NBA 2K12 News Post

Destructoid has posted their NBA 2K12 hands-on preview.

The game’s AI has also seen a lot of tweaking. For example, the same zone defense scheme that the Dallas Mavericks used to best the Heat now plays much more smartly. One of the complaints about defensive players in last year’s game was their Spidey Sense-like ability to reach and arm out and deflect a pass without even looking. The team admitted that it was a band-aid meant to discourage players from running their player down court before their team was going to get a rebound and then having the rebounder pass the ball to the now-wide-open man down court. In NBA 2K12, issues like that have had time to be addressed much more thoroughly.

The AI system has been completely rewritten to be more dynamic. In last year’s game, the AI would run specific plays, which could often lead to the player figuring out the plays and making the appropriate jumps on the ball over and over. Worse still, when the AI had its play snuffed out, they would default to a generic brand of basketball intelligence, defaulting to simple plays. The new system is now much more divergent, giving the AI more options if their primary options aren’t available. This keeps the players on their feet and makes the AI more of a challenge as well as more like a human opponent, which should do well to extend the life of the game.

Game: NBA 2K12Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: iOS / PC / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 102 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 TheKasmar @ 07/21/11 07:49 PM
I'll have to learn the post game all over again. What will become of the hop steppers? New physics engine and live ball physics will be awesome to see play out. Hopefully much less canned "losing the ball animations" and over-the-back fouls.
# 22 DJ @ 07/21/11 07:51 PM
It will be nice to see the CPU run more than 1-2 plays per game, too.
# 23 ifriedrice @ 07/21/11 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by TheKasmar
I'll have to learn the post game all over again. What will become of the hop steppers?
They could have taken out the hop step since it can be triggered with the modified shots now, but that would mean no Shaq-style jump stops. We'll know more once they decide to tell us, but knowing 2K, we should expect a pretty deep set up.
# 24 illwill10 @ 07/21/11 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by DJ
It will be nice to see the CPU run more than 1-2 plays per game, too.
It would get to the point where I knew exactly what the opposing team was going to run.
# 25 green94 @ 07/21/11 08:06 PM
Sounds awesome... can't wait to hear more.

Mike - were you guys able to fix the AI never checking into the scorers table bug?

My biggest pet peeve... as trivial as it may be.
# 26 J_Posse @ 07/21/11 08:35 PM
Love the info been given thus far, and that screenshot of Dirk with Haslem is sick, especially the inclusion of a "live" ball and players jumping over the front row. I hope that also means that the front rows are closer to the court than past NBA 2K's. I also love how they updated Udonis' tattoos and they're more clear and visible than ever before. Keep up the awesome work, guys.
# 27 NINJAK2 @ 07/21/11 08:58 PM
I don't think I've read a preview that had this much game info so early in regards to 2k. Love what I heard especially about the live ball/physics. I despised seeing people spam into the paint in 2k11 with the likes of Rose, Wade, etc. and suffer no consequence in barrelling into a sea of bodies repeatedly. Hope this is a remedy...
# 28 KyotoCarl @ 07/21/11 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by green94
Sounds awesome... can't wait to hear more.

Mike - were you guys able to fix the AI never checking into the scorers table bug?
That's not a bug really, it's just not programmed to work that way. When you play against other human opponents it's implemented since you've queued a substition, but the AI's substitution logic doesn't work in the same way.

I'm just happy that we have our own players walking over to the scorer's table at all.
# 29 jordankobewade7 @ 07/21/11 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by ifriedrice
They could have taken out the hop step since it can be triggered with the modified shots now, but that would mean no Shaq-style jump stops. We'll know more once they decide to tell us, but knowing 2K, we should expect a pretty deep set up.
if you notice in the preview,since we are using the Y button to toggle post moves,this frees up the normal holding L/R trigger buttons to initiate post moves,so i imagine the hopstep will be still be there,just moved to another button.

as for doing the "shaq style" post hopstep just by pressing Y in the post,they can put that on the L/R trigger now since those are free.to do a normal running hopstep,i think that u just have to be moving or at least holding the left stick forward and you will still do the normal hopstep. i believe that the post is only initiated when you are not moving,and the shot stick is in the neutral position. it wouldnt make sense to be running and then press Y to go right into engaging the post,i would imagine u have to stop first,or at least neutral the shot stick.

so there are ways to still keep hopsteps on the Y button and still use it to activate the post moves...
# 30 stillfeelme @ 07/21/11 09:31 PM
I was also pleasantly surprised to see a letter rating system (F, B+, etc.) pop up after taking shots. A high letter grade doesn’t always ensure a made bucket, nor does a low letter preclude a possible bucket, but the system rates both how well you took the shot and the quality of the shot itself. It would take into consideration if you were well defended or didn’t have your feet set. It’s a nice bit of immediate, tangible feedback that feels like it can be used to adjust your game accordingly. Speaking of adjusting your game, it also has a feature allowing you to adjust your play style on the fly, bypassing menus and keeping you in the action. With the system, you’ll be able to assign specific players a specific role, or quickly swap between playing philosophies (lock down the paint, pressure shooters, etc.), whether it’s just for the present play or for the rest of the game.
Wow the small things like this are going to really up the realism we basically get the option to see if it was a good release on the shot, whether the shot was defended well. Man oh man! I want to see how this impacts players with sick shot skills like Dirk. No amount of defense really means anything to his shot in real life. I think this will help players learn the proper way to play to their teams strengths one way or another.
# 31 Mr_Riddick @ 07/21/11 09:59 PM
I love this time of year...
# 32 Mike Smoove @ 07/21/11 10:32 PM
great read
# 33 watsonsmoove @ 07/21/11 10:35 PM
I hope they can upgrade the celebration for example ( buzzer beaters, big runs by team, better championship celebration and a better looking trophy, and present the mvp doing he finals.

and when its a blowout game why does the starters come back in the game with like 45 SECONDS LEFT IN THE 4 QUARTER i THINK BOTH TEAM SHOULD SUB WHEN IT A BLOWOUT. Small things like this wil make the game perfect. thanks 2k
# 34 DatSamuraiRose @ 07/21/11 10:40 PM
This was a great read. I hope that they get Haslem's hair right(he cut it)
# 35 jfsolo @ 07/21/11 11:07 PM
The new covers are nice, but this is what it is all about. I like it when development teams admit publicly that something in the game was a band-aid solution and are able to fix it in the next game with something less contrived.

The ball not being on so strong a string is going to be interesting. Now I'm an offline only player so I won't have to deal with it, but with online being overrun with steal spammers and kamikaze basket attackers, it should be quite a spectacle.
# 36 ybtherockstar @ 07/21/11 11:14 PM
This is great news! Oct 4th cant come any quicker.
# 37 blues rocker @ 07/21/11 11:22 PM
Originally Posted by Beluba
It's a toggle on Y (triangle). You don't use the triggers or shoulder buttons to post up. Zach T. will explain in one of the upcoming dev insights.

how does this affect the hopstep? in 2k11 the triangle button was the hopstep button. Has that been mapped to another button, or has the hopstep been eliminated? I thought the hopstep button was pretty useful in some situations, so i'm hoping it's not gone.
# 38 scatman @ 07/21/11 11:23 PM
I'm someone who loves the post game, very few people actually master it and I play center with my My Player. I'm hoping the difference between posting up and doing the pro hop is as simple as holding a button and simply tapping it. Tapping for pro hop and holding for post game. That seems logical to me. More importantly though, I'd like the quickness of players to overall feel faster. The pass fake should be faster (or at least have varying speeds by holding or tapping), shot fakes, dribble moves etc. I really want to be able Use the deceptiveness of a CP3 or a Kobe. Rose or Westbrook should feel like the fastest guys in the league. Looking forward to more news and that. Love the write up.
# 39 TheKasmar @ 07/22/11 12:23 AM
Originally Posted by J_Posse512
especially the inclusion of a "live" ball and players jumping over the front row. I hope that also means that the front rows are closer to the court than past NBA 2K's.
If it's similiar to getting stuck to a ref while coming down the court or paralyzed on a chair in 2k11 then I'll be mad.
# 40 neptuneniq @ 07/22/11 12:30 AM
Originally Posted by Sam Marlowe
Hopefully the fake pass will usefull in more situations on the move.
they should allow fake passes during fastbreaks

only available to players with passing above 80

on a break...press b then shot stick for a fake to layup or press A for fake pass to pass

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