NBA 2K13 News Post

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Game: NBA 2K13Reader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 75 - View All
NBA 2K13 Videos
Member Comments
# 121 TeamBuilder @ 09/07/12 02:11 PM
6:12 - Glad to see that LeBron finishes in a realistic way. In past games he would fly over people from that angle with a "videogame dunk."

8:04 - This missed dunk by Kobe worries me a little bit. Should have been an easy flush.
# 122 FLAWDAxBALLA954 @ 09/07/12 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by hanes
soooo, lebron must be rated a 105 this year. The only shot he missed was when he was hacked. Hope this was on Rookie level or something. Players feet still slid a lot
Thats like saying mj must be rated 200 this year he made everyshot. Not saying Lbj is Mj for all you trolls but they both can fill it up and Lebron proved he is capable of long stretches of scoring
# 123 ForeverVersatile @ 09/07/12 02:12 PM
I'm starting to hate reading posts because people cry about everything like they could fix it themselves.. Way too many good things to cry about dumb ish, seriously.
# 124 juicey79 @ 09/07/12 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by swaggedout
Agreed. This is a prime example of people asking for things, getting it and still complaining.
I second that sentiment
# 125 youALREADYknow @ 09/07/12 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by thevaliantx
You didn't mention anything about ice skating. I did. That doesn't make my point invalid. It only proves that there ARE problems other than what you're seeing. Enjoy posting on OS, as I am. What you don't understand about rosters is that even with every possibly attribute in the world attached to the players, if the game's engine (the AI) isn't making use of those attributes, then it doesn't matter. You can have all the world's best three-point shooters on your team, but unless you are the one shooting with those players, and moving them to where they can get open, then ..... if the engine doesn't make use of play-calling on its own (which it does not, as I have observed over the years), then it's not going to matter. There is a reason why we're not seeing any gameplay footage of human vs cpu for NBA 2K13? Why? Because 2K13 would GET MURDERED by the knowledgeable folks on this site who know what real-life basketball looks like. You would see the computer's point guard dribble down the court and just stand there at the top of the key,m repeatedly passing the ball to another computer on the perimeter or to whereever you weren't changing control of your own player to. In other words, the AI does not run "plays", it simply reacts. Ever pondered that?
You're right. I haven't even begun to ponder or understand how roster edits impact the game, or investigate how tendencies or attributes are related to the game engine, or whether the AI runs plays or freelances. Maybe I should look into that...

hint: That's sarcasm. If you don't know someone's knowledge or comprehension about a specific subject matter, then don't make assumptions on what they know. The above post was condescending in every way imaginable.
# 126 cavsfan2 @ 09/07/12 02:17 PM
Kobe did it on them lol
It was pretty good. My only problems were Artest dribbling around like a PG and an animation where Wade just teleported through the Defense at 10:30. I would also prefer that the CPU Lakers would go down to the post more against a small Heat team (Shane battier on Gasol?)
I like the control that the dribbling gives us like that spin by lebron at the 6 minute mark or so. Also the dribbling doesnt seem overpowered even for someone who clearly know the system.
# 127 Vni @ 09/07/12 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by The_Throne2K11
I'm starting to hate reading posts because people cry about everything like they could fix it themselves.. Way too many good things to cry about dumb ish, seriously.
That's why I probably won't check the forums for a week when I get the game.
# 128 youALREADYknow @ 09/07/12 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by banks72301
Only the online geeks liked his Edits, most of America doesn't even know he exist. Just a case of feeling all high and might amongst a crowd of a few.

If you build off somebody elses game, and you are trying to create your own, you deserve nothing but praise for the way you wish to waste your time.
Another personal attack, gotta love it. The thread is about NBA 2K, not ANY person on an online forum.

If you're under the impression that community members that contribute a tangible resource such as rosters, mods, etc. are doing it for fame, notoriety, or praise then you're likely mistaken. We're enthusiasts, gaming fans, and sports fans just like any other out there. The only difference is that some people choose to use their knowledge or skills to contribute to the greater cause. Nothing more, nothing less.

Back to NBA 2K13 please.
# 129 ForeverVersatile @ 09/07/12 02:22 PM
Too many Mr. know it all's on OS, people need to take a step back and stop thinking they know all the answers. This is a video game, if you want something more realistic go pick up a basketball and head to your nearest court.
# 130 Da_Czar @ 09/07/12 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by Goffs
Czar will we be getting twenty teams twenty days this year?
LOL 20 huh ? Honestly I don't know. I was told yes months ago but I would need to be there soon and Ronnie is not returning any of my calls so I may be on the out's ? LOL you never really know He could call me tomorrow and say I have your ticket already

If he waits too much longer though I won't have the time so I said all that to say I have NO idea.

He may feel that he got enough community love from the 2k teamup program and what I did is no longer necessary.
# 131 Julion07 @ 09/07/12 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by BezO
Not the game(play)... not the GAME(play)... we talkin' about accessories.
Lmfaooo (AI voice)
# 132 youALREADYknow @ 09/07/12 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Czar
LOL 20 huh ? Honestly I don't know. I was told yes months ago but I would need to be there soon and Ronnie is not returning any of my calls so I may be on the out's ? LOL you never really know He could call me tomorrow and say I have your ticket already

If he waits too much longer though I won't have the time so I said all that to say I have NO idea.

He may feel that he got enough community love from the 2k teamup program and what I did is no longer necessary.
If so, then just say the word and we'll get out the loud speakers and pitchforks ASAP. Forget 3 OVR ratings for 1,000 followers when we can get 20 SimNation videos for 1,000 tweets/e-mails/messages.

The work that you do reaches too many people in a positive way to let it just disappear.
# 133 nba2012 @ 09/07/12 02:28 PM
Play at 8:20 by LeBron was niceeeeee..
# 134 Gstate_510 @ 09/07/12 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by BegBy
To be fair they're seeing some of the same issues year after year. Looks like another year of terrible accessories, and CPU ai being barely above mouth breathing levels.

No need for name calling, bro.

SG3/Tapatalk 2
Not what I meant. I see things that need to change too.i was responding to someone who said they didn't see ANYTHING at all which is bs.i agree theres still things I like to see improve but I gotta give them props on what they improved on that's all
# 135 TGraen23 @ 09/07/12 02:32 PM
I love how at the 9:30 mark of the video, Nash accelerates up the court past Haslem on the fastbreak. It appears the fastbreak speed issue has been fixed like they said.
# 136 cmebfresh @ 09/07/12 02:34 PM
Lakers look like the Golden state warriors on the bench
# 137 2_headedmonster @ 09/07/12 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by banks72301
Only the online geeks liked his Edits, most of America doesn't even know he exist. Just a case of feeling all high and might amongst a crowd of a few.

If you build off somebody elses game, and you are trying to create your own, you deserve nothing but praise for the way you wish to waste your time.
# 138 FLAWDAxBALLA954 @ 09/07/12 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by blues rocker
yeah, i agree. MWP just let Lebron through too easily. hopefully the low difficulty level is responsible.
We are talking about Lebron here, he makes everybody seem like they just "Let it Happen"
# 139 volantPenguin @ 09/07/12 02:44 PM
So far, I liked:
+ general physical contact between dribbler and defender
+ dribblers walking up the court
+ animation of getting around people standing under hoop after a score 3:58
+ players pointing/directing
+ players yelling more, esp. w/ contact
+ the "push-into-defender" animation from triple-threat 6:05
+ Kobe's pump-fake/triple threat move 4:10
+ the 2K Sports "swipe"
+ defensive animations, and players seem more active in general

So far, I didn't like (most aren't a big deal, just preference):
- all home accesories being black
- the ring beneath the selected player is too noticeable for my tastes (same with 2K12)
- most contact was good, except spots like Wade animating through the D 10:30
# 140 Frizzz24 @ 09/07/12 02:47 PM
I personally think the gameplay is much more fluid and realistic...and the player models are more realistic looking and defined. Passing is still an issue at times, but can definitely see the improvement there. Crowd is still ********, but I can look past that. Overall, I think it has improved, which as fans of this series is really all we can ask for. I think with a great slider set, this game will be much improved over 2k12. I think they are maxing out what the 360 is capable of...now on to the 720!

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