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Check out the first MLB 12 The Show screenshots, featuring the newly unveiled uniforms for the Orioles, Blue Jays, Padres, and Marlins available next season.

The players include Adam Jones (Orioles), Mark Reynolds (Orioles), José Bautista (Blue Jays), Chase Headley (Padres), Mat Latos (Padres), and Hanley Ramirez (Marlins).

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Game: MLB 12 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3Votes for game: 55 - View All
MLB 12 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 1 Ronstr @ 12/02/11 01:37 AM
Those stadiums and background buildings seem to look a lot refined.
# 2 BKAraujo @ 12/02/11 01:43 AM
Looks great as usual, now we need some Vita screens.
# 3 Blzer @ 12/02/11 01:52 AM
Looking pretty good so far, sans some personal setbacks, but otherwise there seems to be a lot more "depth" and minute detail in some areas. I particularly like the look of the gloves and faces, right now.

We aren't going to get anything earth-shatteringly different, so anyone who is expecting that will of course be sorely disappointed. ESPN doesn't give us much though with these small screens, especially when the edges look to be a bit sharpened on their end of the production. Stadium scenery also looks incredibly high-resolution (looking at the second Padres shot).
# 4 Bamafan3723 @ 12/02/11 02:14 AM
Grass textures seem to be the same. Was hoping we'd get more detail in that area. Looks nice though.
# 5 LastActionHero @ 12/02/11 05:00 AM
Originally Posted by Bamafan3723
Grass textures seem to be the same. Was hoping we'd get more detail in that area. Looks nice though.
Same here. But I think it is just unrealistic to expect major improvements on the graphical part when a game is allready pushing the limits of a console's hardware that's almost 6(!) years old.
# 6 neptuneniq @ 12/02/11 06:51 AM
hopefully they fixed the arm length

a minor thing but they walked really weird...looked like praying mantis'
# 7 Tengo Juego @ 12/02/11 07:05 AM
Looks like some new cleats, see Marlins photo, and maybe new gloves, see Bautista photo.
# 8 Cubfan @ 12/02/11 07:05 AM
Nice shots and boy are the Marlins uniforms ugly.
# 9 PsychoBulk @ 12/02/11 07:40 AM
Great shot here of Joey Bats going deep.

Looks very similar to 11 but for good reason - that was a gorgeous game.

Looking forward to more high-res shots soon.
# 10 tnixen @ 12/02/11 09:24 AM
Like everyone here is saying MLB The Show already looks great! However I can't lie when I say I am maybe "just a tad" disappointed with these first set of screenshots.

Other then some small new additions to the stadiums like for example at Citizens Bank Park I see they have the new HD JumboTron and they added the 329 to the left field foul pole and also moved the 334 a little more to the right of the left field foul pole. I am very happy that Sony keeps making the stadiums more and more accurate with every version!

But I guess my reason for the "slight" disappointment is I expected the lighting and grass texture to be improved quite a bit. But to my eye it pretty much looks just like MLB 11 The Show. But of course these screenshots are so small so I really should not be judging how the game looks until I see a lot bigger screenshots.

It also looks like once again no Ball Boys/Ball Girls on chairs down the left and right field lines again. Looks like this will not happen until Playstation 4.

Also looks like no new Ads real or fake to any of the stadiums.

And no real LED Ribben boards in the stadiums.

But again these screenshots are way too small for me to really even say I am disappointed.

As long as the Presentation has had a major upgrade to reflect more of a true TV Network broadcast then I will be very happy. Even if the lighting and grass texture still look the same and some of the little things I was hoping for are still a no show.

I am looking forward to seeing bigger screenshots and hearing about all the new improvments that have been added to MLB 12 The Show.

Thank you to Sony and ESPN for giving us an early peak at MLB 12 The Show!
# 11 tnixen @ 12/02/11 09:50 AM
I am not 100% sure but I think fielders now close their glove when making a catch.

In this screenshot it kind of looks like the fielders glove is almost closed. I don't remember seeing this in MLB 11 The Show.
# 12 ARoid1313 @ 12/02/11 09:55 AM
Originally Posted by tnixen
Like everyone here is saying MLB The Show already looks great! However I can't lie when I say I am maybe "just a tad" disappointed with these first set of screenshots.

Other then some small new additions to the stadiums like for example at Citizens Bank Park I see they have the new HD JumboTron and they added the 329 to the left field foul pole and also moved the 334 a little more to the right of the left field foul pole. I am very happy the Sony keeps making the stadiums more and more accurate with every version!

But I guess my reason for the "slight" disappointment is I expected the lighting and grass texture to be improved quite a bit. But to my eye it pretty much looks just like MLB 11 The Show. But of course these screenshots are so small so I really should not be judging how the game looks until I see a lot bigger screenshots.

It also looks like once again no Ball Boys/Ball Girls on chairs down the left and right field lines again. Looks like this will not happen until Playstation 4.

Also looks like no new Ads real or fake to any of the stadiums.

And no real LED Ribben boards in the stadiums.

But again these screenshots are way too small for me to really even say I am disappointed.

As long as the Presentation has had a major upgrade to reflect more of a true TV Network broadcast then I will be very happy. Even if the lighting and grass texture still look the same and some of the little things I was hoping for are still a no show.

I am looking forward to seeing bigger screenshots and hearing about all the new improvments that have been added to MLB 12 The Show.

Thank you to Sony and ESPN for giving us an early peak at MLB 12 The Show!
I totally agree, most of the stadium detail seems identical to last year. Would be great if we could customize the ads in the stadium, or at least choose what goes where.
I hoped to see Updated grass patterns and darker overall color palette... But I guess we'll see as these were only the first screens.

Great to see Jose Bautista with a beard looks much better!
# 13 Blzer @ 12/02/11 10:05 AM
Originally Posted by tnixen
I am not 100% sure but I think fielders now close their glove when making a catch.

In this screenshot it kind of looks like the fielders glove is almost closed. I don't remember seeing this in MLB 11 The Show.
No, that is what it looks like. That was one of the "minute details" I was referring to, plus the amount of shadow detail being cast on the little things (like the glove on the ball).

I don't think the skies have made a significant leap this year, but I do think there have been a lot of lighting changes. Taking the Bautista shots for example, there is something about night games that looks "darker" in a good way. It's not in the brightness department, though; it's in the saturation of the colors. Maybe it's just the way how Toronto's jersey and stadium look, but there's something different with the lighting that's making the "depth" of players on the screen looking a lot more fit, instead of just layer-caked on.

Also, the grass and dirt haven't made some of the more significant color alterations that I hoped they would (still an early batch of shots of course, but I am not one to be optimistic for those kinds of changes in the late stages of the game), but there are definitely differences to the colors and detail altogether. The dirt seems to have made more changes than the grass, but as most have pointed out, if you were expecting more detail, I don't think it's laid out on the ground. I suppose some sacrifices have to be made to maintain a good framerate, and I'm willing to let that slide, given that it looks like they've added more detail to the backdrop scenery, which is always a major plus.

The final thing is that I indeed do thing there have been refinements to the player models. Remember, they've been working hard on making a new skeleton for players, and now that they have it, I think that they can shape and mold players a little more differently based on said skeleton, and in that second Padres shot, it just seems more like each body part is more defined (particularly in the upper torso area). Again, maybe I'm looking for differences that aren't there, but it's not a stretch to imagine that these things haven't been worked on anyway.

I'm holding out until some raw gameplay footage to reserve final assessment on what the new visuals mean for the game, but this game means so much more than changes that can be seen in replay stills. If the lot of the presentation front has been given a face lift (we already know they have been hard at work in the sound effects department, for one), the visuals will drag along for the ride with it, almost like how the lighting as a whole seemed to make everything else in the game look that much better.
# 14 stevenque @ 12/02/11 10:17 AM
now ican figure some point frome here...
# 15 mlblover15 @ 12/02/11 10:38 AM
I almost get tired of thinking this every year after screens come out... it seems that computer gamers have been spoiled to an umph degree now that we have all these amazing video cards out there and can play games on a high end computers that cost... hundreds if not thousands of dollars...

What I'm trying to say is this... i just wish everyone would finally realize that we will always be GENERATIONS... behind what the actual pc can put out in terms of graphics and all that...

These companies are already losing millions of dollars due to the cost they are putting these consoles out at. if we were to have to pay the actual cost of what it cost them to build them no one expect for the elite in this country could afford it...

If these companies were to build a system with the most top end current generation parts out there... we would be paying well over $1200.00 for these consoles.

I can truly appreciate what we have been given... i have said it before and i will say it until everyone of this current generation understands...

for those of you that are too young to realize how well you have it... go out and buy a Atari 2600, colecovision Intelivision, Nintendo 8 bit system, SNES, and onward and upward til you get to this generations systems. Maybe just maybe you will all finally see how good we have it right now, and just how hard these guys work to get this out to us at the level we have it.

I see nothing wrong with the screens great as they have been every year... I LOVE the Marlins unis... no they may not be classic lines or whatever...

but you have to REMEMBER... they are in downtown MIAMI... (little cuba) a HUGE Latino core fan base... the colors are right on for the city of Miami, or heck for most of south Florida in general.

Everyone is due their opinion, I'm not trying to bash anyone... I'm trying to get everyone to open their eyes and take the blinders off and accept the game for what is it... the best baseball game we have ever had the pleasure to play.
# 16 hf199 @ 12/02/11 10:53 AM
They need to add long sleeve pull overs for the umpires for early spring and early fall. I was playing the other day and it was 37 degrees at Coors Field and the umpires had short sleeve polo's on! wtf? and it was a playoff game with only 4 umpires? where are the 2 extra down the left field and right field lines? ribbon plasma need to improve. If 2K can do it so can Sony. How about some more umpire personalities it just makes the pitcher and batter experience so much better.
# 17 ckarlic @ 12/02/11 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by tnixen
I am not 100% sure but I think fielders now close their glove when making a catch.

In this screenshot it kind of looks like the fielders glove is almost closed. I don't remember seeing this in MLB 11 The Show.
Also look at Jones' glove arm...you can actually see the veins...Nice attention to detail and I agree with Blzer about the shadows. Looks great to me.
# 18 LastActionHero @ 12/02/11 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by ckarlic
Also look at Jones' glove arm...you can actually see the veins...Nice attention to detail and I agree with Blzer about the shadows. Looks great to me.
I was just gonna say that!
That arm alone, veins, hairs, muscle detail. The upper arm also looks a little whiter because of the lack of sun there
# 19 Knight165 @ 12/02/11 12:20 PM
I'm pretty sure the gloves closing is new.(or improved)

# 20 bp4baseball @ 12/02/11 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
I'm pretty sure the gloves closing is new.(or improved)


Yeah if I remember correctly there is a slight closing motion (barely) currently but this looks much more defined as it should.

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