As far as NBA games goes, I only played Live series in 90s before 2k11. Just bought 2k11 because of Jordan addition. So I'm not familiar with what kind reputation 2K team had in the past
but what I can say is that other developers would have made Jordan challenge a DLC that will cost easily 15 bucks. But they didn't. That counts for me.
haha "other" developers...
I agree with the poeple that have said 2k11 is the best NBA Game ever made... The people that don't like it are probably the same people that enjoyed crossing people over with Eric Snow and posterizing Kevin Garnet on NBA Live... (seen it done) <<<--- I've personally Saw this happen while watching my buddies play NBA Live... If thats your definition of "sim" than be my guest and play NBA Live to your hearts desire... 2k, makes a "sim" basketball game, and people that don't "understand" basketball or know how the game "should" be played, are the same people that will hate on the game...
I agree with the poeple that have said 2k11 is the best NBA Game ever made... The people that don't like it are probably the same people that enjoyed crossing people over with Eric Snow and posterizing Kevin Garnet on NBA Live... (seen it done) <<<--- I've personally Saw this happen while watching my buddies play NBA Live... If thats your definition of "sim" than be my guest and play NBA Live to your hearts desire... 2k, makes a "sim" basketball game, and people that don't "understand" basketball or know how the game "should" be played, are the same people that will hate on the game...
I meant to say "any other" developers would have charge us at least 15 bucks. 2K guys didn't take advantage on that and that's really great. So I think they will work hard on the next release if this is the attitude.
It's ironic how you have to either be a cheeser or have no basketball knowledge if you dislike 2K11. I agree that 2K11 is the best basketball game ever made. However, that doesn't mean that it's flawless. In fact, the weak points of the game are fundamental issues that a game of it's quality should not have. And the reason why I'm not confident in 2K12 is because we see the same problems year after year. I doubt 2K12 will be any different.
It's ironic how you have to either be a cheeser or have no basketball knowledge if you dislike 2K11. I agree that 2K11 is the best basketball game ever made. However, that doesn't mean that it's flawless. In fact, the weak points of the game are fundamental issues that a game of it's quality should not have. And the reason why I'm not confident in 2K12 is because we see the same problems year after year. I doubt 2K12 will be any different.
I've never picked up any sports game and hadn't seen ridiculous flaws in the very first game I played in a quick match. The list only grows the minute I start a franchise. That's not to say I haven't played some GREAT games but all this "only haters say this games isn't perfect" stuff is nonsense.
It's ironic how you have to either be a cheeser or have no basketball knowledge if you dislike 2K11. I agree that 2K11 is the best basketball game ever made. However, that doesn't mean that it's flawless. In fact, the weak points of the game are fundamental issues that a game of it's quality should not have. And the reason why I'm not confident in 2K12 is because we see the same problems year after year. I doubt 2K12 will be any different.
I find it funny that even when EA does not create a basketball game they still get the benefit of the doubt that they will produce something amazing when they eventually do, but 2k creates the best basketball game ever and it is considered overrated, really overrated, no game will be flawless so having flaws does not make it overrated. 2k does not have a history of being lazy so I don't expect them to all of a sudden acquire that habit, I see 2k using this time to push the limits of their game so that when EA does release a game the people loyal to that franchise will have permanently converted to 2k fans.
I've never picked up any sports game and hadn't seen ridiculous flaws in the very first game I played in a quick match. The list only grows the minute I start a franchise. That's not to say I haven't played some GREAT games but all this "only haters say this games isn't perfect" stuff is nonsense.
There are flaws and then there are fundamental flaws that detract from the playability of a game.
- When I pass to my Center who's cutting from the block to the foul line the pass shouldn't lead him all the way to the 3pt line where he's completely useless.
- When I contest a shot perfectly, the ball shouldn't go through my hand just because the game decided the shot must go in.
- When a two-player animation starts, the eight other players on the court should slide and morph out of the way so the animation can be completed.
- When I get bumped by my defender I shouldn't have to stubble back five feet and take five dribbles before my player regains his balance.
- When I perform the behind-the-back action on the controller there shouldn't be a 2 second delay before my player actually dribbles behind his back.
These are just a handful of the countless fundamental issues that I encounter multiple times every game (some of them occur every possession). I'm not complaining about arms morphing through torsos or anything of that nature because that doesn't detract from the quality of gameplay. The things I mentioned do.
There are flaws and then there are fundamental flaws that detract from the playability of a game.
- When I pass to my Center who's cutting from the block to the foul line the pass shouldn't lead him all the way to the 3pt line where he's completely useless.
- When I contest a shot perfectly, the ball shouldn't go through my hand just because the game decided the shot must go in.
- When a two-player animation starts, the eight other players on the court should slide and morph out of the way so the animation can be completed.
- When I get bumped by my defender I shouldn't have to stubble back five feet and take five dribbles before my player regains his balance.
- When I perform the behind-the-back action on the controller there shouldn't be a 2 second delay before my player actually dribbles behind his back.
These are just a handful of the countless fundamental issues that I encounter multiple times every game (some of them occur every possession). I'm not complaining about arms morphing through torsos or anything of that nature because that doesn't detract from the quality of gameplay. The things I mentioned do.
Please give me a basketball game that did not have these exact flaws, alot has to do with the level of technology that we are currently using. I hate the ball going through the hands as much as you do but it has to either do with ratings or the fact that until the ball leaves the players hand they are one object, just tell me one thing is 2k11 better than 2k10 and has less flaws? if so they you have seen that every year they try to solve some of these issues and hopefully 2k12 will have fewer flaws than 2k11, but don't expect a flawless game because that will never happen.
I find it funny that even when EA does not create a basketball game they still get the benefit of the doubt that they will produce something amazing when they eventually do, but 2k creates the best basketball game ever and it is considered overrated, really overrated, no game will be flawless so having flaws does not make it overrated. 2k does not have a history of being lazy so I don't expect them to all of a sudden acquire that habit, I see 2k using this time to push the limits of their game so that when EA does release a game the people loyal to that franchise will have permanently converted to 2k fans.
Your perception of the numbers is a little off. Only two out of the 30+ post in this thread have said that 2K is overrated. We are the minority. So why do you make is seem like there's an army of us?
This thread is about how 2K12 will turn out without competition. What's all this stuff about people giving EA the benefit of the doubt? No one said anything about EA's game here.
Please give me a basketball game that did not have these exact flaws
Originally Posted by TUSS11
- When I pass to my Center who's cutting from the block to the foul line the pass shouldn't lead him all the way to the 3pt line where he's completely useless. 2K7
- When I contest a shot perfectly, the ball shouldn't go through my hand just because the game decided the shot must go in. Live 10
- When a two-player animation starts, the eight other players on the court should slide and morph out of the way so the animation can be completed. 2K7
- When I get bumped by my defender I shouldn't have to stubble back five feet and take five dribbles before my player regains his balance. 2K7
- When I perform the behind-the-back action on the controller there shouldn't be a 2 second delay before my player actually dribbles behind his back. 2K7
LOL, yeah those games were flawless, the ball going though the hands has been a issue in all 2k games, and everthing else you mentioned not being in those games had to do with lack of momentum as well was lack of player weight, but I guess that being in 2k11 is a flaw.
There are flaws and then there are fundamental flaws that detract from the playability of a game.
- When I pass to my Center who's cutting from the block to the foul line the pass shouldn't lead him all the way to the 3pt line where he's completely useless.
- When I contest a shot perfectly, the ball shouldn't go through my hand just because the game decided the shot must go in.
- When a two-player animation starts, the eight other players on the court should slide and morph out of the way so the animation can be completed.
- When I get bumped by my defender I shouldn't have to stubble back five feet and take five dribbles before my player regains his balance.
- When I perform the behind-the-back action on the controller there shouldn't be a 2 second delay before my player actually dribbles behind his back.
These are just a handful of the countless fundamental issues that I encounter multiple times every game (some of them occur every possession). I'm not complaining about arms morphing through torsos or anything of that nature because that doesn't detract from the quality of gameplay. The things I mentioned do.
I 100% agree with you. Im a 2k die hard fan but this game is no where near perfect.I just hope they improve the gameplay. Im tired of seeing every pf/C hit mid range jump shots on a regular basis. I play the game everyday with my franchise but I havent scored more then 10(if im lucky) fastbreak points in years with this game.
I 100% agree with you. Im a 2k die hard fan but this game is no where near perfect.I just hope they improve the gameplay. Im tired of seeing every pf/C hit mid range jump shots on a regular basis. I play the game everyday with my franchise but I havent scored more then 10(if im lucky) fastbreak points in years with this game.
i mean who wants a game where KG, Duncan,Krstic, Big Baby, J O'neil, Lebron etc can actually shot, how dear they make this generation of PF and Centers being able to shot, how unrealistic.
2k12 should not be "better" as 2k11 was to 2k10, and 2k10 was to 2k9. 2k12 should be the year we slow down and polish/refine what we have. Fix all those nagging issues users complain about every year that never get addressed:
non-direct passing, online servers, canned animations that delay any inputs, no foul calls, the behind the backboard shots (i admit it's gotten better, but still has a way to go) Etc.
Point is, this is an opportunity where 2k12 doesn't have to have some nice shiny new feature to outdo its competition next year.
All i want to know is since EA is bowing out for this year, will NBA 2k12 actually have a full fledged allstar weekend in the Association mode, i.e a real dunk comp, real 3pt etc..If so that would be nice addition to the game.
Plus although 2k11 is a good babll sim, i'm with TUSS11 it's not flawless, or any game for that matter, but some things need to be fixed. Especially with the broken rebound logic ex. Players just staring at the ball instead of actually positioning to go after it.
Also when a ball is knocked free or around all the players just look at it, it can be at their feet and takes them forever to react.
LOL, yeah those games were flawless, the ball going though the hands has been a issue in all 2k games, and everthing else you mentioned not being in those games had to do with lack of momentum as well was lack of player weight, but I guess that being in 2k11 is a flaw.
I'm not making that claim. I'm just stating that such things didn't exist before, therefore they shouldn't exist now. A new game shouldn't have issues that it's predecessors had solutions for.
I'm not making that claim. I'm just stating that such things didn't exist before, therefore they shouldn't exist now. A new game shouldn't have issues that it's predecessors had solutions for.
And I am saying they did not exist because of fundamental flaws in core gameplay that existed in a game like 2k7, when you add new feathers into a game like momentum, player weight and contact other issues will manifest themselves, I don't think you are saying that 2k7 is better than 2k11 because they did not have issues that you feel 2k11 has.
While I am satisfied with NBA 2K11. It is definitely a great game, but I hope they can find a way to smooth out the controls/animations (maybe a refreshed dribbling system that uses the right analog stick with an L2 modifier) That would be my ideal dribbling control system that almost mimics Elite's but will allow 2K to keep its crown.
If they fail to do so next year, I predict EA's NBA Elite will regain its stature like it has been able to do with games such as FIFA, and its reboot of the NHL franchise.
And I am saying they did not exist because of fundamental flaws in core gameplay that existed in a game like 2k7, when you add new feathers into a game like momentum, player weight and contact other issues will manifest themselves, I don't think you are saying that 2k7 is better than 2k11 because they did not have issues that you feel 2k11 has.
When that happens you have to question if the new additions are worth it.