NBA 2K12 News Post

Destructoid has posted their NBA 2K12 hands-on preview.

The game’s AI has also seen a lot of tweaking. For example, the same zone defense scheme that the Dallas Mavericks used to best the Heat now plays much more smartly. One of the complaints about defensive players in last year’s game was their Spidey Sense-like ability to reach and arm out and deflect a pass without even looking. The team admitted that it was a band-aid meant to discourage players from running their player down court before their team was going to get a rebound and then having the rebounder pass the ball to the now-wide-open man down court. In NBA 2K12, issues like that have had time to be addressed much more thoroughly.

The AI system has been completely rewritten to be more dynamic. In last year’s game, the AI would run specific plays, which could often lead to the player figuring out the plays and making the appropriate jumps on the ball over and over. Worse still, when the AI had its play snuffed out, they would default to a generic brand of basketball intelligence, defaulting to simple plays. The new system is now much more divergent, giving the AI more options if their primary options aren’t available. This keeps the players on their feet and makes the AI more of a challenge as well as more like a human opponent, which should do well to extend the life of the game.

Game: NBA 2K12Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: iOS / PC / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 102 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 Drosebpga1 @ 07/22/11 12:37 AM
This is great, post-game improvements and shooting !!!! Keep them coming !!!
# 42 mlp111 @ 07/22/11 01:44 AM
Really hope they look to "live 10" crowd as a reference in this years game... That game had the best crowd atmosphere ever... 2k like what I read, hoping for a more involved crowd to draw me into the game, by the way, 2k12 on pc for me!!!!!!!
# 43 aloncho11 @ 07/22/11 01:54 AM
Awesome news thanks!
# 44 youvalss @ 07/22/11 01:56 AM
Yeah, it's getting better and better...theoretically for now...(until we see it in action).
# 45 parker987 @ 07/22/11 02:04 AM
Originally Posted by neptuneniq
they should allow fake passes during fastbreaks

only available to players with passing above 80

on a break...press b then shot stick for a fake to layup or press A for fake pass to pass
Yeah, i wish they did that like real life rondo doing fake pass layup
# 46 syncinatti @ 07/22/11 04:41 AM
What 2k needs more than anything is pressure sensitive passing like Madden. Tap for lob, hold for bullet. Lob pass over the defender fronting their man. Quick bullet pass before the defense is in position.
# 47 Jano @ 07/22/11 04:56 AM
Live ball physics, improved physics engine, and Y button to back down is all I needed to hear. It's like they saw what Elite was TRYING to do and now they are actually going to do it. Can't wait to get my hands on this years game just because of these gameplay additions alone!
# 48 MachoMyers @ 07/22/11 05:09 AM
My most anticipated game of the year, and that is saying something.

NBA 2k11 still gets a ton of play from me. Only sports game to have done that.
# 49 rockchisler @ 07/22/11 05:33 AM
I stopped reading when the reviewer said "Given my brief experience with NBA 2K11 going in, I was surprised by how quickly I was able to notice some of the gameplay changes made in NBA 2K12". Lets get guys like Da Czar do a review..His statement is like Travis Tritt telling me the state of Hip Hop. Ill wait till someone that knows alot about the 2k series and has played it ALOT reviews it...
# 50 TreyIM2 @ 07/22/11 07:37 AM
Still hoping to hear about better player control and movement. Hopefully the new physics engine will help some of that out. I don't think I'll be satisfied until the fix the controls.
# 51 Mos1ted @ 07/22/11 07:46 AM
I'm glad to see that two of my biggest issues with 2K11 is seemingly addressed with 2K12: lack of contact physics and lack of ball tangibility. I hope my third biggest issue, on-ball defense, is getting addressed as well. And for the record, I have no problem playing on-ball defense in 2K11. I just feel that it's not implemented properly. Bumper cars anyone?
# 52 Mos1ted @ 07/22/11 08:13 AM
^^^ Yeah, 2K8 was the last NBA 2K that I played online consistently. Everything just worked well in that particular game online. To me, I felt I won the games I should have won and lost the games I should have lost. Too many times in 2K11 I've lost games that I know I've should have won because of faulty game mechanics which rewarded less skilled users who played recklessly.
# 53 Yeah...THAT Guy @ 07/22/11 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by syncinatti
What 2k needs more than anything is pressure sensitive passing like Madden. Tap for lob, hold for bullet. Lob pass over the defender fronting their man. Quick bullet pass before the defense is in position.
Madden needs more pressure sensitve passing too lol. Honestly for Madden, I think it should be something like if you hold the button down all the way through the passing information (meaning you don't let go until the ball is released), then it's a bullet. If you tap it, it's a lob. And if you press it but release it before the release of the ball, it's thrown like a normal pass.

But back on topic, god I can't wait for this game. I just hope they finally make white people's hair semi-realistic lol. And of course some of the other things I've mentioned elsewhere (the way defenders defend a guy that is running off of screens, the lack of flow in the pick and roll/pop game, more specific defensive adjustments, etc.)
# 54 scottyp180 @ 07/22/11 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by ifriedrice
I hope one of these hands-on previewers was an avid NBA 2K gamer and will tell us there's a lot less of the herky-jerkiness or suction movements and animations happening while on defense.

I'm still kind of confused about the post up game enhancement. So you post up with L+R or L2+R2, then you press Y or triangle? What's with the second part?
yeah i was skeptical after I read "Given my brief experience with NBA 2K11 going in..." It's hard to really judge how much the game has improved when the previewer admits he didn't play the previous game that much. An avid 2k player would not only pick up on all the improvements (little or small) but they would notice the similarities and issues that went untouched. The preview has me interested but I'll wait til I see the improvements, or read a more in-depth preview, before I get my hopes up.
# 55 TheTodd84 @ 07/22/11 12:18 PM
If any of you have seen my critiques of the NCAA series, which has been my favorite for a long time, then you know what a proponent of real-time physics in a game that I am. News of the collision physics and ball physics will literally change this game. This, and FIFA 12, automatically have my pre-order because of acknowledgement of errors and band-aids in previous iterations and a sensible solution. This is awesome. I know the game won't be perfect, but just the addition of physics is incredible and will make the game amazing. I cannot wait to play this game.

So once again, another gaming franchise realizes it is 2011 and adds physics to make their games more realistic.

And of course, Madden and NCAA are nowhere to be found. Here's hoping that's changed for the 2013 games, but I'm not getting my hopes up.

Anyway... I can't wait to play as Kevin Durant in 2K12 and hopefully he is the complete sickness in this game like Kobe was in 2K11. Granted, I want it to be hard to put up 50 a game with KD, but, in 2K11, I felt like he was almost a non-factor.
# 56 jfsolo @ 07/22/11 01:11 PM
The reviewer having limited experience with 2K11 and still being able to immediately see a major improvement in 2K12 is a plus to me and not a minus. IMO, if you can make a casual player say, "Whoa!" about gameplay with their first hands on experience, then I expect those of us fanatics to be even more impressed. We'll see going forward.
# 57 elprez98 @ 07/22/11 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by scottyp180
yeah i was skeptical after I read "Given my brief experience with NBA 2K11 going in..." It's hard to really judge how much the game has improved when the previewer admits he didn't play the previous game that much. An avid 2k player would not only pick up on all the improvements (little or small) but they would notice the similarities and issues that went untouched. The preview has me interested but I'll wait til I see the improvements, or read a more in-depth preview, before I get my hopes up.
I'm with Solo on this one. The fact that he didn't play 2k11 much and still recognizes differences speaks volumes. Its likely that there is a lot more than that he didn't realize or that the developers didn't mention.
# 58 jeebs9 @ 07/22/11 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by DEFTFUNDAMENTALZ
Just give me a real fast break, PLEASE!!!!
I think the fastbreak has come a long way since 2k8. This year has been the best fastbreak I've seen in any game.
# 59 Da_Czar @ 07/22/11 01:51 PM
Hey fam again keep you expectations for physics in check its still 2k basketball and their idea of implementing physics may not be what YOU have in mind. This will probably not be ragdoll hoops 2k12.

It could be situational physics or the entire game physics so just keep it in perspective fam and wait for 2k to tell us how deep they implemented it before we go crazy...LOL
# 60 KyotoCarl @ 07/22/11 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Czar
Hey fam again keep you expectations for physics in check its still 2k basketball and their idea of implementing physics may not be what YOU have in mind. This will probably not be ragdoll hoops 2k12.

It could be situational physics or the entire game physics so just keep it in perspective fam and wait for 2k to tell us how deep they implemented it before we go crazy...LOL
Good point. A new physics engine does not mean a RADICALLY new physics engine ala NBA Elite.

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