes 1 or less players I care about, I stick to my team, my division and a handful of individuals..this lets me know Logan Morrison has something to say or RA Dickey just kicked *** again off the field and I want to pitch his next inspired outing.

Real life that builds real, out of this world drama and excitement. Milestones that are reached, records that are broken, tied or spirit crushingly failed will play out by the original content that is mlb players on twitter.

I also see the appeal in premade tweets for a fictitious franchise as I like playing with a fictional roster
# 48 MrOldboy @ 01/30/13 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by ShowTyme15
Nothing condescending. all i'm saying is some of you will never be happy and you guys are all m ad cause the feature wasn't what you guys all hyped it up to be (when we had little to no info on it). SCEA gave us an inch, but most of you want a mile. It's already been stated that in replace of the newspaper they added more MLB.com content. Time to move on and keep your hopes up for next year.
Has it been said how the MLB.com content will work in franchise in detail? I thought the idea of generated newspapers, or twitter as some people want, would be so you could have players on different teams but still have some sort of update type content in the mode.

Like Lincecum took the Rays to victory last night...blah blah. If you were playing as the Rays in franchise and traded for Lincecum

Or is the whole idea of franchise updates (media stuff) been completely removed. And the MLB.com content is meant as a news feed for the real MLB. That was what I had assumed. Sorry if this has already been said, just haven't followed the twitter or MLB.com feature that much as I have MLB news outside the game so don't see myself using them.
# 49 ShowTyme15 @ 01/30/13 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by dran1984
Why is it that because people are "disappointed" about something it means they are either mad or crying? It's natural that people will speculate on what items on the fact sheet are going to be until there is more info on them.
That's exactly my point "SPECULATION" is what drove you to disappointment. I agree it is natural for people to speculate on features I'm not denying that, but look at the first page in this thread everyone is disappointed etc...........speculation only gets you so far. I get that people want the twitter intergrated in Franchise mode, but what I'm saying is before we had this info today everyone speculated this was a franchise feature and when the info drops that it is not everyone gets up in arms about it. No one to blame but themselves. How's the saying go..........assuming makes an A** out of you and me both.
# 50 HustlinOwl @ 01/30/13 06:49 PM
lol makes sense to me they only had everyone tweet these same players for the MLB Cover. Comes full circle in SCEA's partnership with twitter and MLB
# 51 ShowTyme15 @ 01/30/13 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by MrOldboy
Has it been said how the MLB.com content will work in franchise in detail? I thought the idea of generated newspapers, or twitter as some people want, would be so you could have players on different teams but still have some sort of update type content in the mode.

Like Lincecum took the Rays to victory last night...blah blah. If you were playing as the Rays in franchise and traded for Lincecum

Or is the whole idea of franchise updates (media stuff) been completely removed. And the MLB.com content is meant as a news feed for the real MLB. That was what I had assumed.
Go look in the CD franchise thread. Some of the info has already been given to us by Knight and Co. One of them stated that there is a ticker that scrolls across the bottom in the franchise menu that gives u scores/states/updates on call ups/send downs/ trades etc...........that's just part of it from what I've read.
# 52 dran1984 @ 01/30/13 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by ShowTyme15
That's exactly my point "SPECULATION" is what drove you to disappointment. I agree it is natural for people to speculate on features I'm not denying that, but look at the first page in this thread everyone is disappointed etc...........speculation only gets you so far. I get that people want the twitter intergrated in Franchise mode, but what I'm saying is before we had this info today everyone speculated this was a franchise feature and when the info drops that it is not everyone gets up in arms about it. No one to blame but themselves. How's the saying go..........assuming makes an A** out of you and me both.
Funny how most of your responses to everyone come off really condescending and defensive...
# 53 Curahee @ 01/30/13 06:52 PM
From what I understand, and I could be wrong too, but it seems that the Twitter feed will only be approved Tweets only by approved handles.

So that means to me that we are not going to see all 750 MLB Twitter handles and we're not going to see every Tweet by whatever handles have been approved.

So if @Trouty20 just tweeted that he just banged his GF, we may not get to see that on the MLB13 Twitter feed.
# 54 SoxFan01605 @ 01/30/13 06:53 PM
I think you're right (that's it's separate from/not really intended for franchise...though I imagine if a given player has an account, you might still be able to view it through his card in franchise if you wish). To be clear, I don't think the disappointment for most people is rooted in the feature as it's implemented (or a misunderstanding of it's implementation), just in the hope some had that it might be related to franchise presentation, which it isn't. Like you said though, for those playing The Show Live, it could end up being a very nice companion feature.
# 55 Curahee @ 01/30/13 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by dran1984
Funny how most of your responses to everyone come off really condescending and defensive...

Well dont take them that way. Some people need a little thicker skin. Its hard to convey intent with a keyboard.
You have a right to complain or be disappointed or whatever and we have a right to complain or be disappointed in your complaints.

Its called banter. Thats all. No one hates you, at least I dont.
Dont be so sensitive.
# 56 merchant1874 @ 01/30/13 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by ShowTyme15
That's exactly my point "SPECULATION" is what drove you to disappointment. I agree it is natural for people to speculate on features I'm not denying that, but look at the first page in this thread everyone is disappointed etc...........speculation only gets you so far. I get that people want the twitter intergrated in Franchise mode, but what I'm saying is before we had this info today everyone speculated this was a franchise feature and when the info drops that it is not everyone gets up in arms about it. No one to blame but themselves. How's the saying go..........assuming makes an A** out of you and me both.
I just think you are over reacting by saying 'everyone gets up in arms about it"

People aren't mad or up in arms. i think if you look again most folk say they are dissapointed but that's about the extent of it.

Little to justify being accused of crying and being mad.
# 57 ShowTyme15 @ 01/30/13 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by merchant1874
I just think you are over reacting by saying 'everyone gets up in arms about it"

People aren't mad or up in arms. i think if you look again most folk say they are dissapointed but that's about the extent of it.

Little to justify being accused of crying and being mad.
I mean everyone in a general sense. Not everyone literally.
# 58 dran1984 @ 01/30/13 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by Curahee
Well dont take them that way. Some people need a little thicker skin. Its hard to convey intent with a keyboard.
You have a right to complain or be disappointed or whatever and we have a right to complain or be disappointed in your complaints.

Its called banter. Thats all. No one hates you, at least I dont.
Dont be so sensitive.

I wasn't referring to you...but there is no reason for other people to call out or make an issue out of others that post anything they dislike...
# 59 MrOldboy @ 01/30/13 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by ShowTyme15
Go look in the CD franchise thread. Some of the info has already been given to us by Knight and Co. One of them stated that there is a ticker that scrolls across the bottom in the franchise menu that gives u scores/states/updates on call ups/send downs/ trades etc...........that's just part of it from what I've read.
I saw that much. So the fake "media" (newspaper) stuff is gone completely? I thought someone said it got replaced, but I guess they meant that they took out newspaper and added MLB.com, not that it "replaced" it exactly. I was not aware of that actually.
# 60 Curahee @ 01/30/13 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by dran1984
I wasn't referring to you
No, I didnt think you were, I was just defending ShowTyme a bit.... well maybe me too!

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