NCAA Football 13 News Post

In the past, our team would watch hours upon hours of games that Nessler and Herbstreit called on television, writing lines of scripted commentary that were meant to be in the voice of our talent. We’ve realized that no matter how much tape you watch we were never going to be able to predict how Nessler, and specifically Herbstreit as an analyst, will react and call a situation as it unfolds on the field. Scripting for the two takes away their ability to put events into their own words and provide personal inflections—a key component to capturing a true broadcast sound.

It is because of this that NCAA Football 13 will mark the first year that we’ve moved away from attempting to write scripts for our talent. The process now involves working in the studio with the talent to paint a picture of the game situation and allow them tell the story in their own words. We want both Brad and Kirk to feel like they are in a booth on a Saturday night, and even pump in crowd noise and fight songs into their headphones to get them into the moment.

The last surprise for lighting and rendering that I have for you is motion blur. This is a feature that we’ve wanted to develop for several cycles, and now we’ve finally been able to include it for you. The addition of motion blur has helped the representation of the animation feel more natural, in addition to the new animations and hard work the team has put into game play. As our players or cameras move through space rapidly, you’ll notice the edge of the player softens as well as the surrounding textures.

The same technology used by the Tiger Woods PGA TOUR team to scan Augusta National for the inclusion of The Masters in that game series is also being used in NCAA Football 13 this year to capture the intricate details of some of the brand-new stadiums for FBS play this coming fall; in particular, the new home fields for Florida Atlantic University and North Texas have both been scanned into this year’s game as incredibly faithful virtual reproductions of the real thing. The level of detail for these new stadiums is jaw-dropping, and I can imagine people using FAU and North Texas just to get a highly-accurate digital preview of the new venues before the season starts.
Check out some of the audio snippets below.

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Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 60 - View All
NCAA Football 13 Videos
Member Comments
# 61 Gotmadskillzson @ 04/03/12 09:44 PM
Ok lets move on from animations, since everybody seem to be running to the defense of it and saying omg come on guys this a sights and audio blog. Even though technically, animation SHOULD fall under the art director since it is a VISUAL thing. Plus how can you talk about MOTION BLUR without ANIMATION ? Just saying......since in order to even SEE motion blur you have to see something MOVING. So that right there is ANIMATION. I mean it is called MOTION blur, as in something ANIMATED moving.

But anyway............Since we got that out of the way. Let us move on to other visuals shall we ?

1. No mention of field degradation......

2. No mention of dirty uniforms.....

3. No mention of new body types......I for one am tired of see everybody around the same size regardless of position they are playing.

4. No mention of improvement of how the field going to look. Let me be honest here, the grass fields in NCAA 12 looked terrible compared to NCAA 11.

5. No mention of fixing the giant football.

6. No mention of game tracks improvement.

7. No mention of improving how the sidelines and crowd look...

8. No mention of fixing the center field logo that be upside down in coach mode for most of the 120 schools in the game.

9. No mention of fixing player chatter. It would be nice to hear the players actually communicating with each other pre-snap and during the flow of the game.

10. No mention of fixing the faded and washed out look most of the uniforms had in NCAA 12.

11. No mention of new camera angles.

12. No mention of improvements to the highlight system.
# 62 CT Pitbull @ 04/03/12 09:58 PM
looks like short socks are default for all teams again please make med socks default and lets have multiple playable customizeable cameras to use also i hope the dreads length is not a one size one color fits all thing we need about 4 or 5 lengths and an option for long hair on a white dude as well in black blonde or brown or red ..lol DO IT RIGHT EA!! or me for one is gone
# 63 CT Pitbull @ 04/03/12 10:22 PM
EA please dont release this game with short socks being the default for all 120 teams so we have to go in and change every player in the friggin games sock height to look like the real thing ....man its the little things that they dont listen to or dont care about that peeves me off
# 64 bartolet7 @ 04/03/12 11:01 PM
Seemed they mention several times about this being "year one" in implementing this or that new technology, and that they look forward to "building" on it in the years to come. I dunno but that doesn't exactly gain my confidence. It's like they're trying to say, "Look, we've changed directions to make "X" better, but it's going to take a few more cycles before we really get it where we want it, so enjoy what we have so far. And just wait till next year!". Really?

It's always the preverbial carrot on a stick with this game. The dream of a great game is always there, and we're always following behind EA trying to catch it. But I'm tired of chasing it. You've strung us along for years. We want it all. Now. Not the hope or promise that next year will be even better. Just now.
# 65 buckeye02 @ 04/04/12 12:24 AM
I'll probably be getting the game sometime in September-October. I figure this is when the first patch will be released.
# 66 BIG MONE88 @ 04/04/12 05:45 PM
I'll wait until the first week bugs are fixed. Aswell as some real game improvments!!!
# 67 Ziza9Noles94 @ 04/04/12 08:46 PM
Everything I read about the overhaul to the commentary engine and the throwing out of tired old lines put a smile on my face.
# 68 JohnDoh @ 04/04/12 10:13 PM
Games like NBA 2K series make games like this look like dog crap. The Tiburon team has done so little to grow this title over the past 5 years that I am no longer excited about the NCAA each year. Those running animations in the groundbreaking "motion blur" video look so stupid and archaic. The guy goes from a full sprint to a complete stop engaged in a block. Total garbage and I will pass on this years version for the first time. Pure crap.
# 69 sportzbro @ 04/04/12 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by jmiller937
Seeing how the improved crowd noise, they hopefully went to great lengths in changing everything else.
But it's just "year 1" of the audio developmental series A.K.A. the old "have patience" line.
# 70 balljonesjr @ 04/04/12 10:49 PM
I always new sumthin was up with the crowd chants lol always wondered y they didn't just go to all schools and record crowds for the game
# 71 sportzbro @ 04/04/12 11:27 PM
Originally Posted by balljonesjr
I always new sumthin was up with the crowd chants lol always wondered y they didn't just go to all schools and record crowds for the game
Because a billion-dollar game company thought going on a roof with 30 employees was the best way to implement crowd noise for a 90,000 seat stadium... Then laugh about it after everyone bought it.
# 72 gator3guy @ 04/05/12 03:37 AM
Didn't they say they recorded sounds from stadiums LAST YEAR?????? Or am I imagining things???
# 73 Kingfish @ 04/05/12 08:37 AM
Too disappointed to read everything so this might be said a dozen time BUT, anyone else have a problem with a guy running full out down field to suddenly go locked up on contact?

No peace until Momentum and weight count!!!

There should have been a CRASH with one sliding off the other or a total brush and slip by or SUMTHING...not suddenly go into lockon suction block mode!

Jesh...this is gonna so be a long year waiting for hopefully a better NCAA14.
# 74 Retropyro @ 04/05/12 11:38 PM
There is no other game out there that I want to work right more than this. I just can't allow myself to trust a single thing Ben Haumiller ever says.

I wonder if they are going to fix the Big Ten championship game, you know were apparently they can't afford heat in Lucas Oil Stadium and it looks like your playing an outdoor game.
# 75 The_Gaming_Disciple @ 04/06/12 08:36 PM
As I have stated in other forum threads well before the EA podcast was released yesterday and confirmed by Ben Haumiller, there are things that each development group wants to implement in the game. However, the marketing execs dictate what goes into the game and what is left out. We, was hard core football fans need to realize this game is geared more towards middle school and high school kids, who, unlike us are not that interested in "real simulation football games". Additionally, there parents, who purchase these games, could care less about all the things we want implemented and purchase the game for their kids. This is what the marketing execs who have gone to school and earned degrees realize. We are a small market and thus our cries will only be heard minimally each year at best. OS, as well as other gaming websites who are in EA back pocket will have to collectively join together on a unified front and expose the foolishness that is delivered by EA NCAA each year. However, we know this will not happen because these gaming sites want EA's friendship and notoriety. So the only thing we can do, is rant, hope, be disappointed, and continue the next cycle all over again next year. Or, just deal...and don't buy the game...SMH

"These words have been spoken, so that those who hear, might believe"

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