MLB Bobblehead Pros News Post

Back at E3, I previewed MLB Bobblehead Pros and pretty much could not say enough nice things about it. Konami's Power Pros baseball franchise is beloved for all the right reasons, and this $10 XBLA arcade game seems to be just another way for more people to experience the franchise.

Many folks may have missed out on the series because it has mostly been known for being released on Nintendo platforms this generation, but it's a simulation baseball series that is hidden under a cartoon-like graphical facade. While this version is not quite as in-depth as some of the earlier retail versions of the game, it seems like there is still local co-op online, an edit player feature (although it seems to be locked when you first play the game), full 162-game season and create-a-team elements as well.

Some members here at Operation Sports have already picked up the title and have some nice things to say about it:

Originally Posted by bluengold34_OS
And the game is incredibly realistic..I just started a season and the Pirates blasted the Cubs 8-5. The Cubs starting pitching was atrocious, and the they had 2 errors in the field. You can't ask a game to be anymore realistic than that.
Originally Posted by philliesfan136
It is looking good, and it feels exactly like Power Pros. It's just as easy to play.
There is a demo for folks to try, and it appears more content will be coming to the game later in the summer. Some of the content coming at a later date includes a home run derby, as well as My Bobble mode, which seems like it will be some sort of career mode where you control one single player for a whole season. I doubt it will be as in depth as "The Life" mode found in other Power Pros games, but it would still be a welcomed addition regardless.

Lastly, while the Xbox Live Arcade version is the only one out right now, it seems like a PS3 version will be coming at a later date.

Game: MLB Bobblehead ProsReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 3 - View All
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Member Comments
# 421 Fiddy @ 06/29/12 11:52 AM
i need to get back into this game. its obvious there wont be another one, so i should just pick up the other dlc pack and have the complete set.

to bad there isn't a fantasy draft option..
# 422 jyoung @ 06/29/12 02:11 PM
Fielding definitely takes a long time to get used to, but I think the payoff is worth it in the end once you master it.

For the first 60 or so games of my season, I was giving up at least 2+ unearned runs a game due to fielding errors. But now I am actually good enough in the field to where I rarely make errors and can snag balls that the CPU would never reach on its own.

Stick with it and you will be rewarded with better defense in the long run.
# 423 falcons2003 @ 06/30/12 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by jyoung
Stick with it and you will be rewarded with better defense in the long run.
It maybe very frustrating to begin with for some, but it's so satisfying once you have have manual defense down. I really appreciated the challange. You need to take some real precise angles.

I like being able to take base hits away from the well timed jumps in the infield. Something that is very realistic, that you don't see in any other baseball game. Can't get the infielders to jump on well timed hits to rob base hits for the life of me in MLB the Show(Vita version). But for some reason this game has it down pretty well.
# 424 jyoung @ 07/02/12 06:07 PM
I just saw this today for the first time in Minute Maid Park:

There is an celebration animation featuring the choo-choo train whenever Houston hits a home run.

# 425 jyoung @ 04/06/13 01:23 AM
The game and all the DLC associated with it were pulled from the marketplace in January.

So you can only redownload things you've already bought at this point.

No new games are planned for the USA aside from the Android/Iphone World Baseball Classic cell phone game.

Konami will likely put out a new Japanese version of Power Pros for the PS3/Vita in a few months.
# 426 jyoung @ 04/06/13 01:32 AM
The game wasn't selling enough copies to make it worth renewing the MLB license for another year.

So when the MLB license expired, they simply delisted the game.

One thing I would be interested in trying is to send a direct invite to someone to see if they can download the DLC after being sent an invite. That method used to work on certain delisted games back in the day. If anyone has the Home Run Derby DLC, send me a friend request and we can try to make that method work.

Gamertag = jyoung OS
# 427 jyoung @ 04/06/13 01:43 AM
Yep, the only way to edit rosters is if you have the Bobblehead Battle DLC purchased.

Without having the DLC bought, the only changes you can make to the roster is trades.

If you ever want to play online or try to get the DLC downloaded by using an invite just let me know. I'm free all weekend.
# 428 davis420 @ 04/06/13 12:04 PM
I just re-downloaded this today. I never really played it the 1st time I had it. I would be interested in trying to get the last DLC that I missed.
# 429 Blzer @ 04/07/13 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by jyoung
The game wasn't selling enough copies to make it worth renewing the MLB license for another year.

So when the MLB license expired, they simply delisted the game.
You know, it really does make me wonder if they are truly oblivious to the reasons why it didn't sell.

It's like taking a major film franchise and releasing the next version to home video, and questioning why sales, popularity, and critical acclaim diminished.
# 430 dsk @ 04/08/13 06:16 PM
I just started playing this again a few weeks ago. Great fun. What's amazing is the fact it still plays online... and it's incredible. I play with a buddy of mine in Arizona and we have yet to see any latency and we've played a number of games.

I wish they would make this available again so those who don't know how fun it is could grab it.
# 431 jyoung @ 04/08/13 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by dsk
What's amazing is the fact it still plays online... and it's incredible. I play with a buddy of mine in Arizona and we have yet to see any latency and we've played a number of games.
You are definitely in the minority with your online experience.

I've tried playing about 10 different people online in this game and all my matches were incredibly laggy.

Hit me up sometime if you want to get a game in: gamertag = jyoung OS.
# 432 jyoung @ 04/13/13 01:05 PM
If anyone has the Homerun derby DLC, hit me up sometime today on Xbox Live. I'd like to try to download it.

Likewise, I am available all day to try to share the Bobblehead Battle DLC is anyone wants to try downloading that from me.
# 433 davis420 @ 04/14/13 12:23 PM
Has there been any luck with downloading the DLC?
# 434 jyoung @ 04/14/13 04:48 PM
I haven't seen anybody online to try it out with yet.

If anyone's around today, I'll have my Xbox on most of the day.
# 435 Fiddy @ 05/15/13 07:39 PM
started up my bobble mode again, having some fun. really wish like im sure i stated 100x's in here before that we could somehow share updated rosters. im glad i picked up that DLC that allows me to edit players. at least i can have some fun that way i guess.
# 436 Fiddy @ 05/17/13 02:40 PM
just noticed, on the updated rosters.. guys that are on new teams, have old teams uniforms on and helmet etc. lol.

im going to default these rosters, then edit over each team. im doing my Mets first. ha. wonder if i have what it takes to completely edit all these teams to current rosters? bah..
# 437 jyoung @ 05/17/13 07:10 PM
Do you have the Home Run Derby DLC?

I am still trying to see if it's possible to download it by having someone send me an invite to an online Home Run Derby game.
# 438 falcons2003 @ 05/18/13 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by Fiddy
just noticed, on the updated rosters.. guys that are on new teams, have old teams uniforms on and helmet etc. lol.

im going to default these rosters, then edit over each team. im doing my Mets first. ha. wonder if i have what it takes to completely edit all these teams to current rosters? bah..
I updated rosters for every team at the beginning of last year. It was pretty tedious and time consuming. They just make it pretty clumsy to edit players and then have to get them on the created/arranged teams. If I get a big chunk of time in the summer I may have at it again.

I like the show and all, but the powerpros series has been my favorite baseball games. It's too bad it never made it to the PSN network. All they had to do is drop the price, put it on sale, something. They could probably find a market of a casual gamer if it was priced right and hook them since it plays a quick, basic, realistic game of baseball.

The game reminds me of one of those great tv shows that somehow gets canceled because not alot of people know about it or pass it over without giving it a chance.
# 439 Storm12 @ 05/18/13 12:10 PM
I have not tried this game, but I assume it plays like the powerpros games. I'd rather get the Japanese versions of the game, in my experience with the 2011 Japanese power pros it is better made than the American versions ever were.
# 440 Fiddy @ 05/18/13 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by falcons2003
I updated rosters for every team at the beginning of last year. It was pretty tedious and time consuming. They just make it pretty clumsy to edit players and then have to get them on the created/arranged teams. If I get a big chunk of time in the summer I may have at it again.

I like the show and all, but the powerpros series has been my favorite baseball games. It's too bad it never made it to the PSN network. All they had to do is drop the price, put it on sale, something. They could probably find a market of a casual gamer if it was priced right and hook them since it plays a quick, basic, realistic game of baseball.

The game reminds me of one of those great tv shows that somehow gets canceled because not alot of people know about it or pass it over without giving it a chance.
hmm, so i cant just go to a team and then edit Jose Reyes on the Mets to someone else? like just change his name/hair/ etc? they will make me add them to created teams?

Originally Posted by jyoung
Do you have the Home Run Derby DLC?

I am still trying to see if it's possible to download it by having someone send me an invite to an online Home Run Derby game.
i at the time bought the battle pros add on... is that what you mean? the 3 inning type hitting game.

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