Madden 12 News Post

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Game: Madden NFL 12Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 44 - View All
Madden NFL 12 Videos
Member Comments
# 81 Canes305 @ 03/22/11 12:13 PM
no lockout mode?
# 82 brza37 @ 03/22/11 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by illwill10
hopefully NCAA 12 has Custom Playbooks and Tendencies.
I want to see Other Player Tendencies
Yes, player tendencies are a must for NCAA. Moreso even than in NFL because in NCAA you have a much more diverse base of tendencies among QBs. Guys like Denard Robinson and Cam Newton who run for 1500 yards compared to guys like Ryan Mallett who just stand tall in the pocket.
And I don't see how they could say tendcies can't be done in NCAA because of player likeness. If that was the case they'd have to get rid of player ratings too. Actually, Height, Weight, Number, Age and Hometown are measurable and therefore much easier attributes to claim as player likenesses than ratings or tendencies.

I coulda sworn that custom playbooks was already confirmed for NCAA but I guess I was wrong cuz I can't find it in any threads.
# 83 FroznYogurt @ 03/22/11 12:15 PM
Wow, this is quite more impressive than what I was expecting! Fix the gameplay and I'm in!
# 84 roadman @ 03/22/11 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by Canes305
no lockout mode?
That's a new one.
# 85 roadman @ 03/22/11 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by LiquorLogic
What if it's buggy.
Tuner sets and patch.
# 86 RGiles36 @ 03/22/11 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by illwill10
Game Plan and GF will be there, Along with Custom Playbooks
It makes sense. After you set up your Playbook, you can set plays to each down.
Off topic -- but I still hope they can come up with a quicker way to gameplan. I like the concept, but I thought it was time consuming to pick play by play what you wanted to do for each situation. Since the plays are already in groups (inside run, outside run, short-medium-long pass, man, combo zone, etc), I'd instead like some sliders for each situation. Ex: I want to have inside run plays called 60% of the time on 1st down.

IDK, just thinking out loud. Back to the topic...
# 87 Hooe @ 03/22/11 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by LiquorLogic
What if it's buggy ?
Name me one video game ever that hasn't had a couple of bugs in it upon release.
# 88 illwill10 @ 03/22/11 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by brza37
Yes, player tendencies are a must for NCAA. Moreso even than in NFL because in NCAA you have a much more diverse base of tendencies among QBs. Guys like Denard Robinson and Cam Newton who run for 1500 yards compared to guys like Ryan Mallett who just stand tall in the pocket.
And I don't see how they could say tendcies can't be done in NCAA because of player likeness. If that was the case they'd have to get rid of player ratings too. Actually, Height, Weight, Number, Age and Hometown are measurable and therefore much easier attributes to claim as player likenesses than ratings or tendencies.

I coulda sworn that custom playbooks was already confirmed for NCAA but I guess I was wrong cuz I can't find it in any threads.
If NCAA 12 has custom Playbooks and Player Tendencies, I would defintely buy the game regardless. of what I hear about Gameplay. As long as there are certain gameplay changes, if they have custom Playbooks and Player Tendencies I am in.
They had Desean Jackson at 6'0 in NCAA 09. I think they just randomize it and allow users to change it.
# 89 SageInfinite @ 03/22/11 12:21 PM
Looks interesting. I liked the overhead stadium shot, looked pretty realistic. Also the view during the field goals looked pretty good. I skipped Madden 11 so maybe they can get me back this year.
# 90 Icarus2k9 @ 03/22/11 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by LionsFanNJ
Custom playbooks have me excited. I always hated the Lions playbook outside of the specific plays for Megatron because I wanted wildcat plays for the lions. Now I can keep those plays and jack some of those sweet Pats slot screens and stuff and wilcat/team specific plays from other playbooks. Might keep me playing madden longer than a few months this year, especially if the on field play has some tweaks on d....and pass trajectory adjustments

sent from parts unknown
*Begins minor derailment*

My personal dream in regards to playbooks is for them to combine tying a playbook to a coach, not a team, with the computer changing their plays every year using a weighted custom playbook setup.

So what would happen is the coaching changes would bring a new system to the team, but each year individual plays would be assessed against the current squad.

e.g. "For this play to be in playbook, Offensive Tackles PBR>90"

If it doesn't match, the play would get cycled out and replaced with one from the same formation that most matched the team's criteria.

Similarly, every year the user could be advised by their various co-ordinators if certain plays could be cycled out, and would recommend alternatives.

Tie the effectiveness of it to coach ratings, and bingo.

*End derailing*

But yes, I doubt if they would drop Gameflow in the slightest. It proved to be a very popular feature last year and is more realistic - even if it needs improvements
# 91 guaps @ 03/22/11 12:23 PM
Player tendencies - could be nice if implemented properly and if customizable in franchise mode e.g. suppress tendencies through coaching or being able to coach new ones.

Hot and cold streaks - as long as it doesn't mean super AI versus lame AI, I'm ok with it. Don't want a CPU RB being superhuman because he's on a hot steak.

However, judging from the two field goal attempts shown OL/DL interaction looks pretty much the same as previous years. And judging from the running animation clip and the stadium entrance both player models and running animations look unchanged as well. Need to see some more gameplay.

Honestly, I cannot see what doubts this teaser is attempting to reassure. To me it still looks like new gimmicks and old gameplay
# 92 bxgoods @ 03/22/11 12:24 PM
Umm if they put in player tendencies, with better Player Models and animation. I'm buying...

Player models and animations must be improved though. The animations last year were too flat, there weren't a lot of OMG animations to knock you out of your seat. It was way too boring.
I want the superstars to look like Superstars, and scrubs to look like scrubs without me having to look at their ratings.
# 93 Hova57 @ 03/22/11 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by guaps
Player tendencies - could be nice if implemented properly and if customizable in franchise mode e.g. suppress tendencies through coaching or being able to coach new ones.

Hot and cold streaks - as long as it doesn't mean super AI versus lame AI, I'm ok with it. Don't want a CPU RB being superhuman because he's on a hot steak.

However, judging from the two field goal attempts shown OL/DL interaction looks pretty much the same as previous years. And judging from the running animation clip and the stadium entrance both player models and running animations look unchanged as well. Need to see some more gameplay.

Honestly, I cannot see what doubts this teaser is attempting to reassure. To me it still looks like new gimmicks and old gameplay
I think your first couple of lines were the reassurring. we both know on here people fight and protest about custom playbooks, changing the field goal mechanic and player tendancies. for most that the icing on the cake. Now of course after this wears off later today at about 3 we'll be back to talking about physics in the game,animations, what they are doing with passing and player interactions.
# 94 inglip @ 03/22/11 12:29 PM
The animation on the guy diving for the surprise onside kick looked good, it didn't look too canned.
# 95 Hova57 @ 03/22/11 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by mrMagic91
does custom playbooks mean like custom plays? bcuz i seen there were different routes.
that we don't know yet cause the actual title of custom playbooks is X book so maybe we have it all. won't know til April for that answer. its going to be a long 6 weeks cause I don't know if we will have any other interactions with dev on anything bout the game now.
# 96 GamerzIgnite @ 03/22/11 12:33 PM
The field goal kicking I noticed the defense looked in a much better position to block the kick. The gunners coming off the edge looked realistic and well timed also. May go a long way to finally adding some drama to big field goals.
# 97 illwill10 @ 03/22/11 12:35 PM
Since there is 5-6 weeks until the next blog, I wonder if we will get Pics or anytype of small information
# 98 roadman @ 03/22/11 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by Segagendude
Meh. Couldn't see s***, too short.

The NCAA teaser was better.

I know, I know----it's early.
Go to post 26, pg. 3.
# 99 teebee @ 03/22/11 12:42 PM
That was ****; if there's a lockout, i'll see ya in 2013
# 100 Palo20 @ 03/22/11 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by rgiles36
Off topic -- but I still hope they can come up with a quicker way to gameplan. I like the concept, but I thought it was time consuming to pick play by play what you wanted to do for each situation. Since the plays are already in groups (inside run, outside run, short-medium-long pass, man, combo zone, etc), I'd instead like some sliders for each situation. Ex: I want to have inside run plays called 60% of the time on 1st down.

IDK, just thinking out loud. Back to the topic...
All they really need to do is give us the interface that we use during games, not the one we use to set audibles. Plays are so easy to find during games. During gameplanning and audible setting, it is very difficult to find a play when EVERY Singleback play is in one spot. Doesn't make much sense, just let us sort by formation.

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