Madden 12 News Post

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Game: Madden NFL 12Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 44 - View All
Madden NFL 12 Videos
Member Comments
# 41 dkp23 @ 06/03/11 03:30 PM
Great idea, but I hope you can not see if your player is hot or cold....Obviously in the video, they show an overlay stating if he is clutch or not and all taht stuff, but that should be kept a secret while you play....
# 42 crob8822 @ 06/03/11 03:30 PM
Great video, I know that this is a work in progress, I will see more at E3 and get a little stick time. But what I see is interesting none the least.
# 43 DJ @ 06/03/11 03:36 PM
I liked the ending of the video

I'm liking the Dynamic Player Performance addition to the game.
# 44 DickDalewood @ 06/03/11 03:36 PM
That looked and sounded amazing... I hope commentary is even HALF that good in the actual game this year.
# 45 WDOgF0reL1fe @ 06/03/11 03:38 PM
I liked the video
# 46 RGiles36 @ 06/03/11 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by dkp23
Great idea, but I hope you can not see if your player is hot or cold....Obviously in the video, they show an overlay stating if he is clutch or not and all taht stuff, but that should be kept a secret while you play....
I think it'll be secret unless you press pause. You have to communicate it to the user somehow, else you'll forget that it's there and it'll seem insignificant. I think the pause menu-integration is a good one.
# 47 SageInfinite @ 06/03/11 03:45 PM
I liked this video. Really cool. I am definitely getting Madden 12 so far. Only complaints I have is that EA should've used this video to show off the new broadcast angles and graphics(stats and what not). I think it would've came off alot more impressive(even though it still was). I also hope those weren't the angles they've been touting, lol.

I guess I'll just have to get over the animations because they just look so awkward at times. Like the receivers running to the line to get set just looked so awkward. Madden needs more little/transitional animations to make the game look more natural. Everything just sort of snaps into place, really takes you out of the immersion.

Still this is looking like it's the best Madden yet.
# 48 Kramer5150 @ 06/03/11 03:46 PM
Really nice video,like others have mentioned though....hopefully that's what the commentary will sound like and not some sound bite to make us "think" that's what we'll get.
# 49 jbd345 @ 06/03/11 03:47 PM
wow that was awesome....Gus sounded great. IMO i don't blame the writers for the commentary i blame the commentators themselves. In madden 11 Gus and Collinsworth just sounded fake almost as if they tried too hard. Gus sounded natural in this and Im hoping he will be the same in-game.
# 50 spankdatazz22 @ 06/03/11 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by kjcheezhead
I honestly couldn't get into what they were showing with dynamic performance because the game looks so ugly in motion. My optimism for Madden 12 actually dropped a bit after this vid.
My sentiments exactly. The ideas behind DPP and some of the other things they're doing are nice but seeing it in motion... just leaves a lot to be desired. The game animates in too blah a fashion, the lineplay still looks like it's all one-on-one interaction. I could probably look past Eli looking disproportionate if the animations weren't so awkward. Just don't get any sense that [the things they're adding that's new] is instilling any sense of player individuality. Still, will like to see how it looks during actual gameplay
# 51 Bfreecloud @ 06/03/11 04:00 PM
cant believe it's 2011 and the animations look that bad player model of Eli was awful!
# 52 erich20012001 @ 06/03/11 04:17 PM
I loved the video, but I found it funny that if you watch the game clock in back of the screen on the final drive, it's all over the place. It never even got to 5 seconds hahahah.
# 53 jyoung @ 06/03/11 04:17 PM
Dynamic Player Performance looks good, but the rest of this video looks like Madden 11.5...which was already basically Madden 10.5...so I guess now we're at Madden 10.75, give or take a few decimals.

Player movement still looks terrible. Line play still looks terrible. Same old crappy catch animations we've been seeing forever.

Even though Dynamic Player Performance is a cool feature, it's just hard to get excited when the gameplay looks like the same old stale Madden.
# 54 BrianFifaFan @ 06/03/11 04:27 PM
Cool video. I like the concept. But I see what Ian was talking about why he didn't shrink the ball. You can see space in between the ball and his hand when he throws. It's like he's holding a forcefield around the ball. The funny thing is that with the new catch animations that doesn't appear to be the case. I know it sounds petty, but it really is evident in the replays. Overall, it does appear that Madden has upped it's game again....
# 55 Matt Diesel @ 06/03/11 04:37 PM
Non-fat Eli:

# 56 roadman @ 06/03/11 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by spankdatazz22
My sentiments exactly. The ideas behind DPP and some of the other things they're doing are nice but seeing it in motion... just leaves a lot to be desired. The game animates in too blah a fashion, the lineplay still looks like it's all one-on-one interaction. I could probably look past Eli looking disproportionate if the animations weren't so awkward. Just don't get any sense that [the things they're adding that's new] is instilling any sense of player individuality. Still, will like to see how it looks during actual gameplay
I did see a double-team block in the video, so, it wasn't all one vs one all the time.

A few pages back, this was posted about Eli.

Eli was tuned after this video

MYsportsPhotog Michael Young
I'll get a non "fat" Eli screenshot on Monday @Horst724 he was tuned after the video was captured.
18 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

MYsportsPhotog Michael Young
Eli was tuned to look way better after that video was captured @PSRusse
19 minutes ago

Just saying to be fair.
# 57 Von Dozier @ 06/03/11 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by Gosens6
Or they could have had the difficulty on Rookie mode just to set up the trailer..
This. I'm guessing all these gameplay movies are on rookie with normal/fast speed and default threshold. I personally ALWAYS use sliders (well, who doesn't on this board?) and Slow speed with threshold, so the quick jankiness I see in these trailers doesn't bother me, because you can fix it.
# 58 PantherBeast_OS @ 06/03/11 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by BrianFifaFan
Cool video. I like the concept. But I see what Ian was talking about why he didn't shrink the ball. You can see space in between the ball and his hand when he throws. It's like he's holding a forcefield around the ball. The funny thing is that with the new catch animations that doesn't appear to be the case. I know it sounds petty, but it really is evident in the replays. Overall, it does appear that Madden has upped it's game again....
Yea I went back to the video and looked at it again. I can see what you are saying. But once you start playing the game. I'm sure your not going to pay much attention to it or notice it for that matter.
# 59 SageInfinite @ 06/03/11 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by roadman
I did see a double-team block in the video, so, it wasn't all one vs one all the time.

A few pages back, this was posted about Eli.

Eli was tuned after this video

MYsportsPhotog Michael Young
I'll get a non "fat" Eli screenshot on Monday @Horst724 he was tuned after the video was captured.
18 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

MYsportsPhotog Michael Young
Eli was tuned to look way better after that video was captured @PSRusse
19 minutes ago

Just saying to be fair.
I still saw no double team blocking on the pass plays. I don't think it's been programmed in the game.
# 60 NikeBlitz @ 06/03/11 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by wEEman33
Dynamic Player Performance looks good, but the rest of this video looks like Madden 11.5...which was already basically Madden 10.5...so I guess now we're at Madden 10.75, give or take a few decimals.

Player movement still looks terrible. Line play still looks terrible. Same old crappy catch animations we've been seeing forever.

Even though Dynamic Player Performance is a cool feature, it's just hard to get excited when the gameplay looks like the same old stale Madden.

Same feeling.

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