NCAA Football 13 News Post

Are you still on the fence about buying NCAA Football 13? Well Jayson Young chimes in today with five pretty good and fleshed out reasons why you might think about holding off on your purchase at this point.

Read More - Five Reasons to Hold off on Buying NCAA Football 13

Game: NCAA Football 13Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 60 - View All
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# 21 ghm125 @ 07/20/12 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by b2th3m1th
hmmm you must being playing a different NCAA 13 than me.

yeah same here!
# 22 FBeaule04 @ 07/20/12 04:16 PM
With EA Sports games, it comes down to enjoy enough the fact that you can play a game of the sport while beeing able to close your eyes with everything that make you go crazy.

The Five Reasons to Buy it versus The Five Reasons to hold on are a great exemple of this.
# 23 HokieTokie @ 07/20/12 04:21 PM
Great article. These are the reasons I did not like NCAA 12 and haven't bought NCAA 13. I love that OS can be relied on to give an honest and factual review of the problems in this game.
# 24 ambill10 @ 07/20/12 04:22 PM
I think the biggest problem in getting a better sim game from EA is that most of the people that play the game want to air it out and have fun, not slug it out with realistic momentum, physics, and line play. I would love a great sim college football experience, but the majority of the people buying NCAA would probably rather play Heisman mode with the slow down camera feature so EA is going to do what they want, not what we want.

Just trying to be realistic. It's market forces working against us. There's more arcade NCAA football customers than sim customers unfortunately. Same reason the 2k dumbs down baseball contracts instead of using the actual MLB financial system... most people don't care even though it infuriates those of us looking for realism. EA is out to make money, not the best sim sports game possible, and that's their perogative as a company.
# 25 xirdneh132 @ 07/20/12 04:40 PM
The article is dead on and I'm writing this as someone who loved 2012 and now loves 2013. Everything in the article is accurate and I believe EA is honestly trying to improve the game but progress is always slow and the great games generally take years to move forward. NCAA on PS 3 really sucked at first then made the move to better offenses, locomotion improved the play, the progress has been slow. I think what makes it so frustrating is you see some awesome improvements in the game while other areas are sorely lacking that they stand out more. Total Control Passing, awesome, line play, sucks and sticks out more than ever.
# 26 FBeaule04 @ 07/20/12 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by ambill10
I think the biggest problem in getting a better sim game from EA is that most of the people that play the game want to air it out and have fun, not slug it out with realistic momentum, physics, and line play. I would love a great sim college football experience, but the majority of the people buying NCAA would probably rather play Heisman mode with the slow down camera feature so EA is going to do what they want, not what we want.

Just trying to be realistic. It's market forces working against us. There's more arcade NCAA football customers than sim customers unfortunately. Same reason the 2k dumbs down baseball contracts instead of using the actual MLB financial system... most people don't care even though it infuriates those of us looking for realism. EA is out to make money, not the best sim sports game possible, and that's their perogative as a company.
Right on. At the end of the year, when the CEO met, I'm pretty sure there's not distinction between people who air it out and have fun and the hardcore gamer that love the game and want a realistic simulation of it.

There's not even a difference between who play the game from day 1 to day 364 because the focal point of the company is who bought the game between day 1 and day 364.

There's no secret that I'm (won't point fingers at anyone) part of the problem because I'm still buying the EA's title even if I'm not happy 2 times out of 3 with the final product.

As for NCAA 13, I'm happy so far. Don't know if it's going to last while playing more and more the game, but so far, it's a fair product.
# 27 WipeOut464 @ 07/20/12 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by gopher_guy
This one puzzles me. I feel like this is feature is pretty fair. You're telling your players to sell out to stop a specific play. 3rd and 29? Hey, they are probably going to pass, tell your defense to drop back because you know a pass is coming.

And if you guess wrong you get destroyed. Especially if you guess run and it's a pass.
I think Run/Pass Commit is generally a good feature, it's just somewhat overpowered.

I think it was best used a couple of years back (last gen maybe?) as a post-snap tool where you had half a second or so to flick up or down on the R-stick to have the defense run or pass commit. This worked great because if the user actually bit on the playaction, his safeties and LBs would bite, too. Conversely, if somebody was running a PA pass on 3rd and long, you could get your guys to completely ignore the run fake and stay deep.

Take it from a UGA fan, IRL nobody bites on the 3rd and 15 run fake, Mike Bobo.

But the left/middle/right run commit is lame. IRL you'd scheme to put extra support (ex: walking a safety down or blitzing) in those areas rather than telling your guys to break off their assignments and over-pursue to the committed side.

Hate to sound like a broken record, but do it like last gen, EA.
# 28 der juicen @ 07/20/12 05:02 PM
It seems since Chris made a favorable review in the eyes of the people who didn't like the game, he suddenly "has the cajones". Or isn't a shill. I feel that if he had written a glowing review, he would have been torn apart.

Luckily, I have been having a fine time and recently, have been called an EA apologist for doing so.
# 29 tical2399 @ 07/20/12 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by boomhauertjs
Wow! After this no one can ever accuse OS of being shills for EA Sports. Well done. If I do upgrade from NCAA 11 this year, it will probably be to a used copy of 12, not 13.
sure you can, cause they never seem to say any of this in the demos or when they get invited to behind the scenes events. They will claim "its not fair to be hard on a game that's not finished" but we all know by the time EA shows it to press its pretty much final. Its not like height and weight dont matter in the demo/press version but will matter in the demo.

So when OS or Pasta say things like "its shaping up to be a good game" or "this one has a lot of potential" they are lying to you. If they are listing all the problem the game has why didnt they warn people of those problems when they saw it early (they are a featured community, they saw it early).

Why not say in the preview "i've played the game but its not looking good. i'll hold out hope but so far is not looking promising". If they said that then and come out with these gripes now they would be more credible. Unless they think we are dumb and that the game was polished and great at the time they saw it and the extra dev time since then made it worse.
# 30 aspengc8 @ 07/20/12 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by WipeOut464

But the left/middle/right run commit is lame. IRL you'd scheme to put extra support (ex: walking a safety down or blitzing) in those areas rather than telling your guys to break off their assignments and over-pursue to the committed side.

Hate to sound like a broken record, but do it like last gen, EA.
This. They should just take the gimmick out.

Whether they bite or not should be based of play recognition & awareness.
# 31 wski @ 07/20/12 05:35 PM
One of the best articles I've read on OS. Thanks for the honest and detailed assessment. Although the game can be surely be enjoyable in a relatively simplistic form, these historical trends so wonderfully outlined were the tipping point for me in selling off my copy of '13.
# 32 PRAY IV M3RCY @ 07/20/12 05:48 PM
wow amen..this deserves its own sticky. I love the way the op broke it down about player movement and the specific issues that come with it being unrealistic. I just wish more people would voice there concern because it seems as if everybody is content with the way things are.
# 33 OGKing @ 07/20/12 06:00 PM
NCAA 13 is the best NCAA game i've ever played. It's heaps better than 12, 11, etc..

I guess it's because of the new passing, and it feels more smoother.
# 34 mwjr @ 07/20/12 06:02 PM
The marketing of NCAA Football 12 led gamers to believe that suction blocking was completely removed from EA's game engine.

However, not only did suction blocking still exist in last year's game, but now it's back again for NCAA Football 13.
In spite of this sort of marketing and failure to deliver (out-and-out lying, perhaps?) every year EA announces some new feature or fix and every year people start talking about these months before game release as if EA's marketing is gospel truth. And every year we end up with disappointed gamers.

This is nothing new. EA has been doing this for years, and it blows my mind that people still fall for it. It's why I haven't owned a Madden game since 09 or an NCAA game since 2010, let alone bought either one on day 1. It's why I'm not buying into the hype of this Infinity Engine EA keeps bragging about. Want to impress me? Fix what you currently have.

It's a shame, too. I truly want to have a playable football game. Honestly, there hasn't been a very good one since Madden 04 and NFL 2k5.

# 35 ncaa13 @ 07/20/12 06:30 PM
GREAT Post... Now let start the clock to see how many years until these thing get "In The Game"
# 36 DubTrey1 @ 07/20/12 06:45 PM
This is an excellent root cause analysis articleEA devs should pay close attention to. While there are some on here that are puzzled as to what is listed here - others whom have played the game for years are very aware of these issues and are wanting to see improvement. Those that remain unaware - I assure you, you are in the minority. This by no means is bashing EA in any way, it is simply pointing out flaws in the core gameplay and itemized them down to a cause and effect relationship. I for one hope they are able to get this resolved by the time we are all playing on the 720 and PS4. I would doubt any of these difficult calculations needed will make it on any current gen consoles at this point.
# 37 Knight9299 @ 07/20/12 07:00 PM
Good write up. Defense is in need of some attention. But with new consoles on the horizon, how much effort (money and time) will EA really put into the next versions of NCAA? Unless the physics engine in Madden is an absolute mess, it should make it's way to NCAA. So other than that engine being introduced there will be nothing new added to NCAA '14. It could be 2 years before they address the fact that defense isn't represented very well in this game. Which brings us back to the new consoles- look how iffy the first year was for NCAA and Madden for the 360 and PS3. With EA's track record, I don't see them NOT making the same mistakes again. Long story short, this is probably as good as it gets. It ain't completely terrible, but there is so much room for improvement.
# 38 illini4life @ 07/20/12 07:14 PM
I actually like the game. I liked '12 and i like '13. EA just needs to improve the defensive secondary issues and blocking and its a solid game.
# 39 Gap Integrity @ 07/20/12 07:22 PM
Didn't we just have a write-up a few weeks ago giving 5 reasons NCAA will top Madden? ironic.

As a 30 year old football obsessed dork, I never thought the best college football games I were ever going to play would have been in 2006.
# 40 gdawg4life @ 07/20/12 07:30 PM
All these problem will be fix when xbox 720 come out next year... I doubt they can fix for 360 cuz it been like this for the longest they probably dont have enough space

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