NCAA Football 13 News Post

We recently had a chance to interview NCAA Football 13 Designer Christian McLeod and Producer Ben Haumiller.

All questions were submitted, but not all of them could be answered at this time, due to coverage in the coming weeks. This interview only focuses on the sights and sounds of NCAA Football 13.

Will we hear crowds reacting correctly in given situations, for example on 3rd downs, crucial plays, TD's, interceptions, fumbles, big hits, etc.?

Yes. The crowd content and system is an area where you will hear some great improvements. Based on the recordings that were done and the new crowd mix implemented by our Audio Director, Aaron Janzen, you will be hearing the crowd swells react appropriately throughout the game.

What about playing in large stadiums, compared to smaller ones? Adding on to that question, will we hear much of a difference between full stadiums vs. stadiums with smaller crowds?

Yes, you will notice a difference between these stadiums. We made an effort to record assets at small, medium, and large stadiums throughout last season. We even attended a high school game to ensure our crowds sound as authentic as possible depending on where you play.

Will crowds vary as far as regular season games, rivalry games, bowl games, and neutral site games? Speaking of neutral site games, will the crowd react to both teams, instead of recognizing the "home" team exclusively?

Yes, the crowd behavior is driven contextually, and the type of game being played is part of that. We have the ability to drive different crowd reactions based on home / neutral / away.

Read More - NCAA Football 13 Interview - Sights and Sounds

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Member Comments
# 1 fcboiler87 @ 04/06/12 08:00 AM
No starting lineups or coaching records?
# 2 COACH WEBB @ 04/06/12 09:11 AM
Originally Posted by fcboiler87
No starting lineups or coaching records?
Man, this is so overdue. And they've had the ESPN package for a while now. Disappointing to say the least.
# 3 mtoo22 @ 04/06/12 09:27 AM
Always more of "This didn't make it in this year" than anything. If the gameplay looks and feels the same, then what the hell were they doing that they could only add these 6 things. Spending time on Heisman mode that....well....no one ever asked for. I guess we will have to wait to make further judgement.

Hail West Virginia
# 4 ucas005 @ 04/06/12 09:29 AM
So will all this be working after patch 1 or patch 2?
# 5 w00dy Hayezz @ 04/06/12 09:44 AM
I really think it sounds like they are turning the corner in the audio department. They are not going to fix everything from 12 to 13 but i love that they are showing an effort and that they are listening.
# 6 ODogg @ 04/06/12 09:47 AM
I'm getting tired of "...didn't make it in this year, hopefully next year" comments as well. Unlike many folks here I do think EA improves the product each year, however like many others here I feel they need to do about 3 times more each year than what they actually do.
# 7 jpdavis82 @ 04/06/12 09:55 AM
First reaction Haumiller is not the man for the job, second reaction I like the direction they are going in the sound department, presentation isn't there yet and gameplay hopefully will be much improved.
# 8 huntt26 @ 04/06/12 10:27 AM
Agree with what others stated... The sound may be a huge improvement this year, but man presentation is lacking. Still nothing special happening for upsets? People storm the field almost every Saturday!
# 9 DorianDonP @ 04/06/12 10:38 AM
The things that did make it in the game sound promising on paper, but I remember being told the crowd would respond to situations appropriately last year.

I guess what I'm saying is I need to see it first to believe it.
# 10 jkra0512 @ 04/06/12 10:43 AM
Definitely a "prove it" kinda year for this team. I won't be buying it, but I'll probably rent it before making a decision. I don't have much faith in this team after last year, lots of promises that ended in failure, not to mention Haumiller basically laughing at customers in a few interviews. I have little respect for him after that and won't believe a word out of his mouth going forward.
# 11 Vaporub83 @ 04/06/12 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by mtoo22
Always more of "This didn't make it in this year" than anything. If the gameplay looks and feels the same, then what the hell were they doing that they could only add these 6 things. Spending time on Heisman mode that....well....no one ever asked for. I guess we will have to wait to make further judgement.

Hail West Virginia
I don't understand what you want them to say when things don't make the game. Should they say "no didn't feel like working hard enough to get everything done." I think the hardcore crowd (Operation Sports) needs to realize we aren't the only people talking. Meaning just cause you haven't read anything on this site doesn't mean people aren't asking for it. Don't forget they take NCAA on the road during the season and let college students play.
# 12 roadman @ 04/06/12 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by DorianDonP
The things that did make it in the game sound promising on paper, but I remember being told the crowd would respond to situations appropriately last year.

I guess what I'm saying is I need to see it first to believe it.
Same here, I'm hoping it's different this year because they have the new sound technology to back it up.

Plus, I believe in Christian as well. He ripped on NCAA and Madden in his reviews here.

Just a gut feeling on that one, though.
# 13 chi_hawks @ 04/06/12 10:55 AM
I'm glad to hear they are doing a few upgrades here....but I truly hope we get blown out of the water with the gameplay and dynasty improvements. I can listen to my ipod instead of the commentary and still have a blast as long as the gameplay and dynasty rock.
# 14 chi_hawks @ 04/06/12 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by Vaporub83
I don't understand what you want them to say when things don't make the game. Should they say "no didn't feel like working hard enough to get everything done." I think the hardcore crowd (Operation Sports) needs to realize we aren't the only people talking. Meaning just cause you haven't read anything on this site doesn't mean people aren't asking for it. Don't forget they take NCAA on the road during the season and let college students play.
I think most people on this site acknowledge that we are not the only audience EA has. In fact, we probably make up a fairly small demographic (compared to the moms/dads buying it for their kids and casual football fans). It's actually depressing that EA strives for the masses versus a real/accurate representation of the sport they claim to simulate.

With that said, its tough for me to imagine that this "Heisman Mode" was a highly requested item from any real EA customer base. This "mode", if you will, reeks of something that came from the marketing heads at EA as something catchy for commercials and "back of the box" material. Also, if you look back at recent years, EA has had lots of these "features" in games that the are scrapped for the next year. So to that end, I think its fair to ask "who the heck asked for this".

Just my $.02 of course.....
# 15 roadman @ 04/06/12 11:16 AM
Does anyone know what Heisman mode is?

Besides this small blub?

There are familiar faces on the field in NCAA Football 13, which now features a selection of former Heisman Trophy winners. With the new Heisman Challenge mode, fans have the ability to utilize the skill set of a legendary Heisman Trophy winner in a quest to match his award-winning historical performances and win the Heisman trophy once again.
# 16 bigsmallwood @ 04/06/12 11:24 AM
Too many "next year" or "that didn't make it into this years version." After so many years on next gen I can't help but wonder what have they been doing all these years that something as simple as a chain gang is still missing!!??? EA can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig. #totalLackofProgress I'm very interested in April 17th now to see what did or did not change. Hhhmmmmm
# 17 chi_hawks @ 04/06/12 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by roadman
Does anyone know what Heisman mode is?

Besides this small blub?

There are familiar faces on the field in NCAA Football 13, which now features a selection of former Heisman Trophy winners. With the new Heisman Challenge mode, fans have the ability to utilize the skill set of a legendary Heisman Trophy winner in a quest to match his award-winning historical performances and win the Heisman trophy once again.
Sounds awesome....for my 10 year old nephew. And again, therein lies the issue we face. Marketing to the least common denominator versus us "die hards".
# 18 roadman @ 04/06/12 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by chi_hawks
Sounds awesome....for my 10 year old nephew. And again, therein lies the issue we face. Marketing to the least common denominator versus us "die hards".
Heck, if it's anything like the My Player of NBA 2k or MLB 2k, our son, who is 17, not 10, will be all over it.

He hates RTG, so, if it's anything like that, etc.... yuck, but we don't know the full details, yet.
# 19 inojoking @ 04/06/12 11:56 AM
im just doing what i did last year. I waited until i could get the game for about 35-40 dollars new, then bought madden when it was like 25 dollars on ebay. So i really paid the 60 dollars for 2 games this year. And best of all i didnt feel ripped off.
# 20 SageInfinite @ 04/06/12 12:03 PM
Not adding the chain gang just baffles my mind. I thought for sure it'd be there. I just don't understand how they thought "Hey let's add a guy parachuting into the stadium" but not "Hey maybe we should add the guys that keep the measurements for each and every play for authenticity". It was bad enough they left out refs for years, now this.

I'm also pretty sure they didn't add the broadcast angles like Madden on replays and post/preplay. Audio sounds pretty good though, definitely will be using the EA season pass to hear how everything sounds. Still waiting on the 17th, but this is definitely not going to be purchased.

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