NBA 2K12 News Post

NBA 2K12 patch 1.03 is available now for 360. Please post your impressions here.

PS3 users have already had the patch for a few days and have posted impressions right here.

Here are the official patch notes:

  • On-dribbler steal success rates have been tuned down.
  • Tuned accuracy of directional passing in order to more reliably pass to the intended target.
  • Improved help defense, specifically for rotations on pick-and-roll situations.
  • Defensive tuning on 3PT shots to reduce the success of contested threes.
  • Addressed an issue on drives to the basket where the help defender wouldn’t fully engage in the double team
  • Several matchmaking optimizations have been made in order to help users get into games quicker. This will reduce the amount of time the “Searching For Opponent…” screen is displayed for.
  • Addressed a number of network errors that would cause games to end prematurely.
  • Addressed an issue in Team-Up where certain conditions would lead to a player standing idle for prolonged periods of time.
  • Corrected a Win/Loss streak tracking issue such that the “Back to Back to Back” achievement/trophy will now unlock at the proper time.

Game: NBA 2K12Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: iOS / PC / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 102 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 sirjam @ 11/09/11 07:21 PM
There's no doubts there were changes. The lane is more open, stars are more dominant. Now there seems to be some more in lane animations in air. One bad thing is it dsnt seem they addressed the my player issue where your stats get recorded an every game is your first NBA game announcement.
overall a good job though, plays much better!
# 42 Mos1ted @ 11/09/11 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by Sundown
We have more in common regarding sim that I thought. Except I wasn't actually in the military-- I just ended up being a tactics geek after falling in love with Rainbow Six. Still, there isn't a military shooter to date that's really realistic enough to use realistic tactics consistently in my opinion. Rogue Spear from 10 years ago really started to push some things in terms of damage modelling and the nuances of how movement and injury affect weapon handling, but had a terrible movement model that undermined realistic CQB tactics. Every game after that simplified things drastically in one way or another. I feel like Operation Flashpoint is too cumbersome in how it tries to simulate reality-- it felt like you were trying to drive a soldier as a vehicle rather than actually being one. Something like Dragon Rising felt a lot better, but it didn't have prone and I'm not sure how well it handled damage modelling and ballistics. I wish I could have a game with the following:

Rogue Spear's Damage Modelling (I miss limping from leg shots!)
Battlefield 3's bullet drop.
Battlefield 3's well-animated vaulting and prone systems.
Battlefield 3's destruction.
BF3 or MW3's graphics.
Realistic modelling of vehicles, or getting rid of them altogether.
Rainbow Six Vegas's room clearing AI.
A realistic movement model that hasn't been implemented yet-- though I suppose BF3 and Ghost Recon Advanced Warfare 2 in single player comes close.
Proper modelling of weapons handling with bullets that come out of the barrel and not distributed in a random cone, taking account nuances of movement and stability.
A first person cover system, a little bit like Call of Juarez.

Anyway, I'm way off topic here.
LOL, staying off topic, Dragon Rising does have prone. You just have to hold the left stick to go to it. And like you, I also like the Rainbow Six and Ghost Recon series, although I wish both series would return to their roots.

Getting back on topic, NBA 2K12 at this point, to me, is like a Lamborghini without a steering wheel. Yeah, it's nice to look at and it definitely looks better than your last year, but then you get in the driving seat with the "WTF?" look on your face. You were better off staying in your Hyundai (I drive a Hyundai by the way, so no, I'm not joking Hyundai owners).

Now, if the Lambo manufacturers can add the steering wheel, then it's goodbye for good Hyundai, hello Rodeo Drive!

That's how I feel about 2K12 at the moment. Give me that steering wheel, 2K! I have faith in you as an 11-year consumer!
# 43 alexthegreat @ 11/09/11 07:46 PM
patch definitely fixed the contested 3 problem. Played online today against a lot of people who like to shoot 3's the whole game and I could definitely see the difference. No more 3 cheesers
# 44 JWiLL02 @ 11/09/11 07:47 PM
Just played two OA games that were both disconnected mid game because "the league was advancing", despite the fact that there was 4 hours left on the clock when we began the first game.

It simmed both games, and of course I lost both sims. This never happened to me before the patch, though I heard it did during actual advancements...which is still stupid if you're mid game, but whatever.

Not surprised that something else breaks while they attempt to tweak other completely unrelated aspects of the game. Seems right in line with 2k and their online performance lately.

Online Association just feels like a massive waste of time right now. I've been active in the league, yet I'm 12-8 with 6 of those losses being simmed. It's just not right.
# 45 abcfinest @ 11/09/11 07:49 PM
online ps3 post patch is playing pretty good. im hearing people say they dont see a difference. what are you guys playing then? three's are toned down. im getting more defensive stops. if you are still getting three's reigned on you post patch then u just have to do a better job on defense. i agree its alot of blocks but if u play smart u can limit them. they still need to patch them. steals are toned down but there are no fouls being called. people online are reaching for steals every play. once they fix the blocks and reaching fouls and hopefully up the difficult setting to superstar sim or hof default/sim. this game online would be great to me. im not having much problems offline cause i just adjust sliders. i wont play myplayer until they fix the trade logic and hopefully this lockout ends tonight
# 46 abcfinest @ 11/09/11 08:01 PM
im a basketball player. a true basketball fan. i was a all county point guard in high school. wasnt good enough for a division 1 scholarship or should i say wasnt tall enough lol im only 5'8. but i just be laughing at people posts. you guys must just be weak in this game. im blowing cheesers out. know way im gonna let a person with no basketball knowledge beat me in this game or anygame that just dont make since. this game is moving in the right direction though. i hate when people say nothing has changed. we are not playing the same game then. cause i see a big difference post patch. but people are just bums in this game and cant stand it. im 21-11 online. since post patch im about 8-3. lost to all sim type players. beat all cheesers. if u include stealing passes as cheese then everybody cheese. the game is flawed at passing but then again nba 2k all ways been this way. its just easy to steal passes period. just adjust to the person you are playing
# 47 NINJAK2 @ 11/09/11 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by TalenT
But should the people that actually KNOW how to play smart basketball suffer because the majority of consumers DON'T know? You would think that a more skilled player would have an advantage rather than someone who knows "how to make the shot go in right in the defenders face" for example. I thought that's why the created different game styles. Casual was for those who just wanted to jump in and have fun and sim for us who know what the hell we're doing. I agree with you they need separate lobbies though. That would solve a lot of my beef with the game online.
No they shouldn't TalenT. Quote the rest of my post and you would see that I want a sim game as much as Mos or yourself. I just understand that these sports games have to appeal to a broader fan base than just me-it sucks. Should people have to play sim (whatever parameters you deam that to be)75-100% of the time in order to win ball games? I'd love it to be this way but 2k is just not made specifically for 20 year old sim heads alone, it has to be fun for your younger nieces,brothers, sisters, nephews, casual fans,etc. The fact that they don't have lobbies has made this a bigger deal online especially. In order to play ranked games, we are stuck with the settings 2k designated.

Ranked games need to have lobbies for each setting HOF-Default, HOF-Sim, Pro-default, Pro-sim,etc. Believe me TalenT I share some of the same grievances as you. Tweak passing speed/accuracy(or reduce defender reaction speed to passes), and add more reach in fouls are really my biggest complaints pre/post patch. Right now passers need to pivot,gather, before passing (which is realistic)giving defense an advantage. Right now, the defenders can just react to passes no matter what direction they are facing without going thru the pivot, gather which makes things very tough on passers. If defenders were subject to the same laws as passers, the speed of the passing would be ok in it's present form. Intercepting passes in real life is more about anticipation than just reaction but in 2k12 it's based on reaction. IRL anticipating too early or too late should get you in trouble or out of position but right now we can simply react and not really be punished.
# 48 Sundown @ 11/09/11 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by Mos1ted
LOL, staying off topic, Dragon Rising does have prone. You just have to hold the left stick to go to it. And like you, I also like the Rainbow Six and Ghost Recon series, although I wish both series would return to their roots.
Wait, I think Dragon Rising didn't have lean. That's what bugged me. I think lean or some cover system (preferably not 3rd person) is necessary for any tactical shooter, though I can see it being not as big a deal in an outdoorsy one. Still, no lean or way of using cover well kind of demotes it to sub-realistic in my opinion. Oh, and when I said Operation Flashpoint made things too difficult and unnatural, I meant the old Operation Flashpoint which later because the ARMA series.

Actually the first few Ghost Recon games started Red Storm's trend of moving away from nuanced damage and weapons modelling, which was why I had a hard time getting fully into them. I really enjoyed the GRAWs on the consoles though, even though they were semi-casual games, because they looked so visually authentic.

And man, do I miss being able to plan an intricate 3 entry, 3 minute embassy takedown in Rainbow Six.

Back on topic: Taking the girlfriend analogy further, 2K11 was the pretty hot red head ex-girlfriend who wasn't perfect but was fun enough. You worked through most of your issues together, and she made some changes for the relationship. Plus you really dug red heads.

2k12 is the new blond girlfriend who all your friends claim is hotter, but you're kind of bugged by the crook in her nose. She's wittier, tells better jokes, and conversation is more interesting, but man does she have issues-- and you find more and more excuses to not to hang out with her.
# 49 belliveau1918 @ 11/09/11 08:22 PM
I'm still experiencing framerate issues during offline play.

I've downloaded the patch, is there another step I need to take?
# 50 raiy0 @ 11/09/11 08:28 PM
Originally Posted by ratedmoney
heres the patch for those of you without xbox live, insert it into the cache folder of your HDD

Thank you alot bro!
# 51 TheKasmar @ 11/09/11 09:11 PM
The gameplay is alot smoother and connecting to games is much faster.

I'm so used to people spamming the steal button, I cant really tell you if there are less steals on-ball.

After a few more games, the contested 3's are slightly toned down. If somebody knows a player's release and hotzone, then they can still be overly effective.
# 52 domidomdomz @ 11/09/11 09:34 PM
Played a Ranked Game and bunch of Online Assoc games after downloading the patch.

+ Three point FG success rate is definitely toned down.
+ Searching for match is definitely improved.

- Framerate issue still happens a lot on Online Assoc game, but only against the CPU. Did not notice it much when playing against human (online).
# 53 dbak1111 @ 11/09/11 09:42 PM
Kind of had my hopes up that I'd be able to actually play an OA game without getting dropped and simmed after this patch... butnahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 19 seconds in, get dropped lose the game. Gonna miss the playoffs as I've only gotten to play 3 games from start to end (won them all) and rest have either dropped out or i've lost to the cpu hitting every contested shot. I'd be happy to lose vs ppl If I actually got the chance to play the game out, not being able to reset games is an absolute farce.

Is anything going to happen wrt advancement times speeding up. Ours has gone from 6 hours to 3 hours and you best start a game with 3 hours to go for fear it will get simmed due to "League advancing" .
# 54 TeddyKGB @ 11/09/11 11:01 PM
Originally Posted by sirjam
There's no doubts there were changes. The lane is more open, stars are more dominant. Now there seems to be some more in lane animations in air. One bad thing is it dsnt seem they addressed the my player issue where your stats get recorded an every game is your first NBA game announcement.
overall a good job though, plays much better!
This is absolutely true. I just played a game with the Knicks (first since the patch) and there was far less traffic in the lane. Never had a game like it since I started with 2K12. It's nice to see at least one of my issues remedied. I'm actually holding out a lot of hope for the "big" patch now.
# 55 jewelz1132 @ 11/09/11 11:57 PM
I'm hating the volleyball situation with rebounds now.. It's tip after tip after tip until someone grabs it. Shot percentage is way down, which is a huge plus. I was in a game where my opponent is run and shoot.. their FG was looking like Allen Iverson's. The biggest flaw to me is isomotion and post fadeaways. They both create so much separation to the point it will result in a wide open basket all the time. Ellis was killing Iguodala with the post fade, even when I guessed the direction.
# 56 rockchisler @ 11/09/11 11:59 PM
Originally Posted by SimBaller
Come on now. If you follow Ronnie at all, you would know that he said the bigger gameplay patch is still in development.
Sim baller u a better man then me, u should send him a Private message and tell him to @#$% You u doo doo head.
# 57 JWiLL02 @ 11/10/11 01:14 AM
So, I've played (or attempted to) 4 Online Association games today. Of the 4, one finished. The other 3 all stopped mid game for absolutely no reason and simmed as if the league was "advancing", despite there being hours left on the clock and the games being a couple weeks out on the schedule.

We have one online mode and it's broken, which the patch only seems to have made worse. Fantastic.
# 58 Edwin86 @ 11/10/11 01:27 AM
Even after downloading the patch it increased the lag. The game is good when you see moments of it working, however the lag i get really kills the experience. I mean I do not know how IGN and gameinformer can give this game a high score with the amount of lag that occurs. They must of had the definitive copy. Im not even talking online, just playing two players or the computer you start to get in the game but the lag comes and ruins everything. I am upset about it truly, Im a Nba buff and never played a 2k game with this much lag, yes the subject is lag. A little lag with other platform games like first person and third person shooters is fine with so many things going on if there is a little lag than fine every thing else evens out to still make it a awesome experience. But to have it in any type of sports game where the camera is focused on mainly the same area, well you notice it a lot more therefore kills the experience. Owners need to own up, cuz either they dont know about this issue or there saying "We already sold so much copies so whatever" yeah easy for you to say, I spent 60 bucks on this bugged game. The patch I downloaded today, I thought this was it the cure but no it actually produces more lag now. What the *********
# 59 oaba09 @ 11/10/11 02:57 AM
-hitting contested jumpshots(mid and 3 pt range) are harder(I was playing as the lakers and kobe ended up w/ an 8/26 shooting %) ***I'm a perimeter oriented player***

-The CPU drives more(less jumpshots)

-The CPU gets to the FT line too much(I'll try to tone that down via the sliders)
# 60 SouthBeach @ 11/10/11 03:50 AM
Originally Posted by Edwin86
Even after downloading the patch it increased the lag. The game is good when you see moments of it working, however the lag i get really kills the experience. I mean I do not know how IGN and gameinformer can give this game a high score with the amount of lag that occurs. They must of had the definitive copy. Im not even talking online, just playing two players or the computer you start to get in the game but the lag comes and ruins everything. I am upset about it truly, Im a Nba buff and never played a 2k game with this much lag, yes the subject is lag. A little lag with other platform games like first person and third person shooters is fine with so many things going on if there is a little lag than fine every thing else evens out to still make it a awesome experience. But to have it in any type of sports game where the camera is focused on mainly the same area, well you notice it a lot more therefore kills the experience. Owners need to own up, cuz either they dont know about this issue or there saying "We already sold so much copies so whatever" yeah easy for you to say, I spent 60 bucks on this bugged game. The patch I downloaded today, I thought this was it the cure but no it actually produces more lag now. What the *********
I've experienced more offline lag as well after the 1.03 patch.

But it was already said that this patch isn't the "big" patch for gameplay, etc.

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