NCAA Football 12 News Post

The NCAA Football 12 title update #2 has made it through internal certification and waiting on approval from Sony/Microsoft.

According to EA, the update is hitting a bit later than expected to address a few additional stability issues that will improve the experience.

No other details have been released, but we'll update this topic when it happens.

Game: NCAA Football 12Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 104 - View All
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Member Comments
# 181 TheShizNo1 @ 09/01/11 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by quaziemoto3
I do not want to be the grammar police. Heaven knows that I make a number of grammatical errors. But let me introduce you to a few of my friends: . , ; ? !

They have formed a gang. They call themselves "punctuation".
This deserves more than a simple click of like. Freaking hilarious.
# 182 SGMRock @ 09/01/11 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by TheShizNo1
This deserves more than a simple click of like. Freaking hilarious.
I think the original post this guy was referring to was a product of our texting society. I check out my teenager's cell phone from time to time and it makes me cringe.
# 183 TimLawNYC @ 09/01/11 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by SGMRock
I think the original post this guy was referring to was a product of our texting society. I check out my teenager's cell phone from time to time and it makes me cringe.
I'm all for texting, I just don't see why it seems to also give license to ignore all standing rules of grammar, punctuation, syntax, and clarity. Cant' we text in the actual English language? Why does this new form of communication require us to develop an entirely new, nonsensical language?

It's the same thing with NCAA Football. Why does the fact that EA is now able to patch and tune the game after release apparently require us to play an unfinished, bug-ridden game for several months every year waiting for those patches (which often create their own new problems)?
# 184 Armor and Sword @ 09/01/11 11:28 AM
I really feel for those that have the freezing issues. It really sucks and If I had those my tone and attitidue would be pretty harsh.

However I have been one of the fortunate ones that has had less than 5 freezing issues and those only occured in my dynasty hub menus. Never during an actual game.

I have still been playing (using MK Harsh slider set) and honestly have had the most fun I have ever had with a an EA NCAA title. The game is a blast to play in offline dynasty. The Patch will only improve it big time and I will start another dynasty using a one or two star team.

I am having the toughest time with my Hurricane dynasty. I just lost to friggin Duke in OT at home! To drop me to #23 with a 6-2 record. I am in year three and I have not sniffed a BCS bowl game yet.

So I am getting my moneys worth in challenge and realism. As UM is clearly not the elite program they used to be. And I am feeling it!!!

Love the challenge it has given me. Heck I may even get fired soon.

Hang in there everyone. There is a great football game inside this disc...it just needs some extra TLC on this next patch and everyone will be in a much better place.

I have Madden coming in the mail next week. And I already have read about all the issues in franchise mode. The roster bug in NCAA is nothing compared to what I am reading about Madden thus far....nothing. Glad I only paid $44.99 for it.

I will have to resort to 32 team control for Madden out of the box.

# 185 w00dy Hayezz @ 09/01/11 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by TheShizNo1
This deserves more than a simple click of like. Freaking hilarious.
You're right, i almost peed my pants when i read that!
# 186 franko3219 @ 09/01/11 11:35 AM
The thing that is becoming most annoying to me, which has been stated by others previously, is how we are multiple years into this current gen and yet it seems that with every release there are more and more bugs. Maybe I am just not recalling correctly, but I cannot remember one release that had less bugs than the previous release the year before. Now, I think that gameplay has been adjusted better and that graphics have gotten better, but the glitches and bugs have gotten worse, I am just not understanding that?
# 187 Armor and Sword @ 09/01/11 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by franko3219
The thing that is becoming most annoying to me, which has been stated by others previously, is how we are multiple years into this current gen and yet it seems that with every release there are more and more bugs. Maybe I am just not recalling correctly, but I cannot remember one release that had less bugs than the previous release the year before. Now, I think that gameplay has been adjusted better and that graphics have gotten better, but the glitches and bugs have gotten worse, I am just not understanding that?

So it seems. It is dissapointing. I really love this game. But it is a shame that others are having a rough go of it with freezing or the inability to play OD which is a major mode for this title. I played in 2 OD with 2011 and it was a total blast.

The game on the field IMO is playing better than ever. But the warts and bugs are really killing the games momentum. Let's hope this patch along with a live tuner will address all of those major issues.

I think we will be alright. And I have come to the point that paying full price for EA football is not worth it. I can wait a few months and let these things get patched and tuned. I have plenty of other sports and non sports games to keep me very busy.
# 188 Alter Eg0 @ 09/01/11 11:40 AM
NCAA is a good game but its the little things that makes it some POO! LBs w/ 40inch verticals, freezing, and now the damn rosters names don't work. What would happen to you at work if you do a half *** job? WE SHOULD BE COMPENSATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# 189 coogrfan @ 09/01/11 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by Alter Eg0
What would happen to you at work if you do a half *** job?
You would get promoted?

# 190 K0ZZ @ 09/01/11 12:03 PM
We won't get compensated. You buy the product as is.

People confuse ethics to be a societal norm. Yes it's good ethics to compensate but honestly at this point I doubt much compensation would be handed out unlike if it was just after the first patch and the issues were just coming to fruition. If you asked for compensation now you would probably just get told to wait until the patch drops.
# 191 quaziemoto3 @ 09/01/11 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by elprez98
You've got to be a teacher.
worse...I am a lawyer.
# 192 Strings74 @ 09/01/11 12:28 PM
...aaaaaand we're in September and Kickoff tonight.

Oh well, never again.
# 193 jwmcards @ 09/01/11 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by Alter Eg0
NCAA is a good game but its the little things that makes it some POO! LBs w/ 40inch verticals, freezing, and now the damn rosters names don't work. What would happen to you at work if you do a half *** job? WE SHOULD BE COMPENSATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't want compensation, I want a game that works. I really like the game but it has some serious issues that hopefully are addressed with this patch.

Actually, I'd like EA to just say "hey, we know we F'd up, but we patched as much as we could and hope this takes care of it" Kinda like the Seinfeld dry cleaning episode......"all I want is an admission of guilt.....you know you shrunk it, I know you shrunk it, just admit that you shrunk it."
# 194 Strings74 @ 09/01/11 12:33 PM
You know what I was thinking last night when I played a couple games?

At least once during every single game I play, I stop and go into instant reply to verify that something ridiculous just happened, muttering all the while out of frustration.

Last night it was DB's morphing though the back of my WR's to make a couple of picks.

I pretty much guarantee that none of that gets fixed.

This ship has sailed for me. Good luck fellas.

EDIT: This is a nitpick but even the freaking instant reply tilts me how it starts with you oriented in the opposite direction and zoomed way in. You have to play with it for 10 seconds to watch anything useful.
# 195 der juicen @ 09/01/11 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by Strings74
You know what I was thinking last night when I played a couple games?

At least once during every single game I play, I stop and go into instant reply to verify that something ridiculous just happened, muttering all the while out of frustration.

Last night it was DB's morphing though the back of my WR's to make a couple of picks.

I pretty much guarantee that none of that gets fixed.

This ship has sailed for me. Good luck fellas.

EDIT: This is a nitpick but even the freaking instant reply tilts me how it starts with you oriented in the opposite direction and zoomed way in. You have to play with it for 10 seconds to watch anything useful.
Sorry to see you go, guy. And other guys I don't know. Such a travesty.
# 196 fistofrage @ 09/01/11 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by PlayoffSystemNow
FIrst of all, lower the price next year to $39.99. Because, right now, EA is making a killing on using all of us as "free testers". Yup, thats right, we have to pay $59.99 plus tax, for a flawed game, then we submit all the bugs and what not to EA, which then releases patches 2 months later......WOW, thats crazy. So yeah, lower the price of NCAA Football 13 to $39.99, THEN, we will test the game for you EA. I love this game and it's pissing me off.
Really?! $20 would make that much of a difference? If you are an off-line player & slider tinkerer, it makes no sense getting the game until at least the 2nd patch has dropped. Why spend countless hours of frustration? Anyway I just thought it was amusing that you would put yourself through the same frustration for a mere $20 savings, wouldn't you be better off enjoying the summer doing something else?
# 197 aarontab @ 09/01/11 03:42 PM
I honestly hope that everybody on OS sticks to their guns and stays strong when it comes to not buying this game next year. Completely unacceptable from a quality standpoint, completely unacceptable from a business standpoint.

Almost makes me not want to buy FIFA this year....

# 198 fistofrage @ 09/01/11 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by aarontab
I honestly hope that everybody on OS sticks to their guns and stays strong when it comes to not buying this game next year. Completely unacceptable from a quality standpoint, completely unacceptable from a business standpoint.

Almost makes me not want to buy FIFA this year....

I've owned every NCAA football since Bill Walsh and haven't bought 2012. If the patch cures the ills of this game, I will buy it, but no sense ever buying an EA game at launch. They have proven to be bug ridden and the trend is getting worse instead of better.
# 199 BadAssHskr @ 09/01/11 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by aarontab
I honestly hope that everybody on OS sticks to their guns and stays strong when it comes to not buying this game next year. Completely unacceptable from a quality standpoint, completely unacceptable from a business standpoint.

Almost makes me not want to buy FIFA this year....

i'm going to buy 2 copies next year. one for each system.
# 200 SGMRock @ 09/01/11 04:05 PM
I dont think its fair to not buy FIFA because of the Tiberon team. FIFA and NHL are made by different dev groups. NCAA and Madden teams are different as well but they share a lot of their developement so the games are almost the same on the field.

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