NHL 12 News Post

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IGN checks in today with the first hard info about NHL 12. The coverages includes a first-look preview, and an EA-created video featuring NHL 12 line producer, Sean Ramjagsingh.

As of now, it looks like presentation, physics and chaos are the highlights so far. The video shows off big checks that send players through glass, onto benches and into goalies. The video also seems to be showing off some nice pregame presentation touches for (at least) the Winter Classic, which was earlier confirmed to be in the game via the first screen released for NHL 12. Lastly, stuff like helmets being knocked off and goalies being able to fight goalies highlights some of the chaos we can expect to see in the game this year.

The IGN preview highlights a lot of small things (or big ones, depending on your viewpoint), including new TSN/Versus styled in-game overlays, an NHL GameCenter-like summary system in the pause menu, jockeying for position in front of the goalie, and general discussion about how goalies will act differently and fight to look through screens and jumbled messes in front of the net.

Jockeying for position in front of the net and interacting with goalies are two big elements that should add a lot to the game, but I can't help but be a bit concerned about all the big checks and so forth shown in the first video. NHL 11 was a great game, but the physical play got more and more out of hand as the season went on this year. It's going to be important that the developers figure out how to balance out the chaos and checking with sound defensive plays and proper positioning. If the game once again devolves into going for open-ice checks because it's the easiest and most effective way to play defense, then the developers will have missed an opportunity to properly show off the type of physical play that is really important in the NHL. It is those moments in front of the net where you fight for position or battle for a rebound that are truly important if you want to get a win.

As for the release date, the video showed that the new release date for NHL 12 is September 13, 2011. This is only a week later than last year, which is surprising and yet not at the same time. EA does seem to want to sync up its video games with the start of the real sport's season, but unless FIFA's release date changes from late September in the US, NHL 12 can only be so close to October before it starts to get sucked into FIFA's release-date window.

Operation Sports will be at E3 this year to get a look at NHL 12, so stay tuned for more coverage in the coming weeks.

Source - The Little Things Count in NHL 12 (IGN)


We received a press release that sheds a bit more light on a couple things:

Be a Pro mode updated:

In the revamped Be a Pro mode, experience the pursuit of greatness and legendary moments in your playing career, shatter historic records and cement yourself in NHL history. Additionally, the better you play, the more ice time you’ll get where you can simulate to your next shift so you’re always on the ice as you play out your entire career in pursuit of the Stanley Cup.

Presentation touches:

All new gameplay presentation creates an authentic, fresh new look and feel throughout NHL 12 with presentation graphics that mimic real life hockey broadcasts. For the first time ever lace up outdoors under the lights in one of the biggest hockey events of the season, the 2011 NHL Winter Classic® at Heinz Field in Pittsburgh, within seconds of putting in the disc. Inspired by the NHL GameCenter Ice Tracker, the all-new EA SPORTS Action Tracker simulates action without missing a beat with a shift-by-shift breakdown of stats and key moments leading up to your next shift.

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Game: NHL 12Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 26 - View All
NHL 12 Videos
Member Comments
# 21 adayinthelife @ 05/24/11 03:01 PM
I'm looking forward to seeing how/if the physics engine has improved as far as player on player contact, as well as how the puck feels. I actually think the jostling in front of the net stuff could be interesting, if implemented well.

I'm pretty happy that the goalies are "live" for the simple fact that it will make those big rushes and tight breakaways that much more exciting and realistic. I can absolutely see how this is going to be an issue in the online side of the game however, which is what most of you guys don't like about it I assume?

As an offline sports gamer, I really, really, REALLY hope that the game is not shipping tuned completely for online. Honestly, at first the tuners seemed like such a genius idea, but in the end I seem to just go back to the original since virtually all the changes that are made are geared 100% for the online side of things. I guess my biggest fear is the core of the game being tweaked for that crowd.
# 22 SinisterAlex @ 05/24/11 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by Segagendude
Maybe I'm in the minority here, but I love what I see! Looks more realistic to me, especially The battles in front of the net.
I love it too! I just hope, like others have said, they have this to perfection seeing as they "don't want to put something in the game unless it's done right".

I just want to see realistic checking, not this big hits anywhere, at any time like we have now. Like I said in my first post, the battles in front of the net are going to be awesome seeing as I'm doing that a lot in NHL 11 for OTP. 93 hand eye + 6'3" 225lbs = amazing.
# 23 stew514 @ 05/24/11 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by AtomicLegend
I love it too! I just hope, like others have said, they have this to perfection seeing as they "don't want to put something in the game unless it's done right".

I just want to see realistic checking, not this big hits anywhere, at any time like we have now. Like I said in my first post, the battles in front of the net are going to be awesome seeing as I'm doing that a lot in NHL 11 for OTP. 93 hand eye + 6'3" 225lbs = amazing.
Exactly, the thing that always worries me is EA has a recent history of introducing new features while they aren't really balanced properly. Hitting is the best example of that, so is hustle. The year before they introduced boardplay and overlooked how you could exploit it by boardplaying yourself to avoid defenders.
# 24 dannyheck @ 05/24/11 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by Fiddy
well said.. and like i have said many times, if they just would admit that, all would be well in my book. bc we would have no room to bash the realistic elements so to speak.

just a shame that gameplay and how the AI reacts is not a TOP priority EVER.
Ok Mr. Fiddy..... name your gameplay fixes please. What is it that you don't like? Or needs to ge fixed. And I will bring it up in our next team meeting.
# 25 jyoung @ 05/24/11 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by stew514
Exactly, the thing that always worries me is EA has a recent history of introducing new features while they aren't really balanced properly. Hitting is the best example of that, so is hustle. The year before they introduced boardplay and overlooked how you could exploit it by boardplaying yourself to avoid defenders.
And this year you can exploit the hustle button by putting all your points in endurance and leaving acceleration/speed empty.
# 26 stew514 @ 05/24/11 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by wEEman33
And this year you can exploit the hustle button by putting all your points in endurance and leaving acceleration/speed empty.
Another good point, how they didn't code hustle so that is was based on your speed is laughable. If Hal Gill is trying to beat Grabner in a race, and they both hustle, Grabner still wins by a lot.
# 27 Lightbringer719 @ 05/24/11 04:10 PM

Some interesting new features not covered by the IGN article.
# 28 Vanman2425 @ 05/24/11 04:21 PM
Yuck. Are they trying to make an NHL version of "NFL Blitz?" I'm not at all interested in plowing into a goalie for a good laugh, or smashing someone through the glass. When was the last time that actually happened in a real game? Just when Madden finally looks like they're going in the sim direction, NHL goes the other way. I loved the series for a few years, then the game got stale, mostly because of the lack of presentation, and now it seems they're trying to rope people in by letting you see how big of a hit you can lay on someone? No thanks, looks like a pass for me this year for the first time in as long as I can remember.
# 29 Fiddy @ 05/24/11 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by dannyheck
Ok Mr. Fiddy..... name your gameplay fixes please. What is it that you don't like? Or needs to ge fixed. And I will bring it up in our next team meeting.
use the search engine here at the site, you will find all the posts on what i think needs fixed etc.
# 30 thedudedominick @ 05/24/11 04:39 PM
Apparently I am in the minority here but I loved the video. The reactions when players ran into each other looked a lot better than NHL 11. Granted there were way too many big hits, but that could just be EA showing off their new stuff. I also think the interactions in front of the net looked amazing, and the goalies being dynamic adds a ton to the game. Every goalie collision in the video looked like one that I have seen watching hockey. As long as they call interference EVERY TIME some guy just randomly hits the goalie it will be fine. I also loved how the goalies played. Them being "live" should add a lot to the game.
# 31 Vikes1 @ 05/24/11 04:48 PM
Like some others...I'm cautiously optimistic about some of the early news.

When I hear things about HUGE hits, sending the goalie flying, etc...yeah, it concerns me how realistically these things will be done. Maybe I'm dead wrong, but I think nearly everyone, regardless of age or gamer type, casual/hardcore, is pretty much looking for the same thing from today's sports games. For them to play as true to life as possible.

Anyway...I'm cool with the early news. And really hoping that a solid balance is found in added some of these things. To keep my favorite sports game moving ever closer to realism. It'll be very interesting to see how the overall improvements to the physic engine, will effect the gameplay.
# 32 BlueNGold @ 05/24/11 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by Vanman2425
Yuck. Are they trying to make an NHL version of "NFL Blitz?" I'm not at all interested in plowing into a goalie for a good laugh, or smashing someone through the glass. When was the last time that actually happened in a real game? Just when Madden finally looks like they're going in the sim direction, NHL goes the other way. I loved the series for a few years, then the game got stale, mostly because of the lack of presentation, and now it seems they're trying to rope people in by letting you see how big of a hit you can lay on someone? No thanks, looks like a pass for me this year for the first time in as long as I can remember.

Anyways, for the first preview there was some good info. Again there's going to be more overreaction because they're showcasing big hits, hits over the bench, crease crashing, etc. The thing is, remember last year when everyone was going "Oh no! There's going to be too many broken sticks!"? Or when people thought the hustle button was going to be something that makes you cruise around the CPU? How about in NHL 10 when shooting from your knees or batting the puck out of the air was introduced and people thought it was going to happen all the time?

The point is, of course these videos are going to make these things look over the top and when it's the only gameplay we've seen to this point, people are going to think the frequency will be too high, but we forget that these guys are some of the better devs around and know what we want. Not to mention that there's also a reason we have sliders - so we can customize the game to our liking.

A lot of these new additions shown are things that have been on many wishlists and this was only the first preview. Of course I didn't get to see yet what's going to decide whether or not I buy the game (Be A GM improvements and better on-ice AI), but for the first true info, this isn't bad at all IMO. Especially when you consider the crease crashing and battles in front of the net. Those are things that have been sorely lacking and will make a big gameplay difference.

There was one negative in that video though. We still have first person fighting.
# 33 Money99 @ 05/24/11 04:50 PM
Fighting. Still. Blows.

Just copy 2K's already. The first-person fighting is so bad in this series I just shut it off.
Besides, I got tired of watching Lidstrom drop the mitts with tough guys and win.
# 34 Bumble14 @ 05/24/11 04:51 PM
Not terribly excited, but not exactly disappointed either (the TV style presentation saved it for me). I'm reserving further judgement until I see some gameplay.

I want to see how the television style presentation actually ties into gameplay before getting giddy. I also want to see how organic goalies play, hopefully removing the same cheeseball, robotic ways of scoring goals that one would have to rely on to be successful. Based on the video the goalie animations looked the same as last year, so my fingers are crossed. Goalie play IMO has been the weakest link in the NHL engine since NHL07 was released on the 360.

I do agree with Chase on the goalie screens--should be nice to have a player like Tomas Holmstrom actually matter now. Wonder if goals will be disallowed Holmstrom style for breathing on the goalie?
# 35 Lightbringer719 @ 05/24/11 05:00 PM
After all my clamoring to overhaul presentation, particularly the intermissions (or rather the lack of intermissions, in this case), I hope its exactly what I'm thinking it is in NHL12.
# 36 Bumble14 @ 05/24/11 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by Money99
Fighting. Still. Blows.

Just copy 2K's already. The first-person fighting is so bad in this series I just shut it off.
Besides, I got tired of watching Lidstrom drop the mitts with tough guys and win.
Agreed. I cringed when I saw first person fighting back in. It's absolutely awful. Worst part about it is that when you enter into the first person view, everyone else on the ice disappears--takes so much away from the game in my opinion.

Fights and scrums are a part of hockey--I'd love to see 3rd person reappear with more team involvement. Go play Ice Hockey on the NES--greatest fights ever!!
# 37 JJT @ 05/24/11 05:06 PM
I agree with bumble and others. Fifa 12 is a guaranteed buy for me, I will have to see what the big announcement and so forth is before I even think of coming back to this series. I am hoping for gameplay changes so bad because I got bored of 09, which made me skip 10 and 11 because it was the same feel.
# 38 venga @ 05/24/11 05:19 PM
We want IIHF license, authentic jerseys as well !!!
# 39 Bumble14 @ 05/24/11 05:24 PM
I have a sneaking suspicion the "Big Announcement" has to do with the NCAA license being implemented into the game. Remember you heard it here first ;-)
# 40 bonannogiovanni @ 05/24/11 05:34 PM
I hope they've seriously taken care of puck physics. The way it ricochets as of now, sometimes reminds me of a soccer ball.

Overhauling presentation is good, but what about the broadcast cam?

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