NHL 12 News Post

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IGN checks in today with the first hard info about NHL 12. The coverages includes a first-look preview, and an EA-created video featuring NHL 12 line producer, Sean Ramjagsingh.

As of now, it looks like presentation, physics and chaos are the highlights so far. The video shows off big checks that send players through glass, onto benches and into goalies. The video also seems to be showing off some nice pregame presentation touches for (at least) the Winter Classic, which was earlier confirmed to be in the game via the first screen released for NHL 12. Lastly, stuff like helmets being knocked off and goalies being able to fight goalies highlights some of the chaos we can expect to see in the game this year.

The IGN preview highlights a lot of small things (or big ones, depending on your viewpoint), including new TSN/Versus styled in-game overlays, an NHL GameCenter-like summary system in the pause menu, jockeying for position in front of the goalie, and general discussion about how goalies will act differently and fight to look through screens and jumbled messes in front of the net.

Jockeying for position in front of the net and interacting with goalies are two big elements that should add a lot to the game, but I can't help but be a bit concerned about all the big checks and so forth shown in the first video. NHL 11 was a great game, but the physical play got more and more out of hand as the season went on this year. It's going to be important that the developers figure out how to balance out the chaos and checking with sound defensive plays and proper positioning. If the game once again devolves into going for open-ice checks because it's the easiest and most effective way to play defense, then the developers will have missed an opportunity to properly show off the type of physical play that is really important in the NHL. It is those moments in front of the net where you fight for position or battle for a rebound that are truly important if you want to get a win.

As for the release date, the video showed that the new release date for NHL 12 is September 13, 2011. This is only a week later than last year, which is surprising and yet not at the same time. EA does seem to want to sync up its video games with the start of the real sport's season, but unless FIFA's release date changes from late September in the US, NHL 12 can only be so close to October before it starts to get sucked into FIFA's release-date window.

Operation Sports will be at E3 this year to get a look at NHL 12, so stay tuned for more coverage in the coming weeks.

Source - The Little Things Count in NHL 12 (IGN)


We received a press release that sheds a bit more light on a couple things:

Be a Pro mode updated:

In the revamped Be a Pro mode, experience the pursuit of greatness and legendary moments in your playing career, shatter historic records and cement yourself in NHL history. Additionally, the better you play, the more ice time you’ll get where you can simulate to your next shift so you’re always on the ice as you play out your entire career in pursuit of the Stanley Cup.

Presentation touches:

All new gameplay presentation creates an authentic, fresh new look and feel throughout NHL 12 with presentation graphics that mimic real life hockey broadcasts. For the first time ever lace up outdoors under the lights in one of the biggest hockey events of the season, the 2011 NHL Winter Classic® at Heinz Field in Pittsburgh, within seconds of putting in the disc. Inspired by the NHL GameCenter Ice Tracker, the all-new EA SPORTS Action Tracker simulates action without missing a beat with a shift-by-shift breakdown of stats and key moments leading up to your next shift.

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NHL 12 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 mike10003 @ 05/24/11 01:21 PM
And from the article, apparantly presentation is tailored to look more like Versus!

# 2 PhillsPhan26 @ 05/24/11 01:22 PM
I can't wait.....
# 3 jyoung @ 05/24/11 01:28 PM
Why does every IGN article start with a soliloquy?

Good info once I got past this guy's life story, though.

-- puck marks on goalies' equipment over the course of a game.
-- in-game presentation similar to how Versus and TSN present their games.
-- players jockeying in front of the net for position react more realistically
-- realistic net mooring physics
-- goalies are now fair game for being hit and contacted by skaters
-- goalie fights!
-- helmets can be knocked off from hard hits
-- break the glass with checks and shots
-- real players visible on the benches
-- checking players into the benches
-- winter classic
# 4 savoie2006 @ 05/24/11 01:33 PM
Not sure why they feel it necessary to show the most arcadish elements in the trailers. With all the people requesting authenticity and more realistic gameplay, you would think you wouldn't want to show a play being checked through the glass. How often does that happen? Players going into a helicopter spin after being hit, blah.

On the positive side, it sounds like the Presentation got a boost, but how much of a boost? Also, the jostling in front of the net is cool, but I really hope the penalty system is in line and Interference is called properly. All players on the bench, yeah, wonder if the got 2 refs and 2 linesmen as well? Doesn't sound like the Winter Classic will be played in BAGM, but we'll see.All and all, not bad, but not great, but still early so....
# 5 Flamesfan102 @ 05/24/11 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by savoie2006
Not sure why they feel it necessary to show the most arcadish elements in the trailers. With all the people requesting authenticity and more realistic gameplay, you would think you wouldn't want to show a play being checked through the glass. How often does that happen? Players going into a helicopter spin after being hit, blah.

On the positive side, it sounds like the Presentation got a boost, but how much of a boost? Also, the jostling in front of the net is cool, but I really hope the penalty system is in line and Interference is called properly. All players on the bench, yeah, wonder if the got 2 refs and 2 linesmen as well? Doesn't sound like the Winter Classic will be played in BAGM, but we'll see.All and all, not bad, but not great, but still early so....
I believe from this and knowing how Madden 12 is all about presentation and the little things that NHL 12 is following madden's footsteps. I am waiting to hear them reveal more presentation news like maybe team specific intros
# 6 Fiddy @ 05/24/11 01:54 PM

Goalie fights for first time ever? Checks in the bench? Broken glass? Jostling for position in front?


Goalie fights were in NHL 2004, did they forget about their own history? Jostling was in NHL 2004 as well, tie up button caused this to occur in front. Broken glass, hello NHL 93.. Checks into bench, hello i think NHL 95 and up..

Im glad this stuff is finally getting back in the game etc, but man, with the gameplay needing fine tuning big time just makes me scratch my head.

Heck, now the goalies can get mauled over, i cant wait to see all the dumb penalties or lack there off and goals scored off of it.

Big announcement? Hmmmm, please be a gameplay related fix. I doubt it though, more likely online dynasty for once.
# 7 plaidchuck @ 05/24/11 01:55 PM
All I saw was more ridiculous hits, goalie fighting, and the winter classic. Hell it says "new desperation saves" and shows the same old belly flopping "save" that's been in there since 07. Sorry if the AI isn't improved it's going to be the same thing. But that's okay as they obviously don't care about the offline modes anymore anyways. It should be renamed "EASHL 12".

BAGM or BAP players, prepare to be dissappointed.
# 8 stew514 @ 05/24/11 02:04 PM
The hitting still looks overdone, players shouldn't be crushed just because they are standing along the boards. For all the little things they are striving for, I hope they pay equal attention to the big things, namely shooting, hitting, defense, and skating which all need some attention.

I like goalie collisions but I'm interested to hear how penalties will work. I feel it's one of those things that is going to cost people games when their goalie is knocked over and no call is made.
# 9 tyler289 @ 05/24/11 02:04 PM
Nothing sounded that great to me...breaking the glass, goalie fights? Yawn.

Talk to me when the AI is actually a threat (and mixes it up) and the game plays like real hockey. Oh, and BAGM is a solid all-around mode.

I like the new presentation elements and more physics like goalie hits, but I'm still wary about how much this game has actually improved.
# 10 Joborule @ 05/24/11 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by plaidchuck
All I saw was more ridiculous hits, goalie fighting, and the winter classic. Hell it says "new desperation saves" and shows the same old belly flopping "save" that's been in there since 07. Sorry if the AI isn't improved it's going to be the same thing. But that's okay as they obviously don't care about the offline modes anymore anyways. It should be renamed "EASHL 12".

BAGM or BAP players, prepare to be dissappointed.
BAP is getting a big upgrade this year apparently.

From there press release:
REDWOOD CITY, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--With the Stanley Cup® Playoffs heating up, Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ: ERTS) is getting in on the action with the announcement of new features for EA SPORTS™ NHL® 12, shipping on September 9th in Europe and September 13th in North America. Play your way to superstardom in the revamped Be a Pro mode and experience the authentic action and energy of real life hockey with the Full Contact Physics Engine.

In the revamped Be a Pro mode, experience the pursuit of greatness and legendary moments in your playing career, shatter historic records and cement yourself in NHL history. Additionally, the better you play, the more ice time you’ll get where you can simulate to your next shift with the EA SPORTS Action Tracker so you’re always on the ice as you play out your entire career in pursuit of the Stanley Cup.
I'll agree with you though that these upgrades won't matter much if the basic fundamentals like the AI, skating, ect. don't have big improvements. If the offline play doesn't feel like a big step up (I don't even play offline really because I can't stand the AI), then the game isn't that significant of an update since the flashy new features will get old quickly.
# 11 murph17 @ 05/24/11 02:14 PM
pretty meh. especially with all the effort they are putting into Madden and FIFA this year.
# 12 addybojangles @ 05/24/11 02:16 PM
It sounds like they are catering more to the casual fan, or fan of arcade-style hockey, than the simulation or realistic hockey fan.

As time has gone on, EASHL has become more and more ridiculous. The best teams juice, only go for huge hits on defense (which simultaneously wears down your guy), and score the exact same goals over and over.

This press release/video really worries me as a fan of realistic hockey.
# 13 DJ @ 05/24/11 02:23 PM
Nothing in that video/article made me jump out of my seat and say 'I can't wait for NHL 12.' Let's see what the "big announcement" is going to be. I have a feeling, like others have said, it will have to do with online and us offline guys are going to get left with minimal tweaks to Be A GM.
# 14 Fiddy @ 05/24/11 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by addybojangles
It sounds like they are catering more to the casual fan, or fan of arcade-style hockey, than the simulation or realistic hockey fan.

As time has gone on, EASHL has become more and more ridiculous. The best teams juice, only go for huge hits on defense (which simultaneously wears down your guy), and score the exact same goals over and over.

This press release/video really worries me as a fan of realistic hockey.
well said.. and like i have said many times, if they just would admit that, all would be well in my book. bc we would have no room to bash the realistic elements so to speak.

just a shame that gameplay and how the AI reacts is not a TOP priority EVER.
# 15 ChaseB @ 05/24/11 02:26 PM
I think a lot of the big things NHL has to do is more major tuning issues rather than overhauls like FIFA needed in a couple areas. NHL and FIFA are both implementing a physics engine, it just seems like FIFA had a little head start/bigger team working on it to make it come faster to their series perhaps.

I think jockeying/goalie interactions are HUGE, and I'm really excited about those elements, but it all needs to be weighted properly to work right and really add a huge layer of depth and strategy to the game. You need a reason to use more play styles and styles of players in the game, and something like physical play down low would help that.
# 16 Qb @ 05/24/11 02:29 PM
It's good to hear they got the simulate to the next shift feature in for BAP. I asked them about the ice-time issues early on in BAP (ie, too much TOI and always on PP/PK) and it was linked to not having the tech in place to simulate to the next shift within the current simulation engine. They felt most people would not want to be sitting on the bench watching play, which we would do a lot of with realistic ice time.

I don't want to mislead anyone, so please know this is only my speculation based on a few conversations with devs last year -- Gurn straight up told me they wanted to completely rewrite it, but weren't able to for 11 -- but this EA Sports Action Tracker sounds like it could be part of a new sim engine:

Inspired by the NHL GameCenter Ice Tracker, the all-new EA SPORTS Action Tracker presents game highlights and key moments so you never miss a beat.
To me, this doesn't sound like something they could simply tack on to the existing simulation logic. In fact, it seems just the opposite. Fingers crossed...

A significant presentation upgrade wouldn't surprise me. The process was underway last year from what we were told at the community event, but very little made it into 11. They were working with one of the biggest consulting companies for broadcast packages (Troika, I think) to develop a more consistent & appealing style. It seems the other EA Sports titles are moving in the same direction.

I can't comment on anything from video... IGN blocked here at work.
# 17 plaidchuck @ 05/24/11 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by Joborule
BAP is getting a big upgrade this year apparently.

From there press release:

I'll agree with you though that these upgrades won't matter much if the basic fundamentals like the AI, skating, ect. don't have big improvements. If the offline play doesn't feel like a big step up (I don't even play offline really because I can't stand the AI), then the game isn't that significant of an update since the flashy new features will get old quickly.
Wow interesting, didn't see that before. Well it's certainly a step in the right direction to bring some life into that mode, although I'm afraid it's just going to make it a bit of an arcade mode. Instead of shattering records I think people want to see a realistic progression of your player a long with the ability to be traded and what not. Although playing for ice time and such is definitely a plus.
# 18 Flamesfan102 @ 05/24/11 02:36 PM
Check out some more info from these sites - http://www.sportsology.info/EA-SPORT...ES-FOR-NHL-12-

And NHL 12's official site - http://www.ea.com/nhl/1/nhl-12
# 19 noda11 @ 05/24/11 02:40 PM
Like pretty much everyone else here I didn't see much to get me terribly excited like madden or NCAA, but it's still early. That's about the only positive I come away with. Goalie collisions look pretty ridiculous. I don't think there have been hits like that on goalies more than 5 times. And I have a feeling jostling in front of the net will end up in too many stupid penalty calls. And is hienz field the only place you can play the winter classic?
# 20 SinisterAlex @ 05/24/11 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by mike10003
And from the article, apparantly presentation is tailored to look more like Versus!

They finally have the proper amount of players and coaches on the bench as well.... took them long enough!

I just hope though, from that video, that the hits are toned down... I don't think I can take another year the these "every hit is a BIG hit" type hits... really annoying.

Also I love the new stuff in front of the net, I play a 6'3" center and I'm always parking myself in front of the net for screens and tips, this will make going there even more fun!

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