Madden NFL 13 News Post

When I first heard that the franchise and superstar modes were taken out of Madden NFL 13, I was livid. Why on Earth would you destroy the offline gamer’s dream? Not cool EA, not cool.

But after getting my hands on the game, I know exactly why they “ditched” the modes. Connected Careers is basically the three modes combined into one, creating what seems to be the most immersive football gaming experience to date. You may not understand it – I didn’t at first – but in time you will.

Game: Madden NFL 13Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii U / Xbox 360Votes for game: 77 - View All
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# 101 Dazraz @ 06/09/12 04:54 AM
Madden 13 is being released on the back of it's new Connected Careers & Infinity Engine.

Madden 14 will be released on the back of...


Yes, I'm sorry but the lack of a multi user career mode this year is no mere oversight by EA. It's a calculated decision so it's give something for them to reintroduce next year to bolster sales for a game that will be otherwise largely unchanged from this years effort.

I'm giving Madden a miss this year for the first time ever in the entire history of the franchise! Yes I even went with Madden 05 over NFL 2K5 out of loyalty. I'll be sticking with NCAA 13 for my footballing needs this year.
# 102 Playmakers @ 06/09/12 05:19 AM
Originally Posted by Dazraz
Madden 13 is being released on the back of it's new Connected Careers & Infinity Engine.

Madden 14 will be released on the back of...


Yes, I'm sorry but the lack of a multi user career mode this year is no mere oversight by EA. It's a calculated decision so it's give something for them to reintroduce next year to bolster sales for a game that will be otherwise largely unchanged from this years effort.

I'm giving Madden a miss this year for the first time ever in the entire history of the franchise! Yes I even went with Madden 05 over NFL 2K5 out of loyalty. I'll be sticking with NCAA 13 for my footballing needs this year.
I feel your pain....

I've been playing Madden since 96 and after reading all this CCM stuff i'm not even sure now that i prefer this game over NCAA 13.

I understand what EA is trying to do but i'm a offline player and some of the things I'm reading are very discouraging.

Don't really care about anything that has to do with online franschise mode/CCM.
# 103 JMD @ 06/09/12 07:04 AM
Originally Posted by MMChrisS

When I first heard that the franchise and superstar modes were taken out of Madden NFL 13,
What exactly does this mean? Will I not be able to put in Madden 13 and play multiple seasons using the Chiefs with current NFL rosters and schedule? Thanks
# 104 bichettehappens @ 06/09/12 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by JMD
What exactly does this mean? Will I not be able to put in Madden 13 and play multiple seasons using the Chiefs with current NFL rosters and schedule? Thanks
Both modes are still in the game, but have been consolidated into one mode (this Connected Careers mode). Online & offline franchise are now also the same mode/code base. So yes, you can still pop in Madden 13 and play up to 30 seasons with your Chiefs and real NFL rosters/schedules
# 105 KBLover @ 06/09/12 03:15 PM
Based on this preview - its seems you're no longer the GM/owner - that mode is gone.

Now it's like HC 09 - you're a coach and you can get axed.

I can live with that since I love HC 09 and deal with this in OOTP12. I hope the team AI is improved, and I'll hold out hope that it is under the "if it's not working, it's not in" concept (hopefully, that applies to this new mode concept itself - including the details of what the other teams do).

Thanks for the preview.
# 106 SkinsBoYee @ 06/09/12 03:22 PM
For me, the lack of not being able to control all 32 games creates a no buy for. I make all the moves that happen in real life, and pretty much play every game of each season. I know, not even close to a percentage point of the minority plays this way...but this is how I roll.

So with an online CC or an offline...is there any way to play any game of the week is the question? Could you still make all the moves for each individual team? If for instance you did an online franchise, could you just be the user for each team...and then simulate when you wanted?

I haven't seen definite "No's" to this...so just curious. Not being able to play any game of the schedule, of any team, any year is a huge muck up by the developers or game creators of any modern sports game...
# 107 steve bartman @ 06/09/12 03:31 PM
So if you are no longer taking the role of GM/owner can you still make trades/sign free agents? It sounds to me like in CCM you act as the head coach but still get to play as your entire team. At least I hope I'm interpreting this correctly.
# 108 Outkizast @ 06/09/12 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by KBLover
Based on this preview - its seems you're no longer the GM/owner - that mode is gone.

Now it's like HC 09 - you're a coach and you can get axed.

I can live with that since I love HC 09 and deal with this in OOTP12. I hope the team AI is improved, and I'll hold out hope that it is under the "if it's not working, it's not in" concept (hopefully, that applies to this new mode concept itself - including the details of what the other teams do).

Thanks for the preview.
There is a setting to turn "Coach Firing" to off. So if you want to play all 30 seasons with the same team without fear of being fired as you used to in past Maddens, you can.
# 109 Outkizast @ 06/09/12 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by steve bartman
So if you are no longer taking the role of GM/owner can you still make trades/sign free agents? It sounds to me like in CCM you act as the head coach but still get to play as your entire team. At least I hope I'm interpreting this correctly.
you still make trades and sign free agents. It's all the same as offline franchise mode, only without player editing/ 32 team control/ imported draft classes... And I feel like I'm missing one more thing.....
# 110 bichettehappens @ 06/09/12 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by Outkizast
There is a setting to turn "Coach Firing" to off. So if you want to play all 30 seasons with the same team without fear of being fired as you used to in past Maddens, you can.
They've also said if say you're playing as Jason Garrett and you get fired, you can take over control of whoever the new coach is, so no need to turn firing off unless you are a create-a-coach and want to be there all 30 years
# 111 mwjr @ 06/09/12 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by J.R.


Sixty-seven percent of nearly 3500 gamers here at OS suggest that, indeed, most players play offline.

As for the topic at hand, color me intrigued. It sounds interesting, but I'm also quite leery of whether or not EA can make this work. And I have some questions...

1. Why would you remove the ability to edit players, accessories, uniforms, etc.? Is it because of the fact that the online integration with CC mode might allow some people to take advantage of those editing capabilities?

2. I'm not much on practicing. The thought of having to practice in order to build XP is a turn off. Someone suggested that you can sim the practices, but does that mean I will lose out on XP?

3. Is there more information other than what's been posted on the CC Mode blogs?

IIRC, Josh Looman was the main cog in NFL Head Coach '09, which, in my opinion, was nearly perfect. I'm interested to see how this shakes out, but I won't be buying it on day 1. Haven't bought a Madden since Madden '09.
# 112 thekodinator @ 06/09/12 10:25 PM
We can't edit players' accesories in CC mode????


This is not a game-breaker of course, but changing around my players' accesories has always been a favorite part of the game for me... Especially when the Madden team had ARodge wearing a flak jacket that he doesn't wear in real life.

Not devastated, but pretty disappointed with this news.

(for the record, I'm fine with not being able to edit ratings, I'm just referring to changing players' face masks, arm bands, gloves, etc.)
# 113 speedy9386 @ 06/09/12 10:33 PM
In the article it said that he scouted a top prospect coming out of college that turned out to be a scrub. I wonder if once you've scouted him does the rest of the league still think he's a superstar and drafts him early. That would be awsome.
# 114 bigbob @ 06/09/12 10:38 PM
I noticed someone mention that they can "revive" Chad Ochocinco's career since he's been cut.

Has it been mentioned that we can take a free agent and get him on a team as our "superstar"?
# 115 iamgramps @ 06/09/12 10:45 PM
I know custom playbooks are out of cc, but will gameplay and game flow still be available in cc?
# 116 moneal2001 @ 06/10/12 12:42 AM
i believe i saw gameflow in the video of looman showing off the new practice sessions. was hard to see the screen but i am pretty sure it was there
# 117 iamgramps @ 06/10/12 12:46 AM
Originally Posted by moneal2001
i believe i saw gameflow in the video of looman showing off the new practice sessions. was hard to see the screen but i am pretty sure it was there
Thank you!
# 118 likelifeis @ 06/10/12 02:08 AM
Nobody has started one that I can find....
# 119 kingcrf @ 06/10/12 02:17 AM
Originally Posted by vln13
I love the bottom of the screenshot, something about Jets players telling Tebow to hookup cause he's a virgin LMAO The writing in this story mode looks really clever! I would also love to know if, during games, Jim Nantz will cut away and talk about the standings/stats or whatever.
thats a real life headline from nfl.com not something game came up with
# 120 kingcrf @ 06/10/12 02:20 AM
Originally Posted by rbowers7
1) Yes progression of old IS GONE. Honestly, I say thank you EA. I hated the BS progression that would occur. You decide who and where to progress. Now understand this before you think it sounds like cheating (Like I did), you only get SO much XP. And from the Josh Looman connected career video you can see that for a RB, it was like 45,000 to upgrade speed at 1 POINT.And trust me, from the goals it showed, you will not get XP like that very often and if you wanna upgrade more than one player, you got to distribute the XP or you are gonna be unbalanced. Another awesome thing is that as players get older, the prices of things (Such as speed) go up so it is almost impossible to make a 30+ year old gain speed (which is realistic to say the very least). You are not gonna be able to give everyone 99 stats on things that the position is good for, such as speed for RB, QB, WR, etc. Now a O line man, his speed will be A LOT cheaper than a RB. I think this will let players run their team how THEY want and not rely on random calculations from a CPU. Also keep in mind that there are different times you can choose to progress, weekly, every four weeks, and end of the year. You can also set the CPU to progress for you but that is no fun, now is it? This gives you a feeling of accomplishment for great play. Also already said that if it says to get 2,000 yards rushing for a season to get lets say 25,000 XP(random number, idk what you'd really get) and a user "Pads his stats" and gets 6,000 yards, well they only get 25,000 xp not anymore so stat padding is pointless. Hope that answers that

2) No idea.. lol

3) Yes if you are fired, Looman said you can recreate a coach, or join as a Legend coach, and take over the team you were fired from.
on #1 falacy only the progression rating is gone players still progress based on stats

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