News Post

Okay guys...

Here is the Spring Training version of the Operation Sports Full Minors for 2012, for MLB 12 The Show.

This initial set looks really tight... and there is some FANTASTIC work done on these. Dare I say... the best set yet.

There are too many to thank for this... and I will come back and fill out this post with all those involved, as I know you guys want to get your hands on these and start your franchises.

Here is the link for the OSFM ST v.1They will be up in the Vault momentarily...
  • File name: O.S.F.M. SPRING
Thanks for all your patience... and most of all enjoy!!!

I just want to thank some people... and I have to say... this community is truly exceptional. Operation Sports is simply the best run website I visit. Bar none... and the members that frequent here are one of the main reasons. Good people attract other good people.

In no particular order... I really need to thank all of the people involved in the making of this set... as this is a true community effort and without all of these guys, it would make the process much harder and much, much longer.

Thanks to:



I'd like to thank ksig24 for his insight and input into the potential base for the set...

... and last but CERTAINLY not least...

Without his TREMENDOUS work and the immense amount of time that he puts into these rosters... they would have taken 3 times as long to do.

I CANNOT say enough about this, as his dedication and sheer bulldog mentality to get it done, means so much to these.

Also to Steve... the owner of O.S. and the mods on here who make it easy to keep the threads in order and viable to use in conjunction with the set.

...and of course thanks to the entire O.S. community for all the input that you guys have been putting into these for YEARS!


Guys.....a lot of people have requested to give back in response to these rosters. They offer thanks and several have offered money.
I suggest charities if you really want to do something as a thanks to these.

My suggested charities....The N.Y.C. FireFighters Burn Center....Wounded Warriors....or .....http://www.extra-life.org/

Thank you!


Game: MLB 12 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3Votes for game: 55 - View All
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Member Comments
# 221 dbacks_Nation @ 04/03/12 11:54 PM
Oh wow, I need to dumb down Bryce Harper just a little. The kid who struggled in Double-A last season is better than many starting OF in the game.

Great rosters otherwise though.
# 222 jamesman @ 04/03/12 11:55 PM
Originally Posted by bedwardsroy19
I'm not really sure why there is a debate on potential now, it probably should have been done before the prospects were created. I mean, that's why we all set up threads for the teams we worked on.

That said, I always gave a lower potential if I wasn't sure. But it feels like this discussion might be better off in the corrections thread, since that's why it was made.

Glad to have been a part of the project and thanks to everyone else who contributed in any way as well!
For someone who is completely new to The Show/PS3, how do I even begin to think about downloading these rosters. I literally know nothing about the process--terminology, where to start, what a .zip file is, etc. Can anyone help me out? I'd appreciate it immensely.
# 223 Jason_19 @ 04/03/12 11:55 PM
Originally Posted by TheRunAndShoot
Really? I thought we were listening to ksig for the top guys. Which is why I had Paxton and Nick Franklin are B's for the M's. To avoid bias I defaulted to ksig and BA. (65+ grade=A, 55-60=B, etc.)

How many sim's did you guys run and for how many years? I haven't ran one yet with these rosters but just with my experiance in tuning the ratings for the M's it seems like there's alot of 2010/11 draft picks that are still a few years away from the majors that would be peaking 3 years into a franchise.

I'll run a sim and post results but thats just from glancing over the rosters. Since it seems like there's alot of high potential guys could I recreate a couple guys for the M's? (depending on how this sim works)

Overall, great work by everyone. It's kinda funny seeing how people do faces. Some guys round the facial features, others emphasis any little thing.
I've heard from a few people that player's barely progress now. If that's the case, I have no issues with there being more A rated players or a ton of B rated players with higher than usual attributes (for OSMF rosters).

From what I heard, players with B potentials will basically be worthless for years to come unless they are rated a little higher than they usually are.

If there's a stat simulation thread, can someone post a link? If there's not, someone should create one.
# 224 RidinDwnKingsley @ 04/03/12 11:56 PM
Thanks for all the kind words. Those that are finding " fault" with the rosters remember its a Spring Training version for a reason...these rosters were cranked out in 4 weeks which is an incredible time forbthe amount of work involved. All I ask is you show respect to the creators of this great thing. Each Team creator put lots of time into it..and even though you may not agree with ratings, pitches or whos version of what players in the game....you would not have this roster tonight without all involved. Again thanks for all the kind words and enjoy...

# 225 dbacks_Nation @ 04/03/12 11:58 PM
Originally Posted by jamesman
For someone who is completely new to The Show/PS3, how do I even begin to think about downloading these rosters. I literally know nothing about the process--terminology, where to start, what a .zip file is, etc. Can anyone help me out? I'd appreciate it immensely.
Head over to Community and then "Vaults" and you should find Rosters there to download. No PC required, just a PS3 with internet access.
# 226 SupremeYankee @ 04/03/12 11:59 PM
Thank you to everyone who has worked on these. You guys have made my first year playing The Show some of the best gaming of my life so far. I thank all of you for adding the never ending gameplay that you just did
# 227 Deutscher @ 04/04/12 12:05 AM
This is called the Spring Training edition right? I think I can figure that out, but are there other editions? If so what are they and how will they be different.

I'm trying to figure out if I should start my franchise with these or wait...

Thanks so much!!
# 228 bmke92 @ 04/04/12 12:09 AM
St.louis has 5 first round picks next year...so by this logic they should automatically have like 10 A prospects next year...lol cmon it has to be top prospects league-wide, not by team.[/quote]

I didnt know only top 100's were the A's. Thats fine, I was just pointing out that they were highly regarded picks last year. The brewers are rated highly, I was just trying to find common ground and find reason into the ratings. It takes a lot of hard work to make these rosters, so maybe the maker had his Brewer colored glasses on during the process, I still appreciate the job he did.
# 229 Niekro4President @ 04/04/12 12:10 AM
Not sure if this is the right place but here's a superficial edit for the next edition.

Tommy Manzella's audio name is whatever the default was. He's on the Mobile Bay Bears.
# 230 edeadstroke @ 04/04/12 12:11 AM
16:00 MST Sat down at computer in my first evening class and saw the
OSFM had been loaded. Thought, "2 classes, 3 hours. I can do
this". Don't remember a single thing from either class.
19:00 MST Final class ends. BOLT out of building. Stop and get my favorite
carne asade tacos and a old style glass bottle Coke.
19:30 MST Get home, let dog out play fetch because I don't want to feel
guilty about ignoring her for the rest of the night. "Go lay
19:55 MST Sit down and start up MLB. OH THERE IT IS...WHAT I HAVE
BEEN WAITING FOR"...life can't be any better. Download.
20:00 MST Just have to thank all of you who did a wonderful job. I speak
for and probably many more...this will brings hours and hours
of hours of enjoyment. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!
# 231 mgoblue678 @ 04/04/12 12:15 AM
Unless I am missing something I don't see a roster titled O.S.F.M Spring Training in the vault. I see one titled OSFM 2012 though, is that the correct one?

Big thanks to anybody who worked on this project, great work once again.

Edit: Nevermind I found it.
# 232 37 @ 04/04/12 12:16 AM
Originally Posted by Deutscher
This is called the Spring Training edition right? I think I can figure that out, but are there other editions? If so what are they and how will they be different.

I'm trying to figure out if I should start my franchise with these or wait...

Thanks so much!!
There's the opening day set which will be released a few days after SCEA's official update which is this monday.....Updated transactions, edits, and other miscellaneous stuff will be fixed...if u have OCD and have the will to wait a few extra days/up to a week, i'd wait
# 233 Jason_19 @ 04/04/12 12:17 AM
Originally Posted by bmke92
I didnt know only top 100's were the A's.
That's actually not how A potential players were determined, but I do see how you could think that.
# 234 seanjeezy @ 04/04/12 12:18 AM
Originally Posted by Knight165

Straight up cold blooded Knight, 4/5ths of the M's faces were done by me and no mention

I kid, I could care less as long as people are enjoying the set
# 235 edeadstroke @ 04/04/12 12:23 AM
Download OSFM roster. Looks great. Trying to update the last day or so of transactions that occured. So I gone under roster control and trying to release RP Chad Durbin WAS to free agent pool so I can add him to ATL minor. Don't want to do a trade but when in Roster Control - Player Movement I bring up WAS and Free Agent list...but how do I release him with out WAS taking on one of the other FA. Or do I have to trade him?
# 236 Giants2003 @ 04/04/12 12:23 AM
Originally Posted by seanjeezy
Straight up cold blooded Knight, 4/5ths of the M's faces were done by me and no mention

I kid, I could care less as long as people are enjoying the set
Thanks for the faces Blanco on the Gmen looks perfect!!
# 237 edeadstroke @ 04/04/12 12:26 AM
Originally Posted by edeadstroke
Download OSFM roster. Looks great. Trying to update the last day or so of transactions that occured. So I gone under roster control and trying to release RP Chad Durbin WAS to free agent pool so I can add him to ATL minor. Don't want to do a trade but when in Roster Control - Player Movement I bring up WAS and Free Agent list...but how do I release him with out WAS taking on one of the other FA. Or do I have to trade him?
Or do I have to make updates in Franchise Mode? Trying to avoid options and waivers and all things such...
# 238 ksig24 @ 04/04/12 12:28 AM
Originally Posted by ARoid1313
Hey Knight looks like my latest Yankees prospects didn't make it in.

RF Zolio Amonte - changed him to skintone 6
SS Luis Nunez
2B Ronnie Mustelier - released anyways
1B Jorge Vazquez - released anyways
RF Mason Williams

i can post and export them to the vault if people want them
let me know
Mason Williams didnt make it in???????????
# 239 seanjeezy @ 04/04/12 12:35 AM
Originally Posted by Giants2003
Thanks for the faces Blanco on the Gmen looks perfect!!
Sorry man, Mariners faces only, Hawnprime and Juicer did the Giants, they deserve all the credit, so I will thank them on your behalf!
# 240 ksig24 @ 04/04/12 12:36 AM
OK, baby is down and now it is time to get down with the get down! I read through the posts and I gave two suggestions for the OS. One was to lighten up on the A potentials and give every team their fix. Two was to remain extremely stringent on A potentials period. I reviewed, reviewed, and reviewed some more until I came to the final conclusions that Baez, Marte (Starling), Lee (Hak-Ju) and Schoop should be A potentials.

I want to thank everyone for their hard work and dedication to the project. Not one of you goes without recognition.

I think that it is also very important that we keep the criticism constructive and works towards the v2 release where everything is touched up.

Anyone has any prospect questions or potential ratings questions, feel free to ask.

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