NBA Live 13 News Post

Well here we are. We've gotten some news on NBA Live 13's fate, but not sure whether we should believe it despite every sign really pointing that direction. Is NBA Live 13 destined to be a $20 DLC title? If so, what does that mean for the franchises future?

OS Staff writers discuss this very thing after the jump!

Read More - OS Roundtable: NBA Live's Digital Release a Good Idea?

Game: NBA Live 13Hype Score: 5.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 56 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 yaboythecib @ 09/04/12 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by noshun
LOL you have a computer at your fingertips, and you didn't do your research. This vid of yours is inaccurate on most parts, and its hypocritical in others. It's clear by the lack of research on your part.
My advice, do some research, formulate your points better. Take this vid down, reshoot it, then repost the final draft. You're not even saying Tiburon correctly. What is Tirubon?
well please whats the true info explain....
# 42 RB10 @ 09/04/12 06:13 PM
Gameplay and all that is iffy, as well as the looks of the players bodies. But I will admit I like the faces. Seem very real.
# 43 SHAKYR @ 09/04/12 06:25 PM
I still don't buy they are putting this game at $20 for feedback purposes. What are the OS forums and EA NBA LIVE forums for? The fans already have been telling EA NBA LIVE team what they want.
# 44 Thunder Storm @ 09/04/12 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by SHAKYR
I still don't buy they are putting this game at $20 for feedback purposes. What are the OS forums and EA NBA LIVE forums for? The fans already have been telling EA NBA LIVE team what they want.
The deal is that they are trying to see how many people will actually buy it. If it even goes a quarter of gold, then they've successful committed the most conniving heist in media history.

This game should be sold on the app store in the Angry Birds price range.
# 45 fluent2332 @ 09/04/12 07:21 PM
I think it's great that Live will be releasing at $20 this year. It's the perfect way to get people back and interested in your game again. And I love the fact that I only have to pay $20 to play an NBA game this year (even though I'll probably pick up 2K13 next year sometime). But for now, I'm very happy with this and think it's a great idea.
# 46 23 @ 09/04/12 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by fluent2332
I think it's great that Live will be releasing at $20 this year. It's the perfect way to get people back and interested in your game again. And I love the fact that I only have to pay $20 to play an NBA game this year (even though I'll probably pick up 2K13 next year sometime). But for now, I'm very happy with this and think it's a great idea.
I have no opinion on actual the decision to release Live this year whatever the cost is. Its horrible to make users pay to $20 beta test an incomplete game and a quick way to keep consumer confidence at an all time low. I'll probably get the dynasty edition of 2k on release day... until then, I'll keep demanding better of this company than to chuck out half done beta after 2 years of recycling old code.
# 47 Caveman24 @ 09/04/12 07:30 PM
I feel like now everyone is just accepting it like no that's EA problem they get very cocky like Madden they got the NFL license and till this day people are saying they will rather play 2k5 it took Madden how long to get simple stuff in the game they doing the same thing with Live now everyone all like OMG great its cheap like Really*Miz voice* we should be expecting excellence from EA but we always let them off the hook we dealt with Madden crap we had no other alternative then I had to deal with 2k horrible servers guys spin dunking and I can't get a good ranked match without going up against the Heat or Thunder why are we just accepting this we should want more from EA
# 48 TreyIM2 @ 09/04/12 07:33 PM
Originally Posted by SHAKYR
I still don't buy they are putting this game at $20 for feedback purposes. What are the OS forums and EA NBA LIVE forums for? The fans already have been telling EA NBA LIVE team what they want.
I agree with this being a feedback purposes DLC, per se. I think EA just royally effed up and realized it at some point in the dev cycle that this game just wasn't going to "make it" as a full price game and decided that another cancellation was not an option, mainly because the NBA may have had them ballz to the wallz and was like, "Oh, heyell, naw, not again, EA. U better put out SOMETHING or else..."

At any rate, I don't give an eff at this point. Yes, I was thoroughly disappointed to see how early on this year, EA was virtually mum when they should have been clucking more than the very little that they were. It became more and more obvious to me that this game was not ready. However, the announcement of analog dribbling in NBA2K13 just bowled me over so, ultimately, I really didn't care when the leaked Live 13 footage hit. I'm too ecstatic about 2K13 to be too bothered. I'm finally getting what I've always been wanting in 2K13 - A VERY playable basketball game.

That being said, I'm down for a demo of the DLC and IF it's worth $20 bills via a demo, I'll cop it. It'll be a lil piece of history. I STILL have the Elite 11 demo on my PS3. Never deleted after downloading it the day it came out.

And this all is really much ado about nothing. Just like anything else in life, ppl love a comeback story and EA can do it. U'd pretty much have to be OJ to not be able to make a comeback.
EA has done it before with NHL and FIFA, although it wasn't to this drastic of a degree, but it will make the story even sweeter if they do come back by, say, 2014 with a product to make head turns. I'll embrace ANY good/great sports game no matter WHAT company makes it....
# 49 cmehustle @ 09/04/12 08:07 PM
Give it up, Live is a wrap....
# 50 Sublime12089 @ 09/04/12 08:34 PM
Good idea? No. The least bad idea? Probably.

Sent from my HTC VLE_U using Tapatalk 2
# 51 authentic @ 09/04/12 08:35 PM
Doing a digital release is fine. Making people pay for this game is another thing.

EA will ignore this game, not patch it, not update it, which is fine. Their main goal should be trying to go gold next year.

However, if they focus on this years game and shorten next years cycle, we're in for the same thing next year.

The price on this should be 10$ at the most. Release it, give it away for almost free, take feedback, and work from that. They should be trying to get the most feedback possible, and for 20$, the only feedback they'll get is from a very small group.
# 52 jfsolo @ 09/04/12 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by Blak_Baki_Hanma
Maybe it's just me but EA has yet to acknowledge this game. As far as official news goes, there's an old pic of Kyrie and Rubio, and in late June there was the release of rookie OVR ratings...

That's it.

Then, by way of inadvertent leakage, we happened to see an uninspiring, unverified build of a poorly produced pre-alpha/mid-beta/post-omega/techni-bond/sterling-under-gold/give-it-a-name... and EA basically brushed it off.

So why is the community offering so much webspace to a game publisher that could apparently care less about its latest hoops title (due to release within a month without ANY news of its own existence)?


Wow, another scrapped game is hitting the marketplace with absolutely no support from a questionable publisher... and?...
Doesn't this happen alllllllllll the time?

Don't we have real, tangible, genre-advancing games to discuss here?

Live is dead. EA is over it already. Why aren't we?
I completely agree with this take. The series is definitely no longer worthy of the amount of coverage allotted to it, but this is how it goes in all avenues of life. If something was formerly the king of the mountain, loses that lofty stature, then tries to make a comeback, people become fascinated with that story. Some want to see a return to former glory, others are hoping for a complete crash and burn, the reasons are legion. Regardless of why, almost everyone is compelled by this particular narrative.
# 53 alexthegreat @ 09/04/12 10:35 PM
For EA, its probably a better idea than not releasing for a 3rd straight year. They're already close enough to having the coffin shut on LIVE. One more cancellation and that will be it. Im guessing right now, they rather put out a very mediocre game and make a little profit. And I guess its a good idea to the hardcore LIVE fans. They'll be happy to get anything from EA at this point, especially at $20. I wonder how long that will last though if EA stops supporting the game and adds a ton of DLC at ridiculous prices.
# 54 Neoda2khead @ 09/04/12 11:26 PM
Originally Posted by cmehustle
Give it up, Live is a wrap....
Agreed !!!
# 55 Boilerbuzz @ 09/05/12 12:02 AM
Originally Posted by Caveman24
I feel like now everyone is just accepting it like no that's EA problem they get very cocky like Madden they got the NFL license and till this day people are saying they will rather play 2k5 it took Madden how long to get simple stuff in the game they doing the same thing with Live now everyone all like OMG great its cheap like Really*Miz voice* we should be expecting excellence from EA but we always let them off the hook we dealt with Madden crap we had no other alternative then I had to deal with 2k horrible servers guys spin dunking and I can't get a good ranked match without going up against the Heat or Thunder why are we just accepting this we should want more from EA
Boy that was hard to read, but I agree. It's that double standard.
# 56 Boilerbuzz @ 09/05/12 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by ccoaxum
i didn't really pay any attention to the fact that person was at the gamestop expo because it really say that in the quote and to answer your question no not really because he is just one person and everybody has their own opinion about things. So in other words i rather see screenshots or videos myself, so i can be my own judge..not a huge fan trying to go off of other ppl opinion about things.
So you won't use testimonials. You won't even use your own opinion based on the "early" build you've seen. So what WOULD you use? Ricky Rubio's endorsement and hype from EA marketing? It seems some folks, not saying you, only want to ignore the bad and take the good as gospel. And for the record, my post wasn't aimed directly at you.
# 57 Boilerbuzz @ 09/05/12 01:20 AM
Originally Posted by Dazraz
Not so much a good idea as it is a necessity. If NBA 2K didn't exist I have no doubt that NBA Live 13 would have been released full price at retail.
I'm sure some people here will be able to disagree with you.
# 58 bounty_this @ 09/05/12 01:27 AM
For me, i look at the "pre alpha" build of nba Live 13 and compare it to NBA 2k13. It absolutely disgusts me to think about how good NFL 2k13 would look and play in comparison to Madden. EA and Tiburon develop garbage aimed towards teenage gamers who dont care for realism. I hope Live sucks b*lls and dies just to ensure that EA will NEVER get a hold of a monopolized NBA license.
# 59 jwtucker710 @ 09/05/12 01:30 AM
Disappointed that EA is going in this direction. You hyped it up six months ago and now we get a lame DDL version. Where's the passion, the creativity? But hey, from what I've seen from 2K13 so far, looks damn impressive.
# 60 Rick_Tha_Rula87 @ 09/05/12 01:45 AM
I Loved NBA Live 10 that was a great step in the right direction. They should've built upon Live 10

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