NCAA Football 13 News Post

Are you still on the fence about buying NCAA Football 13? Well Jayson Young chimes in today with five pretty good and fleshed out reasons why you might think about holding off on your purchase at this point.

Read More - Five Reasons to Hold off on Buying NCAA Football 13

Game: NCAA Football 13Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 60 - View All
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# 61 PowerofRed25 @ 07/21/12 03:13 AM
Originally Posted by AGG_JD
In response to those that quoted me, I do see some things that would make the presentation better as well as some added features could make the game better. There are a number of brilliant ideas in the forums, as well, in these comments. But to speak about this game not being worth purchase is ludicrous to me.

It's a decent game. A better game for those who are not into football as much. It just appears that some people are presenting a large amount of hate for NCAA once again as if Madden was any better the past 5 years. I value reading people's opinions. It's just when they cross that line from stating opinions, to just down right being negative and hating.
You kind of glossed over the concern I brought to your attention.

How could I recommend someone purchase this game when it has frozen more times than it has finished games and it has ruined my Playstation?

I love 13 when it works, I loved playing NCAA 12 despite glaring problems. But we're past gameplay problems and server quirks now, this series is now to the point where it is unstable across all game modes. I will play this game until it absolutely prevents me from doing so, but after another freeze and corresponding failure to load the disc tonight, I am up to 14 freezes.

There is a 31 page thread of people with the exact same problems, many of the people in it have already gotten rid of the game. If you posed the question, "Would you recommend this game to someone who has held off buying it" in that thread, I guarantee you would receive 0 yes responses.

If these problems are fixed, then absolutely this game is fantastic and well worth it. But I'm going to need a new PS3 because of this game ruining my current one before these patches are even released.
# 62 DarthLeon @ 07/21/12 10:21 AM
Originally Posted by OGKing
NCAA 13 is the best NCAA game i've ever played. It's heaps better than 12, 11, etc..

I guess it's because of the new passing, and it feels more smoother.
Oh yeah, 13 is definitely better by leaps and bounds. Certainly the best it has ever been.

In other news, I'm in the best mental state I've ever been. I used to be committing genocide on a daily basis; Now I only kill a guy once a week or so. Now that's progress!
# 63 Gap Integrity @ 07/21/12 11:38 AM
I'd say if your into buying an incomplete product and having to wait for updates before it's playable, then this is for you. I feel sorry for the guys who buy the game and don't play online. They'd be screwed. That'd be like buying a top shelf cambodian hooker and then come game time you find out its a herm with VD and your on Dateline. ouch.
# 64 Knight9299 @ 07/21/12 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by DarthLeon
Oh yeah, 13 is definitely better by leaps and bounds. Certainly the best it has ever been.

In other news, I'm in the best mental state I've ever been. I used to be committing genocide on a daily basis; Now I only kill a guy once a week or so. Now that's progress!
Your point is what seems to fly over a lot of the people's heads who say "This game is fine, quit looking so closely" Those of us who look so close, see these issues that have been in the game for years and wonder why haven't they been addressed. Defenses will now react to 3x1 or twins formations out of the huddle, but STILL can't put the Sam linebacker on the TE in under? The front 7 seven don't have play any sort of gap control? With the new physics engine, I know these things won't be addressed as they will have their hands fill implementing that and making sure the implementation doesn't render other things unplayable.
# 65 Foechuckle @ 07/21/12 01:36 PM
Its funny, if your a football fanatic your gonna buy NCAA or Madden or like me both yeah both games has flaws what game doesn't that uses the same regurgitated game engine from years past. Its unfortunate that EA has turned themselves into a monopoly and has legally gained exclusive rights to the NFL licence and now the partnership with the UFC praying they won't mess that up too???.....Back to my point all the people that are trolling just stop complaining and do something about it we all know what problems NCAA and MADDEN have too the ones that complain we know you will be in the mid-night release line getting MADDEN 13 undercover playing on a bogus account hating it but enjoying it.

Also, those of you expecting the NEXT generation to have leaps and bounds over the generation consoles??? Think again don't expect anything over the top graphics will look better yeah but not by much no matter what console gaming will never catch up to what a PC can do graphically and performance wise even with a **** graphics card for PC with the configuration settings on Low PC will win. Yes, I console game and I don't have a high end PC but I do put together gaming rigs for people lowest price rang $500 and that's after TAXES played BATTLEFIELD 3 on Lowest settings still looked 20x better than Xbox 360 and PS3!!!
# 66 JerzeyReign @ 07/21/12 01:50 PM
This article pretty much sums up how we're feeling around here -- we're no longer buying the BS that EA and their henchmen are trying to shove down our throats.

And I know some will go back to other forums and talk ish about OS but at the end of the day, even you can't deny these issues.

Its like we're gaming in the Matrix -- its either the red pill or the blue pill.

Great article -- I agree 1000000%. Its about time we start keeping it real around here.
# 67 ahorton100 @ 07/21/12 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by dukebeatsuncagain
I the writers opinion, which NCAA Football game would be the best? I really liked NCAA 11, but I am currently running with NCAA 10.
Anybody that say they are playing '05, '06, '08 games are a joke.........stuck in the past!!!!
# 68 gotchaMF @ 07/21/12 04:25 PM
So are you saying hold off on Madden because there isn't that much of a difference.
# 69 slick1ru2 @ 07/21/12 05:15 PM
Most of my games are very low scoring on All American. If I had a dime for every time Nessler said, "If you are an offensive guru you were disappointed in the first half" or something to that effect, I'd be sitting on a stack of cash. Is the game a true simulation of real football? Nope. Is it fun? Yep. I expect a lot of the issues with momentum will be cleared up with next year's addition of the Infinity engine.
# 70 huskerwr38 @ 07/21/12 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by boomhauertjs
Wow! After this no one can ever accuse OS of being shills for EA Sports. Well done. If I do upgrade from NCAA 11 this year, it will probably be to a used copy of 12, not 13.
No do not do that. NCAA 12 was one of the worse installments of the series. So many glitches with the tendency glitch made the game unplayable for me.
# 71 PowerofRed25 @ 07/21/12 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by Knight9299
Your point is what seems to fly over a lot of the people's heads who say "This game is fine, quit looking so closely" Those of us who look so close, see these issues that have been in the game for years and wonder why haven't they been addressed. Defenses will now react to 3x1 or twins formations out of the huddle, but STILL can't put the Sam linebacker on the TE in under? The front 7 seven don't have play any sort of gap control? With the new physics engine, I know these things won't be addressed as they will have their hands fill implementing that and making sure the implementation doesn't render other things unplayable.
Exactly. Defensive alignment to unbalanced formations has been screwed up for as long as I can remember. I really do enjoy playing NCAA, but man some of these problems have been glaringly obvious for years now. That has got to start wearing on the consumer.

It gets frustrating and it would be hard for me to recommend anyone buy the game if they were still on the fence.
# 72 itsmb8 @ 07/21/12 06:43 PM
i have 12, a well-made decision
# 73 Elgin2311 @ 07/21/12 07:16 PM
I dont think EA knows how to fix line play.
# 74 DarthLeon @ 07/21/12 09:54 PM
The problem is all about control. All of the most significant upgrades in the past few years have been about giving that player more control. That is fantastic. I'm certainly all for that. However, this new control has to fit into the framework of the fundamentals of football, and into what is physically possible. Sure, it can feel great to sling a ball well out of the receivers way and have him magically shift over to catch it without even seeing the ball. I'll admit that, even though it is incredibly unrealistic, it is still satisfying to pull off.

So, really, we don't need to open up the gameplay. It is certainly open enough as it is. We need boundaries of physics and football logic to come into play. We really need less options. At least, we need the options to work the way they ought to. While new features and improved presentation are certainly desirable, I'd give it up in a moment for solid, consistent gameplay that at least a decent job of representing real football action. Although considering that football is probably the hardest sport to make into a video game because of its size and complexity, I'm not sure it's possible. Frankly, I'm convinced that the biggest reason the older football games felt better was because it was harder to exploit the games flaws because we had far less control back then.
# 75 ghettoqball @ 07/21/12 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by huskerwr38
No do not do that. NCAA 12 was one of the worse installments of the series. So many glitches with the tendency glitch made the game unplayable for me.
agreed. I still can't believe they didn't fix that. NCAA 13 could have been the best football game ever, and I still wouldn't have bought it... just because they pissed me off so badly with NCAA 12.
# 76 RUFFNREADY @ 07/22/12 12:53 AM
I agree 100% with what your blog is saying about NCAA13 shortcomings. This game version still has many legacy issues, and some new bugs that may never be fixed. here is an example of a bug that happens frequently in the game; i play on All-American:

EA, you need to fix these problems that have been going on too long!
# 77 Gatorfan Frank @ 07/22/12 01:52 AM
This article nailed it, and it highlights many of the same flaws from the past few years. I DL'd the NCAA 12 demo and laughed out how ridiculous it looks. Especially the player movement. The AI defenders will sprint, then jog, then sprint, then jog, and then sprint off and on while pursuing the ball carrier. It looks so silly when the defender leans so far forward that it looks like he's almost falling on his face, then pulls back to a jog, then sprints full speed again for another second, off and on until the play is over. If you can't even make a football game with somewhat realistic looking running animations, then just stop.
# 78 Gatorfan Frank @ 07/22/12 01:56 AM
Oops, I meant NCAA 13, but same thing pretty much.
# 79 jth1331 @ 07/22/12 02:05 AM
You know, the last NCAA game I played was NCAA 10 I believe before this year.
Whats funny is there are still the same issues back then there are today.

I finally realized the major problem, we pay, if we choose to, $60 every year for a "patch" with roster updates. Give us minor tweaks in gameplay, tweaking other modes here and there.

The game is fun, for I haven't played a college football game in awhile, but there are still so many issues. Issues I wonder if they will ever be corrected.
# 80 Equinox831 @ 07/22/12 02:14 AM
You guys really should have posted this a little while back..

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