The game’s AI has also seen a lot of tweaking. For example, the same zone defense scheme that the Dallas Mavericks used to best the Heat now plays much more smartly. One of the complaints about defensive players in last year’s game was their Spidey Sense-like ability to reach and arm out and deflect a pass without even looking. The team admitted that it was a band-aid meant to discourage players from running their player down court before their team was going to get a rebound and then having the rebounder pass the ball to the now-wide-open man down court. In NBA 2K12, issues like that have had time to be addressed much more thoroughly.
The AI system has been completely rewritten to be more dynamic. In last year’s game, the AI would run specific plays, which could often lead to the player figuring out the plays and making the appropriate jumps on the ball over and over. Worse still, when the AI had its play snuffed out, they would default to a generic brand of basketball intelligence, defaulting to simple plays. The new system is now much more divergent, giving the AI more options if their primary options aren’t available. This keeps the players on their feet and makes the AI more of a challenge as well as more like a human opponent, which should do well to extend the life of the game.
If 2k Fixes the online lag then this game will be a must buy...fixing the lag would make the game much be in awe...and even before u have announced any details about online im already shocked....shocked!
I discovered something recently about online lag, there really isnt one..Check it, it is about the response time your tv has from input to action on tv and I have been playing my online games on my computer monitor and the refresh rate on it is so High its like playing offline, but I do have a 47 inch tv that has the online lag.. This game/ all games are made to be played on really high end monitors/tvs. Just my 2 cents.
this is so cool to hear so am hoping that the commentators dont ruin surprises on defense with stuff like "they switch their defense to 3-2" or "their full court pressing"that was annoying when play against another human.
If 2k can port this game from the 360 to the PS3 successfully then I'll buy it. Honestly, not trying to be a troll just calling it as I see it. The graphical changes so far are minimum. The final product will probably look awsome, no I take that back astounding compared to these photos. However, the port thing is a big issue to me. Owning a PS3 I know what the system is capable of producing, very high end graphics. They need to buff out the glitches and AA for the PS3 version upon release. Why is it that since we PS3 owners own this specific system, we don't get the same expierence when it is the same game? That just flatters me because we all know the PS3 is fully capable of looking exactly like the 360 version. Also, I saw some E3 footage of this where Kobe Bryant was playing with the motion control on the PS3, it looked really 11ish. Do you guys think maybe because it was a very early development show case of it or maybe because the move controls don't bring out the full animation? I wan't to hear you guy's feedback to this? What do you think of it so far? Do you think that there should be no excuses for the PS3 ported version?
this is so cool to hear so am hoping that the commentators dont ruin surprises on defense with stuff like "they switch their defense to 3-2" or "their full court pressing"that was annoying when play against another human.
Haha, isn't that just the worst? I'll be playing man-to-man against my brother for the entire game, then I decide during a crucial moment I want to trap at half court with Lindsey Hunter and Mike James. "He'll never see it comiing, he's walking to the corner every possession!", I'll say. But no, before he even inbounds the ball, here comes Clark Kellogg to save the day, "It looks like they're going to try the half court trap!" Thanks Clark.
To circumvent the situation, I've experimented in distracting my opponent by talking loudly over the announcer when I'm about to spring a surprise defensive adjustment. Works better than I thought it would have.
Haha, isn't that just the worst? I'll be playing man-to-man against my brother for the entire game, then I decide during a crucial moment I want to trap at half court with Lindsey Hunter and Mike James. "He'll never see it comiing, he's walking to the corner every possession!", I'll say. But no, before he even inbounds the ball, here comes Clark Kellogg to save the day, "It looks like they're going to try the half court trap!" Thanks Clark.
To circumvent the situation, I've experimented in distracting my opponent by talking loudly over the announcer when I'm about to spring a surprise defensive adjustment. Works better than I thought it would have.
lmao i never thought about that...but yea am glad u know what am talking about u havent even set up ur defense good and bam the announcers already is calling it out the moment u switch and ruins any chance of surprise.if they want to call it they should wait for like 2 possessions then say something like "this full court defense is really given the lakers problems they havent score a few times down the court with this stifling defense"
Loving all this new info, however NOT loving da screenshot with Mike Bibby in da back ground becuz da CALF SLEEVE issue seems to be still alive and kicking........I hope 2k gives us an create a player review that addresses hair styles, tattoos, and most importantly "accessories"
It kinda looks so from the player behind Chandler?
All right, that's nice and everything but what I'm looking for is more options in Association mode, much like what they do in Madden NFL's off season mode, as in city changing, stadium building, things like that would be too amazing to have and that's pretty much what I want. Also, the ability to sign minimum contract staff members if you're under staff cap over the current coach you have. I hate Jay Triano and would give anything to have another coach F rated or not. As well as smarter AI in terms of trades and such. My Player mode still feels like its in Beta and needs a complete overhaul in my opinion along with the fact that they ABSOLUTELY NEED an Online Dynasty mode. If they add only that, I'll be satisfied.
Good to see a preview of the game finally. I'm a littleworried that the "ball bouncing off a teammate" could be one of the more that a little annoying feature in the game, like the "Spidey-sense" steals were in 2k11. Not too worried, but it will be something to get used to. Also, just looking at the screen shot.
1. Why does no on have arm-pit hair. That stuff does exist.
2. Why does Dirk's face have a different skin tone than the rest of the body?
1. Why does no on have arm-pit hair. That stuff does exist.
2. Why does Dirk's face have a different skin tone than the rest of the body?
1. Cause it wouldn't add anything to the game.
2. That's his new cyberface and I'm guessing, at the point of the build where they took that screenshot, they hadn't shaded his face yet.