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We just received the full fact sheet for MLB 12: The Show complete with dozens upon dozens of new features and enhancements included within. Don't hesitate, click the link below to learn everything you wanted to know about SCEA's newest baseball gem.

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Game: MLB 12 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3Votes for game: 55 - View All
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Member Comments
# 161 mhanson93 @ 02/08/12 10:03 AM
Originally Posted by Apostle
I am just going to come out and say it.

I have a slight man crush(es) on the development team of this game. There, it's out...

Two years ago, I took the plunge and got a PS3 with the *sole* purpose of playing this game. It has been one of the better decisions of my life...
I did the same thing in 2008. I dropped about $500 on a PS3 when it came out. I did not play another PS3 game about 8-9 months. Yeah, a ton of cash for one game, but I didn't regret it. Now that I have kids, I don't play as much, but I'll likely be picking it up again soon after release this year.
# 162 Cavicchi @ 02/08/12 10:35 AM
All seems good but I have to admit being a little concerned about the quirky bugs. I just hope it doesn't cause game freezes.

Real Ball Physics Will Be Awesome
-- There will be some quirky bugs, but it'll be a huge step forward for the game, and it'll be entirely subtle.
# 163 thaSLAB @ 02/08/12 10:41 AM
Originally Posted by jp121272
All seems good but I have to admit being a little concerned about the quirky bugs. I just hope it doesn't cause game freezes.

Real Ball Physics Will Be Awesome
-- There will be some quirky bugs, but it'll be a huge step forward for the game, and it'll be entirely subtle.
You do know that is from an opinion piece, right? Pure speculation from the author.

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# 164 NotoriousReignz @ 02/08/12 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by jp121272
All seems good but I have to admit being a little concerned about the quirky bugs. I just hope it doesn't cause game freezes.

Real Ball Physics Will Be Awesome
-- There will be some quirky bugs, but it'll be a huge step forward for the game, and it'll be entirely subtle.
Can you confirm quirky bugs? How quirky are they?
# 165 Cavicchi @ 02/08/12 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by NotoriousReignz
Can you confirm quirky bugs? How quirky are they?
I don't have any idea, just posting what the author said.
# 166 nomo17k @ 02/08/12 11:03 AM
Originally Posted by Apostle
I am just going to come out and say it.

I have a slight man crush(es) on the development team of this game. There, it's out...
Here's a song that may go well with your feeling:

Why do you assume there isn't any women in the development team?

If there are I love them and I let you know that I'm available.
# 167 barsoffury @ 02/08/12 11:05 AM
I'm very excited, while they didn't overhaul either franchise or RTTS modes I'm not to worried.. What makes me happy is that they are truly trying to make the game play better, like new ball physics, animations, audio, etc. and not being like our "friends" over at EA and just coming up with nonsense gimmicks to distract users from their crappy product...

Can't wait for March 6th.
# 168 idesign2 @ 02/08/12 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by Knight165
I really....REALLY hope we get the custom league and Diamond Dynasty features for our offline franchises next year.
THIS...I will be stressing in my request list for '13 to Aaron and Brent.

I always assumed Major League Baseball would never allow full customization in a video game so as to protect their brand. I very much hope I'm proven wrong about that.
# 169 Knight165 @ 02/08/12 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by idesign2
I always assumed Major League Baseball would never allow full customization in a video game so as to protect their brand. I very much hope I'm proven wrong about that.
Well I don't think they will.
So you won't be able to go into the MLB franchise and start editing things in there. But if you've seen the online custom league setup in the game....you'll get the idea of how it can might be able to be included for offline play.

# 170 stlchamp10 @ 02/08/12 12:20 PM
Those facts stick out like a boner in sweat pants. God, I can not wait. Come on March!!!
# 171 mhanson93 @ 02/08/12 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by stlchamp10
Those facts stick out like a boner in sweat pants. God, I can not wait. Come on March!!!
# 172 Bigsheen @ 02/08/12 12:55 PM
Lov the fact that challenge of the week is free. Very under the radar feature
# 173 DJ @ 02/08/12 12:55 PM
Wow. Diamond Dynasty sounds GREAT! Now, if we could get SCEA to add in Composite Bats, we could create our own NCAA league.

I'm definitely making an FSU custom uni, that's for sure.

Bye, bye, MLB 11. You were fun, but I've got to get ready for MLB 12.
# 174 Bobhead @ 02/08/12 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
I have enough faith in the crew to know its a purchase every year even without previews etc....
This type of statement just doesn't receive enough acclaim, because it's definitely true. I put A TON of research into my video game purchases. Heck, I just bought God of War 1 this year, and played it for the first time, when I've known of its existence for several years. I just can't afford to spend money on games unless I'm sure I'll enjoy them.

But with The Show it is a different story. Being a part of this community and getting to see the devs' outstanding attitudes, and incomparable levels of interest in our concerns and our opinions... well... it's like none other. No joke, they could have released 0 pieces of information about The Show 2012, and I'd still be first in line.
# 175 HawkeyMediaPlus @ 02/08/12 02:11 PM
Real ball physics is going to end up being the most important feature in this game. Last year I was so upset about the lack of bloop hits and hit variety online. I hope this fixes that problem.
# 176 Ghoste @ 02/08/12 02:13 PM
Was the bullpen management option either to warm up a pitcher fast or slow?

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# 177 idesign2 @ 02/08/12 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by Bobhead
This type of statement just doesn't receive enough acclaim, because it's definitely true. I put A TON of research into my video game purchases. Heck, I just bought God of War 1 this year, and played it for the first time, when I've known of its existence for several years. I just can't afford to spend money on games unless I'm sure I'll enjoy them.

But with The Show it is a different story. Being a part of this community and getting to see the devs' outstanding attitudes, and incomparable levels of interest in our concerns and our opinions... well... it's like none other. No joke, they could have released 0 pieces of information about The Show 2012, and I'd still be first in line.
I hear ya, and definitely agree that The Show community is like none other. Where I differ is on the "purchase sight unseen" aspect. Developers have to earn my $60 (plus tax). They earn this by demonstrating improvements and innovations prior to release. If I'm convinced that the new game is a substantial upgrade over my current version, THEN I purchase. I do not TRUST, even the typically stellar SCEA. (Please note: I have yet to be disappointed by any version of The Show since 2009. Having said that, I'm still on the fence this year.)

Generally speaking it's not a good thing when developers know their product will be purchased in large quantities regardless of effort (not saying this is the case with SCEA, by the way). This, along with lack of competition, is one of the core drawbacks of exclusive licenses. Although I haven't played "that other baseball game" in years, I hope it sticks around if only to give SCEA something to beat each year.
# 178 nomo17k @ 02/08/12 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by idesign2
I hear ya, and definitely agree that The Show community is like none other. Where I differ is on the "purchase sight unseen" aspect. Developers have to earn my $60 (plus tax). They earn this by demonstrating improvements and innovations prior to release. If I'm convinced that the new game is a substantial upgrade over my current version, THEN I purchase. I do not TRUST, even the typically stellar SCEA. (Please note: I have yet to be disappointed by any version of The Show since 2009. Having said that, I'm still on the fence this year.)

Generally speaking it's not a good thing when developers know their product will be purchased in large quantities regardless of effort (not saying this is the case with SCEA, by the way). This, along with lack of competition, is one of the core drawbacks of exclusive licenses. Although I haven't played "that other baseball game" in years, I hope it sticks around if only to give SCEA something to beat each year.
What's been obvious to me is that SCEA has been producing very fine products where annual improvements worthy of $60 might be hard to make than we actually think, and there's a very good feedback loop going between customers (like people in OS) and the devs.

I agree that I don't trust any developer to the extent that they automatically earn $60 every year from me. After all, this isn't an organized religion.......

But I just quickly calculated how much $$$ I've spent and about to spend on this franchise and related products during the span of just over a year since I got PS3... close to $600!!! And that doesn't include PS3 console itself. Good thing I haven't had any other hobbies that require money to be spent in this magnitude.

And that's a testament to the quality of their products and my desire to enjoy them. You can be all blinded by the love that you feel between the devs and yourself, but..... as you may know, love can betray you. (... where as money won't ever do that.... well at least it pays bills when love cannot....)

So that's my way of showing support. I see a good product and pay accordingly to reward the creator.

# 179 CuseGirl @ 02/08/12 03:54 PM
I just want to know, is the Free Agency RTTS glitch/salary-backlog fixed. I'm tired of becoming the best player in the league and being paid as the 20th best player in the league, not getting free agent offers when the best franchises have the money to pay me.
# 180 MetsFan16 @ 02/08/12 04:47 PM
I'm very interested in Uniform Editor. I'm thinking of how it will work. Will we get preloaded images of random things like Madden and NHL. I sure hope it isn't because those images are very limited. I'm hoping we are able to upload our own images and stick on to the front of our jersey.

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