Madden 12 News Post

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Game: Madden NFL 12Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 44 - View All
Madden NFL 12 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 XtremeDunkz @ 06/03/11 12:45 PM
If only EA could make the commentary in the actual game that good.

Plus Eli looks quite large in this video.
# 2 PaperBoyx703 @ 06/03/11 12:48 PM
Excuse me while I go sign up for un-employment.
# 3 Bootzilla @ 06/03/11 12:49 PM
Other than Eli looking rather bizarre (Head too small. Body too big.), the Dynamic Player Performance looked really cool. Man, if this is implemented properly and not overdone this is going to add a really fun dimension to game play. Awesome.
# 4 illwill10 @ 06/03/11 12:56 PM
IF commentary is like that in-game, than I am sold. I was iffy on MAdden 12. But after this vid I am sold. I wonder what commentary will be like for generics
# 5 TomBrady @ 06/03/11 01:01 PM
Hopefully this is not made with actual gameplay. On the third sack you can clearly see the end trying to tackle Manning after he gets up but just bumps of him (nr. 75 for the Eagles). And for some reason the guard (nr. 69 for the Giants) warps his way into Asante Samuel to tackle him after the interceptions. Werent this two things EA claims to have fixed?

Dynamic Player Performance on the other hand looks great. Finally a good rush will have som effect. Hopefully it also counts for pressure that result in incomplete passes aswell.
# 6 RedZoneD25 @ 06/03/11 01:01 PM
I love the video, but I am SEVERELY depressed that the Eagles jersey name font is still incorrect. It may seem minor to some, but that is part of their jerseys individuality that was correct in BOTH Madden 10 and 11. I just don't get how all of a sudden it didn't make the cut. What they have right now is what the 1960 kelly green alternates have (which, coincidentally, the 1960 kelly alt had the current font post-patch in M10/11)

# 7 vln13 @ 06/03/11 01:07 PM
I wonder if those graphical overlays with the arrows will be in the game. Looks cool but un-broadcast. Also, if secondary AI is improved, how the hell does Nicks burn their secondary like that? Shouldn't they be in at least cover 4? Cool looking, but still waiting to see how this is implemented!
# 8 PaperBoyx703 @ 06/03/11 01:07 PM
I want to believe that commentary is real. The dynamic overlays of DPP is not, from the screenshots I believe you have to pause to see how DPP has changed, but I could be wrong I hope I am about the overlays and hope im right about the commentary.
# 9 vln13 @ 06/03/11 01:10 PM
Also, real "Gusgasms" make this commentary sound like Joe Buck! haha
# 10 vln13 @ 06/03/11 01:11 PM
I don't think that is real commentary, but hopefully they will be smart enough to have certain lines about player tendecies ie. "Eli is one of the more streaky passers in the NFL, but he looks to have caught fire!"
# 11 PSRusse83 @ 06/03/11 01:13 PM
Ok Mike Young making everyones head tiny was not the way to fix the tiny head problem.
# 12 PSRusse83 @ 06/03/11 01:14 PM
Also Elis throwing motion in Madden is the ugliest thing i have ever seen and also not anywhere close to his throwing style
# 13 jpdavis82 @ 06/03/11 01:16 PM
I think the commentary, at least the play by play could be real. I think they started working on this commentary back in September of last year. Look at the way 2k games have their commentary and it's quite possible this was real. I'm not going to get my hopes up about it until we hear this in game at E3 next week.
# 14 magicman30 @ 06/03/11 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by l_XaVo7o3_l
Excuse me while I go sign up for un-employment.
lol Great Comment!
# 15 illwill10 @ 06/03/11 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by vln13
I wonder if those graphical overlays with the arrows will be in the game. Looks cool but un-broadcast. Also, if secondary AI is improved, how the hell does Nicks burn their secondary like that? Shouldn't they be in at least cover 4? Cool looking, but still waiting to see how this is implemented!
I tink he was up against Patterson, he gave up alot of catches.
# 16 at23steelers @ 06/03/11 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by vln13
I don't think that is real commentary, but hopefully they will be smart enough to have certain lines about player tendecies ie. "Eli is one of the more streaky passers in the NFL, but he looks to have caught fire!"
Why not though? If they can make a video with great commentary, why can't they do the same for the game. It's not like they don't have an example to use. They even made it themselves!! lol
# 17 Gotmadskillzson @ 06/03/11 01:24 PM
Looked pretty good.......
# 18 bxgoods @ 06/03/11 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by PSRusse83
Also Elis throwing motion in Madden is the ugliest thing i have ever seen and also not anywhere close to his throwing style
Thats the first thing I thought when I watched the video too.
They still haven't fixed his awkward throwing motion, the ball doesn't look like it leaves his hand naturally.
# 19 PantherBeast_OS @ 06/03/11 01:26 PM
Man this video was good. I loved it alot. BTW did anyone else notice when Eli spike the ball and the center kicked it and it rolled around on the ground. The new ball physics looks awsome. I can't wait for E3 next week for some well good game footage.
# 20 Gosens6 @ 06/03/11 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by illwill10
I tink he was up against Patterson, he gave up alot of catches.
Or they could have had the difficulty on Rookie mode just to set up the trailer..

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