Madden 12 News Post

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Game: Madden NFL 12Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 44 - View All
Madden NFL 12 Videos
Member Comments
# 41 PSRusse83 @ 03/22/11 11:36 AM
The turf still looks...weird.
# 42 roadman @ 03/22/11 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by gbombbay
Not to rain on the Madden parade...but i have a question "being serious". Do you think Madden will ever build a new game engine, to where the player models look more realistic, with the physics to match? Like say maybe have MLB The Shows graphic quality? I ask because you see all these other sports games who's player models look great... compared, even with shooters, granted they have more than 1 year to work on there game? i.e Battlefield 3 whose physics and graphics look 2nd to none with the new Frostbite engine.
Maybe on NG consoles. Ian mentioned in of the podcast that new physics was a few years down the road.
# 43 mestevo @ 03/22/11 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by PSRusse83
I saw a horse with eyebrows.
It's just the cover on the horse's head - http://www.titansonline.com/media-ce...a-d65fefb8b019
# 44 Inapprope @ 03/22/11 11:38 AM
Teaser got me somewhat excited. Still, the make or break for me is consecutive hit tackling hopefully they bring that up at some point this year.
# 45 The GIGGAS @ 03/22/11 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by Hova57
I'm almost positive that first field goal was blocked.
I didn't see any field goals getting blocked. You're talking about the top part of the 2, right?
# 46 TracerBullet @ 03/22/11 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by Hova57
I'm almost positive that first field goal was blocked.
It almost was both times. Two people got back there on the second one, just not in time to fully block it.
# 47 PSRusse83 @ 03/22/11 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by mestevo
It's just the cover on the horse's head - http://www.titansonline.com/media-ce...a-d65fefb8b019
Correction. I saw a horse with a cover on its head.
# 48 Blitzburgh @ 03/22/11 11:40 AM
Well, I have to say that so far I was way more way more impressed with what NCAA has shown and they way it was shown. They seem very confident in their game and it shows. To me Madden is much more secretive about their marketing and doesn't come off as confident in their product. That is just me thinking out loud though...
# 49 jmurphy31 @ 03/22/11 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by Bgamer90
What is the red saying tied in with Ray Rice...I cant make it out
# 50 mestevo @ 03/22/11 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by Blitzburgh
Well, I have to say that so far I was way more way more impressed with what NCAA has shown and they way it was shown. They seem very confident in their game and it shows. To me Madden is much more secretive about their marketing and doesn't come off as confident in their product. That is just me thinking out loud though...
Or NCAA is just a month further along in their marketing.
# 51 RGiles36 @ 03/22/11 11:43 AM
Have to say I dig the teaser video. I'm sure I'm not the only one who initially watched it and said, "WTF!?!". But marketing accomplished what they set out to do, which was to entice the user to watch it multiple times (7x over here). Not only that, there are some great nuggets to salivate over.
# 52 TracerBullet @ 03/22/11 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by jmurphy31
What is the red saying tied in with Ray Rice...I cant make it out
Dynamic player ratings I believe.
# 53 Hova57 @ 03/22/11 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by The GIGGAS
I didn't see any field goals getting blocked. You're talking about the top part of the 2, right?

I thought the ref was waving no good. hard to see
# 54 Lexicon @ 03/22/11 11:43 AM
I think the video at the top of the '2' hints at throwback stadiums. The field is different and the stadium looks different (you can see when the ball goes through the uprights).
# 55 Bgamer90 @ 03/22/11 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by jmurphy31
What is the red saying tied in with Ray Rice...I cant make it out
Dynamic player ratings.

(And sorry about that.)
# 56 Hova57 @ 03/22/11 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by TracerBullet
Dynamic player ratings I believe.
looks like they went the 2k route with that closer to one the more they do it. so if your scrambler put it closer to scramble and they take off or throwing deep. no my only problem with this is the actual rating for qbs as far as their throws working correctly.
# 57 jethrobag @ 03/22/11 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by Lexicon
I think the video at the top of the '2' hints at throwback stadiums. The field is different and the stadium looks different (you can see when the ball goes through the uprights).
i disagree, im not sure what it does, but that is the new lambeau field. you can see the atrium attached to it.
# 58 jmurphy31 @ 03/22/11 11:47 AM
Also, looks like cheerleaders are in the game for entrances.
# 59 aTTckr @ 03/22/11 11:47 AM
That ratings screen of Tomlinson looks like player tendencies. Like from NBA 2k could be a nice feature if executed correctly.
# 60 sportyguyfl31 @ 03/22/11 11:47 AM
custom playbooks are good for the soul.

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