NBA 2K13 News Post

2K Sports Invites Fans to “Uncover The Cover” of NBA® 2K13

Facebook application to reveal clues about cover for
next installment of top-selling and top-rated basketball simulation*

New York, NY – June 20, 2012 – 2K Sports today announced the launch of the “Uncover The Cover” Facebook application, which will engage the 2K Sports online community and reveal some big clues about the cover of NBA 2K13, the next installment of the top-rated NBA video game simulation franchise twelve years running.

The Facebook application will start with the clues concealed behind puzzle pieces. In order for pieces to be removed and the clues to the cover revealed, fans are encouraged to tweet about NBA 2K13 using the hashtag #UncoverNBA2K. The more tweets that are made containing the hashtag, the more pieces of the puzzle will be removed.

Fans can check the NBA 2K13 Facebook page to see the current state of the image and the effects their tweets are having in real-time. Once the cover is unveiled, fans will be able to download the final poster art file as wallpaper.

The Facebook application represents a significant departure from the traditional 2K Sports cover reveal, and will leverage the company’s sizable social media following. For the first time in the company’s history, fans will play a decisive role in announcing the cover.

Fans can begin tweeting #UncoverNBA2K today and view the app’s progress in real-time on http://2kgam.es/UncoverNBA2K.

Who do you think the NBA 2K13 cover athlete will be?

*UPDATE: Here is the full image, already leaked.

Game: NBA 2K13Reader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 75 - View All
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Member Comments
# 141 kjjnesb @ 06/21/12 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by MostlyChilly
Roses = Derrick Rose
Griffin bird = Blake Griffin
Tarantula = 'Durantula', Kevin Durant

Brooklyn Bridge = Deron Williams?
Wasn't MJ born in Brooklyn?
# 142 illwill10 @ 06/21/12 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by kjjnesb
Wasn't MJ born in Brooklyn?
Yes he was.
# 143 Steve_OS @ 06/21/12 11:50 AM
Derron Williams has the cover of NBA Baller Beats. FYI.
# 144 13whitebread @ 06/21/12 12:15 PM
As much as I hate to admit it The King Lebron James does deserve the cover. He has played well in the playoffs especially in the Finals. He has shut up the critics with his game play you can tell how hungry he is by his play. Stick a fork in the thunder they are done!
# 145 StraightBaylien @ 06/21/12 12:52 PM
If it is a three separate cover thing again like last year, I'm gonna be going for Rose or Durant. Blake is probably the most overrated power forward in the game right now. Despite his ability to slash and dunk over anyone or anything, the dude has no game. No jumper, no handles, no vision.

Should have been a heart instead of a gryphon.... (Kevin Love)
# 146 I Djm @ 06/21/12 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by StraightBaylien
If it is a three separate cover thing again like last year, I'm gonna be going for Rose or Durant. Blake is probably the most overrated power forward in the game right now. Despite his ability to slash and dunk over anyone or anything, the dude has no game. No jumper, no handles, no vision.

Should have been a heart instead of a gryphon.... (Kevin Love)
you know the rules highlights>fundamentals
# 147 UAWALKON @ 06/21/12 01:06 PM
Its going to be one of the basketball wives right lol
# 148 jules23 @ 06/21/12 01:18 PM
heres the whole image everybody
# 149 videobastard @ 06/21/12 01:19 PM
I believe blake, rose, and kobe are the athletes. They were also apart of the 2k13 commercial.
# 150 ShindoHikaru @ 06/21/12 01:37 PM
Jeremy Lin?
# 151 VoIsAsian @ 06/21/12 01:42 PM
I see griffins for Blake Griffin,roses for Derrick Rose,spider for Kevin Durant(Durantula),and there seems to be another one that I don't know,probably Lebron or Kobe.
# 152 KSOR24 @ 06/21/12 01:43 PM
I'm still curious as to what the Brooklyn Bridge represents.
# 153 VDusen04 @ 06/21/12 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by KSOR24
I'm still curious as to what the Brooklyn Bridge represents.
If I had to guess, I'd assume Niko Bellic will be making an appearance.
# 154 ZB9 @ 06/21/12 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by sonicboy793

all that pic needs is a black snake, a freight train, a heart, and a whistle, and many of the top 10 players will be covered
# 155 videobastard @ 06/21/12 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by KSOR24
I'm still curious as to what the Brooklyn Bridge represents.
It could be that Jay z is on the soundtrack, and could be a character that you could play with like how they had other rappers before as playable.
# 156 AC @ 06/21/12 02:20 PM
I thought the bridge was a throne at first lol.....

Either way, it represents MJ. Deron is on Baller Beats' cover. And really, who else from the Nets would it be? Gerald Wall- oh wait.... Too soon?

MJ has a three year deal and was born in Brooklyn. I love how the cover looks though. However, Blake is ridiculously overrated. It's gonna be between Durant and Rose for me if they do four different covers, but that will be a very tough decision.

I really don't care as long as the game is good, though.
# 157 kjjnesb @ 06/21/12 02:43 PM
What if its 3 different covers with Jordan with each young guy? So Durant/Jordan shooting Rose/Jordan driving Blake/Jordan Dunking.

If that's the case I'm kinda bummed Lebron didn't get a cover don't care for him but he's the best player in the game today imo.
# 158 NINJAK2 @ 06/21/12 02:48 PM
Little dissappointed about Blake Griffin but I understand the reason behind the choice...
# 159 videobastard @ 06/21/12 02:49 PM
Since jordan has the three year deal with 2k. There will probably be one cover with him by himself, and the other three athletes together on one cover.
# 160 NINJAK2 @ 06/21/12 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by kjjnesb
What if its 3 different covers with Jordan with each young guy? So Durant/Jordan shooting Rose/Jordan driving Blake/Jordan Dunking.

If that's the case I'm kinda bummed Lebron didn't get a cover don't care for him but he's the best player in the game today imo.
I believe Lebron may be asking for a little too much power/longevity/cash and that is why he has yet to be on a cover imo. Maybe after the MJ deal closes out 2k may look to him. Cowtowing to MJ and LBJ at the same time may be a little too much for 2k to deal with at once...

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