NCAA Football 13 News Post

In the past, our team would watch hours upon hours of games that Nessler and Herbstreit called on television, writing lines of scripted commentary that were meant to be in the voice of our talent. We’ve realized that no matter how much tape you watch we were never going to be able to predict how Nessler, and specifically Herbstreit as an analyst, will react and call a situation as it unfolds on the field. Scripting for the two takes away their ability to put events into their own words and provide personal inflections—a key component to capturing a true broadcast sound.

It is because of this that NCAA Football 13 will mark the first year that we’ve moved away from attempting to write scripts for our talent. The process now involves working in the studio with the talent to paint a picture of the game situation and allow them tell the story in their own words. We want both Brad and Kirk to feel like they are in a booth on a Saturday night, and even pump in crowd noise and fight songs into their headphones to get them into the moment.

The last surprise for lighting and rendering that I have for you is motion blur. This is a feature that we’ve wanted to develop for several cycles, and now we’ve finally been able to include it for you. The addition of motion blur has helped the representation of the animation feel more natural, in addition to the new animations and hard work the team has put into game play. As our players or cameras move through space rapidly, you’ll notice the edge of the player softens as well as the surrounding textures.

The same technology used by the Tiger Woods PGA TOUR team to scan Augusta National for the inclusion of The Masters in that game series is also being used in NCAA Football 13 this year to capture the intricate details of some of the brand-new stadiums for FBS play this coming fall; in particular, the new home fields for Florida Atlantic University and North Texas have both been scanned into this year’s game as incredibly faithful virtual reproductions of the real thing. The level of detail for these new stadiums is jaw-dropping, and I can imagine people using FAU and North Texas just to get a highly-accurate digital preview of the new venues before the season starts.
Check out some of the audio snippets below.

Game: NCAA Football 13Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 60 - View All
NCAA Football 13 Videos
Member Comments
# 21 terpsfan1978 @ 04/03/12 12:39 AM
Does this solve the problem of super leaping linebackers and secondary with eyes in the back of their head that cheat to the ball before it's even thrown?

Fix that please, not audio or dumb intro's.
# 22 djordan @ 04/03/12 12:42 AM

# 23 DorianDonP @ 04/03/12 01:16 AM
The only thing I noticed on the motion blur video was the horrible running animations of the special teams LOL.

The sound clips were pretty good though.
# 24 CurryStorm @ 04/03/12 01:17 AM
Don't things moving naturally create motion blur? Like someone pointed out, if you move your hand back and forth across your face, that's motion blur... and my hand is as "sharp" as it can be, since it's right here in reality.

I may just be over analyzing things here, but don't the players running across the field create motion blur naturally? Is that something EA really has to create and not something your eyes do naturally?
# 25 Gotmadskillzson @ 04/03/12 01:43 AM
Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
Maybe I am just too optimistic but I really don't get why more people aren't heartened by what little we saw today. Personally, considering the fact about EA having shared technology among it's games and them mentioning EAC (EA Canada) quite a few times, I am really itching for gameplay on April 17th.

I don't know how many people noticed but Tiburon and EA football seem to be trending towards utilizing EA Canada tech and talent quite a bit. Taking a look at gameplay features that are currently in FIFA and NHL but weren't in NCAA 12 might give some insight about what's in store for NCAA 13.
The thing about that though is they been sharing technology with other EA studios for years now. That isn't something "new". So they could have said EAC a million times and Dice a billion times.......I would still have the same reaction, "meh".

I want to see what actually makes the "final cut".

Over the past few year we have heard in April or May what cool technology they borrowed from EAC or Dice, but then come the final retail version, it isn't in the game.

Who could forget the famous line of:

"We borrowed jostling from FIFA and it will be in Madden 10 and NCAA 10 this year"

In reality...........never made it into the series.


"Real assignment AI"


"Pro Tak"



Pro tak been in the series for NCAA for the past 2 years now, it was in NCAA 11 and NCAA 12. Didn't address the lack of momentum and weight shifting in the game like they said it would do back in 2010. Still don't see Barry Sanders type of runs like they "claimed" they seen in all these Game Changers community day events in the past.

And don't get me started on Real Assignment AI. Blocking assignments still don't work properly like they should. Hell I'm still waiting for this beast of a running game from the CPU that suppose to run over me, through me and around me, leaving me devastated in their awesomeness. That never happened.

So yeah it is alright to hear them borrowing tech from other studios within the EA family, I am more concerned with which tech THEY ACTUALLY GOT TO WORK and what makes it into the RETAIL version of the game.

Too many times I hear:

"we have A,B, C feature in the game. I played it a community day last week, it is so AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEEE ! You guys will be blown away in July"

Come July, none of that is in the game. Ask the people, "so umm what happened to A,B and C feature ?" Then you get one of two type of replies:

Reply 1:

"crickets" Those people go ghost mode on OS and don't even sign on anymore until a patch is about to be released.

Reply 2:

"We aren't game testers OK ! That is hyperbole ! It works fine in my copy. I only play online so I don't know what you are talking about kid."

So even though I am looking forward to April 17th for game play, I am more concerned with what actual makes it into the retail version of the game. And what actually WORKS in the retail copy.

For years now they talk a good game of features and stuff. But come retail 1/3 of the stuff they mention don't make it into the retail version. Then of the ones that do make it, 1/2 of it don't work until 3 patches later. And more often then not, you going to end up editing the rosters to make the part that does work some what, work PROPERLY.

Plus I am a bit disappointed that they had the art guy there and he didn't mention or any talk about the most IMPORTANT things about the visuals of NCAA.

1. Dirty uniforms ! Truth be told, after the release day patch of NCAA 12, dirty uniforms was BROKEN. And it took TWO PATCHES in NCAA 11 to get dirty uniforms.

So if I was the art director, knowing the problems of the past 2 games with dirty uniforms, I would have lead off my speech with, "Guys not only did we fix dirty uniforms, we made it even better." Should of showed some pictures of that instead of some damn dog and 2 stadiums of teams I and probably 90% of gamers not even going to play as.

2. Field degradation !!! Once again, you showing stadiums, why not talk about what improvements you made in that area of the game that is severely lacking ?

3. The size of the football. No mention of you made it smaller for it can look more life like and natural.

4. Camera angles.......not talked about it........So I guess it is safe to say they don't even touch it at all.

5. Game Tracks. Not even mentioned. So no enhancement to that area ? No Game Tracks 2.0 ?
# 26 boritter @ 04/03/12 02:38 AM
The audio improvements sound promising.

But I feel like EA is not listening to its fans regarding cut scenes. We don't want cut scenes of cheerleaders or mascots that we skip after 2 viewings. We want dynamic presentation improvements.

Edit: Add me to the list of OSers who are hoping that EA will shrink the football so it doesn't look so absurd.
# 27 jagsrock95 @ 04/03/12 02:59 AM
why is it so hard for them to fix the running animations? There's not even a hint of variation between the running motion of one player to the other ..sigh same old same old.
# 28 tanner75 @ 04/03/12 06:01 AM
I’m happy to say that after many months of hard work we have made several big strides that will lay the foundation for exciting new commentary additions for years to come. This was a quote from audio developer, once again they will just add tiny additions each year to milk the cash cow FOR YEARS TO COME! They could make it awesome this year if they wanted to but then there would be no reason to buy it next year. Same goes for other ideas they put in. A year or 2 later GONE, only to be brought back again and fobbed off as a new addition a few years down the line!
# 29 Phobia @ 04/03/12 09:15 AM
I will be honest, there was only two things that stood out to me. Neither was good.

1) How are you going to market motion blur as a "addition" or new inclusion. It is a visual effect that has been included in other games for 5+ years now. I am hardly jumping out my seat because "OH MY GOD THEY FINALLY ADDED MOTION BLUR..........YESSSSSSSSSS!!!!" Improve your product, but I see no reason to "pimp" this unless you really don't have better stuff to "pimp".

2) Well we can clearly see the running animation still SUCK!


The disappointment that has come from the EA football franchises this generation is mind blowing. You are the biggest Sports developer in the world, one of the biggest developers PERIOD. Yet creating a genre changing or innovated football title has gone completely by. They have continued to push out the same rehashed product over and over. I think the general public is over it honestly.

I am glad I am going back to PC as my gaming platform. Then I won't have to be concerned with EA football any longer. I can then just focus on the somewhat decent FIFA franchise.
# 30 ch46647 @ 04/03/12 09:42 AM
Originally Posted by djordan

I agree with this statement. It really is amazing to me that after how bad these next gen football games have been, this is still the stuff they are focusing on. I understand this is just a "sight and sounds" blog but what they are focusing on is clouds moving through the sky, motion blur, parachutes and more animals as mascots.

What they need to be focusing on is making the crowds look more realistic, the sideline come alive and not cardboard cutouts, player models, custom cameras, etc.. These are the things that are more important when it comes to "sights" in a football game.

Also, I did enjoy the sound blog but what they showed were a few stadium chants. Why cant they show us what it sounds like when we break a big run, huge hit, score a TD, cause a turnover, late game drives, 3rd downs, throw a deep ball, etc, etc, etc. These are the things that create atmosphere. Crowd chants for a few big name schools should be just icing on the cake. I am happy they are finally working on the commentary but they are already warning us that this will be a multiple year implementation. It doesnt seem to take other games that long to get their commentary where it needs to be.....

*** Also, those running animations and short gameplay videos they showed were just cringe worthy. We are now 7-8 years into next-gen and the foundations of the game are just completely archaic. This game is not even close to as smooth as the old PS2 games were. I just do not understand what happened to football gaming on this gen.***
# 31 mtoo22 @ 04/03/12 10:15 AM
Originally Posted by ch46647
I agree with this statement. It really is amazing to me that after how bad these next gen football games have been, this is still the stuff they are focusing on. I understand this is just a "sight and sounds" blog but what they are focusing on is clouds moving through the sky, motion blur, parachutes and more animals as mascots.

What they need to be focusing on is making the crowds look more realistic, the sideline come alive and not cardboard cutouts, player models, custom cameras, etc.. These are the things that are more important when it comes to "sights" in a football game.

Also, I did enjoy the sound blog but what they showed were a few stadium chants. Why cant they show us what it sounds like when we break a big run, huge hit, score a TD, cause a turnover, late game drives, 3rd downs, throw a deep ball, etc, etc, etc. These are the things that create atmosphere. Crowd chants for a few big name schools should be just icing on the cake. I am happy they are finally working on the commentary but they are already warning us that this will be a multiple year implementation. It doesnt seem to take other games that long to get their commentary where it needs to be.....

*** Also, those running animations and short gameplay videos they showed were just cringe worthy. We are now 7-8 years into next-gen and the foundations of the game are just completely archaic. This game is not even close to as smooth as the old PS2 games were. I just do not understand what happened to football gaming on this gen.***
They built this game from lots of older coding and now it is all built on that. Not going to see any changes until a new console it seems like. Its so outdated how they are doing things. In most cases it was better off on ps2-xbox..

Hail West Virginia
# 32 adub88 @ 04/03/12 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by jagsrock95
why is it so hard for them to fix the running animations? There's not even a hint of variation between the running motion of one player to the other ..sigh same old same old.
I hope we see something different on the 17th. How many years do we have to ask for fluid running animations????
# 33 DJ @ 04/03/12 11:09 AM
Christian, good job on the audio blog. Sounds like you've been working hard down there at the EA offices. I'm so glad you guys went out and recorded audio from ACTUAL CROWDS during the season. I've been asking EA to do this for years, so I'm glad to read that it has finally been done. I think it will really help make the crowd sound more lively and dynamic.
# 34 chi_hawks @ 04/03/12 11:19 AM
Only thing I liked about this was the image of the Hawks hoisting Floyd the pig

In all seriousness, these updates sound cool, but they will mean jack unless the majority of development time was spent on fixing gameplay. I could care less about USC's chant....
# 35 Gotmadskillzson @ 04/03/12 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by afbrother
All good points. A simple economic question might be, if they fixed everything, then how would they get your money the next year? What could they hype? I mean the process of playing football never changes, run, pass, kick. They can add all the whistles you want--and people do want that. However when you are facing 3rd and 10, you are not looking at cheerleaders, dreadlocks, etc. You want your players to perform the way they should. Why do we need a brand new game every year? Couldn't they incorporate updates with the season pass and charge $20.00 instead of $10.00? This could apply to all the sports titles. Maybe there is not enough money in it to run a business model, but it seems to me it would be a win/win for everyone and broaden their base.
They release a game every year because they are contracted to release one every year. That is just the nature of sports games. My whole gripe has always been:

Fix the basics of the sport you suppose to be representing. Certain sports are known for certain things to happen on a regular basis and that needs to be better represented in the game. That should be priority number one.

Cheerleaders, crowd chants, lighting techniques, etc.......just extra.

Look at MLB The Show and NBA 2K basketball. The basics of those sports are represented. Core game play is solid. Every year they just add more or better animations or ball physics. But the core game play foundation is solid. What you expect to see in baseball or basketball game is represented.

I mean could you imagine if played a basketball game and nobody ever threw alley oops ? Never dunked ? No fastbreaks ?

Played a baseball game and there was never a home run ? No double plays ? No steal attempts ?

That is the problem with EA Sports football games. The core game play isn't correct. Option attacks, shotgun running, jet sweeps, WR screens, HB screens are flawed because the blocking logic is flawed. There is no gap assignment logic.

Special teams is completely flawed. Never a punt return for a TD or big gain. Never a kick off returned for a TD. Option teams aren't deadly like they are in real life. Air raid and run & shoot offense isn't deadly like it is in real life. There aren't punt blocks or FG blocks.

Dual threat QBs aren't dangerous......Hell the play makers aren't even dangerous. How is it you can have a play maker WR but yet the ball only gets thrown to him twice in a game ? But yet the scrub TE get passed to 15 times a game ?

There is no pass interference.......no late hit flags where the player clearly be out of bounds.

I really don't know why football fans put up with this stuff every year. Why they accept it and make excuses for it. You wouldn't see baseball, basketball or soccer fans put up with it.

For way too long now, the basics of what makes football, football has been ignored and neglected.
# 36 mtoo22 @ 04/03/12 11:50 AM
Well if they fixed everything broken, they could add new features instead of fixing the broken stuff every year. I wouldn't mind "fluff" if it was done after the game was playable.
# 37 illwill10 @ 04/03/12 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by Phobia
2) Well we can clearly see the running animation still SUCK!
I hope that is just early build. Because those are basically the same animations.
RB animations were/are one of the main things I wanted to be changed.
All the faces were the old faces, so there is a good chance that they dont want to show off anything uo to date
# 38 jfsolo @ 04/03/12 01:33 PM
Hopefully a lot people can find some closure on April 17th and realize that the gameplay in this series is simply not going to ever measure up to their wishes,and then they can move on.

Sadly, though it will probably instead lead to three months of people poisoning threads, bitching about how they're not buying the game this year.
# 39 outkaz79 @ 04/03/12 01:39 PM
Wait!?!??!...................... They added motion blur!?!?!?!? You know how long I have wanted this?? This is a definite buy!! I might get 2 copies!! Woohoo!!!

# 40 WLU Golden Hawk @ 04/03/12 02:00 PM
Motion Blur this year is the animated pylon of last year and the wind socks on the FG bar 2 years ago

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