NBA Live 13 News Post

Well here we are. We've gotten some news on NBA Live 13's fate, but not sure whether we should believe it despite every sign really pointing that direction. Is NBA Live 13 destined to be a $20 DLC title? If so, what does that mean for the franchises future?

OS Staff writers discuss this very thing after the jump!

Read More - OS Roundtable: NBA Live's Digital Release a Good Idea?

Game: NBA Live 13Hype Score: 5.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 56 - View All
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Member Comments
# 81 JimLeavy59 @ 09/06/12 03:09 AM
Lets be honest EA wants to make a buck before they give up on the Live series.
NBA Live is dead simple as that. I was at the gamestop midnight release and people were asking about Live 13 and employees were telling them it won't come out this year. You really think people are going to shell out cash that could go towards 2k13?
# 82 King_B_Mack @ 09/06/12 08:36 AM
Just thought I'd say that I saw a commercial for NHL 13 today. Info/announcements/commercials I've seen this sports gaming season for EA? Tiger Woods PGA Tour 13, FIFA 13, NCAA Football 13, Madden NFL 13 and now NHL 13. All of these games have gotten ample promotion in print and televised. Live 13? Not a damn thing. We still don't even have official confirmation on this download thing. This situation is truly pathetic.
# 83 DaSmerg @ 09/06/12 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by jwtucker710
Been hearing a lot about this Mike Wang guy ... he wasn't the only one who worked on LIVE 10. He jumps Visual Concepts and goes to EA for a year and then back to Visual Concepts (2K). WTF? Show's you his loyalty.
Not to single jw out but ya see this kind of post frequently. A lot of these guys and gals work on contract. When your contract is up, you go where the next one is. Would you do any differently?

I have no idea what the uproar is about Live 13. I really, really don't get it. The footage we've seen, it looks exactly like what NBA Live was for years.

In this veteran gamers opinion, Live 13 looks like a glossy update to the last Live release and that, barring presentation, not much else has been done to the game. Is that a bad thing? In some folks minds it might be...actually gauging some of the reaction, it seems to be a crime against all humanity LoL. But the NBA Live series had a pretty decent and loyal following. Not saying that's an excuse but I know a few Live title fans who are going to be thrilled that they don't have to pretend anymore with updated roster files.

I don't know if I'll pony up 20 bucks though at this point. I'll get to see it thanks to season's pass though (at least I hope I do LMAO) and decide from there.
# 84 cmidd @ 09/06/12 03:22 PM
It makes sense to not make physical copies, now they can sell the game for a little over what it's going to be worth ($7.00). your looking at a game that is going to look and play like it was developed in 2006 b/c they pretty much started from scratch It's poor frame rate can be tuned but the main build looks crappy.. Once again, EA proves that their business plans are thought up by chimps... Instead of spending the time and extra resources on Madden, they tasked their supposedly overworked devs with a project that has no future. Good thing they changed the name back to live, nothing ELITE about it
# 85 barimanlhs @ 09/06/12 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by chandlerbang
WOW EA just canned their head mod on their live forum for telling the truth and expressing his frustration with the series direction!!!! EA playing cleanup watch what you say about them
Smh well I guess that shows the status of the game. What was once a great franchise has turned into a joke....its a shame.
# 86 King_B_Mack @ 09/07/12 01:22 AM
Meanwhile, at EA Headquarters

# 87 Pared @ 09/07/12 10:16 AM
Mack - chill with that. You're basically trolling at this point.
# 88 SHAKYR @ 09/07/12 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by chandlerbang
WOW EA just canned their head mod on their live forum for telling the truth and expressing his frustration with the series direction!!!! EA playing cleanup watch what you say about them

This is how EA works. They got rid of me for not support their product(Fight Night) and expressing my dislikes. I was a respected forum member and Senior Mod there.
# 89 King_B_Mack @ 09/07/12 11:03 AM
Originally Posted by Pared
Mack - chill with that. You're basically trolling at this point.
You got it.
# 90 SHAKYR @ 09/07/12 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by Sirlonius
Eh you have the tow the company line in any job you are at. Going public with frustrations is always going to end up without a job...

All these haters of EA and their basketball games, I think you guys should make your own game cause apparently you are way better at it.
You know Mods don't get paid,right? Consumers or potential buys have a right to complain, especially when it seems like the company is going backwards, way back! They had a clear foundation with NBA LIVE 2010, but EA love affair with arcadey gameplay threw them into the realm of Elite and what we have saw.
# 91 noshun @ 09/07/12 05:35 PM
I dont get why people say that select gamers "hate" Live. Its not even about hate. People are confusing hate for critique of things that have been put on wishlist for years, and still havent been improved upon or never even asked for.
I cant recall one wishlist where I saw anyone ask for new controls(from Live 10). Most were asking for more animations and transition animations so that things looked smoother and more within the limitations of what is humanly possible. Lives biggest problem (Madden too) is animations, run animations. In both Madden and Live, Madden 13 run cycles look like someone running with a broken ankle on 1 foot. You can see the 'pop' when the animation loops the run cycle. Also its too slow of a run, for the distance the loop covers, so in the end the player looks like hes jogging, but covering ground at a sprint pace.

In Live 13/Elite 11, there are run cycles where its too slow like light jogging. It looks odd in comparision to some of the other run cycles in the so called alpha vid.

To get on topic, I think for that this is the safest route for EA to go as far as putting the game out. Being as there hasnt been current updates on whats going on, and that PSN/Msoft certs take like 1-2 weeks there isnt enough time to really print disc, so digital would be the better of the 2. Now sales wise, thats a mystery.
Im def interested in the demo, to see what if any changes from the vid occured, how it plays and animates, etc.
# 92 Lockett392 @ 09/09/12 12:08 AM
# 93 bamalam @ 09/09/12 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by Sirlonius
Eh you have the tow the company line in any job you are at. Going public with frustrations is always going to end up without a job...

All these haters of EA and their basketball games, I think you guys should make your own game cause apparently you are way better at it.


I think a few intelligent programmer dudes should try it. Why not ?

or other established developers should look into becoming #2 instantly, then work towards competing with 2k.

lol at haters because we want a quality game where players move like real human beings, and basic basketball NBA AI.
# 94 Kanobi @ 09/09/12 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by NoTiCe_O
It seems like just because the game is releasing for $20.00 people assume its terrible and not a full effort from the development teams.
NFL2k5 was $20 and is still considered the best nfl football sim available. It's not about the price. It's about the gameplay.
# 95 Thunder Storm @ 09/10/12 12:22 AM
Originally Posted by Sirlonius
Eh you have the tow the company line in any job you are at. Going public with frustrations is always going to end up without a job...

All these haters of EA and their basketball games, I think you guys should make your own game cause apparently you are way better at it.

baby bye bye byyyyyyyyeee.
# 96 LouYorkCity @ 09/11/12 07:42 AM
$20 of my hard earned money for my feedback?? No thanks, I'll give my feedback for free.. Let 2k handle the NBA games from now on. Live is finished.

I'd rather spend the extra $40 on a quality product.
# 97 aholbert32 @ 09/11/12 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by bamalam

I think a few intelligent programmer dudes should try it. Why not ?

or other established developers should look into becoming #2 instantly, then work towards competing with 2k.

lol at haters because we want a quality game where players move like real human beings, and basic basketball NBA AI.
A few programmer dudes cant afford to pay the licensing fee the NBA charges.
# 98 Boilerbuzz @ 09/11/12 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by bamalam
I think a few intelligent programmer dudes should try it. Why not ?
Are they sending in resumes to the game developers? People talk a big game like this stuff is simple, but when it's all said and done, folks don't really have a clue as to what it takes to make AAA video games. Someone at his home can sit there and do things his way on his time making Angry Birds. He's not responsible for making sure other people get their jobs done on game for a full console. People talk about modders and whatnot - but they are working on a completed game. They're only doing about 5-10% of the work each of the real programmers/designers/artist have to do. But I give modders MAD respect because they are doing it for love of the game only. Top of the respect ladder to them.

or other established developers should look into becoming #2 instantly, then work towards competing with 2k.
If it were that easy, there would be one. Or EA would have acquired them. Don't act as if everyone in the games industry wants to work on a sports title. They don't. They want to work on the original titles or the mega titles like Gears of War or God of War. Same for artists. They don't want to make a friggin' Gatorade cooler. They want to make a walking turret or a 8-eyed demon.

lol at haters because we want a quality game where players move like real human beings, and basic basketball NBA AI.
Absolutely agreed. But none of this is easy and the devs efforts should be respected even if it falls short. That's all I would say.
# 99 King_B_Mack @ 09/11/12 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by Boilerbuzz
If it were that easy, there would be one. Or EA would have acquired them. Don't act as if everyone in the games industry wants to work on a sports title. They don't. They want to work on the original titles or the mega titles like Gears of War or God of War. Same for artists. They don't want to make a friggin' Gatorade cooler. They want to make a walking turret or a 8-eyed demon.
Agree with your premise, but let's not act like everyone wants to work on turrets and Halo's either. That argument goes both ways.
# 100 Boilerbuzz @ 09/12/12 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by King_B_Mack
Agree with your premise, but let's not act like everyone wants to work on turrets and Halo's either. That argument goes both ways.
I didn't say everyone. It's clear that the team at EA and, especially, VC love working on sports. So they are out there. But don't get it twisted - the typical dev is more into video games and not into sports. It's a generalization - true - but it true to a large extent.

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