NHL 12 News Post

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IGN checks in today with the first hard info about NHL 12. The coverages includes a first-look preview, and an EA-created video featuring NHL 12 line producer, Sean Ramjagsingh.

As of now, it looks like presentation, physics and chaos are the highlights so far. The video shows off big checks that send players through glass, onto benches and into goalies. The video also seems to be showing off some nice pregame presentation touches for (at least) the Winter Classic, which was earlier confirmed to be in the game via the first screen released for NHL 12. Lastly, stuff like helmets being knocked off and goalies being able to fight goalies highlights some of the chaos we can expect to see in the game this year.

The IGN preview highlights a lot of small things (or big ones, depending on your viewpoint), including new TSN/Versus styled in-game overlays, an NHL GameCenter-like summary system in the pause menu, jockeying for position in front of the goalie, and general discussion about how goalies will act differently and fight to look through screens and jumbled messes in front of the net.

Jockeying for position in front of the net and interacting with goalies are two big elements that should add a lot to the game, but I can't help but be a bit concerned about all the big checks and so forth shown in the first video. NHL 11 was a great game, but the physical play got more and more out of hand as the season went on this year. It's going to be important that the developers figure out how to balance out the chaos and checking with sound defensive plays and proper positioning. If the game once again devolves into going for open-ice checks because it's the easiest and most effective way to play defense, then the developers will have missed an opportunity to properly show off the type of physical play that is really important in the NHL. It is those moments in front of the net where you fight for position or battle for a rebound that are truly important if you want to get a win.

As for the release date, the video showed that the new release date for NHL 12 is September 13, 2011. This is only a week later than last year, which is surprising and yet not at the same time. EA does seem to want to sync up its video games with the start of the real sport's season, but unless FIFA's release date changes from late September in the US, NHL 12 can only be so close to October before it starts to get sucked into FIFA's release-date window.

Operation Sports will be at E3 this year to get a look at NHL 12, so stay tuned for more coverage in the coming weeks.

Source - The Little Things Count in NHL 12 (IGN)


We received a press release that sheds a bit more light on a couple things:

Be a Pro mode updated:

In the revamped Be a Pro mode, experience the pursuit of greatness and legendary moments in your playing career, shatter historic records and cement yourself in NHL history. Additionally, the better you play, the more ice time you’ll get where you can simulate to your next shift so you’re always on the ice as you play out your entire career in pursuit of the Stanley Cup.

Presentation touches:

All new gameplay presentation creates an authentic, fresh new look and feel throughout NHL 12 with presentation graphics that mimic real life hockey broadcasts. For the first time ever lace up outdoors under the lights in one of the biggest hockey events of the season, the 2011 NHL Winter Classic® at Heinz Field in Pittsburgh, within seconds of putting in the disc. Inspired by the NHL GameCenter Ice Tracker, the all-new EA SPORTS Action Tracker simulates action without missing a beat with a shift-by-shift breakdown of stats and key moments leading up to your next shift.

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Game: NHL 12Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 26 - View All
NHL 12 Videos
Member Comments
# 101 VanCitySportsGuy @ 05/26/11 09:31 PM
The NHL series is a victim of its own success.

After playing NHL 11, I thought the series is stale and I'll probably feel the same way about NHL 12. I'm sure it will be a good game (like NHL 11) but there's only so much they can add/tweak since the game is already good.

I've wanted Classic Teams (with real players) for a long time and I hope this is the big announcement.
# 102 Vikes1 @ 05/26/11 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by DJ
Very well said. I'm not a hockey "expert" but I'd like to consider myself fairly knowledgeable about the sport; I follow the Avs pretty closely and growing up in NY, I was always watching hockey even though I didn't have a favorite team as a lot of my closest friends and many of my relatives played the sport (I played basketball. You couldn't play both b/c both were winter sports). So, I have a good idea of what I want to see out on the virtual ice.

There are some things NHL does very, very well. It's not like the game is complete rubbish. But, at the end of the day, the arcade elements definitely take over compared to what we would consider simulation. I'd love for more realistic battling on the boards for the puck. I'd love to see better center ice play (teams using different trapping systems), and of course, I'd love to see a revamped sim engine.

Like you said, NBA 2K11 produced a mostly sim game with some arcade elements and it sold over 5 million copies. A good number of those copies were bought by people who are very casual basketball fans. It goes to show that if you make the game mirror what we see on TV, people will buy the game.

MLB The Show on the PS3 is the same way. There's a thread on the forums with over 100 posts by people who specifically BOUGHT a PS3 just to play that game. That should tell you all you need to know about people wanting a simulation product. You don't spend $500 if you want to cheese a game and rack up a ton of goals/points/runs. You spend that money when the game you are playing closely replicates what you watch on television, yet still offers that fun factor that brings you back game after game.

NHL keeps looking for clever marketing features, when really, that's not needed. The shotstick IS THE MARKETING! It was a brilliant addition and the tweaks they've made to the mechanic have only helped improve the game. The focus now should be on making the game as true to real life as possible. Adding the Winter Classic (yes, I know it's a few years late, but better than not having it again) is a step in the right direction, as is increasing the presentation elements. Those touches help with the immersion factor.

NOW, the key has to be with the on-ice play. Like Money said, we've got to have a game where exploits are null and void. I give the Madden and NCAA teams credit as they took an honest look at their game and FINALLY addressed the defensive side of the ball, fixing both man and zone coverage. I think we'd all love to see NHL take that next step.

Clearly there's a lot of passionate people on this board about hockey. That's great to see. I'm hoping that NHL 12 moves us closer to that true simulation of the sport that we've all been craving the past few years. EA's been like a baby, crawling on the floor. It's time for them to get up off the carpet and take some steps on its own.
Excellent post DJ!

As you mentioned Dan, and I completely agree....today's sports games that mix realistic gameplay, nice animations, and great presentation, are imo too, the blueprint to follow.

Personally, I like to think with NHL, that EA Canada has a decent launching point to work from. Like you, I also believe mostly all gamers want the same thing. As true to life gameplay as possible. Even with the limitations it would bring. I'm sure hoping that with the further tuning of the physic, that NHL'12' will really show us the direction their taking my favorite sports game. Making it as realistic playing as possible. And if ya don't like it, well...that's what sliders are for.

The biggest thing I'm hoping for outta NHL'12' is...that the gameplay really feels different from past years. That you can clearly feel the difference between types of players, right through the controller. And the players play accordingly.
# 103 plaidchuck @ 05/27/11 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by Scottdau
I hope the floaty puck is gone. I like that there will be more puck physics.
Good god yes! Forgot about this! It's so ridiculous to see the puck sit on the goalies head and fall into the net..
# 104 Qb @ 05/27/11 11:44 AM
An unnamed source told me the first NHL12 developer's blog is scheduled for release next Wednesday, June 1st. The topic will be... goalies.
# 105 Therion7 @ 05/27/11 04:05 PM
First post on NHL 12 and I've got to say that as a primarily single player guy, the additions sound excellent and should improve on what was already a great game.

Presentation and Winter Classic were probably top of my want list, the tracker and the goalie improvements and net crashing sound fantastic in principle.

For the multiplayer fraternity, I hope these new gameplay additions don't provide a haven for glitching.

It's going to be a long summer!
# 106 LeafsFan31 @ 05/30/11 06:58 PM
Looks great!
Hopefully the stanley cup celebration has been completely revamped too.

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