News Post

Okay guys...

Here is the Spring Training version of the Operation Sports Full Minors for 2012, for MLB 12 The Show.

This initial set looks really tight... and there is some FANTASTIC work done on these. Dare I say... the best set yet.

There are too many to thank for this... and I will come back and fill out this post with all those involved, as I know you guys want to get your hands on these and start your franchises.

Here is the link for the OSFM ST v.1They will be up in the Vault momentarily...
  • File name: O.S.F.M. SPRING
Thanks for all your patience... and most of all enjoy!!!

I just want to thank some people... and I have to say... this community is truly exceptional. Operation Sports is simply the best run website I visit. Bar none... and the members that frequent here are one of the main reasons. Good people attract other good people.

In no particular order... I really need to thank all of the people involved in the making of this set... as this is a true community effort and without all of these guys, it would make the process much harder and much, much longer.

Thanks to:



I'd like to thank ksig24 for his insight and input into the potential base for the set...

... and last but CERTAINLY not least...

Without his TREMENDOUS work and the immense amount of time that he puts into these rosters... they would have taken 3 times as long to do.

I CANNOT say enough about this, as his dedication and sheer bulldog mentality to get it done, means so much to these.

Also to Steve... the owner of O.S. and the mods on here who make it easy to keep the threads in order and viable to use in conjunction with the set.

...and of course thanks to the entire O.S. community for all the input that you guys have been putting into these for YEARS!


Guys.....a lot of people have requested to give back in response to these rosters. They offer thanks and several have offered money.
I suggest charities if you really want to do something as a thanks to these.

My suggested charities....The N.Y.C. FireFighters Burn Center....Wounded Warriors....or .....http://www.extra-life.org/

Thank you!


Game: MLB 12 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3Votes for game: 55 - View All
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Member Comments
# 281 Tweeg @ 04/04/12 03:11 AM
As always, year in and year out...THANK YOU.
# 282 HustlinOwl @ 04/04/12 03:24 AM
Originally Posted by strut24
Knight -

might I make a suggestion. I know people are going to start asking about what guys and what to do as far as the simming past Spring Training and getting the line ups to stick. As far as I remember, it is just a matter of removing the 15 guys from each team's major league roster so that there are only 25 guys but hopefully you can edit your first post and for all future releases create a post as far as step by step instructions as to how to accomplish this. I am not sure if someone has a list of the 15 guys from each team cuz I think that's what we had last year and I also think Ridin released a set that already had this work done for us and had mentioned he would be doing that again. A reminder post would definitely be helpful cuz I can't remember exactly all the steps.
Im going with comment #4

# 283 jrich730 @ 04/04/12 03:32 AM
much appeciation to all that worked on this project for the community
# 284 CWSpalehoseCWS @ 04/04/12 03:41 AM
Knight, you got my name wrong, lol. I could care less really, I just found it funny.
# 285 JoeRyan33 @ 04/04/12 03:53 AM
Almost 3am here, who needs sleep when you have this roster?

Thanks to everyone that contributed. Pleasure to be part of this with you.
# 286 AUTiger1 @ 04/04/12 03:59 AM
Originally Posted by JoeRyan33
Almost 3am here, who needs sleep when you have this roster?

Thanks to everyone that contributed. Pleasure to be part of this with you.
Almost 2 here but I'm running low on gas.
# 287 il blood il @ 04/04/12 03:59 AM
just curious but does anyone else find pitchers so far with 5 pitchers and all of them are 4sfb?? greg holland, eduardo sanchez has words as pitchers and he throws all ephus pitches...do i have a corrupt file or something? i need some help here fellas haha
# 288 xHalosNation @ 04/04/12 04:03 AM
I'm sorry, but I don't get the difference between these and the Opening Day set? I don't see why people would use these when the Opening Day set is right around the corner.
# 289 Matty86 @ 04/04/12 04:13 AM
Originally Posted by mooch49
What I suggest people do if they want to play with edits, specifically pitching is to dl the attachment in the thread titled pitch edits and first edit the team you are controlling then as you play your schedule edit the pitchers of your next opponent. It really only takes like 15 minutes or so. This way you dont have to do them all at once or for every team. Just yours and the one you will play. The edits really make a world of difference

Sent from my YP-G70 using Tapatalk
I'm not seeing anything to download?? Where's this...
# 290 CWSpalehoseCWS @ 04/04/12 04:31 AM
Playing around with the new SCEA update, and you can import LAA starter Jerome Williams, career stats an all with full service time into any roster you want. SCEA did a great job if this is how they are going to handle any veteran removed from the game. This will help out anyone if they are afraid of not having proper service time. Looks like anyone else added also have their career stats and are fully exportable.
# 291 seanjeezy @ 04/04/12 04:35 AM
Originally Posted by CWSpalehoseCWS
Playing around with the new SCEA update, and you can import LAA starter Jerome Williams, career stats an all with full service time into any roster you want. SCEA did a great job if this is how they are going to handle any veteran removed from the game. This will help out anyone if they are afraid of not having proper service time. Looks like anyone else added also have their career stats and are fully exportable.
Phew, what a relief, I know last year that service time would be imported but not career stats; this bodes well for guys like Mejia, especially if SCEA is somehow able to sneak his '10 face in.
# 292 AUTiger1 @ 04/04/12 04:43 AM
Originally Posted by CWSpalehoseCWS
Playing around with the new SCEA update, and you can import LAA starter Jerome Williams, career stats an all with full service time into any roster you want. SCEA did a great job if this is how they are going to handle any veteran removed from the game. This will help out anyone if they are afraid of not having proper service time. Looks like anyone else added also have their career stats and are fully exportable.
Sounds great! Thanks!
# 293 CWSpalehoseCWS @ 04/04/12 04:49 AM
Originally Posted by seanjeezy
Phew, what a relief, I know last year that service time would be imported but not career stats; this bodes well for guys like Mejia, especially if SCEA is somehow able to sneak his '10 face in.
If they sneak faces in, I doubt they are exportable. That happened to guys like Doug Davis last year. I really hope they just stick to the created player route.
# 294 cvernet @ 04/04/12 06:23 AM
Muchas Gracias !!! Cheers from México..... Thanks for all you guys, Knight and Co
# 295 Bullit @ 04/04/12 08:22 AM
Best set ever !!! You all have really out done yourselves. Thank you all

# 296 kpeercy @ 04/04/12 08:35 AM
Originally Posted by HustlinOwl
Anyone going to post a 25 man roster?
# 297 PsychoBulk @ 04/04/12 08:46 AM
Knight will do, hes said as much.

Thoroughly enjoyed my first year working on these rosters and very proud of what we as a whole team have put out.

Thanks to all.
# 298 mooch49 @ 04/04/12 08:53 AM
Originally Posted by Matty86
I'm not seeing anything to download?? Where's this...
# 299 h2oPr00f @ 04/04/12 08:59 AM
thank you!

I know what I am doing when I get home from Mets opening day tomorrow. Once again, thanks for the awesomeness!
# 300 majes @ 04/04/12 09:43 AM
what a great job - thx to all involved - especially to KNIGHT youre the man

as i said last year - if u ever hit germany visit me in hamburg there is always an open door 4 u

cheers to all and a great opening day

hugs majes

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