Madden NFL 13 News Post

When I first heard that the franchise and superstar modes were taken out of Madden NFL 13, I was livid. Why on Earth would you destroy the offline gamer’s dream? Not cool EA, not cool.

But after getting my hands on the game, I know exactly why they “ditched” the modes. Connected Careers is basically the three modes combined into one, creating what seems to be the most immersive football gaming experience to date. You may not understand it – I didn’t at first – but in time you will.

Game: Madden NFL 13Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii U / Xbox 360Votes for game: 77 - View All
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# 41 Big Buford @ 06/07/12 04:14 PM
The only thing that I'm confused about is "retiring" players.

If I start my career as Andrew Luck and then decide to retire him to take a coaching job, is he literally retired and removed from the NFL entirely?
# 42 PRAY IV M3RCY @ 06/07/12 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by FreAk47
Yea, hopefully they can work that in for future versions...it would be fun to play on the same team as a friend and work together each controlling an individual player.
exactly what im talking about. it would be alot of fun
# 43 vikingfan71608 @ 06/07/12 04:28 PM
I was a big fan of franchise mode in Madden 12, with my Vikings.
In order to enjoy that same mode, I have to be a coach, and gain points to not be fired?
I dont really like that... I wouldnt want to be on any other team..

And I also dislike that you pick your team in Create a Player.
Wish it was that you still got drafted...

But, other than that, I like what Maddens doing.
# 44 8 @ 06/07/12 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by Big Buford
The only thing that I'm confused about is "retiring" players.

If I start my career as Andrew Luck and then decide to retire him to take a coaching job, is he literally retired and removed from the NFL entirely?

From the way I understand it the only players that will actually "retire" when you quit them is the created players, the "real" players stay in the game.
# 45 Big Buford @ 06/07/12 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by King88
From the way I understand it the only players that will actually "retire" when you quit them is the created players, the "real" players stay in the game.
Good to know, that was the biggest concern that I had. Did they reference this in one of their blogs or vids?
# 46 jfsolo @ 06/07/12 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by Big Buford
Good to know, that was the biggest concern that I had. Did they reference this in one of their blogs or vids?
I definitely saw Josh Looman talk about it in one of the E3 video interviews.
# 47 Juggernaut55 @ 06/07/12 05:25 PM
Question...is there no longer an offline mode? pretty weak
# 48 jclarke22 @ 06/07/12 05:35 PM
From my understanding you cannot have two coaches on one console. However can you have 1 coach but 2 uses of the teams during games in connected careers. So for instance we control the QB and RB and a LB on D? not as superstars but just in coach mode
# 49 Retropyro @ 06/07/12 05:52 PM
I was kind of hoping the coaching career would be similar to NCAA Dynasty, where maybe I play out my contract and then go to another team as the same coach.
# 50 8 @ 06/07/12 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by Juggernaut55
Question...is there no longer an offline mode? pretty weak
There is offline. Connected Careers can be played both online and offline.
# 51 Retropyro @ 06/07/12 06:09 PM
If you can do it offline then it can be done online too. Pretty much what everyone wants, both online and offline get the same thing, everyone's happy.
# 52 Nev @ 06/07/12 06:20 PM
I'm still confused about progression as a coach.

I get that I need to complete goals to earn XP that in-turn buys me upgrades and what not. But, what about my players? Do they gain their own XP for playing games?

All the XP I gain as a coach, along with buying packages would I also need to spend it on making my players better?

Trying to upgrade a 53 man roster along with buying packages seems like a LOT of XP would be needed.

Like I say, I'm very confused. lol

Would love to see a video showing player progression as a coach.
# 53 Poohdini_816 @ 06/07/12 06:25 PM
This might just be EA's best gimmick move since the DPP last year!!!
# 54 Juggernaut55 @ 06/07/12 06:31 PM
I really really like the concept, just wish i had more friends that played madden haha
# 55 FreAk47 @ 06/07/12 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by misterkrabz
Not interested in either mode. Will never even look at it. Still waiting for an online franchise that can be played with as little as 2 human players with full stat tracking for cpu controlled teams. Does this years Madden have that?

Don't care about Twitter...I never look at it and have no intention of looking at it.

EA please give me some details about online franchise.
Really? After all the blogs and videos explaining that online franchise is now incorporated into connected careers you still need further explanation?
# 56 Retropyro @ 06/07/12 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by misterkrabz
Not interested in either mode. Will never even look at it. Still waiting for an online franchise that can be played with as little as 2 human players with full stat tracking for cpu controlled teams. Does this years Madden have that?

Don't care about Twitter...I never look at it and have no intention of looking at it.

EA please give me some details about online franchise.
Have you actually even read the blogs or listened the podcasts and multiple youtube video's posted by EA?
# 57 Hooe @ 06/07/12 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by misterkrabz
Not interested in either mode. Will never even look at it. Still waiting for an online franchise that can be played with as little as 2 human players with full stat tracking for cpu controlled teams. Does this years Madden have that?

Don't care about Twitter...I never look at it and have no intention of looking at it.

EA please give me some details about online franchise.
To do this in Connected Careers, you'd start an online career, play as a coach, invite your friend to play as a coach. This will give you the functionality of a two-player online franchise with 30 AI teams which are stat-tracked, perform moves in free agency, draft players, propose trades, etc. etc.

Further, online Connected Careers continues to have a live draft (which Madden 12 had in online franchise), and it also has a salary cap, online offseason free agency, etc. etc.

Do take time to read all the blogs about the mode; it's setting up to be quite an accomplishment, what EA Tiburon has made this year. I'm impressed.
# 58 Mckinley Cash @ 06/07/12 07:17 PM
I have been wanting a mode like this forever, and the funny thing is that I just posted in The Show forums about them adding something similar in their RTTS about 2 or 3 weeks ago.

Originally Posted by Mckinley Cash
This is something pretty small, but it would make commentary a little more fresh and give your RTTS player a little more of a background. When editing your RTTS player give us the option of selecting whether or not our guy came from:
  1. 2 Yr of College>Select College> Have announcers talk about how he left early for the majors.
  2. 4 Yr of College>Select College>Have the announcers talk about how he decided to stay and earn his degree before jumping to the majors.
  3. Straight from HS>Select State>Talk about how he was an All-State player at the HS level.
Those are just examples, but you get the idea.

Edit: Different topics can be brought up based on the overall talent level of the player. What would make it even more dynamic is if there were a "try out" held to determine player skills and potential, instead of every RTTS player having A potential from the get go. Let us earn it. We have to earn everything else.

Edit #2: This would really only affect the players first 1-3 years in the league, as after that the topic of discussion should shift to the player's performance and future.
Great minds think alike. lol
Mine obviously wasn't as in-depth or detailed as EA has made their's, but I was just brainstorming.
# 59 Wildcats302 @ 06/07/12 07:33 PM
Everyone in this thread asking about if you can control 32 teams and then complaining about it...how did you miss the big 40 page "franchise players unite" or whatever it is titled thread lol that thread is full of repeated complaints about it not being in. I feel for everyone who wants that though, but some are repeating their anger over and over again, which is counter productive I think (not on this thread, on that one).

This mode sounds interesting, won't be a first day buy but I might buy it. I like the NCAA demo so I might stick with it and go full physics in both games next year in buying both. I'll see what everyone says on here as usual before making a choice on Madden for this year.
# 60 Mckinley Cash @ 06/07/12 07:52 PM
I've been waiting forever for a sports game that goes into this much depth in a career mode. This is only the first year its in and it already sounds sweet! Chill out everybody that's nitpicking. There will always be Madden 14, and I doubt they will leave this mode untouched as it's one of the cornerstones for the future of Madden. The sky is the limit, people.

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