NBA 2K12 News Post

The NBA 2K12 patch is available now for 360 owners and in the coming days for the PS3. If you are following along with Ronnie2K on Twitter, you will see some of the details, as listed below.

Make sure you leave details on your online experience, after the patch.

  • The #NBA2K12 patch has been released on @XBOX. Please boot up your system and get the update, #PS3 in coming days- http://2kgam.es/NBA2K12
  • Purpose of patch is to help alleviate as many online issues as we can. Namely changing things in Loading Screens causing drops
  • Those are 2 main things we attempt to fix (network errors & long time in getting a game h2h/team-up) in the #NBA2K12Patch
  • Patch is supposed to fix the network drop if you manage defensive settings in load screen
  • Some people haven't got update as it rolls out regionally. Should be a couple hours as it gets everywhere. After that I need y'alls feedback

Game: NBA 2K12Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: iOS / PC / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 102 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 bum @ 10/13/11 07:43 PM
Still having no luck trying to start a Team up Game. It actually got to 10 players pretty quickly but didn't start the game. Now its slowly worked its way down to 0. Been at 1 player for the last 4 minutes.

Maybe people just don't try to play Team up?
# 2 BRxSKINSx @ 10/13/11 07:47 PM
I didn't get the update..... Can someone tell me why...?
# 3 hallauer @ 10/13/11 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by BRxSKINSx
I didn't get the update..... Can someone tell me why...?

Same here, mine didn't update either.
# 4 LD2k @ 10/13/11 08:06 PM
Some people haven't got update as it rolls out regionally. Should be a couple hours as it gets everywhere. After that I need y'alls feedback
# 5 EarvGotti @ 10/13/11 08:09 PM
I played a game online and the input lag was gone. Gonna test it out some more.
# 6 qnzballa5 @ 10/13/11 08:13 PM
Y cant i connect with my friends?? Also wheres the slider for 3pt/steal sliders toned down.. Come on 2k yall can do better with these patches
# 7 bum @ 10/13/11 08:17 PM
After failing to get a team up game going I am trying to just start a quick match. For some reason I can't get a game going at all now. I have been Searching for opponent for about 3-4 minutes. Wasn't like this before patch.
# 8 rangerrick012 @ 10/13/11 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by bum
After failing to get a team up game going I am trying to just start a quick match. For some reason I can't get a game going at all now. I have been Searching for opponent for about 3-4 minutes. Wasn't like this before patch.
Yeah, I haven't been able to connect to a quick game either.
# 9 Darkimpact17 @ 10/13/11 08:20 PM
Teamup is broken with this patch what a joke
# 10 EarvGotti @ 10/13/11 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by bum
After failing to get a team up game going I am trying to just start a quick match. For some reason I can't get a game going at all now. I have been Searching for opponent for about 3-4 minutes. Wasn't like this before patch.
I'm guessing not everyone has the patch yet. So it's hard to find games at the moment.
# 11 godsgift2dagame @ 10/13/11 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by Darkimpact17
Teamup is broken with this patch what a joke
Seriously? I'm sort of thankful the game is "broken" (according to 12-year old brats) because we get to see people's true character. No one forced you to buy the game and no one is preventing you from trading it in / selling it. Stop whining and give it some time! Maybe the problem is -- oh I don't know! -- the fact that not every region has the patch yet?
# 12 Aaenuel @ 10/13/11 08:25 PM
I tried for about 25 minutes to get into a quick match team up game on 360 and could never even get to the matchmaking screen. There were several times where the game would find 10 players but then it would quickly drop to 0 found and go back to searching.
# 13 Steve_OS @ 10/13/11 08:25 PM
Before anyone goes into full panic mode. Not everyone has applied the patch, as it arrives in waves. We will probably notice more (good or bad) as more receive the patch.

Enough with the complaints of patching other things, this was a patch mostly for online. Another patch will fix other things, down the road.
# 14 alabamarob @ 10/13/11 08:28 PM
Just finished playing a game after downloading the patch. The game played as smoothly as offline. No lag at all. However, when I tried to play my second game post patch, I was unable to find an opponent. If future online games perform in this manner, then good job 2k.
# 15 red98v6 @ 10/13/11 08:30 PM
Trying to get a vs game with a friend online but it would not let us connect in the locker room
Edit: we both have downloaded the patch
# 16 Darkimpact17 @ 10/13/11 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by godsgift2dagame
Seriously? I'm sort of thankful the game is "broken" (according to 12-year old brats) because we get to see people's true character. No one forced you to buy the game and no one is preventing you from trading it in / selling it. Stop whining and give it some time! Maybe the problem is -- oh I don't know! -- the fact that not every region has the patch yet?
If everybody I was playing with in a private teamup had the patch I don't see how it regionally working will change anything.
# 17 ecworldwide @ 10/13/11 08:32 PM
Same here. I couldn't play my friend.
# 18 JWiLL02 @ 10/13/11 08:34 PM
So far I haven't been able to start a game, it's been "searching for an opponent" for about 5 minutes now. Tried backing out and starting again with no luck.

I hope the guys who were able to play weren't lag free simply because hardly anyone else was playing!
# 19 clivo1050 @ 10/13/11 08:34 PM
Originally Posted by red98v6
Trying to get a vs game with a friend online but it would not let us connect in the locker room
Edit: we both have downloaded the patch
same here. Either 1 of 2 things happened.

1. Not everyone has the patch yet and the servers need to be rebooted tonight to go along with the patch.

2. 2k royally screwed up the online and we have to wait a few weeks for a patch to fix it.

I'm really hoping for #1.
# 20 truintellectplaya @ 10/13/11 08:38 PM
I just played 3 games in a row online lag free. I think it is most peoples connections

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