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Check out the first MLB 12 The Show screenshots, featuring the newly unveiled uniforms for the Orioles, Blue Jays, Padres, and Marlins available next season.

The players include Adam Jones (Orioles), Mark Reynolds (Orioles), José Bautista (Blue Jays), Chase Headley (Padres), Mat Latos (Padres), and Hanley Ramirez (Marlins).

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Platform: PS Vita / PS3Votes for game: 55 - View All
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Member Comments
# 161 tnixen @ 12/06/11 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by DodgerFanatic2K3
That's quite possible and I hope that's the case

I got a heavy impression that they don't see any problem with there current broadcast format and are going with the "If it ain't broken don't fix it" mindset.

If I'm wrong and they fixed it I will be ecstatic
Well I sure hope you are wrong then
# 162 nemesis04 @ 12/06/11 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by DodgerFanatic2K3
I got a heavy impression that they don't see any problem with there current broadcast format and are going with the "If it ain't broken don't fix it" mindset.

If I'm wrong and they fixed it I will be ecstatic
That is not the mindset. You have to remember there are projects the can't be done in one cycle. Just because you do not see it premiere in the next version does not necessarily mean they are not doing anything with a particular element of the game.
# 163 DodgerFanatic2K3 @ 12/06/11 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by tnixen
Well I sure hope you are wrong then
I hope Russel shoves this down my throat and makes me eat my words LOL

I don't care if it's TBS, TNT, MLBN or FOX but if it's the same "generic" broadcast format for the 6th year in a row I will be very disappointed

To quote a few of Russell's choice words.... I want dynamic and organic broadcast iteration this year
# 164 DodgerFanatic2K3 @ 12/06/11 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by nemesis04
That is not the mindset. You have to remember there are projects the can't be done in one cycle. Just because you do not see it premiere in the next version does not necessarily mean they are not doing anything with a particular element of the game.
I totally understand that but real broadcast network integration was introduced in videogame baseball 3+ years ago so it's more like there 3rd cycle and counting
# 165 Yankees2009Champs @ 12/06/11 08:00 PM
I jumped into this thread thinking we would see screenshots of MLB 12, but instead am reading about cameras and what not.

What I'm looking for is Jose Reyes in the new Miami Marlins uniform. Got one Mr. Russell?
# 166 bp4baseball @ 12/06/11 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by Yankees2009Champs
I jumped into this thread thinking we would see screenshots of MLB 12, but instead am reading about cameras and what not.

What I'm looking for is Jose Reyes in the new Miami Marlins uniform. Got one Mr. Russell?
There are screenshots on page 1.....
# 167 Yankees2009Champs @ 12/07/11 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by bp4baseball
There are screenshots on page 1.....
I know how to read a thread. I said I'd like a pic of Jose Reyes in Miami Marlins colors.
# 168 bp4baseball @ 12/07/11 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by Yankees2009Champs
I know how to read a thread. I said I'd like a pic of Jose Reyes
Sorry, but I saw this

"I jumped into this thread thinking we would see screenshots of MLB 12, but instead am reading about cameras and what not. "

and thought maybe you didn't see them. My bad.
# 169 BlackBetty15 @ 12/07/11 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by Woodweaver
Well, animations and models are two different things, but to address your issue...

Do you have some video examples? I ask because in fact the running animations do not have legs moving at 100 mph, acceleration is applied, there are top speeds, and the are very specific foot plant/change of direction animations. So, I'm a bit confused. Remember, our animations are created via Motion Capture which entails a real human athlete bound by real world physics actually doing all the motions you see as animations in the game. So, if you could provide a video example of a specific issue, we may be able to improve the look and feel of the locomotion animation sequences.
Would you like me to PM you you with videos and explanations?
# 170 JasonZimmerman @ 12/07/11 06:43 PM
It may be a small detail, but as a Reds fan, it really bothered me..lol. No Reds logo behind home plate!! They have had one for three years now "The Show"! Pay attention to detail! Other than that...I love the game!
# 171 bayman @ 12/07/11 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by tnixen
I have to agree about the outfielders not showing a sense of urgancy.

I also see the nonchalant strides often. I even see it sometimes when a runner is tagging up at third base.

I am sure most of you have seen this happen with a runner on third base less then 2 outs and the batter hits a fly ball to the outfield and the fielder nonchalant strides to the ball even though the runner on third is about to tag up and come home. And because of this nonchalant strides the runner almost always is safe at home plate.

Its kills me every time I see that.

I found a video that kind of show what I am talking about.

Goto 12:20 in the video and with a runner on third base watch the batter hit a fly ball to the outfielder and you can see how the outfilders has no sense of urgancy. And as you can see the runner was easily safe at home.

At 2:40 in this video you can also see the outfielder do the nonchalant stride while a runner was going to tag up from third.


Wish I had better videos to show you but this should give you a good idea of what I mean.

Do you even realize that the first video you showed is of an outfielder catching the ball on the warning track before hitting the wall?
# 172 merchant1874 @ 12/07/11 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by JasonZimmerman
It may be a small detail, but as a Reds fan, it really bothered me..lol. No Reds logo behind home plate!! They have had one for three years now "The Show"! Pay attention to detail! Other than that...I love the game!
Ive said it before and I'll say it again. It baffles me that this kinda thing is not in the game. They get so many details right but miss things such as this.

This is not a tiny little nich in the the bleachers. To me this is like making a football game with the wrong endzone art. I know people will blast me and say they cant get everything in but this kind of thing doesnt make sense. Its like they dont even look at Great American Park otherwise they would surely put it in?
# 173 tnixen @ 12/07/11 09:44 PM
Originally Posted by bayman
Do you even realize that the first video you showed is of an outfielder catching the ball on the warning track before hitting the wall?
Well it was the best video I could find in a short amount of time.

But weather this video shows it or not the issue of outfielders doing nonchalant strides and no sense of urgancy does happen too often in this game.
# 174 Woodweaver @ 12/07/11 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by BlackBetty15
Would you like me to PM you you with videos and explanations?
Sure, along with anyone else.

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