NBA Live 13 News Post

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While the NBA Live 13 trailer shows the game in action, according to Kotaku, it might be the last we see of it, for quite some time.

Questioned by Kotaku, an EA Sports spokesman refused to discuss release format, time frame, or the game's anticipated feature set. Asked why this series, which has been off shelves for three years, couldn't hit an Oct. 2 release date with a 70-man team in place for a year, he said:

"We're not going to get into that level of detail with this announcement. In early April, you saw where we were with this project and how ambitious it was, that they had to take down the code of Elite and rebuild it. Its easy to surmise that also took time, in the development cycle, to get the whole thing up to speed. It was an ambitious project and it is a challenging game to create."

Game: NBA Live 13Hype Score: 5.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 56 - View All
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Member Comments
# 161 Gramps91 @ 09/13/12 11:12 PM
Wow, just by watching this you can tell that the animations on 2k are about 78 times better. I really miss the glory days of live but, 2k is great and I'm really looking forward to October 2nd.
# 162 LeBest23 @ 09/13/12 11:23 PM
Its over for them. At least for another 2 or 3 years if they keep going at this rate. But one thing can be said about EA. If they took 3 years and still no launch , they must be adding ALOT of detail to the game to whatever part they're working on. If they spend "100 hours" on every single part of the game (most importantly gameplay) then in my opinion they can rival 2k. But whats the chances of that? It would take another three years. IMO 2k and live should just join forces. We're used to only getting one game a year now anyways. Can you imagine a game with 2k's gameplay, 2k's animations, 2k's game modes, Lives accessories, Lives and 2ks shoes, Lives presentation, AND Lives presentaion!?!??!?!?
# 163 jWILL253 @ 09/13/12 11:26 PM
This has got to be the biggest video game debacle since the Mass Effect 3 Ending Incident. It might be bigger than that.

There is no excuse why this game isn't up to par with games in other genres, let alone its competition in 2K Sports. They had 2-3 years to make this game playable, and only spent ONE YEAR developing the game. And, they have the balls to say "it was challenging" as an excuse???

If I'm the head at EA Games, I'm nuking that entire basketball department for good. Usually I don't think that drastically, but there is no excuse for this. EA has successfully ran a profitable series into the ground, first by overreacting to poor sales, second by being damn lazy and cheap. EA makes billions every single year. You telling me they can't put together a decent basketball game?

EA, you had me at Madden 13, and lost me again at this. I have no faith in you anymore...
# 164 youvalss @ 09/13/12 11:26 PM
Originally Posted by nova91
I said that because, what was it like Sony's 3rd game of the series. That was really good compared to a series that had been out for nearly 10 years.
I think it was the successor of NBA Shootout. I don't know if it had anything to do with 989 Sports, but if it did, they had been around for more than a decade at that time.
# 165 jhawk826 @ 09/13/12 11:35 PM

Nothing left to say.
# 166 coolcras7 @ 09/13/12 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by LeBest23
Its over for them. At least for another 2 or 3 years if they keep going at this rate. But one thing can be said about EA. If they took 3 years and still no launch , they must be adding ALOT of detail to the game to whatever part they're working on. If they spend "100 hours" on every single part of the game (most importantly gameplay) then in my opinion they can rival 2k. But whats the chances of that? It would take another three years. IMO 2k and live should just join forces. We're used to only getting one game a year now anyways. Can you imagine a game with 2k's gameplay, 2k's animations, 2k's game modes, Lives accessories, Lives and 2ks shoes, Lives presentation, AND Lives presentaion!?!??!?!?
100 plus hours, you mean a 100 plus 100 days
# 167 Jaynubz @ 09/13/12 11:40 PM
There is no fluidity to the animations. This game looks like absolute crap. Surprised EA even released this trailer with the possibility of the game not even being released..
# 168 mlp111 @ 09/13/12 11:50 PM
Originally Posted by Goffs
The faces look great and the way the expressions are animated reminds me of LA Noir but the body types sucks. Some heads are just to big for the body ...

I love the shot block by Howard! See that 2k! How about some vids showing blocks like that instead of ankle breakers!
how about EA show us some gameplay period, anybody can take a couple of highlights and make a trailer appealing, but this trailer wasnt the case, EA trying hard to hide the jerky, lag issue, but its still apparent in the trailer, animations still stiff, looks just like the video that was leaked a month back, pre-alpha my a**!!!!!!!!!! They still afraid to release gameplay footage cause we all know its still going to look and play like the leaked that was revealed!
# 169 T3Y FR3SH757 @ 09/13/12 11:50 PM
I cant stop laughing , this game is a joke. NBA 2K wont have "REAL" competition for a long time.
# 170 Johnson Barnes @ 09/13/12 11:52 PM
It really dont matter if the graphics are half decent, when the mechanics are so far off its not even funny. Look at how they run up court,shoot, lay the ball up, dunk the ball, pass, block shot. (I could go on)

This is seriously a game for kids in their early childhood to enjoy, because if you actually watch/play basketball this isn't playable for casual or definitely sim players.

I actually feel sad for you guys out there that are actually Live fans and not trolls.
# 171 T3Y FR3SH757 @ 09/13/12 11:54 PM
Originally Posted by LeBest23
Its over for them. At least for another 2 or 3 years if they keep going at this rate. But one thing can be said about EA. If they took 3 years and still no launch , they must be adding ALOT of detail to the game to whatever part they're working on. If they spend "100 hours" on every single part of the game (most importantly gameplay) then in my opinion they can rival 2k. But whats the chances of that? It would take another three years. IMO 2k and live should just join forces. We're used to only getting one game a year now anyways. Can you imagine a game with 2k's gameplay, 2k's animations, 2k's game modes, Lives accessories, Lives and 2ks shoes, Lives presentation, AND Lives presentaion!?!??!?!?
A 2K gameplay with Live's presentation Basketball simulation would be the best basketball game ever made.
# 172 youvalss @ 09/13/12 11:58 PM
Think about it this way: A trailer for vidoe games, is like tons of makeup for ugly ladies. If even that doesn't make her look good, you better run...
# 173 nova91 @ 09/14/12 12:01 AM
Originally Posted by youvalss
I think it was the successor of NBA Shootout. I don't know if it had anything to do with 989 Sports, but if it did, they had been around for more than a decade at that time.
As far as I know, it wasn't.
# 174 Johnson Barnes @ 09/14/12 12:04 AM
Originally Posted by youvalss
Think about it this way: A trailer for vidoe games, is like tons of makeup for ugly ladies. If even that doesn't make her look good, you better run...
Pretty much sums it up .
# 175 carvis#15 @ 09/14/12 12:37 AM
...terrible (Charles Barkley voice)
# 176 carvis#15 @ 09/14/12 12:38 AM
They need to have Charles Barkley as the main commentator in the gameplay so he can talk about how terrible the gameplay is lol
# 177 strobox88 @ 09/14/12 12:56 AM
Anybody notice the Melo dunk scene was the same one shown at E3? lol

And man, those jerseys and shorts don't move AT ALL.
# 178 DutchMastah7 @ 09/14/12 12:57 AM
You know, I've been playing 2K on the next gen consoles exclusively. Only because I tried Live 07 and just couldn't get into the gameplay. I played both on the first xbox. Live was fun and 2K was more realistic. But I still enjoyed them.

I was really hoping Live would bring something worth playing this year, just to have another basketball game I could enjoy. This just disappoints me, if anything. They cannot be serious. Wtf is this? It's 2012. Live should be at its peak in this generation of gaming. This is worse than Live '02.
# 179 iory_yagamy @ 09/14/12 01:45 AM
this is gonna be the biggest DUD of our times
# 180 droopizzle34 @ 09/14/12 01:59 AM
This is sad,just sad. I have been playing EA Sports basketball since the Lakers vs. Celtics,Bulls vs. Lakers, Bulls vs. Blazers days of old. Since NBA Showdown 94 and the very first NBA Live 95. It is unbelievable how EA has destroyed this franchise,when just two years ago NBA Live 10 was a solid game,and it had a ground breaking feature called Live Season that I would love to see implimented in Madden. I can't fathom how EA has let this happen. I saw that trailer and it was awful. The players looked awful; it looked like they had on jersey dresses.The gameplay looks clunky and unworthy of Next Gen. I am shocked, because this used to be one of my favorite games, and now it looks like this series is buried... RIP NBA Live....

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