#1: The analog controls in MLB '11: The Show will be a monumental success and will surpass what 2K has done with analog controls thus far.
Christian McLeod: Fiction. Like the overall game or not, it's tough to knock 2K when it comes to the implementation of analog controls, particularly the pitching, in MLB 2K. MLB 11's analog controls will breathe new life into a series that has been beyond stale controls-wise for the last three years. While this will translate to monumental success for the series in my eyes, 2K's solid job thus far with analog implementation makes it difficult for me to believe that MLB 11 will be adding anything that is leaps and bounds better.
Dustin Toms: Fiction. Christian is absolutely correct. The analog controls should be a huge improvement for the game, but they won't be up to par with what 2K has been doing the past few years. For example, The Show could conceivably experience issues with their controls for awhile or even need an early patch. In the long run, it is a great move for them, but I don't expect it to be outstanding from the outset.
Read More - Fact or Fiction: Can't Wait for Baseball Games Edition