UFC Undisputed 3 News Post

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The UFC Undisputed 3 demo is available now for 360, later today for PS3.

*UPDATE: The demo is now available for PS3 users.

Play a few matches and post your impressions here. If you are away from your 360, you can queue it up right here.

As posted yesterday, the UFC Undisputed 3 demo roster includes Light Heavyweight champ Jon Jones and legend Anderson Silva, from the UFC side, while Quinton "Rampage" Jackson and Wanderlei Silva, are available on the Pride FC side.

You may also see the demo promoted on storefront banners within XBOX Live Marketplace and the Playstation Store.

XBOX 360:
PLEASE NOTE - The UFC 3 demo is exclusive to XBOX Gold Members for the first 7 days (this is standard). It will be free to everyone after this period. There are many Gold trial options available if you are not a Gold member.

Hit Guide Button
Scroll to "Games" tab
Select "Demo"
Select "Search"
Scroll to "U"
Select "UFC 3" and download
PS3 (free to everyone):


Select "PlayStation Store"
Select "Demos"
Select "UFC 3" and download

Game: UFC Undisputed 3Reader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 12 - View All
UFC Undisputed 3 Videos
Member Comments
# 241 redsrule @ 02/03/12 08:31 PM
So rusty, played for the first time on advanced and got my *** beat by Bones.
# 242 OSUFan_88 @ 02/03/12 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
Ive struggled with Wandy but not at all with Jones. Ive beat Silva several times with Jones on Advanced. Take Silva down with a double leg or clinch and take him down. I've dominated rounds with Jones.
I should have clarified.

I cannot beat Jones with Silva. I mean, I could probably win 3 out of 10 times. I'm not sure if I should just chalk that up to Jones being Jones and it being realistic or if I just suck or if you think that is unbalanced.

I don't even play with Jones. Dude is like playing with Brock in 2009.
# 243 The Bad Man @ 02/03/12 10:38 PM
i suddenly became a fan of jon bones jones with this goddamn demo lol. but playing as silva makes me want to know more about the "sport" of mma. i'm starting to like it. playing in advanced, pro grapple, sim stamina. i won some and lose some matches but felt satisfied with these settings.
# 244 p_rushing @ 02/04/12 01:08 AM
I've tried to win a decision against Rampage, but I can't. I can control him on the ground, beat him up, but when I back off to keep the fight going, I either get caught with a lucky punch or somehow lose.
# 245 Control-X @ 02/04/12 01:51 AM
Originally Posted by p_rushing
I've tried to win a decision against Rampage, but I can't. I can control him on the ground, beat him up, but when I back off to keep the fight going, I either get caught with a lucky punch or somehow lose.
I did a few times and I can do it again. I turn on player hud so I can see which rampage body part is severely damaged, trying to destroy anything healthy then move to destroying another body part heavily but not completely. He'll be so beat up he cant move normally and he'll be easy to control on the ground if he tries to get up. Don't forget to never strike a heavily injured part anymore or it could end as a knockout. Just wait for round time to expire and win. lol.
# 246 qb2k5 @ 02/04/12 04:41 AM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
Ive struggled with Wandy but not at all with Jones. Ive beat Silva several times with Jones on Advanced. Take Silva down with a double leg or clinch and take him down. I've dominated rounds with Jones.
I just love elbowing silvia with jones on the ground. Its mighty satisfying.
# 247 qb2k5 @ 02/04/12 04:48 AM
Originally Posted by p_rushing
I've tried to win a decision against Rampage, but I can't. I can control him on the ground, beat him up, but when I back off to keep the fight going, I either get caught with a lucky punch or somehow lose.
The trick with beating rampage in advanced is keeping him in the clinch. He likes to come at you with hay makers. I usually mix it up with a few 1-2s, sway from his bombs and clinch for the body. Keep him on the ropes or transition to his back side then take him down. Its important to master the transition block.
# 248 Motown @ 02/04/12 06:18 AM
Fight night Champion could take a few pointers from this game w/ the damage GFX...Phenomenal!!!
# 249 CX1329 @ 02/04/12 01:33 PM
My trick to beating Rampage involves making heavy use of 1-2 or 1-2-3 combos, teeps and leg kicks. Make sure you hit and move, because slugging it out with Rampage is a terrible, terrible idea. So, discourage him from getting inside by using teeps and leg kicks, and throw a few quick combos whenever you get the chance. I tend not to clinch too much due to Rampage's wrestling abilities, but when I do, I try to push him against the ropes and deliver some knees to the head, which ends up earning me a brutal victory more often than not.

Also, unless you're planning on countering his bombs with a high kick, don't forget to throw a quick jab or 1-2 combo prior to kicking. It's an extremely basic Muay Thai trick that almost always works in the game.
# 250 caml17 @ 02/04/12 03:55 PM
I LOVE the demo for the most part, here are my pros and cons

-new damage system is a HUGE improvement. I think because I put it on sim mode, slugging it out will get you gassed QUICK and clinching gets you gassed even QUICKER!
-signature movements - Anderson Silva and Rampage have their fight / movements styles replicated spot on. W. Silva is alright, I don't think they got Jon Jones down that well though.

-A bunch of little things, that's what it's all about. To mention quickly: -sitting against cage positioning,
-fighters don't stand around like idiots after finishes,
-can taunt while moving,
-non-power punches and kicks are a bit more effective
-can wall-walk
-AI is improved, no longer strike every 0.5 seconds

-I can't stress enough how much i ****ing HATE the new submission system. It might be more transparent but i ****ing HATE it. Bringing up a mini game that covers the screen is just so ****ing unnatural and might be a deal breaker for me. One big problem with the whole thing is, you can't pull off quick submissions, you have to work AT LEAST 5 seconds to get it. And I'm pretty sure the opponent has to be gassed to get subbed. I get the feeling it's impossible to pull off quick unexpected submissions while getting beat like Mir vs Brock style or Sonnen vs A. Silva style.

-I don't think they incorporated fighter reach. Jon Jones body style looks really off, his head is too big and he isn't nearly lanky enough. His reach looks normal.

I haven't read through all the comments here, do most people agree the new submission system looks like ****? Or are people liking it?
# 251 HoundsOfHowl @ 02/04/12 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by caml17
I haven't read through all the comments here, do most people agree the new submission system looks like ****? Or are people liking it?
Idk man , I kinda like it, Im not a submission man myself, so I rarely use it, but for what little I do use it, I think its a beginning to something better, it at least gives you a chance to defend yourself....
# 252 Jukeman @ 02/04/12 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by caml17
I LOVE the demo for the most part, here are my pros and cons

-new damage system is a HUGE improvement. I think because I put it on sim mode, slugging it out will get you gassed QUICK and clinching gets you gassed even QUICKER!
-signature movements - Anderson Silva and Rampage have their fight / movements styles replicated spot on. W. Silva is alright, I don't think they got Jon Jones down that well though.

-A bunch of little things, that's what it's all about. To mention quickly: -sitting against cage positioning,
-fighters don't stand around like idiots after finishes,
-can taunt while moving,
-non-power punches and kicks are a bit more effective
-can wall-walk
-AI is improved, no longer strike every 0.5 seconds

-I can't stress enough how much i ****ing HATE the new submission system. It might be more transparent but i ****ing HATE it. Bringing up a mini game that covers the screen is just so ****ing unnatural and might be a deal breaker for me. One big problem with the whole thing is, you can't pull off quick submissions, you have to work AT LEAST 5 seconds to get it. And I'm pretty sure the opponent has to be gassed to get subbed. I get the feeling it's impossible to pull off quick unexpected submissions while getting beat like Mir vs Brock style or Sonnen vs A. Silva style.

-I don't think they incorporated fighter reach. Jon Jones body style looks really off, his head is too big and he isn't nearly lanky enough. His reach looks normal.

I haven't read through all the comments here, do most people agree the new submission system looks like ****? Or are people liking it?
Never thought about the quick subs, I hope they are still possible. One of my highlights of playing UFC (UFC 09) was submitting people seconds after the bell.

(particularly playing this guy online who went for a take down but I instead caught him with a guillotine with Machida; literally winning the match within 10 seconds)

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# 253 Jukeman @ 02/04/12 07:32 PM

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# 254 Jukeman @ 02/04/12 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by st67
Submissions system kills submissions. It's so unfun that I don't even bother going for them in game at all - it's just all ground and pound.

I don't really get what they were thinking with it. It's similar to EA's - but EA had two different system, and both of them were actually someone fun and didn't take you out of the game.
Yea EA's were way better.

Its like THQ tried to make a copy version but instead of making original Timberland boots they made the ugly Tims from WalMart.

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# 255 allBthere @ 02/06/12 06:45 PM
anyone know how you push? I've had the ai do it to me and seen it on youtube videos.
# 256 thegut @ 02/07/12 12:48 AM
The sim stamina needs a lot of work. Just finished a match against Jackson. At the end of the round he had thrown 119 punches. His stamina was at 70%. I'm sorry but Jackson throwing over 100 hay makers in a round is ridiculous. It affects game play because Jackson should be selective with his combos, however with the stamina in its current state Jackson is not punished for just spamming hooks the entire match.
# 257 The Bad Man @ 02/07/12 05:01 AM
Originally Posted by allBthere
anyone know how you push? I've had the ai do it to me and seen it on youtube videos.
i want to know how to do this too. i thought this push thing is automatic (depending on the animation) but i guess there's a way to do it manually.

Originally Posted by thegut
The sim stamina needs a lot of work. Just finished a match against Jackson. At the end of the round he had thrown 119 punches. His stamina was at 70%. I'm sorry but Jackson throwing over 100 hay makers in a round is ridiculous. It affects game play because Jackson should be selective with his combos, however with the stamina in its current state Jackson is not punished for just spamming hooks the entire match.
this is really a downer. i play as silva and won against jones. fight details show how many punches/kicks you thrown and landed. jones threw much more kicks/punches than i did according to the stats, overall. however i landed more hits than he did. but my stamina(silva) appears as 78%, while his(cpu jones) is 92%. impossible.
# 258 aTTckr @ 02/09/12 01:10 PM
Is it normal that there is absolutely no sound in the demo?
# 259 Majingir @ 02/09/12 07:26 PM
I'm thinking about getting it, but don't know if the price will drop at all if I wait a month or so(I might just get it when I'm getting MLB, or wait until spring to get it). What do people on here think?
# 260 Jay197 @ 02/10/12 04:59 AM
what difficulty do u guys play on?

this is my first time playing a ufc game and for some reason i put it on ultimate

i manage to beat silva twice by decision, but it felt like the cpu always knew what i was gonna do no matter what.

what settings do u guys recommend to make the game more enjoyable?

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