NBA Live 13 News Post

Well here we are. We've gotten some news on NBA Live 13's fate, but not sure whether we should believe it despite every sign really pointing that direction. Is NBA Live 13 destined to be a $20 DLC title? If so, what does that mean for the franchises future?

OS Staff writers discuss this very thing after the jump!

Read More - OS Roundtable: NBA Live's Digital Release a Good Idea?

Game: NBA Live 13Hype Score: 5.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 56 - View All
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Member Comments
# 61 CUTigersorDIE @ 09/05/12 01:51 AM
I was in Gamestop today to talk to my homie that works there, I looked through their Video Game release date book and it has 'NBA Live '13" coming out in January for $59.99!! Dont know how accurate that is tho!!
# 62 Behindshadows @ 09/05/12 01:56 AM
I like all the negativity over this game and I won't say it's not deserving. Because I agree with a few others, that EA got it right with Live 10. Only to let someone with a great vision and effort slip away from their hands. (M. Wang)

But for guys to say things as in give up and R.I.P Live series, is just crucial.

Now let me show you how what you say is hypocritical:

1. When EA bought the NFL license you ripped them about not having competition and said they would get better if they had it. M13 Proved that wrong, they got better with efforts and time.

2. When EA bought the NCAA License, you said it would get better with competition. NCAA Series overall proved everyone wrong, because 2k's NCAA Football outing was bad and really bad.

3. When 2k bought the MLB License you said it would be better because VC was running the project. (Wrong and Triple wrong) When Kush had them they were great (MLB 2k7) MVP was dead and still modded on PC, and MLB The Show wiped the floor with MLB 2k series. (The MLB 2005 Japanese Baseball game looks amazing)

4. Now you saying that Live should die, yet if anything they should be competitive, release something for crying out loud. But more than enough, release a demo first.

No Demo and a lot of people will pass on that fact, because they are 33 days away from releasing it and so far we have yet to get a final build or even a final beta build.

I don't want Live series to just completely go away, I want it too improve and get back to Live 10 status with a overdose of steroids and HGH!!!! Get it done...

Competition is good, but if one product is crap and the other is rice pudding...(Bad and nasty analogy) then it doesn't deserve to be left without criticism.

Live 13 better come with it and I mean come with it....
# 63 Subversion @ 09/05/12 02:13 AM
Originally Posted by Behindshadows

Live 13 better come with it and I mean come with it....
Dude, come with what? I mean seriously. Can you please just look at the evidence before you, and use that as your determining factor. Not your hopes and dreams, we all have those, but hard evidence.

Despite the great critical reception of Live 10', the producers decided to change the name and foundation in 11'. What happened? Not enough time, bad and sloppy code, epic failure. Now, after two development cycles have passed, we are left with the remnants of....well nothing, it's just the Live 10' code butchered. Kind of like Elite 11' was.

Here's my question to believers like you, what are you holding onto? The corporation has given up on this product, why haven't you?
# 64 Behindshadows @ 09/05/12 02:49 AM
Originally Posted by Subversion
Dude, come with what? I mean seriously. Can you please just look at the evidence before you, and use that as your determining factor. Not your hopes and dreams, we all have those, but hard evidence.

Despite the great critical reception of Live 10', the producers decided to change the name and foundation in 11'. What happened? Not enough time, bad and sloppy code, epic failure. Now, after two development cycles have passed, we are left with the remnants of....well nothing, it's just the Live 10' code butchered. Kind of like Elite 11' was.

Here's my question to believers like you, what are you holding onto? The corporation has given up on this product, why haven't you?
First of all you don't know me enough to call me a believer or go into this EA rage. If you followed any of my post, I've been ripping EA a new a..hole over the past few months.

Secondly why don't you do your research before trying to go into this rant about Elite 11 and all that crap. Yeah I know about Jesus Bynum and I know how about that hideous video (So called Alpha video)

I also know about the EA Fanboy Hiphopgamer hyping this game up!!!!

My point of my previous post was for people who were saying they need to die and quit all together isn't fair to us. That was my point, because those same people wanted competition when 2k5 died, should want the same thing for Live as well.

I am not blind to how terrible this game is as far as we know that is, I'm also not stupid to the fact that it most likely won't even hold a candle to the competition.

But they should release something no matter what and start new next year and stop trying to build off Elite 11, that game is absolute trash and always will be.

So know your facts before trying to sound bandwagon anti-EA bashing me!!! Because I'm a gamer and I'm also a 2kbasketball gamer, I guess my avatar and signature wasn't that obvious!!!

But as a gamer, I've loved the Live series up to 10 and I don't want to see the series completely die because I like having options and differences between both titles...

Like I said they need to really come with something that makes this game stand out and I mean stand out in a positive light.............Because right now all the news and so far is 100% negative.
# 65 BOSsTOwN @ 09/05/12 04:32 AM
I think they should focus on giving us another good nba street game
# 66 Subversion @ 09/05/12 05:37 AM
Originally Posted by Behindshadows

Like I said they need to really come with something that makes this game stand out and I mean stand out in a positive light.............Because right now all the news and so far is 100% negative.
They had that chance at E3. I was at their private booth viewing. It was 100% apparent that they had scrubs on the development team. By scrubs, I mean people with no game development knowledge. The demo they showed was horrendous. They kept talking about new technologies in the game, but on-screen none of that was apparent. So after the viewing everyone was dumbstruck, like... are they serious? Are they delusional?

NBA Live is now an artifact in the history books. We can save time and energy and close this book up. I don't have to guess whether or not something positive will come out about NBA Live 13', I have already seen footage, I've seen the lack of community involvement, I've seen who the developers are and their knowledge base. I can safely come to the conclusion that there will be NOTHING positive about NBA Live 13'.

Mark my words.
# 67 Behindshadows @ 09/05/12 06:36 AM
Originally Posted by Subversion
They had that chance at E3. I was at their private booth viewing. It was 100% apparent that they had scrubs on the development team. By scrubs, I mean people with no game development knowledge. The demo they showed was horrendous. They kept talking about new technologies in the game, but on-screen none of that was apparent. So after the viewing everyone was dumbstruck, like... are they serious? Are they delusional?

NBA Live is now an artifact in the history books. We can save time and energy and close this book up. I don't have to guess whether or not something positive will come out about NBA Live 13', I have already seen footage, I've seen the lack of community involvement, I've seen who the developers are and their knowledge base. I can safely come to the conclusion that there will be NOTHING positive about NBA Live 13'.

Mark my words.
Yeah all points are directing towards destruction. For 20 bucks if it's different from that video leak, I will add to my collection. If not, then I will pretend it was never released and focus else where.
# 68 liberaluser @ 09/05/12 07:03 AM
Originally Posted by Subversion
They had that chance at E3. I was at their private booth viewing. It was 100% apparent that they had scrubs on the development team. By scrubs, I mean people with no game development knowledge. The demo they showed was horrendous. They kept talking about new technologies in the game, but on-screen none of that was apparent. So after the viewing everyone was dumbstruck, like... are they serious? Are they delusional?

NBA Live is now an artifact in the history books. We can save time and energy and close this book up. I don't have to guess whether or not something positive will come out about NBA Live 13', I have already seen footage, I've seen the lack of community involvement, I've seen who the developers are and their knowledge base. I can safely come to the conclusion that there will be NOTHING positive about NBA Live 13'.

Mark my words.
# 69 Bulls321974 @ 09/05/12 08:00 AM
I just have three words for that: THIS IS EMBARRASSING!
# 70 RayRay34 @ 09/05/12 08:07 AM
Originally Posted by chandlerbang
yep gamestop updated their site with this:


it can now be preordered in stores also from what i was told by a employee over teh phone. Guess this DLC crap is false thats why EA isnt commenting on it
It's been that way forever. I had a pre order on it months ago thru the store. My buddy who is the manager for GameStop where I live told me to take my $5 off of it 2 and a half weeks ago already. He said it wasn't coming out that's why it got a place holder date. His little joke was that EA was still working on that "lockout edition" from last year.
# 71 TreyIM2 @ 09/05/12 09:26 AM
Originally Posted by Behindshadows
I like all the negativity over this game and I won't say it's not deserving. Because I agree with a few others, that EA got it right with Live 10. Only to let someone with a great vision and effort slip away from their hands. (M. Wang)

But for guys to say things as in give up and R.I.P Live series, is just crucial.

Now let me show you how what you say is hypocritical:

1. When EA bought the NFL license you ripped them about not having competition and said they would get better if they had it. M13 Proved that wrong, they got better with efforts and time.

2. When EA bought the NCAA License, you said it would get better with competition. NCAA Series overall proved everyone wrong, because 2k's NCAA Football outing was bad and really bad.

3. When 2k bought the MLB License you said it would be better because VC was running the project. (Wrong and Triple wrong) When Kush had them they were great (MLB 2k7) MVP was dead and still modded on PC, and MLB The Show wiped the floor with MLB 2k series. (The MLB 2005 Japanese Baseball game looks amazing)

4. Now you saying that Live should die, yet if anything they should be competitive, release something for crying out loud. But more than enough, release a demo first.

No Demo and a lot of people will pass on that fact, because they are 33 days away from releasing it and so far we have yet to get a final build or even a final beta build.

I don't want Live series to just completely go away, I want it too improve and get back to Live 10 status with a overdose of steroids and HGH!!!! Get it done...

Competition is good, but if one product is crap and the other is rice pudding...(Bad and nasty analogy) then it doesn't deserve to be left without criticism.

Live 13 better come with it and I mean come with it....
GREAT point, b. Tons of biased hypocrites and/or EA haters on here because I have no doubt many of the posters on this site absolutely RAGED about lack if comp when it comes to the NFL vid games yet are getting their jollies off, snickering and wanting Live to died. Ppl do need to check themselves and like I've already said, all this rah -rah is most likely all for nothing
# 72 Boilerbuzz @ 09/05/12 10:03 AM
Originally Posted by Behindshadows
I like all the negativity over this game and I won't say it's not deserving. Because I agree with a few others, that EA got it right with Live 10. Only to let someone with a great vision and effort slip away from their hands. (M. Wang)

But for guys to say things as in give up and R.I.P Live series, is just crucial.

Now let me show you how what you say is hypocritical:

1. When EA bought the NFL license you ripped them about not having competition and said they would get better if they had it. M13 Proved that wrong, they got better with efforts and time.

2. When EA bought the NCAA License, you said it would get better with competition. NCAA Series overall proved everyone wrong, because 2k's NCAA Football outing was bad and really bad.

3. When 2k bought the MLB License you said it would be better because VC was running the project. (Wrong and Triple wrong) When Kush had them they were great (MLB 2k7) MVP was dead and still modded on PC, and MLB The Show wiped the floor with MLB 2k series. (The MLB 2005 Japanese Baseball game looks amazing)

4. Now you saying that Live should die, yet if anything they should be competitive, release something for crying out loud. But more than enough, release a demo first.

No Demo and a lot of people will pass on that fact, because they are 33 days away from releasing it and so far we have yet to get a final build or even a final beta build.

I don't want Live series to just completely go away, I want it too improve and get back to Live 10 status with a overdose of steroids and HGH!!!! Get it done...

Competition is good, but if one product is crap and the other is rice pudding...(Bad and nasty analogy) then it doesn't deserve to be left without criticism.

Live 13 better come with it and I mean come with it....
1. They were ripped because they BOUGHT their way to no competition! And they took EIGHT years to start to really improve and are STILL behind in many ways including line interactions, gap responsibility, and basic movement! Are you blind or just want to twist things to suit your point? You know what finally got to EA? People got tired of it and sales have slipped 4 years straight.

2. See #1. And NCAA is getting PANNED!

3. Kush fell apart and VC was left with no staff OR time to do a game. Not to mention that the only reason they did the deal with the MLB was because EA would have locked them out of every sport if allowed to. You don't know what you're talking about. And it was a bad deal that they let run out. That should tell you something. In the other hand EA still holds FIFA, re-upped with the NFL, but it took the legal system for them to give up NCAA. What does that tell you?

4. People are pissed because they feel Live has COMPLETELY fallen off in quality and that EA has mislead them for the past 3 years! It has nothing to do with NBA 2k.

You don't see why people are frustrated with EA here? Seriously? If anything, these people want Live to step up more than most. But they are getting frustrated. That's it.
# 73 fitzgerald434 @ 09/05/12 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by Rick_Tha_Rula87
I Loved NBA Live 10 that was a great step in the right direction. They should've built upon Live 10
Even if EA wanted to they couldnt do that because the engine for Live 10 was Mike Wangs engine
# 74 jwtucker710 @ 09/05/12 12:07 PM
Been hearing a lot about this Mike Wang guy ... he wasn't the only one who worked on LIVE 10. He jumps Visual Concepts and goes to EA for a year and then back to Visual Concepts (2K). WTF? Show's you his loyalty. As for EA Sports, I see a lot of people ripping them, but a lot buy their products. NCAA FB 13 and Madden 13 are pretty damn good sports games, as well as FIFA & NHL. Okay, the problem with NBA LIVE is that basketball games have really not sold well in the past. So EA is very cautious, and they know they're going against a great product with 2K13. I think it was O'Brien, who was the main producer for LIVE 08/09, and most of NCAA Basketball (March Madness) series over the years, said the basketball simulation market is not like the football video game market. So, rationally looking at it, why not let 2K have their free rein in the bb market and let EA have the football one? I don't necessarily like that, and I have enjoyed LIVE series over the years (except LIVE 03 and 06. Those were too arcady for me).
So, whatever happens, I hope EA puts a lot of effort into it (which I cannot imagine they wouldn't) and release it as a complete disc. I will be getting 2K 13, but if LIVE is available, I might get it too. But not as a digital download.
# 75 coolcras7 @ 09/05/12 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by jwtucker710
Been hearing a lot about this Mike Wang guy ... he wasn't the only one who worked on LIVE 10. He jumps Visual Concepts and goes to EA for a year and then back to Visual Concepts (2K). WTF? Show's you his loyalty. As for EA Sports, I see a lot of people ripping them, but a lot buy their products. NCAA FB 13 and Madden 13 are pretty damn good sports games, as well as FIFA & NHL. Okay, the problem with NBA LIVE is that basketball games have really not sold well in the past. So EA is very cautious, and they know they're going against a great product with 2K13. I think it was O'Brien, who was the main producer for LIVE 08/09, and most of NCAA Basketball (March Madness) series over the years, said the basketball simulation market is not like the football video game market. So, rationally looking at it, why not let 2K have their free rein in the bb market and let EA have the football one? I don't necessarily like that, and I have enjoyed LIVE series over the years (except LIVE 03 and 06. Those were too arcady for me).
So, whatever happens, I hope EA puts a lot of effort into it (which I cannot imagine they wouldn't) and release it as a complete disc. I will be getting 2K 13, but if LIVE is available, I might get it too. But not as a digital download.
First Mike left Live because EA decided to go in another direction, they did not give him the opportunity to improve on Live 10 but instead EA decided to jump of the RTP bandwagon, you say one man does not make a game true but for a game to be successful there has to be a vision and people capable of directing others towards that vision, that is why Live 10 became Elite because it was the vision of a hockey guy trying to make a basketball game. As for sales 2k11 sold over 5 million copies that is pretty good at $60 per copy.
# 76 Pared @ 09/05/12 02:03 PM
Plain and simple: considering the state the game seems to be in and they are bound to release the title this is as good an idea as they can possibly do at this point.
# 77 Altimus @ 09/05/12 02:14 PM
Yep, paying $20 for beta testing is always fun...

And no I don't have to get it but that's what they're seeing from their point. They save a little face for releasing the game and get feedback while charging us for it. Something that could have and should been done for free.
# 78 23 @ 09/05/12 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
Plain and simple: considering the state the game seems to be in and they are bound to release the title this is as good an idea as they can possibly do at this point.
I don't think it was their best option, but to even have to say a company as huge as EA "this is the best they can do" speaks volumes of the massive screw up that took place from whoever is making the decisions.

...and again, what happened to all of the "feedback" that was given prior to this?
# 79 Behindshadows @ 09/05/12 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by 23

...and again, what happened to all of the "feedback" that was given prior to this?
It's EA!!!! What feedback?

They never listen to us and never will....The criticism is what they hear as a company. The the small fixes they continue to overlook.

A wishlist to them is like a bad Omen...
# 80 Subversion @ 09/05/12 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by 23
speaks volumes of the massive screw up that took place from whoever is making the decisions.
I'd like people to start naming names. For closure, and because they owe us.

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